Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Janice Bryant's memorial and the double edge sword

CBC is reporitng that "A grieving Vancouver mother has vowed to rebuild a shrine she maintained for years in her daughter's memory after it was removed without any notice. The shrine, near East 7th Avenue and St. Catherines Street in East Vancouver, was established near the spot where Marlene Thistle's daughter, Janice Nicole Bryant, 33, was shot and killed on May 23, 2017. Bryant's killer has not been found. "Someone took it upon themselves to remove the memorial, and dump it ... like it was garbage," said Thistle. "My daughter is not garbage."

Heavy sigh. There is no statute of limitation on grieving the loss of a son or daughter. This case is indeed heartbreaking. I was in the drum circle at her memorial. I was the one with the Irish drum. Same drum, different drumstick. It was a very spiritual experience. Janice's husband Glen Nelson was with the Redd Alert and took back all the drug dealers in the DTES for the Hells Angels. Glen had street cred. He became too powerful so the club hired Steele to kill his wife. Steele would not have been allowed to kill Glen's wife without the club's permission - 8151.

IHIT's not going to investigate it because they have Hells Angels associates in the witness protection program. Their entire unit is compromised. IHIT made some changes after they botched the Surrey Six investigation and I was hopeful. Now I am not and it ties in with the new news that is coming. The problem with a company man is that when the company becomes corrupt so does the company man. An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

The BC Gang Task force is also compromised. When the Edmonton Hells Angels killed Ali in Surrey, the crown dropped the charges. The Redd Alert is also administered out of Edmonton just like the Brother's Keepers are. The Compromised BC Gang Task Force claims that if they help the Hells Angels obtain and maintain a monopoly on the drug trade, there will be less public violence. That is an offensive lie. Just aks Janice Bryant and Janice Shore.

The Hells Angels hired the brother's Keepers to bring violence to Surrey. Now they have hired the Driftwood Crips to bring more violence to Vancouver. The Hells Angels are the root of all the gang violence in Vancouver while IHIT and the BC Gang Task Force are helping them. I'd say shame on you but you obviously have no self-respect so I'll simply say I am ashamed of you. I believe in law enforcement but this is not it. The truth is a double edged sword.

Fatal shooting in Langley

CTV is reporting that a 27 year old man was fatally shot in a parkade at 200th street and 56th Avenue Monday morning. He was known to the police.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Erin O'Toole betrays his voters again

Erin O'Toole is the reason Justin Trudeau will be re-elected. We would have been better off keeping Andrew Sheer. Andrew Sheer got more votes than Justin Trudeau in the last election. Leslyn Lewis got more votes than he Erin O'Toole in the second round but she was taken off the ballot because of some mysterious formula that no one has seen or verified. All of her supporters and all of Derick Sloan's supporters helped Erin the Tool get elected over Peter McKay. As soon as he was elected he boldly betrayed all of those supporters and he just did it again.

Castanet is reporting that "Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole says he wants Ontario MP Derek Sloan kicked out of the party caucus over a donation to his leadership campaign from a white supremacist." Sloans campaign received a $131 donation from wing nut and didn't know who it was when they cashed the insignificant cheque. No doubt Erin the tool has some pretty shady contributors of his own that donate a lot more than a few pennies.

This represents everything that's wrong with Mulroneyism. Dig up dirt on political opponents so we can kick them out of the party. That sounds a lot like the Communists. Although Erin O'Toole was a step forward from Peter McKay it was a baby step. After he was elected, I rescinded my membership in that party and joined Maxime Bernier's party. Max is the only conservative leader in Canada. The Toolman is just another tax and spend globalist.

If it wasn't for Derrick Sloan's supporters. Erin O'Toole would not have been elected leader.

As Derrick pointed out, his donor was a party member and voted in last year’s leadership contest - a fact that would have been known to all candidates, including Erin O’Toole .

My only concern with Mad Max is his position on Immigration. Mad Max is French. I am English, Scottish and Irish. We are both immigrants. Hard working immigrants have helped make Canada and Surrey great. I cannot comprehend why we would not welcome freedom loving Hong Kongers who are fleeing the Communist takeover of Hong Kong. We need more people like them in Canada now more than ever. Diversity makes us strong.

