Thursday, August 4, 2011

Surrey House of Horrors murderer released from prison

Wow. The Vancouver Province just ran an article and video of a murderer from the Surrey House of Horrors who has been released from prison. Joanna Larson confessed to murdering Annette Allan. She beat her with a hammer and stabbed her nine times with a screwdriver. Wrapped her up in a blanket with rocks and dumped her body in the Fraser River. She was sentenced to 18 years in prison for manslaughter. That was six years ago.

Larson was given double credit for 2½ years in pretrial custody and went on to serve another four years and three months. She was released on day parole in September 2009. There are parts of her story that I simply do not believe. There are parts of her story that I do believe.

We are told that she went into prison totally unrepentant. When she was sentenced to 18 years for manslaughter Larson looked around the courtroom and smiled at those sitting in the gallery. When she was led out by sheriffs, she blew everyone a kiss. That is evil. That is a monster. She admits she had no remorse.

She claims she saw the light two years into her prison sentence and now wants to work with youth. That thought makes me ill. Six years for a brutal murder is just plain wrong. What's she going to say to the youth? Don't be like me kids or you're have to serve six years for murder then become a celebrity retelling the gruesome murder and telling people you've changed. She expects to be doing night relief work at a Downtown Eastside shelter any day now. It's a union job paying $20.50 an hour. That is so wrong. Let's put Hells Angel associates who have committed murder in charge of all the shelters in East Van. Maybe they can hand out free crack pipes and run a tips line for people who want to report abusive drug dealers. Great idea.

I do not believe in an eye for an eye. I believe people can change. She claims everyone thinks she's a monster. She is. She claims she is not the same person. That has yet to be seen. One of the reasons I'm skeptical is because I don't think she's being completely honest.

She claims she tried to strangle Anette but couldn't do it. I don't believe that. Choking someone unconscious is pretty easy and a lot more humane than beating them with your fists and a hammer for hours on end and stabbing them nine times with a screwdriver. If she could beat Annette for hours with her fists and a hammer and if she could stab her nine times with a screw driver than she could strangle her. I think she is lying about that part. Having no remorse doesn't imply she had any reservations about strangling her.

Before we go any further let's examine the motive. She accused Annette of being a rat. Annette's friend was right about the allegation and claimed it was not true. She claimed Larson admitted ripping her off for her drugs and thinks Larson ripped her off and covered her ass by pretending she was a rat.

Nevertheless, Annette was murdered because someone thought she was a rat. The Surrey House of Horrors was a crack house for prostitutes. The police believe crack addicts were tortured there just like they were in the basements of crack houses in Prince George. If that's true, Annette wasn't the only one tortured there.

Who was the supplier of drugs for that crack house? There was a house fire a few doors up the street. I personally saw graffiti on the house that said Hells angels pimp Whalley Girls. When I made a post about that someone accused me of being Anton and threatened me for talking about things I shouldn't be talking about. Someone thinking I was Anton for talking about it to me implies the allegations have merit.

Gregg Carr pointed out there was a house on that same street between 13710 and 13734 108 Ave during that time period where a Hells Angel lived. Well a red pickup with 2641-HA on the plate. The House of Horrors was at 13832-108th Ave. Kerry Ryan Renaud was a long time meth cook in Surrey for the Hells Angels during that time. Toxicology confirms Meth in Anette's system when she was found dead. A lot of Meth in her system.

We known the East Vancouver Hells Angels hired Mickie (Phil) Smith to kill Paul Percy Soluk at a Surrey crack house. Which one was he killed in? We know Juel Stanton was involved with taking over grow ops for the Hells Angels in Surrey. (page 126) If the Hells Angels controlled the drug trade in Surrey at that time, I can't see how it would be anyone but the Hells Angles who were supplying the drugs for the crack house and profiting from the prostitution that went on just like it was said a few doors up the street.

The Jones brothers' incitement implicating Tbarz in that huge cross border pot for cocaine drug ring demonstrates that the Hells Angels are the biggest suppliers of cocaine in Surrey.

Juel Stanton and his brother Norm were involved with Richard Doucet who was also involved with the Surrey House of Horrors at that time. Don't tell me Stanton was murdered for his propensity for violence. He was a prospect when he was charged with beating Alexander Goldman with brass knuckles and taking over his grow op for the Hells Angles after Doucet kidnapped him. If he didn't do it for the Hells Angels, he wouldn't have been given his patch afterwards. One source claims Stanton was working for Giles who ordered the hit to prevent the disclosure implicating him from becoming public.

