Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Conservative Twins respond to Defund the Police

The Conservative Twins responds to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's delusional comments about defunding the police. That chick needs to get off the crack. A world without the police does not look like a suburb. It looks like Seattle's Lawless Zone. Check out the Hodge Twins YouTube channel and their official web site. They also addressed Justin Trudeau's black face hypocrisy.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Randy Jones and Gurp Sahota

Speaking of the Walrus, let's connect the dots and do the math. Gurp Sahota claims he owns Baselines Pub in Langley and Shakerz Showlounge in Surrey. Kim Bolan reported that the Surrey Girl chapter of the Hells Angels has been meeting at Baselines Pub in Langley. A cook was murdered there. Randy Jones leads the Surrey Girls now after Whiterock cut him loose.

Randy Jones still owns Shakerz so Gurp Sahota's name on the title is just a front. Randy Jones changed the name on the title after the US Indictment so it wouldn't get seized under the proceeds of crime. During renos and after renos, Harleys were parked out front. The one parked in the front doorway with the safety cones after Shakerz repoened was sending a message.

In December 2014 two Hells Angels associates from the Surrey Girl chapter were stabbed at Shakerz. So if Randy Jones is affiliated with Gurp Sahota in Surrey and Langley, I wonder if Bryce and Rainbow Ricky are affiliated with the Sahota slum lords in the DTES since they own seedy hotels the Hells Angels sell drugs out of. Please advise.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with Randy Jones. Sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. He is the only one in that castaway clan with a brain. I have a problem with some of his hired help. Larry Amero doesn't have minions, he is a minion.

Bryce was a lot better than Giles but Rainbow Ricky is a flaming idiot.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Fatal shooting in Vancouver

CTV is reporting that "A Vancouver entrepreneur gunned down behind one of the businesses he co-owned is being remembered by friends as a kind-hearted man who gave back to his community. Authorities said 30-year-old Amin Shahin Shakur was shot near Main Street and East 48th Avenue at about 11 p.m Monday night and died at the scene. He did not have a recent or extensive history with police, according to a Vancouver Police Department spokesperson.

"Shakur and Spensir Sangara were co-owners of THC Canada and Dank Mart convenience store." Dank Mart beside a THC store. Like that's not suspicious. Dank Energy drink is a hemp infused beverage they sold out of Tbarz. Randy Jones is listed as the President on Linkedin. We all know the Walrus. He's with the Surrey Girls now. I sure hope this murder wasn't a copyright dispute with a rival. No extradition for the Walrus. Just for his rivals. Randy owns Shakerz.

Amin was gunned down the day after they uploaded their third YouTube video.

We are now forced us to ask ourselves, has gun violence entered the legal pot industry?

East Van isn't Randy Jones' jurisdiction. That would be Bryce and Rainbow Ricky.

Alberta drug den financially entangled with Notley NDP

Rebel news is reporting that "Aaron Fitchett, the treasurer of the beleaguered ARCHES injection site in Lethbridge, is a financially entwined with Rachel Notley’s NDP – donating personally to the party and fundraising for them. While doing so, his supposed “safe consumption site,” received about $7 million annually from the Notley government. Jason Kenney has just put that money on hold." Money laundering for organized crime. Lethal injection sites don't save lives. Treatment and law enforcement does. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Jenny Kwan Back At B.C. Legislature After Leave Over Audit Scandal

Portland Hotel Society audit reveals limos, cruises, luxury hotels

Main Street violence and drug use are on the rise

Accidental shooting at Surrey injection site

Dr. Colin Mangham on Insite

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Georgia governor bans mandatory masks

Fox News is reporting that "Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is banning cities and counties from mandating that masks be worn in public to limit the spread of COVID-19. Kemp's executive order is a revised extension of guidelines put in place during the start of the pandemic, which encouraged, rather than required, residents to wear masks in public. The governor has called implementing such a measure “a bridge too far."

Dr Jeffery Barke explains why masks can be harmful

The solution is simple. If you're scared wear a mask. If you're not scared, don't. That's all there is to it. My right to refuse does not restrict your right to comply. If you are wearing a mask and I maintain a safe social distance away from you everyones' rights are maintained.

Washing our hands is more important then wearing a mask. If you touch something contaminated then adjust your mask, the mask does more harm then good. At the peak of the pandemic I was waiting in line at the grocery store. The line has marks on the floor for proper social distancing. While I was in line I saw a scuzzy looking man wearing a drywall dust mask. He was moving every single box of strawberries with his hands to find the perfect one. While he was doing this he stuck his finger in his ear. Then he continued to touch all the clear boxes of strawberries. His mask did not fix his bad hygiene. The march to unmask is July 19th.

Before we make masks mandatory, we need to make hydroxychloroquine and Remdesivir available to those who want it. Holding those back makes you criminally culpable in murder.

BTW I've been taking zinc supplements without the hydroxychloroquine and my lingering cough after COVID is gone. Just say'n. Zinc and vaporizers help. So does fresh air and exercise.

