The Newfoundland compass is reporting that RCMP are confirming a suspicious death in North River early Sunday morning. VOCM is confirming reports that the death was the result of a stabbing. NTV video clip.
Your alternate news source. Connecting the dots between politics and organized crime.
Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Monday, June 30, 2014
Suspicious death in North River Newfoundland
The Newfoundland compass is reporting that RCMP are confirming a suspicious death in North River early Sunday morning. VOCM is confirming reports that the death was the result of a stabbing. NTV video clip.
Bus shot at in Surrey

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that 11 minutes after midnight Saturday night a bus in Surrey was shot at leaving four bullet holes in a window. Fortunately no one was injured. The motive is not known and the suspect is not in custody. The incident took place when the bus was turning off King George Boulevard onto Fraser Highway.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Another Hells Angels associate dies of suicide

I don't want to compound the sorrow of a sudden death but something needs to be said. Last weekend Gord Laing was found dead in his home from a suspicious suicide. I say suspicious because of his associations and the fact that him committing suicide just doesn't make sense. It is clear that he was a young bright light with much to look forward to. It is clear that there are many suspicious circumstances that surround his death.
Gord had a great long term job, owned his home, no relationship issues, extremely popular, good looking and was planing on doing some upgrades to his home to put it up for sale. The strange thing is that he had been running a legal grow but was planning on throwing in the towel on the grow after the Federal government changed the regulations and wasn't going to let him have a license any more. So he decided to do the legal thing and stop. Obviously the people he was growing for didn't take kindly to that idea.
The guy had just paid his property tax. Who pays up their property tax right before they commit suicide? You'd think that if someone was planning on committing suicide, they'd take that money and go on a trip first. Even the police consider this one suspicious.
It is very similar to another case April 2011 when Michael Sigouin also committed suicide by hanging. Mike was a loving father with a strong extended family, had a great relationship with his wife and was "eagerly anticipating the birth of his second daughter." His suicide at that time in his life just didn't make sense. His brother, father and uncle were HA associates.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Drive by Shooting in Surrey
Global is confirming a Scan BC report about a drive by shooting in Surrey yesterday and is reporting that: "Surrey RCMP are investigating a drive-by shooting that happened just before 7 p.m. on Thursday. It happened in a residential neighbourhood, in the 6900-block of 128 Street. The bullets blew out the window of a car but at this point it does not appear that anyone was hit. Witnesses told police there were two people shooting at each other."
Just like the one on 152nd street and 64th Avenue May 31st. Two cars driving down a public road shooting at each other. I would think that creates a public safety risk. Shootings with no victims we rarely hear about.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Son of Burma's 'Godfather of Heroin' attends trade delegation in Toronto and Vancouver

Micheal Smith nails it. This columnist from the Vancouver Province reported that Steven Law is one of the most notorious, rich and secretive tycoons in Asia, a man sanctioned by the U.S. for his family’s alleged ties to the narcotics trade and support of the former military junta that ruthlessly ruled Burma. But that didn’t stop Canada and B.C. from rolling out the red carpet this month for an Asian trade delegation that included Law, whose father, Lo Hsing Han, was nicknamed the “Godfather of Heroin.” The delegation that included Law was wined and dined in Toronto and Vancouver, where participants met with Premier Christy Clark and cabinet minister Teresa Wat.
Law’s American assets have been frozen by the U.S. government and he is banned from doing business with American citizens. So Stephen Harper and Christy Clark says come on in. “Lo Hsing Han, known as the ‘Godfather of Heroin,’ has been one of the world’s key heroin traffickers dating back to the early 1970s. Steven Law joined his father’s drug empire in the 1990s and has since become one of the wealthiest individuals in Burma.”
The country was ruled for years by a brutal dictatorship condemned around the world for its appalling human-rights record. The generals who ran the country were accused of gross abuses, including the forced relocation of citizens, use of child soldiers, state-sanctioned rape, widespread corruption and other outrages.
International Trade Minister Ed Fast said we didn't know about his background. Hard to believe but the fact that his background is now known is not debatable. What are they going to do about it? Has their position on welcoming him now changed?
Speaking of heroin, why on earth do we go to all that trouble of making up and handing out flyers warning the public of bad heroin on the street cut with fentanyl that has resulted in numerous deaths, without arresting the drug dealers selling it on the street? That is insanity. The heroin gets cut at the street level. The fact that we aren't arresting the heroin dealers on the street in East Vancouver and Surrey is ridiculous.

Surrey's Worst pick new candidate for Mayor

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Surrey First has picked a new candidate to replace Godzilla - Linda Hepner: rolleyes. Say hello to the new boss. Same as the old boss. I pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday and I get on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again.
Diane Watts had the audacity to say Linda Hepner has integrity. Gag. I can't believe she makes those kind of outrageous statements without being afraid she'll be struck by lightening. Linda Hepner sure didn't show much integrity when she voted with Diane Watts and Surrey's Worst with the creation of the Campbell Heights Money Laundering Park.
Linda Hepner didn't show any integrity when she voted for the mega casino in a rural area despite the overwhelming local opposition to it. It takes a certain kind of person to remain defiant and vote against the democratic will of the public. Now is the time to examine what gifts and donations she personally received from Bob Cheema to buy her voted despite the democratic will of local voters.
What gift did she receive? The concern about the mega casino wasn't just the concerns about money laundering and gang violence. It was supposed to be the same scam they pulled in Campbell Heights. In Campbell Heights they flipped agricultural land into industrial for Gordon Cambell's dirty developers that contributed to the BC Liberals.
The mega casino was also slated for a rural area like Campbell Heights. Surrey First promised to flip it into industrial for their campaign contributors. Linda Hepner voted for the dirty deal despite all the voters who opposed it. Linda Hepner also voted for the slot machines in Newton which is a low income area full of seniors on fixed income who would be exploited.
Her promise to continue the momentum of the city’s crime reduction strategy is a complete scam. That's what Dianne Watts promised when she was elected and didn't deliver. Just ask the businesses and residents of Newton where the city refuses to mandate the police to arrest crack dealers in front of businesses there.
Linda Hepner also voted for the new extravagant city hall which has put the city in record debt. We need a mayor that will sell the new city hall and keep the original city hall so they can use that money to pay for more police in Newton and Whalley. Linda Hepner would be a step backwards for Surrey not a step forward. Say Hello to the new boss, same as the old boss. Go Godzilla.
A billion dollars a year in a regional gas tax isn't enough, the Mayors glutton council wants more. They've put an additional car levy and regional sales tax back on the table to pay for their Gwyn Morgan Evergreen line scam. Fire them. Tax and spend lunatics Be Gone.
Arrest made in Surrey Murder

