Monday, February 14, 2022

Edmonton rallies in support of the Truckers Convoy

Justin Trudeau takes a knee at the Truckers Protest

This is why Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise and this is why support for the Truckers is growing exponentially. Justin Trudeau took a knee for the ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter protest. Yet he refused to meet with the truckers and lied about them consistently. He claimed they were a fringe minority of white supremacists - that was a bold faced lie. The concern was vaccine mandates for truckers who sit in a truck all by themselves and don't interact with the public. That was a legitimate concern and he refused to recognize it. If Black Lives Matter, do unvaccinated Black Lives matter? The vast majority of Blacks in New York are unvaccinated.

Today the Conservatives submitted a bill to end the mandates which would have ended the blockades. It was supported by the Bloc because Quebec respects lawful assembly. Communists don't. The bill was defeated by the Liberals and the NDP. We need to remember this next election. If the PPC didn't split the vote, Justin Trudeau would not be Prime Minister.

Instead of recognizing the Truckers legitimate concern, Commodus invoked the War Measures Act. That's what the Emergency Act is. It is the amended War Measures act. It's only supposed to be used in times of war. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did and what Senator Palatine did in Star Wars. This is why people are losing their sh*t. They see the lawless agenda behind it.

I told you, the reason the blockade worked in Alberta is because they have a Conservative Prime Minister. It won't work in Ottawa because Justin Trudeau is a Communist. He does not respect the right to Strike just like all the other Communists before him. The reason why Texas and Florida are free is because they elected Conservatives. If you want to be free, go and do likewise.

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. See you on the battle field.

Moammar Gadhafi was a Socialist. Justin Trudeau is a POS.
The Last Straw for Canadians and for Truckers

Motion on ending mandates - it's that simple

The National Post is reporting that "The Conservatives have put forward a motion calling on the Liberal government to present a plan to end COVID-19 federal mandates and restrictions by the end of the month, a move which is most likely to be adopted with the support of the Bloc Quebecois." If you end the mandate, you end the blockade. The choice is yours. The blockade is a result of your actions. Own it and end the mandates.

Second Liberal MP breaks with Justin Trudeau over pandemic restrictions

Saskatchewan and Alberta lift Covid Restrictions

Update: Motion defeated by the Liberals and the NDP. Lest we forget.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

VIA Rail wants more bailout money after firing 1,000 workers over mandates

True North is reporting that "After laying off a third of its workforce over vaccine mandates and receiving $187.5 million in pandemic bailouts, VIA Rail is now asking the federal government for more taxpayers’ money."

"Last year, the Liberals gave the company $187.5 million in COVID-19 relief as well as for a plan to cover VIA Rail’s deficits. Despite the bailout, the company laid off a third of its workers – totalling 1,016 employees – after the Trudeau government announced a vaccine mandate for federally regulated industries. The same vaccine mandate applied to unvaccinated travellers, who are now prohibited from boarding domestic or international trains and flights."

Justin Trudeau's mandates have done far more damage than a few protesters blocking a bride. Lift the mandates and the blockade end so all business can return to full strength. The lies have gone on long enough. It's time to end the lies and end the mandates.

Justin Trudeau has done more economic damage to this country than any other person in history.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Veterans take down war memorial fence in Ottawa

OK so the fake news is off the hook. The Wheelburner mentioned that the Veterans came to Ottawa and removed the fence Trudeau put around the War Memorial for optics. The veterans took it down. The fake news said the protesters removed the fence. They failed to mention it was the veterans that took it down. We saw veterans speak in support of the convoy.

CBC is disgusting. They claim that Veterans 'saddened' by use of Canadian flag by convoy protesters. Here's what a veteran on the scene had to say to the CBC's misrepresentation of the Convoy. People can see how the media is lying about what's going on and it makes them ask what else have they lied about. The Wheelburner said the veterans also went to Windsor.

The Sikh Freedom Alliance in support of the Truckers

The Sikh Freedom Alliance had a booth set up at the Truck Border protest today so I found a couple of their videos on YouTube in support of the truckers. I work in shipping and receiving. The majority of truckers where I work are Indo Canadian. This is about freedom and inclusion.

Truck Border Crossing shut down in Coverdale

Thousands Gather In Paris To Protest COVID Mandates As French Freedom Convoy Grows

I passed by the Chilliwack convoy on their way to the Truck border crossing in Coverdale after work today. I went home, ran a few errands then rode down to check it out. There were hundreds and hundreds of cars and trucks coming and gong all day. I walked up to the border and saw a few Americans. One woman from Birch Bay said the Canadian police shut down the border on their side around 2:00 PM due to the pedestrian traffic and the American side followed suit shortly there after. They said there was just too many pedestrians for cars to safely pass through.