Also, Bill Gates News Network is ridiculous. It is satire fit for a comic book.

Bonnie Henry has lost her mind

I've tried to go easy on Bonnie Henry recognizing that she is the soft sell for the World Heath Organizations' Marxism but she has finally come out of the closet and for that reason we must face that fraud head on. Bonnie Henry used to work for the WHO.

With record drug overdoses the Doctor of Death is calling for decriminalization. Oh the cunning plan of the evil one. This is Poland deja vu. Back in Poland, the Devil sent in the Fascists to invade them and create a manufactured emergency. Then he sent in the Communists to "liberate" them from the Fascists until their slavery was complete. Likewise, the government has recklessly abandoned the Four Pillars program and have caused record drug overdoses as a result. Then they claim the solution to the problem they created is decriminalization. No it is not.

The solution to the problem is implementing the three pillars they threw away making them criminal culpable and legally liable for the increase in drug over doses. Portugal implemented mandatory treatment. Before you decriminalize you need to implement mandatory treatment. One without the other is like one pillar instead of three. You are creating a pandemic of addiction.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How the U.S. Became Obsessed with Physical and Emotional Safety has posted an interesting article that starts off with a quote from Professor Jonathan Haidt which states: “In America we say if anyone gets hurt, we will ban it for everyone everywhere for all time. And before we know it, everything is banned.” Even more so in Canada.

There are many articles on the web site that are worth looking into. However, this one states "It’s a common refrain: We have bubble-wrapped the world. Americans in particular are obsessed with "safety.” The simplest way to get any law passed in America, be it a zoning law or a sweeping reform of the intelligence community, is to invoke a simple sentence: A kid might get hurt.” Why are Americans so obsessed with safety? What is the endgame of those who would bubble wrap the world, both physically and emotionally?

The article talks about Coddling and Splintering the American Mind, the Evolution of Victimhood Culture and Overreacting to the Wuhan Coronavirus. It concludes that "We may not have Maoist-style Red Guards in America quite yet, but we’re not far off." The enemy is within our gates.

Fatal shooting south of Calgary

660 News is reporting that "A man is dead after being shot in his vehicle in the community of Legacy in southeast Calgary. Officers received a call around 3:50 p.m. Tuesday to a park near the intersection of Legacy Parade and Legacy Lane S.E. where residents reported that someone had been shot in a vehicle. The man was pronounced dead on scene." The drug trade turns cities into slums and brings violence to the suburbs. It is a plague far worse than COVID.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Seattle Lawless Zone - End Game

I wasn't going to comment on the Seattle fiasco because I didn't want to bring more attention to a small group of raging lunatics then they have already been given but since Lynzee Domanico so eloquently discussed their end game, I will expand on it.

There was an area of six blocks where protesters took over in Capital hill and wouldn't let the police in. Guess what happened? No law enforcement meant murder and rape went unpunished. That is not the type of society I want to live in. Thankfully, the mayor finally saw the light and the barricades were cleared July 1st but the City Council never should have let it happen in the first place. The wing nuts tried the same thing in Portland and Portland didn't let them. It was that simple. We have a duty and a legal obligation to uphold the law.

Putting the local geography into perspective, I lived in Lakeshore village at Rainier Beach south Seattle during the US crack epidemic. I was doing volunteer work with the Guardian Angels supporting law and order. The residents welcomed us as they were being held hostage by criminals. South Seattle and Central district were black areas. U District, just north of the Capital hill Anarchy Zone was white yuppie students. We rarely went there because there was no need.

I have made my position on the murder of George Floyd very clear. Despite the fact that he was a career criminal that terrorized black people according to Candace Owens, what the police officer did to him was completely unacceptable. Defunding the police is not the answer. Making them more accountable is. Police accountability is an important part of the New York Model.

This is ANTIFA's end game. The Anti Fascists are Communists who have teamed up with the Anarchists to create lawlessness as they try to destroy America. Personally, although I am very proud to be Canadian and prefer living here, I would much rather live in the American Republic where civil liberty is protected by law then in a Communist State where there is no civil liberty. No one has any rights in Communism. Look at East Berlin. These spoiled brats have no idea what Communism really is. Poland knows. Ask them. Ask the Falun Gong in China and the Dali Lama.

This is where ANTIFA wants to take us. This is where Bill Gates and George Soros want to take us. This is where the Fake Media wants to take us. I refuse to bow before that offensive lie.

Radical Islam is not a threat to me or my country. Neither is White supremacy. White supremacists and Back supremacists are seen as wing nuts just like Radical Islam is. Communism is the biggest threat to Canada and the world because they are masters of deception. Their lies never end and their persistence was described by Martin Luther King who said: "It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more determined and zealous then the children of light." Be zealous therefore, and repent.

Drea Humphrey interviews American about BLM infiltration

Here is is. Drea Humphrey steps up to the plate and covers a Vancouver lockdown protest with Rebel News. She interviews an American stranded in Canada during COVID who supports Trump and opposes the divide and conquer narrative. Diversity makes us strong.