Kim Bolan and Global are both reporting that the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has arrested 42-year-old Dustin Barry Anderson for the murder of 33-year-old Shaunce Poirier. Anderson is known to police and faces one count of 2nd degree murder.
Shaunce Poirier was shot dead on Monday June 16 close to the Front Room in Surrey. He struggled with addiction. What are the odds he was killed for a drug debt? The suspect they have arrested appears to be a drug debt enforcer. He has a long criminal history for theft, fraud, trafficking, uttering threats and the possession of stolen property. In Kelowna he teamed up with his girlfriend to confine and brutalize a young woman they believed owed a debt. Similar MO to Larry Mizen.
The fact that IHIT has an arrest in this murder already is awesome. However, this public gun violence is further evidence of what happens when you let drug dealers sell crack in Newton and outside the Front Room in Whalley. Letting them sell crack in public creates a huge amount of violent crime in the community.
Another point I want to make is here we have another drug debt enforcer with a history of theft, fraud and possession of stolen property. In Larry Mizen's case, he has a long history of extorting and ripping people off he claims owed drug debts. In this case we have another drug debt enforcer who is nothing but a thief himself.
It's the same with the Hells Angels in Kelowna. David Giles and the Kelowna Hells Angels were charged in another large drug trafficking ring and at the same time they were running a stolen car, boat and motorcycle ring where they were revining stolen cars including ones they themselves fraudulently reported stolen to scam the insurance. That is low life.
More recently the Vancouver Province ran an article about a large amount of stolen property that was recovered from a home as well as various types of drugs. Drug dealers fencing stolen property. This is the tapeworm economy that Catherine Auston Fitts talked about. These are the parasites in society that are ripping off people who work for a living. In Vince McMurchy's case, that slimy drug dealer was already making good money as a longshoreman. He wanted more. He was consumed with greed and a huge amount of predatory violence and exploitation was the result.
These are human beings that we are letting become exploited by predatory drug dealers. Sadly, Shaunce had the Better Safe than Surrey logo as his profile picture on facebook. After making a philosophical post about being able to look at oneself in the mirror he made a post about being sad right before he was shot dead. No doubt someone was harassing him for a drug debt. We need to arrest the predatory drug dealers not the homeless they brutalize. Shaunce was the one in the hat.
In Maple Ridge another associate of Jesse Haddan has died of a suspicious suicide. I'll write about it and a few other cases related to it after the funeral.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Another shooting in East Vancovuer
Things have sure warmed up across the board. Kim Bolan is reporting that there was another shooting in Vancouver today. A 22 year old male was shot near Abbott and Keefer. He walked to St Paul's hospital at 2:30 AM where he was treated and released into police custody but is uncooperative with police.
A police spokesperson came out with the same old nonsense about how violent crime is decreasing over all so all these public shootings are nothing to worry about. Violent crime is not decreasing in East Vancouver. Crime statistics are being suppressed because they closed the local police station to public access. Stabbings happen there on a daily basis.
“The shootings and violence that you are seeing right now – these are targeted incidents they are generally involving people that are involved in high risk behavior, high-risk activity – gang activity, drug activity,” Montague said. True. That means we should be arresting the drug dealers that sell crack in public if we want to reduce this kind of perpetual public gun violence. The New York model is somewhat more effective than the bullsh*t model.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
No public safety concerns in Surrey
The Vancouver Province is reporting that University of the Fraser Valley criminologist Irwin Cohen, a member of Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts’s homicide task force claims “It’s always concerning when you have three homicides in a short period of time, however, understanding the dynamic of the homicide is very important when assessing how at risk you are or if your community is safe or less safe.” IHIT spokesman Sgt. Bari Emam said in a news release: “We have no public safety concerns as a result of this case.” Hey Bill Fordy: TRANSFER!
Shooting at Brentwood Mall

ScanBC is reporting that #Burnaby #RCMP are investigating after a person was shot several times at Brentwood Mall in Burnaby last night. AM 730 is reporting that RCMP say the victim has non life threatening injuries. Surrey stabbing at 90 Ave & 121 St. Another in East Van. We rarely hear about all the stabbings that go on in the city on a regular basis. Especially in the DTES.
Global is reporting that the three Hells Angels that escaped a Quebec prison in a helicopter have been captured in Montreal.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Surrey Shootings - Clayton Heights and Whiterock

A drive-by shooting in Clayton Heights Wednesday afternoon that left a man wounded. The shooting took place in front of a business complex in the 7200 block of 192A St. about 3:30 p.m. Clayton Heights is a nice area near the Langley border but several gang bangers have moved into the neighborhood.
Kim Bolan is reporting that Shaunce Poirier is the name of the victim shot in Surrey Monday. There was a stabbing fatality yesterday in Newton and a dead body found in the Fraser river under the Pattullo Bridge Tuesday. Scan BC reported that #Vancouver Police were on scene with a male shot several times in a restaurant at 5073 Victoria Dr. Suspect fled in a silver vehicle.
The Vancouver Province reported that shooting was at the Lam Hoa Quan Restaurant on Victoria Drive, near East 34th. Investigators believe the gunman walked into the restaurant through a rear entrance, shot the victim, and left the same way. The shooting is the third in East Vancouver so far in June and follows the shooting of a man in March in nearly the same location.
Scan BC is now reporting that #Surrey #RCMP have located a body in a house at 2500 156 St (Whiterock). Homicide Team called as circumstances are suspicious. Kim Bolan reported that "Someone wearing HA support wear showed up at police tape, gave details of scene to someone on phone and left. Wouldn't give his name." She seemed to have been on scene tweeting a play by play after SWAT was called in and left without an arrest.
Kim Bolan is reporting that the name of this victim was Timothy Szabolcsi. Seemingly he was a con man that apeared on Dr. Phil.
Pipeline Promises

