Sunday, November 10, 2013

Targeted shooting in Drayton Valley

Sunday night November 3rd shots were fired in a residential neighborhood in Drayton Valley. I have a source that claims the owner of that house is a member of the Warlocks who are Hells Angels rivals recently featured on the documentary Warlocks Rising.

Evidently the only one the Warlocks in Drayton Valley have tension with is the Hells Angels puppet club that started up right after they did called the Dirty Few. Also known as the dirty flu. Dusty Blades and Justin Pupetz are involved with the Dirty flu in Drayton Valley. Dusty Blades is seen on the left wearing a Hells Angels support shirt from Westbridge.

Another source claims that Pete Soreson from the Hells Angels Westridge (West Edmonton) chapter is calling all the shots. He has been seen in Drayton quite often lately. Get of the crack. Stop pimping the dream and start living it.

The Salmon are coming

On a completely unrelated note, I see that the salmon are spawning at Tynehead park in Surrey. I realize around this time of year the chum start spawning in Beer Creek. It’s always somewhat mind boggling to see such large salmon swimming up such small urban creeks to spawn. Chum aren’t the type of salmon humans normally eat. They say you can smoke them but they are kind of the dog fish of salmon. By the time they spawn they kinda look a little radioactive.

However, someone said to me they saw some red salmon spawning in Tynehead so I had to check it out. It’s the Coho that change colors and turn red when they spawn. Sure enough, they’re there. I guess it’s because they have a hatchery at Tynehead. It’s worth having a peak and checking it out.

Soon it will be time to check out the eagle fest at Harrison mills. There is a massive chum run and the eagles come in droves to feed on the rotting carcasses. It’s quite remarkable to watch the circle of life in action. Pretty awesome seeing that many eagles all in one spot as well.

As I mentioned the Surrey Winter Fest would highlight the murder of Janice Shore and the crack sold at the Front Room in Surrey. Yet I also made mention of a kaleidoscope of other things to see as well this time of year. This is part of it. There is so much to see in this wonderful planet that you can’t find in a crack pipe. You have to get off the couch to go there to see it.

Meanwhile, commercial fish farms are destroying the wild salmon spawning runs on the West coast of Vancouver Island in Clayoquot sound. Don’t buy farmed salmon. Atlantic farmed salmon doesn’t come from Easter Canada. It comes from Norway and is famed in Clayoquot sound. Foreign investors don’t care that their industry is destroying the local commercial fishing industry. They just want to make a quick buck that kills the industry for everyone else.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hamilton Homicide was ex Hells Angel is reporting that the police have confirmed a man who was shot dead on an east Hamilton street Saturday was an ex-member of the Hells Angels. James (Lou) Malone, 49, was very well known to police and had an extensive criminal record. Malone was shot on Kenilworth Avenue near Hope Avenue, just before 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning. No L&R there. Big surprise.

Black Pistons busted in Niagara

CHCH News is reporting that 29 biker gang members and their associates were arrested in simultaneous raids across Niagara Wednesday morning targeting the Black Pistons in St. Catharines which is a puppet club of the Outlaws MC.

150 charges, 31 arrests including Black Pistons ring leader Randy McGean. McGean’s 24-year old wife Caitlin was also arrested. The Black Pistons established a clubhouse at 80 Page Street in St. Catharines. Police claim Nine of the 11 Black Pistons members were set to become full-patch Outlaws by the end of November.

Police said the investigation uncovered evidence of narcotics trafficking — including heroin, cocaine and marijuana — along with weapons trafficking, break and enter, assault, extortion and participation in a criminal organization. Break and enter? More rats stealing sh*t just like the Hells Angels. That's rather disappointing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rob Ford admits to smoking crack

Speaking of pathetic, Rob Ford finally admitted to smoking crack in a drunken stupor now that the police uncovered the video. People have finally had enough and are protesting for him to resign. Thank God. For a minute there I was beginning to think they were going to elect him PM.

Every day there's more drama from the toilet of Ford Nation. Thursday the Toronto Sun released another video clip of Rob Ford in another drunken stupor threatening to "kill that f---ing guy" and "rip his f---ing throat out." He sends his mother and sister to the media trying to do damage control while his lawyer mentions the possibility of rehab. Rehab? He really has a crack addiction? This guy is an absolute idiot as are everyone who ever voted for him.

Talk about insanity, this new Fjord billboard takes the cake. Amid this perpetual insanity a paid billboard shows up supporting the insane lunatic in his criminal dishonesty. It even has the audacity to misquote a biblical scripture and completely rip it right out of context advertizing the great and abominable church. After all, there is more than one ya know.

Christ was an advocate that taught about redemption and forgiveness. Never did he teach a tolerance for sin or abuse. In fact lying is one of the six things he clearly hates. The same with abuse. Rob Ford does both. He is an abusive liar. To claim that he represents the church is a blasphemous outrage.

To claim that he represents fiscal responsibility is a bold faced lie. The right needs to pick a new poster parrot. The fact that they are spending money promoting his lies and criminal activity is a shameful disgrace to what was once conservative values. Rob Ford has absolutely nothing to do with those. Neither do the lunatics that paid for this ridiculous billboard.

Speaking of Rob Ford supporters, Laila Yuile made a rather amusing post linking to the elusive video of Stephen Harper speaking at Rob Ford's barbeque where Ford claims that Stephen Harper is his new fishing partner. What I want to know is if Rob Ford has a crack addiction, did he smoke crack on that fishing trip? Maybe that's what Harper meant when he said he gets high with a little help from his friends. Go figure.