BTW this is not the big local news. This is just a nonissue. The big local news is about the gang war but I have to wait for authorization before I can run with it.

Legal challenge to the US Election fraud was never heard

Before I cover the big local news, I want to be very clear about two things. The legal challenge to the US election fraud was never heard and Global Television has lost its way.

The State of Texas filed a petition in the US Supreme Court alleging that several swing States violated the Constitution and allowed a significant amount of voter fraud. Along with that petition they submitted a great deal of court evidence. The court said, even if what you are saying is true, one State doesn't have jurisdiction over another State and they dismissed the application.

My response was, why didn't they refile in separate states? The answer is they did. Citizens in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia filed a petition with the US Supreme court objecting to the voter fraud in their States. Those court applications were never heard. The Supreme court deferred them until after January 20th. After the inauguration.

Saying that there was no evidence of voter fraud is a lie. There was plenty of court affidavits and video evidence. Saying that the court found no evidence of voter fraud is a lie. The court never heard the matter. The Attorney General never even investigated it.

Global was going off about how many people genuinely believe the election was stolen through voter fraud and will continue to beleive so until Donald Trump states that he misled them. That is absolutely ridiculous. Global just celebrated 60 years of credible news reporting. Post Media News has destroyed that with one sweep of the pen. Buyer Beware.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Election evidence shows the results were flipped

One America News Network is reporting that "Three States - Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia have cases and served petitions pending with the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has pushed the cases back to after January 20th. The estimated fraudulent votes from just the contested States is 3.9 million nationwide. There is enough confirmable evidence of election irregularities to indicate that the general election outcome was flipped. " That is the biggest news story in US history and the mainstream media is not covering it. Ask yourself why.

Overview of Donald Trump's term in office

As we objectively look at Donald Trump's term in office, I want to first cite three areas: his desire to drain the swamp, how the media attacked every breath he took and his ability to reject endless war profiteering then examine Wall Street and Corporate bailouts.

First the credibility meltdown of the media. As soon as Donald Trump was elected, the toxic and obsessive way the media misrepresented everything word that came out of his mouth became too painful to watch. It was absurd. The media had an agenda. It was no longer reporting the news it exclusively focussed on driving public opinion. It became the propaganda machine that we now see. The Hodge Twins repeatedly confronted the media's bias.

Kayleigh McEnany became a shining light in the dark world of media misrepresentation. The way the media would consistently attack her was dysfunctional and abusive. Yet she stood stong after relentless personal attacks. She became a role model for conservative women. Her intelligence was a refreshing alternative to the media's darkness.

Trump's desire to drain the swamp in Washington was a noble quest. He made a lot of enemies as a result and he became a target of the deep state. Anyone who supported that quest also became a target and endured relentless personal attacks. Defining the deep state is a daunting task because it is so powerful and so evasive. Danny Casolaro referred to it as the Octopus.

It's difficult to confront something you can't define. The NSA and the CIA are the prime components. JFK warned about secret societies. He wasn't talking about the Freemasons who founded the Constitution, he was talking about the CIA. Kennedy vetoed Operation Northwoods and said he wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.

Edward Snowden was a whistle blower. He exposed the fact that the NSA had been violating the Constitution and lying to Congress. The deep state refers to him as a traitor. The rest of us refer to him as a patriot. Edward Snowden should have received a pardon. When Tulsi Gabbard ran for the leadership of the Democrats she said if she was elected president, she would give Edward Snowden and Julian Assange a pardon. If Donlad Trump was trying to drain the swamp that is what he should have done. The NSA should not be spying on Americans without a warrant and the CIA should not be drug trafficking or meddling in US elections.

Next I'd like to address Donald Trump's ability to confront war profiteering. Tulsi Gabbard spoke out passionately opposing regime change wars and the neoliberal/neoconservative war machine. Rachel Blevins, one of the few nonpartisan journalists left consistently reported that no matter how much the Republicans and Democrats argued with each other, they always seemed to miraculously agree on spending more and more tax dollars on the ever expanding war machine.

