Thursday, May 11, 2023

Dean Wiwchar's Vancouver Court Appearance

Dean Wiwchar was scheduled in Vancouver Supreme court today for a Case Management Conference. That's somewhat interesting. That's Larry Amero's other co accused.


  1. What is a case management conference exactly and why would they bother probably moving him around? That would be the same movement that allowed Robby to escape. Wiwchar is a convicted murdered serving multiple life sentences. WTF could possibly warrant this ridiculous waste of tax payers dollars and court time?

    1. To my understanding a Case Management conference is a standard procedure before any trial. What I find interesting is the fact that his trial was split from the others. I'm not sure why they did that. In Jamie Bacon's case is was to hide police misconduct.

    2. Dean is a for real psychopath who enjoys violence, I hear he recently stabbed T-Sav in jail.

  2. I believe he fired his lawyer in the Amereo case

    1. Possible but strange. Larry's lawyer was as high profile as they get.


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