Booze, drugs, suspected escorts in new Rob Ford docs [MSN New Video Clip]

Toronto city council pass a resolution asking Mayor Rob Ford to resign. The vote was 37-5. That's including Rob Ford and his brother Dough who voted against it.

The idiot just doesn't know when to shut up.

Rob Ford Oral Sex Comments

Don Lyons convicted of domestic threats

Speaking of domestic abuse, recently we heard that Don Lyons was charged with assaulting his girlfriend. Turns out he’s been sentenced to 30 days in jail and three years probation for uttering threats. It’s a ‘k’ file indicating the victim was family or spouse.

So what is with that? Big strong guy threatening and beating on his girlfriend. Is that a roid rage or just another piece of sh*t woman beater? After all they are a dime a dozen. Maybe it’s just another fro ho like his buddy Donnie McWhirter who was also convicted of assaulting his girlfriend and is also a member of the Kelowna Independent Soldiers. Fro hos of the world, repent.

Like we said, he who loveth his wife, loveth himself. He who beats his wife or gf has no self respect. In the words of Offspring, he is a dweeb. He’s just a guy with low self esteem. It’s sad. Really. Rather pathetic actually.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Johnny Newcome busted again

Well we knew Johnny Newcome was back in business after he created Priest Valley Speed to replace Cycle Logic which was busted for being involved in changing VINs for a Hells Angels stolen car ring. Looks like the po po have caught up with that scam as well. Castanet is reporting that Newcome has just been arrested again after police found a stolen 1949 Mercury pick-up truck at his home along with three motorcycles with suspicious vehicle identification numbers, number punches (possibly used to re-vin vehicles), 44 grams of cocaine, 75 grams of psilocybin (mushrooms) and other drug paraphernalia. Johnny be good.

Way down Louisiana close to New Orleans. Way back up in the woods among the evergreens. There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood. Where lived a country boy name of Johnny B. Goode. Who never ever learned to read or write so well But he could REVIN a car just like ringing a bell. Get off the crack Johnny. Only rats steal cars and motorcycles. Forget all that macho sh*t and learn how to play guitar just like Johnny B. Goode.

White House rejects Snowden’s plea

The Vancouver Province is reporting that “The White House and the leaders of the intelligence committees in Congress are rejecting National Security Agency-contractor Edward Snowden's plea for clemency. ‘Mr. Snowden violated U.S. law,’ White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said Sunday . ‘He should return to the U.S. and face justice'."

That is simply untrue and clearly shows how deeply the US government has departed from the US constitution. Reporting unlawful activity is not against the law. Keeping unlawful secrets is. What Obama and the NSA are doing is illegal, not Edward Snowden for reporting it.

Obama and the NSA have broken German law on German soil. They need to be arrested and charged for that. Blaming Snowden for their own unlawful conduct is shameful. Obama and the NSA have violated their oath to preserve and protect the constitution. They need to be arrested and charged for that as well. They are the domestic enemies of the constitution not Snowden. He is the one protecting it. God bless Edward Snowden. Meanwhile back on the ranch...

The Senate scandal deepens as the RCMP search the PMO for evidence of criminal activity.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Political Immorality

From Senate scandals to Rob Ford’s crack video to Diane Watts’ bully power, political immorality is sweeping the country from coast to coast. It’s easier to see with Rob Ford and the senate’s spending but clearly the Montreal corruption inquiry has nothing on Surrey. Recently I saw an outrageous main stream article promoting Godzilla’s insanity and it made me want to throw up. I know newspapers want corporate advertizing dollars but that was just plain cheap. Pimping the dream for what? For a lie.

Let’s stop for one minute and think about where that kind of political immorality comes from and where it leads. It starts off by feeding the false left versus right stereotype then takes us very far from traditional conservative values.

Seemingly in the Rob Ford crack video, he’s drunk and or stoned again and starts beaking off about him being right wing and how Justine Trudeau is a fagot. He kept denying the video existed claiming that it was a lie put out by his enemies because they didn’t like the fact that he was right wing. In reality, right wing or left wing has nothing to do with it. Rob Ford is an abusive drunk. That’s all there is to it.

So why does the right keep scraping the bottom of the barrel for these immoral lunatics to represent their cause? Because they have no morals. That’s why. They can be bought and sold at the snap of the finger because they worship the almighty dollar. They do not worship liberty, freedom and democracy. They are selfish and materialistic and worship money.

There is nothing wrong with succeeding in business. Indeed that is something we need to encourage. However, we need to support small business in a free market not corporate monopolies. Corporate monopolies gouge consumers and destroy a free market. Yet that is exactly where these right wing extremists are trying to take us. Just like in Dutchy’s song View from an Ivory Tower, “Marxists cry out for Nicaragua where they’ve never been and bitch about a war that they’ve never seen. The right puts them down but what the right doesn’t know is that they’re drowning in the same indulgent under tow."

What does Stephen Harper, Mike Duffy, Rob Ford and Dianne Watts all have in common? Corporate Communism. They say they support a balanced budget and oppose tax increases but that is the exact opposite of what they do when in office. They are the pork barrel tax and spend politicians they accuse their opponents of being. The only difference is that the left spends it on the people while they spend it on themselves and the large corporations that donate to their campaigns for helping them get a corporate monopoly and screwing the general public.

