Saturday, May 6, 2023

Maple Ridge considers Public drug use ban

City News is reporitng that "Maple Ridge could be the latest to push back against the B.C. government’s decision to decriminalize the use of hard drugs. Councillors are being asked to consider a ban on drug use in public spaces, including parks, similar to what civic politicians in Kamloops and Sicamous have done. Coun. Ahmed Yousef’s motion is asking for the prohibition of illicit drug use, citing considerations around what effect rampant open drug use in public spaces could have on families and children." Finally someone with a brain. In Nanaimo public rallies call for enforcement in the face of rising crime from open dug use.

Meanwhile back on the ranch the fake news is reporting that "Maple Ridge needs a safe consumption site if city council is going to pass a bylaw prohibiting the open use of hard drugs in parks and public spaces, according to a longtime advocate for the street population. Chris Bossley, who was a prominent voice for the people living in Anita Place Tent City, and who has run as a candidate for city council, said if Maple Ridge Councillor Ahmed Yousef is putting forward the prohibiting motion, he needs to also consider where drug users will go."

God Damn you. There's no such thing as a safe consumption site. Harmful drugs are harmful. We need to adopt the Alberta model which supports treatment, one of the four crucial pillars the liberal freaks in Vancouver threw away. We don't even need a bylaw banning the public use of illicit drugs. It's already illegal. We simply need to enforce the law that already exists.

That is another one of the crucial four pillars the liberal freaks threw away. The Portugal model succeeded because they made treatment mandatory. Treatment, Enforcement and Prevention are essential elements of the four pillars program. Prevention means educating the public on the harmful effects of illicit drugs. It does not mean promoting the use of illicit drugs.


  1. I am wondering. If you offered treatment to all the drug addicts in Maple Ridge what percentage would actually take it and what is the risk of failure for them to recover. How many really want to get off drugs??

    1. Back when we had the tent city in Whalley filled with crime and violence, many there wanted treatment but couldn't get it. The treatment in BC is horrible. They have drug dealers selling drugs at treatment centres. That needs to stop. It's like the housing thing. If you don't want housing, you have to leave. Likewise, if you don't want treatment, you have to leave. We need to stop promoting crime and violence.


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