Larson claims that Anette was the only person murdered in the Surrey House of Horrors that she is aware of and it wasn't as bad as everyone thinks. I think she is lying. Sex trade worker Yvonne Boen's DNA was found in the same crack house as well as on the Pickton farm. An unknown man was also murdered there dubbed John Doe. Annette wasn't the only murder. Larson is lying. Pickton. Pickton.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Extremists claim there is a demand for free crack pipes

Front page of the Vancouver Sun yesterday was an article about the plan for Vancouver to hand out free crack pipes. Never mind singing about a warm San Fransisco night. This program will attract crack addicts to Vancouver from across the country.

The article quotes one extremist who claims that more people are switching over to crack and there is a large demand for free crack pipes. No kidding. There's a large demand for pedophilia too. Do we start supporting that next? There's a large demand for murder as well. Do we start handing out free guns to satisfy that demand?

I cannot over emphasize how wrong this program is. Never mind shooting ourselves in the foot. This program shoots ourselves in the head. It makes policing not only counter productive but a waste of time.

Needle exchanges were supposed to be exchanges. You turn in a used dirty needle and you get a free clean needle. The intent was to help reduce the spread of Aids and reduce the number of dirty needles being thrown out in allies and school yards.

I met a Victoria resident who complained about the fact that in Victoria they stopped making it an exchange and just started handing out free needles. As a result there were twice as many used needles ending up on his lawn and all over the neighbourhood.

The other automatic problem is that where ever you have a needle exchange or hand out free mouth pieces or crack pipes, police allow drug dealers to sell drugs in public in that area. As a result, drug use and crime in that area skyrockets.

Every city has good and bad. The Vancouver hockey riot was a perfect example of that. A bunch of spoiled brats empowered by the mob destroying private property just because they can. It was an embarrassment for the world to see. The next day a huge number of people were outraged. Volunteers came out to help clean up. Activists posted photos from facebook to help identify rioters for the police.

What if a new facebook group of rioters was to start demanding the city hand out free lighters and free rags to help them set cars on fire? There's a demand for it. Just because there's a demand for it doesn't mean we are morally obligated to fulfill that demand. Idiots.

These Xanadu freaks from Vandu are part of the problem. Handing out free crack pipes is a corporate stunt organized crime would pull. "Here ya go. Your first three hits are free. After that you are addicted and become my personal criminal slave."

Handing out free crack pipes supports the drug dealers pushing Native women out of hotel windows in East Van for drug debts. It supports crack addicts being tortured in crack house basements in Prince George or those filmed being beaten to a pulp by wing nut Tony Terezaki at the Cobalt or the American Hotel. Vandu doesn't say much about supporting that but they do.

Take a look at what crack does to people. It's sad. These are human beings. Supporting them ingesting that poison is not compassionate. This program is as much of an embarrassment for Vancouver as was the hockey riot. The majority of good people out there need to vote against it and support the four pillars not just one.

Pandora's Pharmacy in Victoria started handing our free needles and there was a huge increase in dirty needles all over that neighbourhood. Why were they handing out free needles? Because they were also a methadone outlet. They were paid by the government to give people methadone. Only patients on the program are not encouraged to decrease their dosages. It's a pharmaceutical scam. Doctors who get kickbacks from supporting methadone are in a conflict of interest promoting that program or others like it.

One person wrote in to the Province and said "Giving our crackheads free pipes is a boneheaded move."

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1 800 Fast Pay dot com

Looks like the Kelowna cyst Russel Penner has a new loan shark company called Strange the interest rates aren't posted on the web site. So tell me, where is the documentation for where the money for the loans comes from? At least he's into banking now and isn't involved with that meth lab on Postil Drive. Are his friends in the Hells Agnels involved with his new company?

B.C. Mounties hunt for suspect in brutal sexual assault

Update: The suspect was found in Osoyoos and is now in police custody.

A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for David Wesley Bobbitt. Bobbitt operates Dave's Second Hand store in downtown Penticton, where a woman was allegedly confined, beaten and sexually assaulted for several hours in front of her young son. Let's find this guy before the Hells Angels patch him over for the Renegades. Penticton is where Stephen King was living before he skipped town.

Vendettas MC MB

Things have quietened down in Winnipeg. It's amazing what a few arrests will do. It's almost like it's only a handful of people perpetrating all the violence. Winnipeg recently saw a spike in gang violence after the Rock Machine and it's Shadow group the Vendettas MC started to fight back against the Hells angels and their support club the Redlined Support Crew.

Of course we find out that the violence started because the Hells angels killed one of their own to let the Village Idiots from Ontario take over the drug trade in Thompson, Manitoba. That betrayal understandably created some animosity. Now we hear one of the dingledorfs from the GTS in PG went to Winnipeg and crossed over. That's just a rumor floating around the net.