Take Dianne Watts’ Ivory Tower in Surrey central. That is the epitome of greed and fiscal irresponsibility. That is why she and her corporate donors are so determined to create more taxes to fuel their pork barrel policies. Fiscal responsibility is not in her cards. That should concern us.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Calgary Hells Angel charged with extortion

Calgary Hells Angel and former Olympic bobsledder Ken Leblanc has been arrested for extortion. Police allege Leblanc threatened a city resident and claimed he was owed over $150,000 from a failed business deal. He was arrested at his home which is believed to be associated with the Hells Angels puppet club, Unforgiven.

The Calgary Sun is reporting that LeBlanc spent two periods in jail in Ottawa in the late 1980s and early 1990s and was involved in a loan-sharking case in Calgary in 2008, which saw three men convicted after purchasing an outstanding debt owed to Leblanc and his brother.

Locally, the Hells Angels are famous for creating manufactured debts and collecting on those fictitious debts. Investing money in a shady company and saying I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t pay up is one thing, yet this appears to be something very different.

One source claims LeBlanc didn’t invest anything, it was a third party giving money to another individual that scalps tickets with promises of big returns. The third party (Ali El Sayed) who just went to jail for 9 years and 3 months on mortgage fraud, was extorting the ticket guy and now wealthy restaurant owner Dom Tudda. Saying he guaranteed the money since he met the ticket guy through him. Since July Ali and Ken have been trying to extort Dom for 150k.

Another source claims that Anthony Pittarelli, a Calgary Hells Angels associate, was charged with theft over $5,000, fraud over $5,000, possession of the proceeds of crime and money laundering through a Ponzi scheme tied to Front Row Tickets. Apparently the Hells Angels made a lot of money off this scam.

Evidently, other Calgary members were ripping off Ken when he was in jail. Anthony was paying money to them while Ken was in jail. The other members were stealing it and when Ken got out sh*t hit the fan. One of them was sent out of town and had to make payments to Ken for his safety. Once again the Hells Angels L&R lie reveals a selfish world of betrayal and greed.

The Nanaimo Hells Angels were caught on a wire extorting a guy for a $2,500 debt which they turned into a $100,000 debt. "Basically, you're just getting punished," Sandhu says. "I do feel there's some tension with you and some of the guys."

When you think about it, the Surrey Six murder was about extortion. Jamie Bacon was extorting Corey Lal on behalf of Larry Amero and the Hells Angels.

Hells Angels helped fix FTQ elections

The Montreal Gazztee is reporting that the Hells Angels fixed a FTW election. “On Thursday morning, inquiry investigator Stephan Cloutier played several wiretap tapes recorded by police in 2008 and 2009 which prove that Dupuis and members of the Hells Angels biker gang fixed FTQ-Construction’s internal elections in November 2008.”

“Another union boss with ties to the Hells Angels, Dominique Bérubé, withdrew his candidacy at the last minute after meeting with a member of the biker gang, identified as Jacques (Israël) Émond.”

In addition to the biker gang links, the witness has also been accused of working closely with Mafia enforcer Raynald Desjardins and trying to secure funding from the union’s investment fund for Desjardins’ business. Raynald Desjardins was charged with the murder of Salvatore Montagna.

Hamilton Cocaine bust tied to the Hells Angels

CBC is reporting that the RCMP have seized 5 kilos of cocaine and have busted a drug operation importing and trafficking cocaine into the Hamilton area via Pearson International Airport. Suspects hid the cocaine in checked luggage and in personal items like aerosol cans in an effort to avoid detection.

Jorge Alejandro Rodriguez-Oliva, 29, and Nicolas Salciccioli, 25, from Stoney Creek, face charges along with Hamilton resident Edson Ariel Rosales, 40. Waterdown resident Edina Kalmar, 29, faces a charge of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence.

Jorge Rodriguez has ties to the N.E.C (North end Crew) in Hamilton which is another puppet club for the Hells Angels. Project Kingfisher targeted the Hells Angels and the NEC in August 2012. Harry Guidon’s son is named on the arrest sheet. Harry was a founding member and former president of satans choice who patched over to become Hells Angels. Shawn Campbell was the full patch Oshawa Hells Angel arrested in that bust.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Brian Joyce enters Judge’s Hall of Shame

In 2005 the police received a complaint that Godwin Cheng’s residence was being used as a drug house. They obtained a search warrant and found 48 half-pound bags of dried marijuana bud, two 9-mm machine guns and ammunition, an RCMP uniform, body armour, two handguns, a silencer and photos of Cheng with Bacon and other known criminals.

Now Supreme Court judge Brian Joyce has thrown out that evidence because he claims the police didn’t have sufficient grounds to obtain a search warrant. Brian Joyce should be hanged. The concern the public has about warrantless wire taps is that they are warrantless. In this case the police acted on a tip, obtained a warrant and executed that warrant. What else are they supposed to do? Now this clown impersonating a court judge claims that some other judge erred in their decision to grant the warrant. Aside from being false, that’s not the police’s fault.

On Aug. 4, 2005, police watched Cheng and Bacon transferring packages believed to contain drugs between cars. They were both arrested. In Cheng’s car, police found half a pound of marijuana, 92 methamphetamine pills, 15 ecstasy pills and four packages of cocaine.