The Pipeline Protests have begun. After unilaterally removing BC's say in the proposal to build a pipeline for dirty tar sands oil across the province to be refined in Kitamat, Stephen Harper announced they have decided to proceed regardless of local concerns. Time for some court action with Stephen Harper's name on it. Especially when it comes to legal liability for damages when that pipeline leaks. No corporations without legal liability here. We need to make Stephen Harper personally liable.
Before I examine some of the very significant local concerns about the pipeline let's remember that Stephen Harper removed BC's say in the matter. That was yet another step away from democracy and another giant leap away from the principles of the Reform Party Stephen Harper has prostituted. The Reform Party promised referendums. Stephen Harper bans them.
Let me say I'm not against the idea of a pipeline. I'm just totally against how they're doing it. First, it's not refined oil going through the pipeline it's dirty tar sands oil. When that leaks and we know it will, it creates a much more significant amount of environmental damage to our drinking water.
So why not refine it at source? Why risk putting that extra toxic substance though the pipeline? Why? The other obvious concern is what to do with the petroleum coke byproduct. Detroit had a mountain of petroleum coke from Canadian Tar sands oil brought to them by Enbridge and they just didn't know what to do with it. If we don't refine it at source we will need a plan in place what to do with all that byproduct in Kitimat because putting that toxic mess onto tankers is just way too high risk for navigating our precious coastline.
Why Enbridge? They have a horrible record for pipeline maintenance and oils spills in the United States. They have we used tax dollars to create a oil monopoly and thereby destroyed the free market. Years ago the United States Supreme court ruled that illegal when the Rockefellers used ruthless tactics to obtain an monopoly on the oil through Standard oil. Anti trust laws forbade it. Now politicians who get kickbacks in campaign contributions call it good business. That is wrong. An oil monopoly is bad for Canada and most certainly bad for consumers.
Why China? Why give China our oil rights and our oil profits? Selling China oil is good business. Giving them our oil rights and our oil profits is not. Now when we get gouged at the pump because their is no free market, China gets those profits not Canada. That is messed up.
What assurance do we have that Enbridge will do a better job at pipeline maintenance and leak clean ups then they have done in the United States? Right now they are the wrong choice.
Alberta won't pay for BC oil spill clean up
Third Alberta Oil Spill in Six Weeks
Enbridge Oil spills in Wisconsin
A Damning Indictment
Enbridge Gag Orders
The Nestucca Story
Nationalizing the oil in Canada would benefit taxpayers and consumers both.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Teachers strike: Everyone’s a Loser

I was trying to bite my tongue on the subject of the teachers strike but it’s just so upsetting. Both sides are wrong and the kids are the ones who suffer. Just like in a bad divorce. I really get upset when I see teachers with signs that say think of the kids or smaller classes matter.
Education does matter. Kids matter. Screwing up their education every couple years with work to rule or strikes screws up their education. You’re only in school once. You only graduate once. The selfishness and the dishonesty is infuriating. So does that mean you are willing to take a zero percent wage increase if they reduce class size? I think not. For the first time in my life I have an uncontrollable urge to yell out Go back to work when I see teachers on the picket line this time.
The Liberal government is no better. Persistent lies to the media. Knowingly breaking court orders. If you legislate someone back to work you have to get a fair arbitrator. Not a loaded deck. OK so the teachers want another raise. Who’s going to pay for it? The taxpayers. Clearly the fiscal mismanagement of the Liberal government isn’t helping. If they didn’t screw up BC Hydro there would be plenty on money for teachers.
Think about it. In Christy Clark’s fudge it budget she claimed that she anticipated extracting a dividend from BC Hydro to balance the budget. That claim was fraud knowing full well after Gordon Campbell privatized the power brokers that sell power to the public company at above market rates they created a perpetual ballooning deficit that is about to swallow taxpayers whole. Yet if they hadn’t privatized the power brokers that sell power to BC Hydro at above market rates, they would have been able to extract a dividend to balance the budget. That would have been good business.
Instead they took that tax revenue away from the people and put it into the hands of private corporations that contribute to their political campaigns. That isn’t just bad business, it is a criminal act. If we fixed BC Hydro and got rid of Gordon Campbell’s insider trading power brokers that are ripping off taxpayers at an astonishing rate, we’d have plenty of money for teachers and a balanced budget as well. Imagine that. In the Greek financial crisis what was public money became private money then disappeared. Just like BC Rail.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Hells Angels Associate in Courtenay faces weapons charges

The Times Colonist is reporting that Bryce Cameron McDonald, 32, from Courtenay faces more than a dozen charges six months after a massive cache of weapons was seized from his home. He was arrested Dec. 19, the same day an RCMP emergency response team raided two homes and a storage locker in Courtenay.
Inside the storage locker and lockbox police found 19 firearms, including five handguns, 11 rifles, three shotguns and one loaded nine-millimetre semi-automatic handgun. Police also found thousands of rounds of ammunition, firearms parts, a Taser, a baton, and brass knuckles. Officers also seized six grams of crack cocaine, a machete and equipment believed to be used for the sale of drugs. McDonald's next court appearance is July 10 at 9 a.m. in Courtenay.
Another Hells Angels associate caught with guns and crack. Go figure.

Surrey Shooting 108 Ave and 133 Street
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Reflecting on Normandy: Maggie What have we done?

