Tuesday, October 1, 2024

John Kerry denounces the First Amendment

This one ties in with church burning. Zero Hedge is reporting that "The World Economic Forum held its 'Sustainable Development Impact Meetings' during last week's United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Speaking at the meeting, far-left elitist and former presidential climate envoy John Kerry expressed frustration to fellow globalists."

Kerry's addressing misinformation and states "if people only go to one source and that source is sick, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, our first amendment stands as a major block to the ability to just hammer it out of existence." Listen to what he's saying here. He's describing the mainstream media. Medical experts testified at a senate hearing that the government was the largest source of Covid misinformation during the pandemic.

The mainstream media is sick, has an agenda and is hammering out disinformation nonstop. He's saying that if you disagree with the government's misinformation, then the First Amendment stand in the way of fixing the problem. He's denouncing the first amendment for f*ck's sake. That raging lunatics has lost his mind. Now listen to his solution.

"What we need is to win the ground. Win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes for you to be able to implement change." The change he wants to make is doing away with the First Amendment and take complete control of all information on all social media platforms. That is Communism for f*ck's sake.

Don't forget John Kerry's ties to the Ukraine. "Mitt Romney's top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $83,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry's stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger's nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US."