Police then obtained a search warrant for Cheng’s home. Brian Joyce claims that there was no evidence to suggest there were transfers of drugs between various vehicles and the home during the investigation. That kind of stupidity uttered by a clown sitting on the wrong side of the bench is an offense to public intelligence .Fire him. Now.

The Charter of Rights doesn't need to change. Just the clowns misinterpreting it.

Cocaine found in Pumpkins

Well this is festive. The Vancouver Province is reporting that police found 2 kilos of cocaine smuggled in pumpkins at a Montreal airport. When you want to get down, get down on the ground, cocaine. No word yet if it was an authorized Ford dealer. Yo bro, it’s time to get off the crack and sing a new tune like Boom Shakalaka Boom. Until then my guitar gently weeps.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rob Ford crack video is in the hands of the court

Looks like Rob Ford is the great pumpkin head this Halloween. MSN News is reporting that “Allegations of a ‘crack cocaine’ video that have for months swirled around the mayor of Canada's largest city came to a head Thursday with a stunning police revelation that they have uncovered the video.”

That’s right folks. The video that pumpkin head said didn’t exist does and is now being entered as evidence in Alexander Lisi's extortion trial. Happy Halloween cracker. Ya got to remember, two credible journalists said they watched the video,. They didn’t just make that up.

The Globe and Mail claims the Ford family has a history with drug dealing. Rob Ford's brother in law has been charged with breaking into his home and uttering threats. This is the same drug dealer that in 2012 Rob Ford asked the judge not to send to jail. Gee I wonder what he had on Ford. As one blog reader who sent in the links said, no one could even make this sh*t up. Sounds like the Ford dealer shirts from Surrey Shirts will make great stocking suffers this Christmas.

CTV is reporting yet another drunken episode involving Rob Ford that was described in an internal e-mail on saint Patrick's Day 2012. This is a consistent behavioral pattern with Rob Ford which simply proves the majority of Canadians are insane and have no moral conscience for reelecting the bum.

Another body found in Surrey

Well Halloween stops no one. 1130 News is reporting that a woman’s body was found at Hi-Knoll park near 192nd Street and 56th Avenue in the Colebrook road area. Witnesses claim they heard three shots fired. IHIT have taken over the case as the police claim foul play is expected. Colebrook Road is closed between 192 Street and 200 Street. Surrey’s 20th murder of the year.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Opposition supports Marc Emery’s prison transfer

Marc Emery supporters have the backing of the opposition parties in their quest to have Marc Emery’s prison transfer to a Canadian prison granted. The Vancouver Province is reporting that NDP deputy leader Libby Davies, Liberal public safety critic Wayne Easter and Green MP Elizabeth May all spoke out in support of the prison transfer which the US has already approved. It is the Harper government that is holding it back.

This is how the Harper government is aiding and abetting the destruction of the Canadian Justice system. Their response to the request was "Individuals who have been convicted of serious crimes should face the full force of the law. And unlike the opposition parties whose primary focus is the drug trade, our government will continue putting the rights of victims first."

There ya have it folks. Living proof the Harper government lies and smokes crack. Individuals who have been convicted of serious crimes should face the full force of the law. Selling pot is not a serious offense. Wiretapping is. They’re not even pressing charges in the Jamie Keyhoe murder. There is no justice for the victims there.

We see two extreme here. One side wants to legalize pot. The other side wants mandatory minimum sentences for pot. Why go from one extreme to the other? We have a serious gang problem in BC. The problem is the crack that the Hells Angels are bringing back to Canada. If they just sold pot there wouldn’t be a problem. Violent crime would be dramatically reduced. It’s crack and crystal meth that we need to address. Obsessing over pot is preventing us from being able to address the serious crime like crack and crystal meth as well as murder and rape. Stephen Harper is insane.

I don’t support the legalization of all drugs. I don’t support needle exchanges and prescribing addicts heroin. Yet there is a huge difference between pot and crack. Failing to recognize that is insanity.

This kind of arrogant pettiness is fueling the campaign for the legalization of pot. Even Justin (Beiber) Trudeau has jumped on that band wagon. I don’t support the legalization of pot. I support the decriminalization of pot. But if Harper refuses to distinguish between crack and pot then that will force me to support the legalization of pot so we have the resources to address crack and crystal meth.

Notwithstanding the simple reality of that concern, Libby Davies is right. This is about granting a prison transfer of a Canadian who did not commit a serous offense and committed that minor offense while he was in Canada. Being an asshole about it is very un Christian. Not only that but sending Marc Emery to prison for selling seeds while they let the Hells Angels sell pot openly at the Black Door and sell crack openly at the Front Room is not equal protection of the law. It is disproportionate. It’s like arresting people for speeding while they let everyone else commit rape. That has to stop.

You know what else is worse than smoking pot? Adultery. Like how Vikileaks Toews had an affair on his wife and fathered a child with a younger woman. That’s worse than what Marc Emery did. At least Marc has a good relationship with his wife and is faithful to her. Fraud is worse too.

In fact lying about not spending 69 billion tax dollars on a bank bailout they didn't need then raising the age of retirement for Canadians to pay for it was a criminals act all in itself. So was spending billions of tax dollars on a fleet of over priced jets that don't even work in the arctic to a company one of his candidates lobbied for. Stephen Harper should be in jail not Marc Emery.

It's sad how never an honest word was every heard when Stephen Harper ruled the world. For some reason I can't explain, I know Saint Peter won't be calling his name. Don Francisco had it right.