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the day of the initial assaults liberating Normandy on Tuesday 6 June 1944, the Legion Magazine has put out a pretty spectacular special edition as a tribute to that colossal and historic sacrifice. This Father's Day I want to remember all the noble soldiers who gave up their chance to become fathers and in so doing became fathers of freedom for us all. Lest we forget our freedom was bought with a price and can just as easily be lost if we do not remain vigilant and true to the same principles those great men fought and died for.
World War I and II were clear cut good versus evil. Fascism was invading and oppressing Europe and the world united to oppose them. After that victory there was a dark evil created from within that had the same mandate the enemy on the other side of the battlefield had. To destroy our liberty. Yet this new enemy that was created from within was based on fraud and deceit.
After the war Winston Churchill wrote a book called a Warning to the West. In that book he talked about one of his greatest concerns. He said that everyone was so focused on overcoming Fascism, that they missed another similar threat from one of our Allies, the threat of Communism. He describes in detail how Poland was tricked. How Stalin "liberated" them from the Nazis only to oppress them with Communism which continued to oppress eastern Europe for many years after the war. In east Berlin the machine guns were turned inwards to prevent occupants from escaping.
The Korean War was an extension of that struggle. Communism fueled by China took over north Korea and tried tio invade and oppress south Korea. Canada was right in helping repel that invasion. Vietnam was similar. Canada was wrong for not helping in that conflict. Yet Iraq changed everything and that deception was based on the evil from within that was created after the second world war. It was the creation of the CIA. That was the secret society Kennedy warned us about.
Two significant changes have occurred since World War II. In Vietnam the CIA began it's drug trafficking addiction under the direction of George Bush senior. In Iraq MI-6 began a campaign of deception known as Mass Appeal intentionally sending out false information about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Bush said Iraq has them, invaded and when proved to be wrong declared mission accomplished. The invasion of Iraq was about oil not weapons of mass destruction.
This is the colossal change that has taken place since World War II. When armies defend corporations not countries and civilians. A change that is continuing in Colombia where Canadian oil companies are protected by Canadian and US troops. These oil companies don't represent Canada. They represent private corporations obsessed with profit at the expense of consumers and taxpayers alike. Just like in Afghanistan.
One minute the US oil companies are wining and dining the Taliban trying to win the contract for the Central Asia Gas pipeline through Afghanistan and as soon as they award the contract to a firm from Argentina, they were invaded and that decision was reversed. Afghanistan is a clear example of the double deception of modern times. Military used to promote corporate interests as well as the "intelligence" communities addiction to drug trafficking. Right before the invasion of Afghanistan the Taliban had almost completely stopped the production of opium. After the allied invasion the production of opium increased each year to record levels with US military actually protecting the opium crops.
Libya was another example of a war we should not have been involved in. It was about oil not freedom. One minute Sarkozy was trying to convince the world we should trust Gaddafi with nuclear power then as soon as Gaddafi turns down the bid to buy a French Reactor and buy one from somewhere else, we helped that dirty dog invade and execute his biggest campaign contributor.
It's like the Pink Floyd album The Final Cut Requiem for a Post War Dream where they ask Maggie, what have we done? Referring of course to Maggie Thatcher and the noble ideals we once fought to uphold. Things have indeed changed considerably since them. Who hath done this? Who hath corrupted the fruit of the vineyard? An enemy hath done this. An enemy from within.
We cannot talk about criminal organizations like the Hells Angels without talking about criminal organizations like CSEC. CSEC's mandate is to break the law and spy on Canadians and allies without a warrant. In Brazil CSEC was caught spying on people on behalf of corporations. This has taken us to a place where corrupt politicians say one thing and do another. They say they are right wing and believe in protecting freedom, balancing budgets and reducing taxes but they do the exact opposite. A $1.2 billion spy palace is indeed a waste of money. So is losing billions of tax dollars a year from their budget. If that isn't terrorism I don't know what is. What have we done?

Nationalizing the oil or mining rights is not a bad idea. It balances the budget and reduces taxes. One of the purposes of Operation Fast and Furious was to overturn the Nationalization of Mexico's oil and take those profits out of the hands of the people and put it into the hands of a corporation.
Hells Angels can’t keep Toronto clubhouse
The Toronto Star and the Metro News is reporting that Hells Angels can’t keep Toronto clubhouse says Ontario’s top court. The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has lost a bid to hang on to its old clubhouse on Eastern Ave. On Friday, the Ontario Court of Appeal quashed a court challenge by the bikers to win back their fortified east-end clubhouse.
“The property was the quintessential example of real property as offence-related property,” they argued. “It was not a residence by any conventional stretch of the imagination, but was instead a fortified bunker and served as the pivot point around which multiple designated substance offences revolved.” Ontario courts are much better than BC courts but Ontario courts are still at risk.
The Hells Angles lost control of the building in April 2007, when dozens of police with battering rams burst in and seized control as part of a project against drug trafficking. In the trial that followed, the downtown Angels’ charter was not declared a criminal organization but several members were found guilty of drug-related offences.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Interview with Kerri Krysko’s Nanny

I had the opportunity to meet and interview Kerri Krysko’s Nanny the other night. Everyone talks about this supposed Nanny Kerri had so I thought it would be prudent to seek her out and find out what she had to say. Turns out she was a baby sitter not a nanny.
She first started working for Kerri and her husband when she was 15 years old. Kerri asked her to baby sit her kids on New Years Eve one year. She said that she was very close to Kerri claiming that Kerri helped raise her and was like a second mother to her.
I obviously asked her about the violence. I asked her if she ever saw Kerri’s ex hit her. She was clear and said yes she had. She had seen him hit her, threaten to hit her and she saw the physical signs of beatings. Sad. It’s still hard for her to talk about it years later. She said it was hard for her to deal with it when she was young and was amazed Kerri was able to write it all down in a book. She said that everything Kerri described in her book about the violence was true.
She described one instance when she saw Kerri’s ex grab Kerri by the throat and punch her in the left eye. She admits that when people asked her about it previously, she was scared and denied she actually saw that at the time. Now she clearly states that she did indeed see that. She states she was afraid of the ex’s violent temperament and his membership with the Hells Angels.
No doubt being so young, it was also hard for her to choose sides like any child in a domestic dispute. Kids don’t want to have to choose sides in a marital breakdown and they shouldn’t have to. They should have to lie about violence either. Letting them be honest about what they saw and heard helps them deal with it.
The Nanny is referred to as Desire in Kerri’s book to protect her identity and is introduced on page 240. Desire told me about another instance when she was visiting them at a apartment while they were building a new home. She was standing outside in the hallway by the fire door and could hear Kerri’s ex yelling at her ordering her to stand in the bathtub so that when he beat her she could wash the blood off before the ambulance came. There was another instance where Desire saw Kerri’s lip bleeding after she was hit in the face with a pool stick.
Again it was hard for her to talk about these situations as she was young and it brought back bad memories for her. Interestingly enough, going through these traumatic experiences helped her choose a career path and is trained to work as community outreach in Transition homes.
She told me her only concern was to protect a mother and her wonderful children from violence. She remembered after the separation, Kerri brought the kids to see her ex to a home where they could visit their father in a supervised access visit. With tears in her eyes she said she couldn’t understand how they would let the father see the kids after what he had done.
I promptly asked if he had ever hit the kids and she said no. I then explained that the courts can seem heartless. If the parents argue and the husband beats the wife, that is seen as a different matter than him beating the kids. If the mother and father are separated and he doesn’t beat the kids, the courts tend to believe that continuing the fathers access to the children is in their best interest. That way they don’t have to deal with feelings of abandonment as they process some of the violent acts they witnessed.
In fact, having been a single parent myself, I clearly remember watching an important video on Parenting after Separation. The father just got off the phone with his ex and in front of the daughter started going off on what a b*tch she was. Then the video showed the daughter thinking to herself, If my mother is a b*tch and I’m half my mom, then I must be a b*tch. It was heartbreaking and instilled in me early on how important it is not to trash the other parent in front of the kids.
Which kinda makes writing a book about an abusive marriage problematic. You don’t want to trash the other parent but you want to be honest about what happened so the kids understand what is normal and acceptable and what isn’t.
Previously I used the example how do you tell Luke Skywalker his father is Darth Vader? Simply by being honest about it. Your father did some bad things but he was not all bad. No one is. He did have some good in him. In Darth Vader’s case, it was his son’s belief in the good in him which helped him forsake the dark side and return to the light.
Desire did mention three occasions where she found some pretty bizarre things in the guestroom. I’m not even going to go there. I’ll just say that it’s pretty shocking as those items were things you’d expect to see in a prison shower not in a Hells Angels' guestroom.
Desire was clear that her concerns had nothing to do with the Hells Angels and that she still had a closet full of support gear. She was just concerned about the kids being exposed to such violence and for Kerri’s safety. She did admit that a lot of the conduct contradicted what she normally thought was acceptable for Hells Angels members and agreed that in Kerri’s next book, that aspect of the conflict will become clear. Desire was clear that Kerri did not use drugs.
Kerri Krysko will be releasing her e-book in July.
Mayors' Glutton Council is out of control