The GTS in Prince George are facing two charges of gang rape at the Renegades clubhouse. Renegades of course are a Hells angels puppet club in PG. Stevie Wonder wasn't on the list of members charged in the gang rape so he either skipped town or he wasn't involved so they can't say they kicked him out for committing rape. They're paying the other accused lawyers.

I had commented on how I thought the Rock Machine had a better logo than the Hells angels. An eagle head is way better than a helmeted skull with devil horns. So why does a Rock Machine support group go and put devil horns on their logo? Doesn't that look really juvenile? Then there's the secrets.

The biker war isn't a biker war it's a drug war. It has nothing to do with defending the honour of a fallen brother. It's just about fighting over the right to sell crack and that is really messed up. Legalizing everything won't stop the violence it will only make it impossible for the police to control because they won't be able to arrest anyone for selling crack. They'd just be able to give them a ticket if they were doing it without a license.

Legalizing crack is socially irresponsible. Handing out free crack pipes is socially irresponsible. Clayton Rouche, the founder of the UN showed loved for his brother by helping him over come his crack addiction. Getting off crack was a horrible experience but in hindsight James Coulter said: "Clay had a very big heart. I will never forget how he helped me get out of addiction. I will never forget - he put a lot of money and a lot of time into getting me clean; I didn’t really notice it at the time - how much love he was putting into me. But I do now.”

Monday, August 1, 2011

Stop the Insanity

The news of Vancouver handing out free crack pipes really has me riled. Harm reduction without the other three pillars is a one legged horse that goes nowhere. I mentioned the fact that Vancouver is handing out free crack pipes at work and one person asked why. They said they could understand why they have needle exchanges since people can get aids from a dirty needle but they couldn't understand why we would hand out free crack pipes.

Maybe it's because someone could get a cold from sharing a crack pipe. No doubt there are some diseases other than aids that crack users could get from sharing a dirty crack pipe yet the whole program is totally insane. Some doctor in a conflict of interest says it's a medical issue and that somehow overrides the democratic laws regarding illicit drugs. No it's not.

Giving an alcoholic alcohol is not in their best interest. Giving Amy Winehouse free crack pipes would not have been in her best interest. Compassion for the addict means we help them. It doesn't mean we hand out free guns to commit suicide with and then deny responsibility for murder because we didn't give them the bullets.

Judicial system

There are elements of our judicial system that need to change. Minimum sentences for violent crime like murder and drive by shootings involving innocent bystanders. Prolific offenders is another. There's an Aldergrove judicial lobbyist group that started over the issue of property crime. Crack addicts would steal from them and the more offenses they committed, the less time they swerved in jail. They printed up t-shirts that said "Revolving door makes judges accomplices."

The VPD put out a video talking about the problem of prolific offenders. A small number of prolific offenders committing a large percentage of crime with absolutely no consequences whatsoever. Most of these prolific offenders were stealing to support their addiction.

Locking a prolific offender who steals to support his addiction up in jail for three months is not excessive. It is in their best interest. I'm not saying we should arrest every crack addict for being an addict. I'm saying we should give a prolific offender who steals to support their addiction three months in jail away from the drug. We shouldn't be giving them free crack in jail. Some of these enabling programs are insane and humiliating. They are humiliating because they mean well but they are counter productive and are not compassionate at all.

Enforcement is one of the four pillars. Locking a crack addict in jail for three months who was caught selling crack is not excessive. It is a goal within reach. Arresting crack dealers for selling crack in public is the New York Model. It has proven effective.

The Hells angels are the ones profit ting from all this misery. It's time I start another web page that keeps track of all the drug convictions the Hells angels have been involved in. Collecting that jurisprudence so that the Hells angels as an organization get charged for hiring a murder of for selling crack is more effecting that locking their mules away in jail. All the happens is they find another mule while they are untouched by the law and continue to profit from murder and misery.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

More free crack pipes for Vancouver

This shows how f*cked up our country is. We're going to cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang task force, raise taxes through the HST to pay for more prisons for nonviolent crimes like the possession of pot while we hand out free crack pipes at the taxpayers expense. Need I say more? This is so wrong.

Nanaimo got rid of the program but the special interest lobbyists brought it back. No wonder the police are frustrated. The law biding citizens are frustrated too because the politicians simply are not listening. The public sale of crack fuels the gang war and the violence associated with it. Handing out free crack pipes supports drug dealers pushing addicts out of windows in East Van for drug debts.

