Oh how the mighty have fallen. The Vancouver Province ran an article by Senator Larry Campbell in today's paper. It was shameful. One thing he did say was very true. His founding premise. He starts off by admitting what we have been doing in the DTES to address the drug plague isn't working and needs to change. His claim that giving up civl liberty and letting the police open your mail is not a solution worth mentioning when the real solution is screaming in our face.
Larry Campbell used to be mayor of Vancouver. He was our own Davinci who conned us into adapting the Four Pillars Program in the name of compassion which in reality turned out to be the least compassionate thing we could have done. As soon as he sold us the devil's deal, the extremists threw away the three fundamental pillars of the four pillars program and let us run off on a one legged horse which converted harm reduction into harm promotion.
Larry Campbell did not create the problems in the DTES. There have always been alcoholics drinking aftershave in the DTES. Larry Campbell turned the existing problem into an uncontrollable epidemic of greed and exploitation that we now see today.
The new devils deal he is in a conflict of interest for promoting states "All levels of government need to support prescription opiate replacement therapy." Oh the cunning plan of the evil one. This will bankrupt and privatize our public medical system faster than you can say conflict of interest.
He claims "We know that supervised injection sites work to prevent death and address the issues relating to public disorder." No, we have seen it do the exact opposite. It took a bad problem and turned it uncontrollable by letting drug dealers sell harmful drugs publically with no enforcement of the law. Enforcement, Treatment and Prevention are the three key pillars the devil's advocates threw away in favor of harm promotion to assist the predatory drug dealers and the ruthless pharmaceutical companies profit margin at taxpayers expense.
Giving addicts pharmaceutical heroin at the taxpayers expense is absolutely insane. You can't get a MRI, cancer medication or an affordable place to live but you can get free heroin so the pharmaceutical companies can make obscene profits. That is pure evil.
In 2014 the Vancouver Sun reported that Senator Larry Campbell, while acting within ethics guidelines, has put himself in a clear “appearance” of being in a conflict of interest by accepting a post as adviser to a Vancouver company breaking into the medical marijuana business, say ethics experts. The former Vancouver mayor was named Tuesday to an “advisory board” for Vodis Innovative Pharmaceuticals Inc., along with ex-Conservative MP John Reynolds, once one of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s most high-profile allies.
So Larry Campbell has joined Mike Duffy's senators gluttony team and is making money on the side by promoting pharmaceutical profit. That is a conflict of interest. So here we have it - a drug dealer, service provider and a pharmaceutical pimp:

Two of the three are getting rich at the tax payers expense. The service provider is not. The drug dealer gives her drugs for free then takes all her money when she gets a trick. There is nothing consensual about it. It is pure human trafficking. God damn Larry Campbell and God damn his deal with the devil. Yes I do know that there is a God because in Whalley I shook hands with the devil. Right now the world needs a little more Wayne Moriarty and a lot less Xanadu.
I once heard an American patriot recommend the book None Dare call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen. If you want to know where I am going with all this have a read of that book.
GOD FUCKING BLESS YOUR SOUL DENNIS WATSON. NOW WERE GETTING SOMEWHERE! Nicely fucking said and well done! Fuck yeah. I mean that. Well fucking said. Its about fucking time why isnt this on the front page of the province.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the fight and expose these damn criminals. What theyre doing is not ok!
No two people agree on every issue but I think most people agree what is going on in the DTES and on the Surrey Strip just isn't working.
DeleteThe other thing that safe injection sites have done have given the addicts the notion that if they do overdose someone is their to revive them and so they now care even less than before about the severity of what they are doing.
ReplyDeleteAlso now carfentanil is so strong that in hamilton ontario theyve issued warnings about how just coming into contact through skin / inhalation with it can cause seriously dangerous and life thhreatening circumtances for paramedics, police, and people responding to an overdose.
If that shit is so powerful to do that now all the recreational users are damned, and also innocent people and children are going to die as a result of being exposed to it in their environment which is so damn scary and fucked up.
The pharmacetical companies and polliticians have been in on this plan for a long time.... its been brewing and now people are starting to make the connections.. its all starting to make sense and its fucking scary. Human trafficking is right. The greed of man is the purest evil in existence.
ReplyDeleteIt bears remembering that Larry Campbell is former RCMP, so he's been a part of the problem for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that. He's certainly on the wrong side now.
DeleteLarry Campbell was an RCMP officer and a coronnor before becoming a politician.
ReplyDeletea 4 pillars approach would be good. however that requires tax dollars and that isn't going to happen. when el gordo, aka Gordon Campbell became premier he wanted to reduce taxes and he did. In a country which had the lowest corporate tax rate in the G20. B.C. had the lowest corporate tax rate in Canada. Now when you reduce taxes you de fund government. :When the government doesn't have money you don't have money to pay for kids, seniors, health care, mental health care, decent housing, medical treatment centres, etc. So people got what they wanted lower taxes. Christy Clark has cut so much money out of the budget she now is crowing about the two billion dollar surplus. what has she done with it? well she's handing out $35k loans to first time home buyers, but spending $35K on an addict to detox or get rehab. isnt' going to happen. Spending some of that $2B to add police officers to arrest dealers, not happening because if they arrest them they would have to pay judges, prosecutors, jailers, etc.
We have no one to blame but ourselves for what is going on in this province which the government likes to brag about having the best economy in Canada. Upp and the most drug deaths in Canada. The election comes in May. If people are unhappy about the deaths caused by fent they can exercise their vote or get together and run a candidate on a platform. Until it hits your family people just don't care all that much about people dying. Just look at how many still text and drive. We have the highest rate for deaths and car accidents on that issue also.