The Metro Vancouver Mayors' Council of Gluttons is completely out of control and should be disbanded. That was the prophetic warning of a wise MLA many years ago. Now we can clearly see why. Their mandate is to tax and spend consumers right into slavery so they can fill their pockets and justify their indulgence. This is not right wing. This is not progressive. These are not conservative values. This is Corporate Communism in action gouging consumers and binding them with debt. They should be fired.
The new news is the announcement that Mayors’ Council approves transportation vision as though this insane tax and spend vision of slavery is somehow a good thing. They are trying to pretend to be right wing and build roads to improve transportation but that is very far from the truth. Everyone knows the Pattullo bridge needs to be replaced. That is not what this is about. This is about pouring over 7 billion more tax dollars on top of the billion dollar a year metro Vancouver gas tax into the fiscal nightmare known as Translink.
Translink is completely mismanaged. It should be self reliant. If it was the billion dollar a year metro gas tax could easily pay for the new Port Mann and Pattullo bridges without any tolls whatsoever. Instead we see sweetheart deals between corrupt politicians and the developers that contribute to their political campaigns that results is a colossal waste of tax dollars. Take Gwyn Morgan for example. Please. Take him far far away.
Here we have a Pee Wee Herman spin doctor that pretends to be right wing when in reality he is anything but. He's just another pork barrel politician that lines his pockets at taxpayers expense. When Translink gives millions of free rides away every year, that is mismanagement. No private company would survive doing that in the real world. Spending billions of tax dollars to expand the Evergreen line when they can't balance their existing budget is fiscal irresponsibly.
Ya know why? Gwyn Morgan got the contract for the Evergreen line awarded to SNCL when he was acting CEO after they were charged with massive fraud in Quebec. If that is not a criminal act, I don't know what is. The World Bank has banned SNCL from World Bank projects for the next 10 years so we give them billions of tax dollars for a mismanaged Translink project and they still want more money to line their pockets. Go figure. That is bad business.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Large Pot and Heroin bust in Edmonton

CTV is reporting that three Edmonton men and two from Chilliwack, B.C., are facing charges after 292 kilos of marijuana, 14.1 kilos of heroin and 6 kilos of hashish were seized as part of a joint partnership between the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) in Edmonton on June 4.
Global is reporting that on June 4, three Edmonton men were arrested at a west Edmonton storage facility and 95 kilograms of marijuana and six kilograms of hash were seized. Two men were arrested on the same day at the Canada Border Services Agency’s commercial facility at the Edmonton International Airport. The two men were driving a semi-tractor trailer. One hundred ninety-seven kilograms of marijuana was found inside the trailer, and 14 bricks of heroin were discovered in a hidden storage compartment underneath the trailer.
“Our information suggests this shipment originated in Vancouver. It made a stop in Calgary, before arriving in Edmonton, and the transport truck was also scheduled to stop in Regina and Winnipeg, with a final destination in Toronto,” said Inspector Darcy Strang, ALERT. those are all HA distribution points. Not surprising since the Hells Angels control the BC bud but surprising to see them with the largest heroin bust in Alberta's history. We know that Big tony sold heroin for the Hells Angels in East Vancouver.
Five people have been arrested, and are facing a number of drug charges: Dustin Stone, 24, from Edmonton, Douglas Dach, 51, from Edmonton, Samuel Hutsulak, 24, from Edmonton, Barry Grindrod, 55, from Chilliwack, Kodie Grindrod, 21, from Chilliwack. Police believe the five men are connected to large organized crime groups. Gee I wonder which one?
Global has pictures of three of the suspects on their web site. The picture above is of Barry Grindrod from Chilliwack. He owns a long haul trailer. Kodie is Barry's son. Looks like Barry is the Rob Shannon replacement. That mush heroin shows that the Hells Angels have worked with the Triads since before the loft six shooting. Notice that this was an ALERT bust not a EPS bust.

It's obvious that Barry worked for the Hells Angels. Yet it's also obvious Barry wasn't a Hells Angel member or associate nor was he some hardened criminal. Barry was just a normal guy with a normal family trying to make ends meet. Just like Rob Shannon he got a bit greedy from the amount of money to be made hauling drugs for the Hells Angels. Locking him in prison for 30 years won't stop the Hells Angels drug trafficking network. There will be a line up of guys to take his place. Arresting the people he worked for will make a dent in the misery that network profits from.

Heroin bust at YVR
CTV is reporting that a Vancouver International Airport employee and another man have been charged after police found 35 kilograms of heroin secreted away in shipped goods. Airport worker Randy Norman Per, 42, and Tenny Guon Lim, 34, were arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking.
I'm a bit confused as to why a heroin bust is such big news when it comes into the country but the police let them sell heroin cut with fentanyl on the street and not arrest the drug traffickers in the DTES. A bust like this is good and makes for a great headline but why stop there? Why not follow through and arrest the dealers on the street. It makes no sense to me at all.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Yaletown shooting

CBC is reporting that after a man was shot near a Starbucks store in Vancouver this morning, the suspect was chased to Science World where shots were exchanged with police officers, leaving the suspect with a bullet wound and an officer with injuries from broken glass. Police said the shooting victim was a 52-year-old man. Several witnesses told CBC News that the victim was Paul Dragan, owner of the Reckless bike shop on Davie Street. Surprisingly enough this one doesn't sound gang related. It sounds like a crazed disgruntled employee. We had one of those on Vancouver Island not too long ago. Tragic. Yet the drug related shootings are avoidable.
Catherine Galliford and Grant Wakefield are Cousins