Enforcement, prevention and treatment are three other pillars the special interest spoilt brats completely ignore. They just scream harm reduction over and over again until we become complete enablers and our economy and tax revenue is sucked dry. Brilliant.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bacchus Pride rally in Saint John

Speaking of Gay Pride, the Hells Angels are holding their own Bacchus Pride rally in Saint John this weekend. Three cheers for the Hells angels and the City of Saint John for publicly endorsing Bacchus Pride. We all know that Bacchus was indeed the patron saint of homosexuality.

The Fredericton police had warned council that the North Star Sports Bar Pub and Eatery had become a magnet for Bacchus and Hells Angels members. At least one Bacchus member, Ron Richard, denied allegations the club has plans to expand in Fredericton in an interview with the Daily Gleaner. He said members just enjoyed going to the pub to party and have a good time. Yeah right.

"We're just old men who like to party with strippers and Viagra. I'm sure their wives and children are thrilled about that. At what point were they planning on growing up?

So if the Rebels wore their colours at the North Star sports bar in Fredericton, and if the Hells Angels and Bacchus admitted they liked to party there, what does that say about their affiliation with the local Rebels?

So what affiliation is Rob and Mike Bubba McLaughlin aspiring to? Maybe Mike wants to trade in his faith for a 666 patch. Be careful what you wish for. You won't be independent after you sell your soul to the devil. Let's just hope they don't sell any more crack or crystal meth in town. No doubt they are under the watchful eye of the po po. Party on dudes.

Gay Pride in Vancouver

Well Gay Pride has been in the news with all the events leading up to the Pride Parade. It's become a huge corporate event. The Vancouver Province ran an article about a Kwantlen University professor and former Surrey North MP Candidate who simply expressed his opinion on twitter saying they should ban the Gay pride parade because of it's vulgar display of sexuality. Let's see how long he keeps his job.

This is where we need balance between the extremes. Obviously no one is going to ban the Vancouver Gay Pride Parade. It's too big of a corporate event. Yet everyone has the right to express their opinion and I think it's important to identify the concern he raised.

What two consenting adults do behind closed doors is no one's business but their own. Beating up someone for their sexual orientation is archaic. Yet do we really need the public display of promiscuity? The whole point of Gay Marriage is a strange controversy. People are going to be gay. Why then get all freaked out when a gay couple want to make a commitment to be faithful to each other?

Some extremists claim that the down fall of Rome was because of their acceptance of homosexuality. I beg to differ. I think it had more to do with their acceptance of promiscuity. I'd be interested in hearing what all these vocal opponents to gay marriage have to say about the TV series desperate housewives. In my opinion adultery is worse than a gay couple promising to be faithful to each other.

The point of the professor's rant was a concern about the public display of sexuality. Nudity, Lingerie, whips and chains, free condoms. Is this something we really want to bring our kids to? I'd certainly like to. I'd like it to be a family event. Some responded with the argument that the Pride Parade isn't for everyone implying that the sexuality really isn't intended for kids. Do we really need that aspect of it then? Let's clean it up so we can bring our kids instead of polarizing the community and thereby creating more division and hate and let's not fire this professor for expressing his opinion.

Top Libyan rebel slain by allied militia

I realize no one cares but this bombing of Libya thing sure has me confused. The latest news is that the head of the rebels along with his two top aids, who we are supporting, were assassinate by his own troops, who we are also supporting. Witnesses have said they were killed by fellow rebels after being taken into custody on suspicion of treason.

Meanwhile, NATO warplanes bombed three Libyan state TV satellite transmitters in Tripoli overnight. While mandated to enforce a no fly zone, NATO troops are bombing local TV stations restricting the freedom of speech. At what point did NATO change hats?

The whole mission is suspect from day one. First, go in to enforce a no fly zone to facilitate a cease fire and then immediately start bombing one side. Then it clearly becomes a war for oil as NATO help the rebels take a major oil production city.

My first concern was who are the rebels? We have no idea who we are supporting. Unlike Syria where unarmed civilians are being fired upon with live ammunition, the protesters in Libya took up arms against their government to which NATO rushed in to support.

Turns out that the Rebels were tied to Al-Qaeda. I suppose as long as they aren't left leaning like Gaddafi that's OK. Until they overthrow Gaddafi with our help and we then have to send in troops to overthrow them because they turn out to be another dictator.

Glad to hear that we are cutting funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task force and are facing more criminal convictions dropped because of a shortage of court funding so we can spend millions of tax dollars bombing a foreign in country because we want their oil. It's not like the oil companies will drop the price of gas for that blood money either so what's the point?

If we are going to rob Libya of their oil to get cheap gas one could at least rationalize that immoral act. Yet all the profits are going into the oil company's pocket. Tell ya what, instead of spending all that money bombing Libya let's just send all those tax dollars straight to the oil companies. That way we cut out the middle man and less people will die for a lie.