No one disputes providing for the common defense and helping those help themselves when it comes to supporting democracy. Yet the regime change wars that overthrough democracy violate the Constitution. Donald Trump pulled US troops out of Syria. That was a good thing.
The war in Syrai had nothing to do with opposing terrorism or opposing a dictator. The war in Syria was simply about rival pipelines - one from Quatar to Turkey, the other from Iran. The CIA created ISIS to trick the American people into fighting that pipeline war. Afghanistan was also a war over a pipeline. The amount of bombs America continues to drop on Afghanistan is a crime.

Yet the primary thermostat for presidential public approval revolves around how the economy prospers under their leadership. In this area Donald Trump was a huge success despite the Deep States determination to destroy that through lockdowns and economic suicide.

The Wall Street bailouts and the national debt exploding into the trillions is a huge concern for every American who loves and cherishes freedom. Tax and spend pork barrel politics is the second biggest threat to America. The Communist Party of China is the first and Joe Biden is in bed with it. Corporate Communism is Communism. Both roads lead to the same place.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Remembering the 2020 US election fraud

Before I post an overview of Donald Trump's term in office, I want to record my dissent and cement in our minds the lasting memory of the 2020 US election fraud because it has clearly diminished all of us. In the last municipal election here in Surrey, the local activist group known as Wake up Surrey sounded the alarm over voter fraud here and said "You can steal our votes but you can't steal our voice." Their concern was vote tapering with mail in votes so this is not new.

In the last US election Wisconsin had an abnormally high voter turnout. It was so abnormal it pointed to election fraud. The number of mail in ballots that went almost exclusively to Joe Biden also pointed to voter fraud. The way the vote was conducted was shady. They called all the obvious States but held back on counting the swing States. As the Hodge Twins pointed out it looked like they waited to see how many extra votes they needed to flip the election.

We saw the votes pulled out from under the table after they told the scrutineers to leave. That mother and daughter team were in a conflict of interest. Dominion voting is in a conflict of interest. Donating to Hilary Clinton and Justin Trudeau is not something an impartial voting software company is supposed to do. Sharing office space with George Soros shadow clubs is Orwellian.

So we trusted in the legal process. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what kind of legal recourse there is for voter fraud. You can nullify the election and hold it again but that is just as problematic if you have the same people redo it again.

The Texas lawsuit was problematic. Texas filed a lawsuit stating that other states violated the Constitution. The court said that may well be the case but one States doesn't have jurisdiction over another state. So the lawsuit was dismissed. Not because there was no evidence of voter fraud. There was plenty. It was dismissed over standing and jurisdiction.

I'm not sure why voters in the swing States could not file a new action complaining about the voter fraud in their own States. Yet filing a separate legal action for each State is also problematic. We have found legitimate concerns with electronic voting, mail in ballots and with Dominion Voting. That is what we have discovered.

Quacks R Us keep saying the Storm is coming, Trust the Plan. Donald Trump will still be your president. No he won't. It's a done deal. The lawsuit never went anywhere. The objection to the electoral votes didn't have a chance. Mike Pence already conceded. He had no alternative. It's a done deal. Dr Q is lying to you just like he has all along.

Voter Fraud was their plan. The storm of Conservative censorship is here. The Capital Hill false flag was a complete sucess. In Surrey they said you can steal our votes but you can't steal our voice. Yet that is exactly what Facebook and Twitter are trying to do. That is why people are leaving YouTube for Rumble and are leaving Facebook for Clouthub and MeWe.

So yes Joe Biden will be the next president but he cheated. We all know that just like George Bush did in Florida back in 2000. The globalists within the Democrat party are teaming up with the globalists in the Republican party to form one party, the Communist Party of China. That means the patriots in the Democrat party can team up with the patriots in the Republican party to form another party that supports the US Constitution and a free republic. Communism sucks.