Obama approved wire tap of German Chancellor’s phone

The Vancouver Province reported that "U.S. President Barack Obama was dragged into the trans-Atlantic spying row Sunday after it was claimed he personally authorized the monitoring of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's telephone three years ago."

Of course the NSA denied it when the story broke. Then the Intelligence chief went on record defending the wire tap. Since the world is protesting over it, the US claims it will consider stop wiretapping allies. Well how can they stop doing it if they never started? The only way we can expect the intelligence community to stop lying is if they stop talking. This is why any media outlet that reprints a press release from an intelligence agency without questioning it first is being completely irresponsible.

The point is, this isn’t Hitler during the war. This is an ally. If it wasn’t for Edward Snowden, we would even know about this. God bless Edward Snowden. It’s not just Germany. It’s France and all of their allies. They think they are above the law.

The German response is "If the Americans intercepted cell phones in Germany, they broke German law on German soil." He noted that wiretapping was a crime in Germany and "those responsible must be held accountable". Well three cheers. Obama and the NSA broke the law in Germany. So let’s put them in a German prison and deny their transfer back to the US until they approve Marc Emery’s prison transfer back to Canada for a much less serious crime.

The Washington Post is now reporting that the NSA hacked into Google and Yahoo databases as well. It’s time for Obama and the NSA go to jail and Edward Snowden be set free.

In England Murdoch even tapped Princes William and Harry with the help of you know who.

Congress should grant Edward Snowden amnesty

Snowden wants to testify before congressional hearing

Monday, October 28, 2013

Kelowna Hells Angels stolen car ring off to Supreme court

Speaking of rats stealing sh*t, Castanet is reporting that the stolen car, bike and boat ring tied to Cycle Logic and the Kelowna Hells Angels is going to Supreme court. RCMP say the business had connections to the Nanaimo and Calgary chapters of the Hells Angels as well.

The operation involved modifying the Vehicle Identification Numbers on stolen vehicles, boats, trailers, ATV's and machinery. Two members of the Calgary Hells Angels were arrested and charged with possession of stolen property over $5,000. Last summer police found two cars that were revinned and registered in Alberta. The bust led to the recovery of close to 50 vehicles that had been cloned or re-vinned.

Global is reporting that it looks like Johny Newcome is gonna cop a plea. Odds are he's gonna take the fall for the whole rats nest.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Prison Transfers and Conditions

I understand that Clay Roueche has applied for a prison transfer back to Canada. I think there is no question that request should be granted. I was surprised to hear how his lawyers never objected to how he was initially shafted. He was on his way to a wedding in Mexico and they rerouted his plane to land in the US so they could arrest him there. That was dirty. They should have extradited him like Marc Emery. Trevor Jones is one person they should extradite along with his brother Randy. If Trevor was involved so was Randy. Randy is the patch member not Trevor.

Marc Emery should get a prison transfer back to Canada as well. He was in Canada when he committed his “offense.” Running an Internet business supplied customers in the States but he was not physically there they had to extradite him. Natural justice would require him to be permitted to serve the rest of his sentence in Canada.

Sadly, Marc Emery has been transferred from the West Coast to a prison in Georgia. In a Nov. 17 letter to his wife Jodie Emery posted on his prison blog, the longtime marijuana activist said he was supposed to be sent to a federal institution in California “but the [Bureau of Prisons] has changed it to send me as far away from you as possible.” That’s just not right.

We were told that Marc was finally approved for a prison transfer to Canada last July. He’s still waiting. The approval was just a PR scam. The mistreatment of prisoners is like beating your wife. It shows a lack of self respect.

Guantanamo Bay is wrong. Torturing prisoners is wrong. It was wrong when Hitler did it, it is wrong when we do it. Which brings us to prison conditions in Canada. Harper is a pretty confused individual. Either that or he’s a malicious liar that says one thing and does another.

I know a local activist that said he met Harper at the airport during the last election. My first thought was did you punch him in the head for me? Instead he said he shook his hand and thanked him for giving us more money for prisons. I just about choked. More money for prisons? Did you know he cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task Force after he was elected? Since getting his coveted majority government he also cut funding for prisons. He even closed the largest prison in Ontario with no plan to build another.

Recently prisoners went on “strike” because Harper dramatically reduced their insignificant rate of pay if they choose to work while incarcerated. That is just plain wrong. When you remove incentive what are you left with? Communism. A system built on incentive is a good thing. Privatizing the prisons and mistreating prisoners is not.

Evidently Marc Emery supporters are taking his cause to Ottawa and his wife Jodie will be holding a press conference Tuesday. They are wanting him to be transferred back to Canada like both parties said they would. This is a reasonable request that I totally support. All drugs are not the same. There is a huge difference between pot and crack. Marc was just selling seeds and supports the legalization of pot like in Washington and Colorado. Intentionally screwing with him by sending him to the other side of the US and denying his prison transfer after they publicly said they approved it is petty and cheap.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Remembering Janice Shore

As we highlight the Surrey Winter Fest we need to take time to remember the patron saint of Whalley, Janice Shore. We need to remember what Janice was like as well as how and why she was brutally murdered. Let's not forget, whoever killed her is just another woman beater.

Janice was homeless. It has been said that she had mental health issues and struggled with addiction. However she was a user not a dealer so if she was murdered for a drug debt, then it couldn’t have been a large one. Janice was a human being. A wonderful one at that. She was polite and soft spoken. Her brother referred to her as sunshine and you can clearly see it in her face.