In the wake of the Jim Brown cover up hearing we find out that Catherine Galliford and Grant Wakefield are cousins. Catherine Galliford was the RCMP spokesperson during the Pickton arrest and the Air India scandal. After going public with her sexual harassment complaint several other female RCMP officers joined a class action law suit with Klein/Lyons. Catherine isn't part of the class action. She just has her own complaint that has fallen on deaf ears.
Grant Wakefild was the whistle blower that pointed out Jim Brown still had BDSM pictures on the Internet soliciting sexual partners who are into BDSM which the RCMP did nothing about. He claimed he was looking for a BDSM slave. That was on the public profile I saw. The RCMP had investigated it and did nothing about it so the media started making inquiries. After the public uproar the police launched a second bogus disciplinary hearing which was supposed to happen today but they aren't letting the public know anything about it.
It turns out these two stalwart individuals are cousins. When the RCMP illegally searched Grant's home he was asked about his cousin. That had nothing to do with the DVD they claimed they were looking for. The one they thought Jim Brown had that was pertinent to the Pickton investigation. Instead of searching Jim Brown's home for it they searched Grant Wakefield's home and seized his computer hard drive. They stole private property and have not returned it. That is theft. Sgt. Dave Chauhan's unprofessional conduct during that illegal search was disgusting.
CBC already reported on the disturbing abuse of power the RCMP exhibited when they illegally searched Grant Wakefield's home and stole his personal property. It had all the appearances of a cover up. Jim Brown erroneously sued Grant as well as Cameron Ward, the lawyer for the families of the missing women in the Inquiry for defamation. Jim Brown lied and said it was a private profile he posted pictures on which was false. I saw the public profile myself. I didn't have to log into anything to see it. The RCMP seized pictures from Grant's hard drive so he couldn't defend himself in that court action. They aided and abetted that disgusting cover up. Again.
Just as Stephen Harper slandered Catherine Galliford for being a whistle blower, Jim Brown slandered Grant Wakefield claiming he was some kind of fraudster. In reality Jim Brown admitted Grant Wakefield was employed as a police agent August 1999 on the Pickton farm. September his contract was terminated because the police "no longer considered Robert Pickton a suspect in the murders." That's a whole other cover up all on it's own. The point is, Grant Wakefield was a police agent not a fraudster and Jim Brown knew that. Jim Brown knew Grant Wakefield had dirt on him and the RCMP helped Jim Brown censor and harass him. That is shameful.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Diane Rock and Vince McMurchy

We've already talked about how the Dianne Rock story has blown the lid off the Pickton cover up. Her friend Janice Edwards testified how she picked Dianne up at a gas station after she was gang raped at the Pickton farm. A colleague gave me a copy of the cross examination of Janice Edwards from the preliminary hearing at Port Coquitlam in a brown envelope.
The transcript states Janice Edwards picked up Dianne Rock from the gas station the second time in August 2001. She was badly bruised and was hysterical. Janice stated Diane's arms had marks on them like she was being held tightly with human hands. Obviously skeptics will challenge the credibility of Dianne Rock claiming she was "just a drug addicted sex trade worker" but Janice Edwards was not. She saw the physical effects of assault. She also gives startling testimony on how Dianne Rock got addicted to drugs.
We already mentioned how the book On the Farm claims Diane Rock's boyfriend was a longshoreman named Vince McMurchy. The court transcript goes into detail about that relationship. I will clarify that the court transcript was covered by a Section 539 publication ban. That is a publication ban according to section 539 of the criminal code. It was fulfilled when Robert Pickton was convicted and his appeal had been heard. Stevie Cameron wrote the book On the Farm about the trial and had to wait until Pickton's appeal had been heard before she was able to publish her book which she did in 2010. The publication ban on the Pckton trial has expired. If it wasn't, Stevie Cameron would have had to have pulled her book from the shelves.
Alright, so here it is. Janice Edwards testified that Dianne Rock was off the drugs. She stated it was her boyfriend Vince McMurchy that reintroduced her to drugs. They went to a party and he told her it was OK to do a little bit. That is what Janice Edwards stated Dianne Rock told her at the time. Not after the addiction had taken hold of her.
The lawyer asked Janice if Dianne supported her addiction working as a sex trade worker. Janice said yes, towards the end she did. The last few months of her life. From July until she went missing in August 2001. Before dating and living with Vince McMurchy, Dianne Rock was not addicted to drugs and was not a sex trade worker. He was the one who got her addicted to drugs and she ended up having to work as a sex trade worker to pay for the drugs.
Janice Edwards testified that Dianne Rock told her Vince McMurchy sold drugs and was the one supplying her. Janice testified that Dianne didn't use heroin she used crack. Obviously Vince McMurchy was not on trial. Janice was simply testifying to what Dianne Rock had told her before she disappeared. Before the drug addiction took over her. This is clearly hearsay evidence. I have heard it said that "Hearsay evidence is not admissible in court. Much. The admissibility of hearsay evidence is up to the judge's discretion as to how much weight it bears in court." However, this is not a court of law. This is just a blog quoting a court transcript of which the publication ban has clearly expired. I will leave it up to you to discern what merit this evidence bears.
Janice Edwards described Diane Rock's relationship with Vince McMurchy as abusive. She claims that Dianne confided in her that Vince beat her and that Janice saw physical evidence of his beatings. Janice said she did not contact the police about it at the time but did encourage Diane to go to the police about it which she unfortunately didn't.
Aside from the physical beatings Janice testified to the verbal abuse as well. She could hear him yelling at her in the background when Diane was on the phone with her. Janice testified that Vince had said Dianne was better off dead and told her that he was going to kill Dianne and dump her body in a ditch in Ladner. He had even driven Diane out to the spot in Ladner where he told her he was going to dump her body after he killed her.
Clearly the line of questioning by the defense is trying to establish other possible suspects in Diane Rock's murder. Do I think Vince McMurchy killed Diane Rock? No I do not. He did threaten to kill her and he was abusive to her. Although he definitely is a suspect in her murder I don't think he actually killed her. I think he exploited her, was abusive to her and cast her aside when he was finished with her. Finished making money off of her that is.
In my opinion the testimony of Janice Edwards sheds light on the making of a predator who got a wonderful young mother addicted to crack and forced her into prostitution to pay for the drug so he could make money. Even more money then he already made as a longshoreman which is disgusting. For him to do that was sheer greed.
Obviously not all Longshoremen are abusive to their girlfriends any more than every cop or every Hells Angel is. However, the longshoreman's ties to the Hells Angels and the Hells Angels ties to the Pickton farm need to be examined further as does the fact that Dianne Rock claimed she was gang raped. That would implicate more than one suspect.
Another Hells Angels Helicopter Jail Break in Quebec