There was a lot of people there and a lot of cars. The volume was staggering and heart warming. It's hard to describe. People keep saying have you ever seen anything like this before? 2010 Vancouver Olympics after Canada won the gold medal in hockey, perhaps but this is much bigger, much more long lasting and is continuing to grow exponentially. It's like a Woodstock movement of flag waving. Love, peace and freedom is the reoccurring theme. Other than Drea from Rebel News, no mainstream media was seen. The police were very polite and very friendly.
People were coming and going all day. It was very festive.

There was a Freedom Protest at the Osoyoos Border crossing today as well.

Same thing in Ottawa.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Blockades falling on deaf ears

Update: Okanagan convoy supporters now going after Bonnie Henry’s winery - Oh Happy Day!

Lift the mandates and you lift the blockade

Open Letter to the Canadian Truckers from Dr Robert Malone

Trudeau's wretched smear-job of truckers highlights sorry state of Canadian leadership
OK so sh*t be cray yo. There are more border blockades ramping up. This time in Ontario. Before I dive in, I want to clarify that I do not support blockades for the same reason I don't support lockdowns. I'm not saying that because I'm afraid Google will delete another blog post. I don't give a f*ck about Google. They are reprehensible. I use their blog because it's convenient but I can post from my website or another source in a heartbeat if they don't stop f*cking with me.

When the local Communists were blocking trains, I opposed that. I'm all for someone's right to protest. Free speech is protected by law. Yet people have a right to go to work. If you stop me from going to work, you are stealing the money out of my pocket. Do unto others...

As I previously said when talking about the border blockade in Coutts, Alberta, I'm nobody. People are free to do whatever they want. I'm just saying I don't support it even though I understand the intent and sympathize with it. Lets Go Brandon.

I oppose lockdowns for the same reason. The government does not have the right to stop me from going to work over a bullsh*t manufactured emergency the State run media is misrepresenting. When they do that they are stealing the money out of my pocket and we can all see the World Economic Forum's insane agenda.

Putting the blockades into perspective I will compare them with the right to strike. When you go on strike the employees try to do economic damage to their employer in hopes they will cave in to the employees demands or concerns. Yet these lockdowns have caused enough damage. I support business and I support commerce. That is what I support.

The blockade in Coutts, Alberta was very effective. Why was it effective? Walt 'til I tell ye. It was effective because Jason Kenny is a Conservative, or at least pretends to be. Rob Ford doesn't even pretend any more. Jason Kenny cares about a balanced budget. Justin Trudeau does not.

If you do economic damage to Justin Trudeau, he will laugh like a little girl and spend more of your money then blame it on you. If the stores run out of food, he doesn't give a rat's a*s. He will use that opportunity to make you look bad despite the fact that he is the one that has caused the problem. All he had to do was lift the vaccine mandate for cross border truckers because it doesn't make sense. Instead of doing that, he's introducing more vaccine mandates.

Justin Trudeau is a POS. He doesn't give a f*ck about Canadians. He is a glutton that only cares about himself and the World Economic Forum's Communist agenda. That should concern every Canadian including the Socialists. Moammar Gadhafi was a Socialist. He spoke out against the pharmaceutical companies that send out viruses to sell their vaccines like virus software companies send out spyware. He called Covid the fish flu. Fish flu, bat flu - he was close.

Gaddaffi called the pharmaceutical companies that profit from the vaccines greedy capitalists. He was absolutely right. Only they are in bed with Communist China. That makes them Corporate Communists. He said the pharmaceutical companies should not profit from the vaccines. He said if you take away the pharmaceutical companies profit, you'll see a quick stop to all these viruses they keep sending out there. He was right.

My point is that when I was with CUPW, I had a lot of friends who called themselves Communists. They said the Chinese Communists in Red Square call themselves Communists but they aren't really Communists. My response was that's what Communism is but their ideal is what Gaddaffi aspired to not what Xi Jinping aspires to.

Now, back to the blockades. Communists pretend to support Trade Unions but in Communism, Trade Unions don't have the right to strike. That's why Justin Trudeau opposes the truckers. He opposes free collective bargaining and the right to strike. That's all this is. It's the right to strike.

Normally, when one union goes on strike, other unions will respect their picket line. Only scabs cross picket lines. People who live off of others are stealing the bread from their tables. A few years ago, many bicyclists in Vancouver staged protests. They'd block bridges temporarily to raise public awareness. As a result, Vancouver has a lot of bike paths including on the Burrard Street Bridge and the Georgia Street viaduct. It's the same with the truckers. There is no need for them to have vaccine mandates since they don't interact with the public. Omicron was a fraud.

Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau have no right to say a word about economic damage the blockade may cause. Their lockdowns have done far worse and they had absolutely no regard for the economic welfare of voters then. There was a meme going around mocking this that said Justin Trudeau demands truckers stop shutting down businesses so he can. Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford's popularity is in freefall. When Brian Mulroney and Gordon Campbell's popularity sunk that low they resigned. Justin Trudeau won't. That says it all. That's why people are protesting.

All these two clowns can say is look at the damage the blockade is doing. Look at the damage your mandates are doing. Lift the mandates and you lift the blockade. All the damage the blockade is doing is a result of your actions. We all want business to resume. That's up to you.

Why did the legacy media smear the Freedom Convoy?

Jonathan Kay and I go way back and he doesn't even know it. Many years ago he wrote a dystopian adventure in misdirection claiming that despite the fact that the majority of Canadians question the official story behind 9/11, there is no merit to their concerns without citing a single fact. The Vancouver Province reprinted his article and I complained. The editor at the time told me to write my side and he'd print it.

Guys were coming up to me saying Dude, how did you get that article published in the mainstream media? I was like I'm not sure. One minute I'm in an argument with the editor and the next minute he tells me to write my side of the story. That was back when journalism presented both sides of an argument before Harold Munro and Post Media News.

Candice Malcolm said Jonathan Kay recently had an article published in the Washington Post. No offence but that is a huge red flag. The National Post is now owned by Post Media News. This is the infiltrate and lead astray operation like Fox News endorsement of Globalist Republicans.

In the interview with Candace, Jonathon says he's supper into vaccines and is fine with mandates. Yeah, that's what we thought. Post Media News is in damage control. Today on the Morning show at Global, the Canadian version of the View run by Post Media News, they admit that their survey of their viewers show that 46% of Canadians support the Truckers protest.

Fist of all, 46% of their viewers does not represent 46% of Canadians. Second, I don't trust any online poll run by Post Media News. The fact is, they are scrambling to do damage control because their reprehensible lies about the Convoy has pissed off and alienated the majority of their viewers. Everyone who was in the convoy, supported the convoy or watched first had videos of the convoy know Post Media News lied about the Truckers. It was crystal clear.

So now people are starting to do the math. If they lied about that, what else are they lying about? They lied about Omicron. Completely. That was just as clear. So now Post Media News is toning down their attack with the intent of infiltrate and lead astray. Buyer Beware. It's the same owner. An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Calgary Police Officer speaks out off duty

This police officer is a good person. Corporal Daniel Bulford is a good person. So is Constable Erin Howard. They are people of integrity like Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire. Refusing an unethical order is a very Canadian thing to do. Canadian soldiers are not mercenaries. They are volunteers. They have ethics. If we lose our ethics, we become the enemy.

I believe in law enforcement. The Canadian Charter of Rights is the highest law of the land. That is the law we need to enforce. Trailrunner's disdain for law enforcement is not only toxic and unhealthy, it is suspect. He is quite right in that the Americans are watching what's going on in Ottawa. So is the CIA. The CIA is the driving force behind the media's misinformation and the lockdown lie. The CIA does not want the police to support the Truckers. They want to sabotage that relationship and will send agent provocateurs to promote hate and division.

Police on Guard statement in support of the Truckers

In this press conference Former Canadian military & police call on veterans & retired police to come to Ottawa and support the truckers just like they did in Amsterdam to Hold the line. I will say a word about minorities in a free republic.In a constitutional republic or in our case a constitutional monarchy, the minority is protected from the majority by law. For example, if the majority said let's gas all the Jews or gas all the Muslims, that would be forbidden by law even if the democratic majority called for it.

Last year the media promoted the Black Lives Matter riots. Yet now that 72% of blacks in New York are unvaccinated, all of a sudden those lives don't matter to the Mainstream media because it doesn't fit in with their narrative or should I say agenda. So when Liberals say should we listen to the 10% the answer is most definitely yes because the rights of minorities are protected by law.

However, we are looking at more than the 10%. Locking down over Omicron was a fraud to promote boosters. That demonstrates the problem with vaccine passports. As soon as you hit immune system fatigue and stop getting your booster, you are banned from public events. Some people were OK with double vaccination but many of them don't support perpetual boosters. Look at how many billions of tax dollars the pharmaceutical companies are stealing from hospitals and sick kids. That is organized crime.