CBC faces CRTC for Corporate Content

CBC is reporting that "The CBC was forced to defend its plans for branded content on its digital platforms Friday as the CRTC peppered senior executives of the public broadcaster with questions about the controversial decision at a broadcast licensing hearing Friday. CBC's new marketing division called Tandem, which creates branded campaign content for corporate clients, has sparked criticism, including denunciations, an open letter and a petition from a number of stakeholders, including former and current CBC journalists. They worry that the paid content blurs the lines between advertising and news and will erode the integrity of CBC journalism."

"Campaign content for corporate clients." Where have we heard that before? That's all the mainstream media does now. It's not news it's advertising. The CBC has every right to turn its conglomerate into a cheap corporate tabloid. They should call the whole thing Tandem and lose tax funding since it has indeed forsaken objective journalism.

The CBC lied about the Covid hospitalization rates. They didn't make an error, they lied. That used to be big news when a news agency knowingly lies. Now it is considered advertising for their corporate clients. The Tornto Star is reporting that "The CBC says it has been offering branded content for many years, as have other media outlets around the world.” Exactly. That is the root of the problem. Toronto dot com is reporting that "CBC personalities Carol Off, Mark Kelley, Nahlah Ayed and Jeannie Lee are among a growing number of staff urging the public broadcaster to drop efforts to sell more branded content." CBC is branded content.

Joe Biden breaks promise on gun control

Rebel News is reporting on president elect Joe Biden's recent pledge to defeat the NRA and I just chalk it up to yet another bold faced lie. Joe Biden is not a moral man. During the election a NRA supporter challenged him and said you want to take away our guns. Joe did what Joe does and boldly called him a liar. Yet that is exactly what he has just announced he wants to do.

Gun control is what a Communist government does before it starts killing people. I do not support gun control. I support the Swiss model where target shooting is a national sport.

Steven Seagal said he believes that many of the mass shootings are orchestrated. I also believe that. Not all of them, some of them. There were too many rounds fired in the Orlando shooting for it to be just one person. There was no motive in the Nova Scotia mass shooting. Gun control was the only motive in that one. Crimes without a motive are suspicious. Operation Northwoods was real. The attack on the USS Liberty did happen. We need to face that.

This isn't the first time Uncle Joe was caught in a bold faced lie. When he was vice president under the Obama administration, he promised that they would not raise taxes on the middle class after they raised taxes on the rich. Then shortly thereafter he broke that promise.

Canada's $39 Billion Currency Swap With Bank Of China

Cap for Canada is reporting that “The central banks of China and Canada have renewed a bilateral currency swap agreement, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has announced. The swap line has a size of 200 billion yuan (about 30.96 billion U.S. dollars), or 39.39 billion Canadian dollars. It will be valid for a five-year period and can be extended on mutual consent. Published on January 14th, 2021, the Chinese media source article states that the currency swap extension between the two central banks will help promote bilateral financial cooperation, expand the use of local currencies and facilitate trade and investment.”

The rest of us are left wonder what on earth is wrong with Jutin Trudeau? That guy has some serious mental problems. Parading around with a Communist Manifesto saying he admires the dictatorship of China that holds political prisoners and executes them to order to make money off their organs shows that he definitely needs professional help. We need to revisit the dream.

Justin Trudeau is no Nelson Mandella. Nelson Mandella protected civl liberty by law as did Jutin's father. The CCP are mass murders like Chairman Mao who destroy civl liberty under the ridiculous lie that you must give up individual rights to make way for collective rights. Once you give up individual rights there are no collective rights because no one has any rights.

Do we have a currency swap with the United States? Propping up an ali would be far more productive than propping up a Communist dictatorship active in its attempts to take over the world through their manipulation of the UN and the WHO. All of this reminds me of the Korean War. Justin Trudeau is on the wrong side. He was training Chinese op. That's kinda called treason.

This is why I call Justin Trudeau Commodus from the movie Gladiator. Marcus Aurelius knew his son was not a moral man. Maximus didn't want the power but his son Commodus lusted after it. There was no free republic in Commodus' mind. Commodus wanted the power of dictatorship because he had small man syndrome just like Justin Trudeau. If you want to nationalize your oil like Norway, have at it but that doesn't mean you have to turn all your citizens into slaves.