1. Unless you are used to wearing a mask and the mask fits properly there is a tendency to constantly adjust the mask, touch your face, and scratch your nose not only making the mask irrelevant but increasing your risk.
2. After only a few minutes of wear, moisture develops inside the mask trapping natural respiratory pathogens from your nose and mouth causing potential reinfection and making the mask more permeable to outside pathogens.
3. Unless the mask is properly vented, C02 can build up which is very unhealthy causing headach, dizzyness, and respiratory distress.
4. There are no scientific studies showing benefit of disease prevention from wearing a mask even in the operating room.
5. If you are an ICU nurse or doctor taking care of an acutely ill person, a properly fitted (this is key) N95 mask can be protective of aerosolized respiratory pathogens. Dr Jeffery Barke
The Daily Wire is reporting that "At a protest rally to open Riverside County from stay-at-home orders implemented across the state, a California family physician who is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, gave an impassioned speech citing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while asserting"
“This booklet, the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, was never designed to restrain the people; it was designed to restrain the government … We the people want to get back to work. We the people want to put our government back in its place. We want a small representative government, not a large tyrannical government.”

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