She was an easy mark for the predatory drug dealers outside the front room where she was last seen before she was murdered. I have a new revelation about who’s supplying drugs at the front room but before I post that I want us to remember the horrifically brutal manner in which she was murdered so we can clearly see who the real rats are in this picture.

The fact that she was brutally beaten beyond recognition is not under dispute. She was beaten into a coma from which she never regained consciousness. I visited her in the hospital. On one side of her head her jaw was completely caved in. On the other side of her head her temple was completely caved in. I wondered at the time and thought that it must have been blunt force trauma that caused those injuries. Recently I saw a guy at the Front Room with a hammer then the light went on. A hammer could have caused those injuries.

That part of the story is not disputable. Whoever did that is the dirties kind of rat known to man. Reporting that person to the police is not being a rat. Failing to do so is. However, the story gets even worse.

The Surrey Leader initially reported that they spoke with the person who first discovered the body. He said that although he knew Janice he did not recognize her because of her dramatic injuries. He said that he found her chained to a tree with her underwear pulled around her ankles. It had the dramatic appearance of a brutal sexual assault.

I know the mayor doesn’t like to admit Surrey has crime any more. I know the mayor is very concerned about her political future and spends a great deal of time and money trying to convince the media she is the best thing since sliced bread. I used to think so. Until I saw her for the bully she really is.

Bill Fordy is also deeply concerned with his political aspirations just like Peter Fassbender. The police were pretty adamant that Janice was not found bound to a tree when they found her and went to great efforts to down play that claim as well as the sexual assault claim. They said they had no evidence to support those claims. Yet that is not entirely true. They had the witness’ testimony who found the body. In a court of law, a witness gives testimony and that becomes evidence. I submit that the police do have some evidence that would suggest she was raped and bound to the tree. It is quite feasible the person who found her untied her before the police arrived.

Either way, these claims do not diminish the horrific nature of the assault. The other claim which I don’t think the police dispute is that the assailant scratched her eyes out. I can’t remember seeing her eyes in the hospital. They were closed because she was unconscious. If that is true, if her eyes really were poked out, we need to remember that as we look for suspects and search our souls trying to define what a rat really is if we consider protecting them.

If you know anything about Janice Shore’s murder contact IHIT at 1 - 877 - 551 - 4448 or contact me. We need to deal with this. We need to prevent it from happening again and we need to stop the predators giving the homeless free drugs then beating the life out of them for payment.

Drone hunting comes to Maple Ridge

With all the insane revelations about the NSA spying on civilians and their use of drones to spy on law biding citizens the Vancouver Province is reporting that a private securities firm in Maple Ridge is ready to launch spy drones in BC. Get ready for a turkey shoot. It's time to take up arms.

In a small town in Colorado they are offering hunting licenses for shooting down spy drones on American soil. We should do the same thing here. Gentlemen may cry peace peace but there is no peace. The constitution has been violated and the war has already begun.

Online Voting

The Vancouver Province is reporting that British Columbia's elections agency states "Internet voting requires more fine tuning - especially when it comes to eliminating security risks - before it can be widely used in provincial and municipal elections.” No kidding. There is absolutely no security involved with online voting. Online voting is a scam that will kill democracy faster than you can say Clinton Curtis' confessional testimony.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Surrey Shooting results in fatality

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that Surrey just had it’s 19th homicide this morning. News 1130 is reporting that it happened around 156 Street and 86B Avenue. Some people in the neighbourhood report hearing four shots just after 5 a.m. Sergeant Jennifer Pound says the victim was in his mid-30s and other people were home at the time of the shooting. The man has no criminal record and police have not been to the house before.

Kim Bolan is reporting a shooting in Vancouver Friday night at 17th and Fraser just after 8 p.m. The 29-year-old victim is known to police and remains in hospital in serious condition. CBC is also referring to it as a targeted shooting.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kelowna Bath Salts

This morning the Vancouver Province reported that the police had made a large seizure of bath salts in the Okanagan with more details forthcoming. Now News 1130 is reporting that two women from West Kelowna were arrested after 16 kilograms of methylone in three packages were seized at the Vancouver International Mail Centre.

The drugs, destined for West Kelowna, were intercepted on Aug. 23 and 26. The two women were arrested on Sept. 19. So we're just hearing about it now. Better late than never. Bath salts is really serious. It’s even worse than crack or crystal meth if you can believe it. These aren’t bath fizzers. It’s a bizarre drug that has insane side effects.

It’s also knows as the Zombie drug. One of the claims is that a man who was eating the flesh of a homeless person in Florida while on bath salts. My daughters conspiracy theory is that “they” are going to put bath salts in our drinking water to trigger the zombie apocalypse. A rather amusing theory but I still don’t understand where everyone gets this zombie apocalypse from. It sure isn’t biblical. Nevertheless, bath salts are nasty and dealing them is insane.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Drug dealer beat his girlfriend

The Vancouver Province is reporting that “A drug dealer has been convicted of assaulting his Fort St. John girlfriend with a sawed-off shotgun, unlawfully confining her, pointing the weapon at her and threatening to kill her.”

Trevor Michael Doyle, 24, has a long list of outrageous assaults on his girlfriend. He punched her and battered her with the shotgun until her arms were black and blue. Her eyes were swollen and she could barely see. Seven days later he beat her again and hit her in the head and stomach with the but of the shotgun. The day after that he dropped her off at the hospital where it was confirmed she had two broken arms.