CBC is reporting that Provincial police are searching for three inmates with previous ties to the Hells Angels who escaped from a Quebec City detention centre using a helicopter. A Sûreté du Québec spokesperson confirmed to CBC News that the prison break occurred at 7:45 p.m. ET from Orsainville Detention Centre and the inmates fled westbound in a green helicopter. Police are now searching for Yves Denis, 35, Denis Lefebvre, 53, and 49-year-old Serge Pomerleau.
In 2010, Lefebvre was arrested by provincial police after a drug operation bust known as Project Crayfish that led to dozens of arrests. He was reported to have had ties to the Hells Angels. During the bust police seized multiple weapons, 41 vehicles, a plane, a helicopter and $905,000.
The three who escaped ere being held at the detention centre waiting to stand trial, but it was not immediately clear what charges they were facing. NBC posted a picture of the suspects at large.
Special thanks to a blog reader for the revised photo.
Global is reporting that the Treckies have been captured in Montreal.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Border Agents seize ecstasy substitute enroute to Calgary

The Calgary Sun is reporting that Border officials have intercepted a shipment of 10 kg of ethylone originating from China and destined for Calgary, preventing 100,000 doses from hitting the streets.
The Calgary Herald is reporting that Ethylone is an amphetamine-like substance, classified as a “new psychoactive substance.” New psychoactive substances are drug substitutes with similar effects to commonly known substances such as ecstasy or amphetamines.
Hells Angels support shop opens in Nova Scotia
After getting kicked out of Nova Scotia the Hells Angels are still trying to peddle their presence in that fine Province. The New Glasgow News is reporting that Clothing inside a storefront at 181 MacLean Street New Glasgow, Nova Scotia has 81 written on it. Support shirts for the Hells Angels. "A large number of bikes have been seen in front of the building. On Monday morning there was a bike in the window with Gate Keepers written on it. Gate Keepers is an affiliate of the Hells Angels. A man out front said he was there to pick up a part for his bike. Asked if it was a Gate Keepers store, he said it was HA."
Another stabbing at Oppenheimer Park

The Vancouver Province reported that there was another serious stabbing near Oppenheimer Park in East Vancouver. Their eloquent description of the event is as follows:
The trail of dried blood runs from Vancouver's East Hastings Street down Jackson Street to Oppenheimer Park. For almost three blocks, a man suffering from a serious knife wound to his neck staggered early Monday down the notoriously mean streets and then collapsed - all to the horror of a handful of people in the area. Vancouver police were summoned to the Downtown Eastside crime scene by a passerby at about 1 a.m. and found the 41-year-old man covered in blood.
The man, who has yet to be identified, was taken to hospital where he underwent surgery and is now listed in stable condition. "It is bad down here," said Shirley Morgan, 64, who lives close to Oppenheimer Park and visits the park daily, but only during the day. "You don't want to be here late at night. "People get drunk or high on drugs and then start fights," she added.
Once again they are highlighting the drug related violence in the DTES that is continuous but we rarely hear about. They also point out that Oppenheimer Park was the scene of another knife attack in April, with the victim suffering fatal injuries. Residents of the neighbourhood have witnessed shootings, constant injection drug use, crack cocaine-fuelled craziness and mentally-ill people in the depths of despair.
"People get crazy around here," said area resident Sean Keoman, 59. Vancouver police spokesman Sgt. Randy Fincham said that so far this year he said there have been nine serious assaults in the Oppenheimer Park area, compared to only three in the same time frame in 2013. Everyone said that letting the Hells Angels take over the drug trade in Oppenheimer Park cleaned it up. Evidently not.

Moncton RCMP shooting suspect arrested - Motive Update
Obviously the big news is the fact that some white guy in Moncton New Brunswick shot and killed three RCMP officers and wounded two others. The suspect, Justin Bourque has been found and arrested. Still no word on a possible motive for the murders. He did have an interesting link on his facebook to the number of guns Canada sells to terrorist countries. CBC posted an interesting article on the matter. Nevertheless, shooting RCMP officers is off the hook as in messed up.

Update: Blog readers have been trying to discover a motive that would make Justin Bourque target police officers. One possible theory is the murder of Daniel Levesque who was shot and killed by Moncton RCMP in 2013. Daniel was accused of trying to break into a car and he was shot dead by police. The police investigation claimed Daniel was killed by a previous stab wound not by the police shooting. It's kind of hard to visualize how someone would break into a car with a fatal stab wound. The media co-op suggests that Justin Bourque was friends with Daniel Levesque.
If that was the case, then it would reveal a double tragedy. First is the murder of Daniel Levesque which went unpunished. The second is the murder of three other police officers who were likely not unloved in that shooting. It reminds me all too well of the Belfast / Jerusalem dilemma. You kill one of ours and we kill one of yours. That logic fails.
The old law of an eye for an eye never meant that if someone commits murder then you execute some other innocent person from the same race, religion or in this case occupation. Natural justice means if someone commits murder, that person is charged and tried not someone else. Indeed, as Martin Luther King would say, that definition of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
Friday, June 6, 2014
VPD Issue Warning about Bad Heroin

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as good heroin but the Vancouver Province reported that Police are warning drug users to be “extremely cautious” after seven people were reported to have overdosed on heroin Tuesday. The suspected overdoses occurred in the Downtown Eastside, according to a news release from Sgt. Randy Fincham, a VPD spokesman. After issuing the warning about bad heroin on the streets, how about arresting the drug dealers selling it? Wouldn't that be a novel idea?
In B.C., 61 per cent of overdose deaths between 2005 and 2010 were accidental and related to the use of prescription drugs. At St. Paul’s Hospital, there has been an 89-per-cent increase in all addiction-related emergency room visits in the last four years. Evidently Insite is just helping spread the plague. That's not harm reduction, that's harm promotion.
MSN News is reporting that Fatal drug overdoses spike in Montreal as well. Gee you'd think they were getting it from Vancouver. Montreal health workers are battling an influx of fatal drug overdoses. In the last month, 15 people have died of drug overdoses — including six people in the last week alone.
Officials who are investigating the increase in deaths said many factors are at play. One of the possible causes could be that the drugs are being 'cut' — or diluted —with fentanyl. Fentanyl is an anesthetic meant to treat chronic pain. In high concentrations it could stop a person from breathing. A derivative of the drug, desmethyl fentanyl, is chemically modified to be even more potent — it’s considered to be 40 times stronger than heroin. Fentanyl made its first appearance on Montreal’s black market last spring.
Health officials said they are warning drug-users to lower their doses and to inject them slowly. That's it. Make sure you lower your dose of sheer poison and inject it slowly with your government issued needle at Insite where your tax dollars are hard at work killing humans slowly.