Implementing the Four Pillars program by arresting the drug dealers selling drugs tainted with Fentanyl wouldn't cost more money in fact it would save money when you compare it to the millions of tax dollars poured into the DTES that does not get to where it's supposed to go. You are in favor of Harm Reduction like Larry Campbell and I am not. Clearly it has become harm promotion and that is the theme of this blog for the New Year.
DeleteHarm reduction was an idea that sounded good when it was first proposed. Like a lot of such idea's, it has been proven not to work. Time to do something else, which coincidentally is enforce the laws that were on the books before harm reduction came about, ie. vigorously pursue and arrest dealers and importers.
ReplyDeleteThere's a parallel here. All the gun control laws that have been enacted in Canada since 1970 (harm reduction) have done little to stop the criminal element from getting guns. They still steal them, they still smuggle them. These "harm reduction" laws have done nothing to stop anyone from doing violence to others, they merely choose a more convenient tool. This is why the UK has sky high rates of assault/homicide with edged weapons and blunt instruments in the years since the Dunblaine Massacre and the subsequent confiscation of 90% of firearms in civilian hands. This is why the same for Australia, except that in their case the rates of shootings are actually higher now than before the Port Arthur massacre.
It's been well proven that armed civilians = less violent crime. It's not even debatable.
Harm Reduction. An idea whose time has come....and gone.
I wonder where this has been "proven"... That armed civilians create an atmosphere of reduced violent crime. Texas? Florida?
DeleteGuns are a heat score in Toronto, and our homicide rate, during the most violent years, pales in comparison to any of these armed society Utopias where violence has been eradicated by the presence of gun nuts. Indeed, one might notice whatever correlation exists between gun ownership and violent crime goes in the opposite direction. That "armed society is a polite society" crock is disproven about once a week with a spree- killing in America, and daily, with that ridiculous country's homicide rates.
Actually, this just in: "A man who shot and wounded an Arizona state trooper Thursday along a remote highway and then started slamming the helpless officer's head into the pavement as the two struggled was shot to death by passing driver, authorities said."
What was going on between the Coroner and the Undertaker (Larry Campbell and Jim Green) while all those Hells Angels (CIA?) murders were going down at the Pickton pig farm over many years? How closely were they in cahoots?
ReplyDeleteAnd have you covered the Starnet raid anywhere?
I knew Larry Campbell was a coroner before becoming mayor but I didn't realize he was a coroner during the Pickton farm murders.
DeleteI hadn't covered the Starnet raid as that was before I started the blog. It appears similar to raids in Toronto connecting the Hells Angels to illegal online gambling:
One has to question the term illegal online gambling as it would appear the only difference between legal and illegal gambling is one has paid for a permit and the other hasn't. The Pickton cover up in my mind is far more serious.
Media Coverage of Starnet Raid - August 20, 1999
Does the cop being interviewed here by VTV – Cpl. Frank Henley – ring any bells, Dennis? He should:
"Pickton staged cockfights and pit bull fights on his farm." Thus, organized gambling/betting. So it appears that there may well be many more dots to connect here: child trafficking… prostitutes… snuff films… betting… entrapment… Hells Angels/CIA…. (And let us recall that Piggy Palace Good Times Society was a federally-registered charity.)
Yes the Pickton cover up was indeed colossal that involved both bikers and police. As you have pointed out Cpl. Frank Henley was the cop that told Pickton the names of the witnesses who had made allegations against him before he was finally arrested. That was as dirty as it gets.
DeleteAs for the Starnet raid, yes the Orange Number 5 was run by the Hells Angels at the time but I'm not aware of any underagge patrons working there. As for the illegal gaming, that is indeed a crime but it doesn't concern me. Crack and human trafficking concern me. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business.
Bloody, hell, I didn't realize the Starnet raid was tied to the resignation of BC Premier Glen Clark. Evidently the site of their proposed charity casino was the North Burnaby Inn which was also run by the Hells Angels.
DeleteIn its news release, the RCMP said its warrant to search Clark's house "did not allege any criminal activity" on the part of the premier but the mere fact that the RCMP searched a premier's home on television was damaging enough to get the real criminals elected. Ujjal Dosanjh replaced him in the interim and actually balanced the budget with a surplus before the ultimate criminal leapfrogged into office. Gordon Wilson was Good, Gordon Campbell was not. The rest is history. Just look at the BC Hydro fraud. That enslaved BC Taxpayers for generations to come.
Sounds like the fall of Glen Clark was a colossal set up exploited by the opposition like the Fast Ferries. The Fast Ferries was a good idea. It was unfortunate it failed. Using those two events as a springboard for Campbellgate was a complete disaster.
I like Mike Farnworth. He and Bruce Ralston are rock solid. The casino scandal was nothing compared to BC Rail. Yet clearly no political party is perfect. That's why we need to support and opposes issues specifically. I think the NDP could fix the BC Hydro fraud and fund the Gang Task force but I’m concerned they might buy into prescription heroin. All I know is that BC Hydro needs to be fixed.
When you say "synthetic heroin" to what are you referring? BC is allowing dealers to traffic in dilaudid? hydromorphone? oxycontin?
ReplyDeleteI read your site from time to time, I find it entertaining.
Please tell me you are not shit talking the MMT program or suboxone.
The methadone program is being grossly abused and has become one great big pharmaceutical fraud. They don't reduce the doses and turn addicts into lifetime methadone addicts all paid for by the taxpayers. Price Pro can't get government funding because they help addicts get off drugs without turning them into methadone addicts. The slum lords that abuse this program have been well documented.
DeleteNow they was to expand that fraud by adding a whole list of other pharmaceutical drugs including medical grade heroin which would totally bankrupt our public healthcare system. That is insane.
Yes methadone does help some but overall the program is grossly abused.
The methadone program killed my brother in jail.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear that.