This once again shows the other side of gang life. The one the gangsters deny exists. When the honeymoon period is over and things go bad. Very bad. Like the case in Victoria, when a man beats a woman he is no longer a man. He's a coward with no self respect.

Scripturally we are taught that he who loves his wife loves himself. When a man beats his wife or girlfriend he is showing that he has a poor self image. Assaulting his girlfriend is self defeating. You can’t build a self image by tearing someone else’s down.

These cases give rise to Kerry Krysko’s book about her abusive relationship with a Hells Angel called Kerri On which has become a best seller. Now she has teamed up with Kathleen Patel.

Let's not forget that Don Lyons as well as Donnie McWhirter‏ both from the Hells Angels puppet club in Kelowna called the Independent Soldiers have both been charged with beating their ex girlfriends. Blaze copped a plea and plead guilty to a lesser charge of common assault. This problem is huge and it's not going to go away until we deal with it.

Laura Szendrei murderer sentenced as an adult to life in prison - seven years is not life

The Surrey Leader is reporting that the person who murdered 15-year-old Laura Szendrei was sentenced to life in prison, serving his time as an adult. This is good but flawed. He committed the outrageous murder one week shy of his 18th birthday.

Thanks to the advocacy of Chuck and Dona Cadman, young offenders who commit violent crime can be tried as an adult. Murder is a serous crime and it was proper for this person to be tried as an adult. Since he’s over 18 now it is proper for him to serve his sentence as an adult.

However, life in prison means life in prison. It doesn’t mean seven years in prison. Seven years for a brutal murder is outrageous. The new legislation states that a young offender who is tried as an adult and convicted can be named. That is the next step that needs to be taken.

Another step that needs to be taken is to fire Robert Ley. Ley is a “forensic psychologist” that should have nothing to do with the courts. He is a nutbar. Dr. Paul Janke on the other hand, should receive a promotion. Dr. Paul Janke understands natural justice. Robert Ley does not.

US caught spying on France

Oops there goes another allies’ rights. Obama is back peddling after the US was caught spying on France. A French newspaper said the NSA swept up 70.3 million French phone records in a 30-day period. France has summoned the U.S. ambassador, Charles Rivkin, to explain and called the practice "totally unacceptable."

The U.S. is reviewing its intelligence gathering to strike a "balance between the legitimate security concerns that our citizens have and the privacy concerns that we and our allies have as well about some of these alleged intelligence activities." Which really means nothing. It’s a rationalization for violating the US Constitution and spying on anyone they want whenever they want. More revelations thanks to the American whistleblower and constitutional hero, Edward Snowden

Let’s not forget how the US Intelligence agency sold the RCMP the Promis software for keeping track of it’s files. It had a Trojan horse in it that gave the agency access to all the RCMP files. Isn’t it ironic that they didn’t even change the name of the tracking program for the new software that tracks all our medical records in BC. This gives the NSA direct access to all our medical records. Civil liberty is under fire.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Quebec Federation of Labour tied to the Hells Angels

CBC is reporting that links made at the Quebec corruption inquiry tying the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ) to the Hells Angels have some federation members trying to unseat President Michel Arsenault.

Duffy blames Harper cover up

Donald Bayne, Sen. Mike Duffy's lawyer, held a press conference today claiming his client who is embroiled in a spending scandal was part of a cover up by the Prime Minister. The toxic mess continues to brew.

RCMP allege former senator Mac Harb committed fraud. Abolishing the senate is not the answer. Making senators elected is.

Another Canadian drug ring busted in Australia

Eight Canadians and two Australians have been arrested after an 18 month investigation which resulted in the seizure of 650 kilograms of pseudoephedrine that had been hidden in vanilla powder jars last month in Melbourne. They said the chemical came from India and is used to produce crystal meth.

Three of the Canadians - Catherine McNaughton, 30, Edmond Proko, 46, and James Kelsey, 27 - appeared in a Melbourne court today charged with drug trafficking. They're due back in court in January. Crystal meth is not speed. It's made with Drano and is incredibly toxic. Melbourne has a problem with Hells Angles violence right now. In the United States the Hells Angels were convicted of large crystal meth rings on the east coast.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that the CFSEU claims key figures in B.C.'s gang scene were involved in moving cocaine and crystal meth between Canada and Australia. More than $35 million worth of cocaine and meth was seized in Australia during the investigation.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Whalley business owners fed up with property crime

Global is reporting that "Business owners in a notorious Surrey neighborhood are struggling with what to do about the high crime rate. Just last week, a family physician considered leaving after metal thieves cut power to his building in Whalley. Turns out, he’s not the only one in the area affected by crime. Many of the local businesses say they’re getting little help from police. Randy Jarry’s Pick and Pull car parts business is a prime target for thieves. In fact, he says the scrap yard is hit overnight several times a week."

Why that's right by the Jesters clubhouse. Metal thieves supporting a drug habit. The tapeworm economy continues. So when City Hall accepts campaign contributions from Casinos and dirty developers where drug money is laundered, local businesses suffer. Glad to see Godzilla has solved all the problems in Surrey by banning Surrey shirts from the mall. The Surrey Winter fest continues to spotlight crime in Surrey. Something Godzilla promised to do in her initial crime prevention coalition but never did. Personally, I think Bill Fordy is too busy grooming himself for an MLA job like Peter Fassbender got.