Child graves found in Ireland

This one breaks my heart. The Vancouver Province reported that the remains of 796 chidden were buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers in Galway county. What a horrific tragedy. The Province states that County Galway death records showed that the children, mostly babies and toddlers, died often of sickness or disease in the orphanage during the 35 years it operated from 1926 to 1961.
A 1944 government inspection recorded evidence of malnutrition among some of the 271 children then living in the Tuam orphanage alongside 61 unwed mothers. The death records cite sicknesses, diseases, deformities and premature births as causes. This would reflect an Ireland that, in the first half of the 20th century, had one of the worst infant mortality rates in Europe, with tuberculosis rife. The Potato Famine was between 1845 and 1852.
Federal government spying on protesters

The Ottawa citizen is reporting that The federal government is expanding its surveillance of public activities to include all known demonstrations across the country, a move that collects information even on the most mundane of protests by Canadians.
The email requesting such information was sent out Tuesday by the Government Operations Centre in Ottawa to all federal departments. “The Government Operations Centre is seeking your assistance in compiling a comprehensive listing of all known demonstrations which will occur either in your geographical area or that may touch on your mandate,” noted the email, leaked to the Citizen.
So the Canadian government is spying on protestors. No wonder Stephen Harper likes Communist China so much. He’s just like them. The violation of civil liberty in one concern. The other is wasting tax dollars. They are using tax dollars to create a file on you and spy on you for your political affiliations. Not only is that illegal but it is the misappropriation of tax revenue.
Evidently if you exercise your Charter Right to protest Robocalls or GMO foods then that puts you on the list of government surveillance. So can you access this file they have on you through a freedom of information act request or are they breaking those laws too? Please advise.
FIPA has absolutely nothing to do with promoting free trade and everything to do with destroying our democratic system. Just like NAFTA Chapter 11.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre

The Vancouver Province is reporting that as the rest of the world recalls the Tiananmen Square massacre, China forbids its citizens from mentioning the atrocity. I'm still trying to find the link to the story in today's paper which claims numerous people have been imprisoned or gone missing in an attempt to cover up and prevent a public demonstration on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre where Communist soldiers opened fire on university students and activists who demonstrated in support of democracy.
We all remember the famous picture and video clip of one protestor staring down a tank. Yet the important thing to remember is that when the cameras weren't on, the troops started shooting unarmed civilians in public protest. Communism in China is still oppressing civil liberty and the freedom of speech. We should not be supporting that government. At all.
In contrast Stephen Harper goes on a ridiculous tirade about Putin and Russia's history of murder and oppression under Communism. Only that was Stalin not Putin and Russia isn't Communist any more. That's like going off on the current President of Germany because something Hitler did. The war is over. So why Harper is going off on this bizarre Russian tirade is rather astounding since they are no longer Communist but China is and he is bending over backwards for China despite their continued oppression with Communism and their continued civil rights abuses. The double standard is rather astounding.
Not only is he turning a blind eye to Communist China's human rights abuses, but he is once again pushing the sale of Canadian Reactors to China which they can use to make nuclear weapons for North Korea. Instead of selling China oil, he gave China our oil rights so every time we get over charged at the pumps we are funding the military expansion of that Communist dictatorship. So his double standard toward Russia is absolutely bizarre.
Putin is actually protecting Russian churches from being desecrated by those Pussy riot clowns. How is that Communism? It is clear that Harper is a raging lunatic. Robo calls are in the news again,. How is that supporting democracy and public accountability? Veterans are protesting again. How is rolling back veterans' pensions and benefits helping Canada become strong militarily?
Since Russia does have a past history with oppression, that is something to be aware of. When they send MIG fighter jets over the arctic circle to challenge Canada we need to send jets to face them. Only Harper's insider trading yets aren't for the arctic so they can't help protect Canada. They only fill the pockets of the companies his candidates lobbied for.
Stephen Harper has killed traditional Conservative values in Canada. He pimped Preston Manning. He turned the Reform Party's dream of fiscal responsibility and public accountability into a Brian Mulroney nightmare of pork barrel politics, filled with insider trading and the destruction of civil liberty. Stephen Harper is not a Conservative. He is a fraud. This is where the Neo Cons are taking us. Far far away from civil liberty and fiscal responsibility into slavery fueled with lies.
Speaking of lies, check out this ridiculous article by Andrew Coyne reprinted in the Vancouver Province. He starts by going off on the unlawful invasion of Iraq as though that was somehow a good thing. Iraq was invaded based on a lie. Bush said they had WMD and they didn't. MI 6 was caught red handed giving false information to the media about Iraq's WMD and the British weapons inspector who blew the whistle on that premeditated lie died of a suspicious suicide.
The CIA put Saddam Hussein in power. They sold him chemical weapons to use on Iran. It was fine with them when he used chemical weapons he bought from them on Iran. There isn't even proof he was the one that used them on the Kurds. It's possible it was him but it's also possible it was Iran. If it was him, he got the chemical weapons from the Americans. The unlawful invasion of Iraq was wrong. Selling him chemical weapons to use on Iran was wrong. That's all there is to it. Bringing up Iraq is a bad example.
Andrew the crackhead Coyne has the audacity to compare Putin to Saddam Hussein and says now Russia has unilaterally invaded and annexed a part of Ukraine. That's not entirely true. He is protecting the Russian majority in Crimea from a European invasion by the same bankers and "intelligence" agencies that created the Greek financial crisis. The majority of the citizens in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine support Russia not Europe. Those are the facts on the table.
Andrew the crackhead Coyne admits that a leading British anti-war organization, Stop The War, issued a release that not only refrained from criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Crimea, but blamed the whole crisis squarely on the West. Putin has no right to invade western Ukraine but has every right to defend eastern Ukraine from a European invasion. We need to be more concerned with our support of Communism in China that Putin's concern for the Russian majority in eastern Ukraine.
So Harper is sending Canadian troops to Europe to support the invasion of eastern Ukraine against the democratic will of the majority of the citizens living there. Is he going to pay up the current veterans pensions and benefits he rolled back? Please advise. Since he's so worried about the Russian threat, is he going to scrap his huge fleet of insider trading yets that forced him to roll back veterans pensions and benefits and buy a couple of real jets that can actually be used in the arctic to defend Canada from a Russian threat? Please advise.
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