It would not be very hard for the police and the city to target the scrap companies that accept all that stolen metal and it would not be hard to arrest the predatory crack dealers outside the Front Room. Those are two simple tasks. That fact that they aren't doing that is very suspect indeed. Like I said, Montreal has nothing on Surrey as to corruption. We're worse than they are.

Surrey man shot dead in Calgary

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that two people were injured and a third was killed in a shooting in Calgary Thursday night. Police identified the dead man as Trevor James Munro, a 22-year-old from Surrey, B.C. Police claim the shooting was not random. The Calgary sun is reporting that it could be drug related. Ya think? It's Calgary's 20th homicide for 2013.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Surrey Winter Fest has now begun

I think the Thanksgiving Truce has some people confused. Some people are wondering if I have given up or if I have caved in to bullying. I can assure you neither is the case. Others understand the concept of redemption. Yet I will have to expand upon it for those who have misunderstood.

There will come a time for me to put this blog to rest and ride off into the sunset for a simpler life. Yet until then I have one more campaign to launch. "So if you want this encore then I need ya’ll to roar. What the hell are we waiting for? For one last time, make some noise."

The Kelowna Summer Jam wasn’t a music festival. It was a spotlight on crime in Kelowna. It targeted the Hells Angels and highlighted three senseless murders. Now I’m ready to launch the Surrey Winter Fest. It’s going to focus in on drugs at the Front Room and highlight Janice Shore’s brutal murder. That’s going to be the main focus of this next campaign. Yet it’s also going to touch on some hidden wonders of the season.

It’s more than a series. It’s going to be a kaleidoscope covering the good, the bad and the ugly. I'll conclude by showing you a place high above the desert plain where the streets have no name. We’re talking about ice baby, ice and snow not blow. This winter brace yourselves for one last ride. To pull this off I’m going to need your help. I want you to sing. I want you to tell me who killed Janice Shore.

There have been some new developments in that case and I can tell you right now it shocked me. Yet we need a few more pieces of the puzzle to bring justice home. The Front Room isn’t a homeless shelter, it’s a drug house. The Front Room is the epicenter of drug related violence in Surrey.

I can’t help but feel partly responsible for what it has become. 14 years ago the city of Surrey closed it down on a building code technicality. That was back when Doug McCallum was mayor and Godzilla was just one of his minions on council. I addressed City council with my young daughter at my side confronting them for what they had done asking each member their position on closing the homeless shelter. I told them I was going to make a web site and post their position on the closure on the web site and make it an election issue. After my presentation was over my young wise daughter leaned over to me and said your time wasn’t finished. That lady just didn’t want you to ask the mayor any more hard questions. Very insightful for such a young child.

It appears the council had concerns not about homeless shelters but about what this particular shelter had become. It has become clear that those concerns are now valid. I have spoken to many homeless who won’t go there or stay there because of it’s drug related violence which we are funding with our tax dollars.

We now have two alternatives. There are several other transition homes where no drugs are allowed. If we can’t get rid of the predatory drug dealers there that are exploiting the homeless and brutalizing them by giving them free drugs then beating the life out of them for payment, they we are going to have to shut that shelter down once and for all.

You know City Hall and the business development committee would love to shut it down. With enough public support they will close that shelter at the snap of the finger. No one likes putting the homeless on the street in winter. So this winter fest will be one last chance to clean up that shelter before it gets shut down permanently. Either way, we are going to shut that drug operation down once and for all. Buyer Beware.

When I think about Janice Shore’s murder it makes me numb. “I'm tired of being what you want me to be. Feeling so faithless lost under the surface. Every step that I take is another mistake to you and every second I waste is more than I can take. All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you.”

“I wanna run, I want to hide. I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside. I want to reach out and touch the flame where the streets have no name.” So can I get an encore, do you want more? For one last time I need y'all to roar. Janice Shore’s murder, call it in: IHIT 1 - 877 - 551 - 4448 Let’s shut it down g. Let’s shut it down.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Joey Verma found guilty of murder

Castanet is reporting that a jury of his peers has found Joey Verma guilty of the first degree murder of Britney Irving. He is automatically sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 25 years. I guess that means no one has to shoot him now. Now if we can only address the people that hired him to kill her.

It’s pretty obvious who owned the clone show Britney was running that was busted. The question I have is if Joey had a debt and killed her to wipe out that debt, then why the hell didn’t they save the money and just give Britney some time to work off the loss from the clone show bust? Aside from being ruthless it’s bad business.

There’s much more to discuss including my next campaign but let’s just pause for a moment of silence. The verdict is very much revealing. Yet it doesn’t bring Britney back. Castanet reported that Britney’s mother sobbed as the verdict was read. No doubt she felt relief that justice hadn’t slapped her in the face after the loss of her daughter. Yet as any parent can imagine, it doesn’t bring back her daughter. Although life does not end at death, the life she had left to live was taken from her and will never be replaced. That’s why murder is such a serious offense.

Castanet is reporting that Joey showed no emotion when the verdict was read. Just like he showed no remorse when he saw pictures of her dead body in court. Just like he showed no remorse when he told Mike Roberts not to worries about it claiming she was just a junkie anyways. So now Joey is spending the next 25 years in prison. Don’t worry about it. He had no remorse for Britney. This is why the law has to have a consequence. For people like him who don’t have a conscience.