Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Creating New Christmas Traditions

Not to minimize another local fatality but I want to pause and reflect on the solemnities of the season. I'm starting to get a little bit festive so I am. Usually I'm pretty ornery this time of year. I distance myself from the drama and hype. For many Christmas is a depressing time of year as it is a reminder of bad times or missing lost loved ones. They say there's a high suicide rate at Christmas. That is the concern that I want to address.

If lost loved ones is the concern enjoy the positive memories knowing that life does not end at death. You will see them again but not yet. The spirit world is right here. Our loved ones are not far from us. Surely that knowledge brings peace.

Yet if moving past bad relationships is the concern, thank your lucky stars. Instead of dwelling on the past, sometimes it's nice to start new traditions. Leave some of the old decorations in storage and buy a new decoration. As time passes you will have a collection of new decorations and new memories to replace the less than desirable ones.

I like the German Christmas market in Vancouver. It's also nice to head up the mountains around Christmas since we often don't get much snow in the city. Don't forget the legendary Christmas sale at the Surrey gun store December 7th. There's nothing like a case of ammo under the tree. Now that's keeping it real. If today sucks just remember tomorrow will be a better day.

Nevertheless, sometimes the easiest thing to do is not celebrate Christmas at all. Leave the decorations in storage and let one pass you by. The sky will not fall. The earth will continue to rotate. The sun will rise in the morning. Sometimes it's safer just to let the storm pass you by.

It's time for Dwayne McDonald to leave

October 16th Post Media News announced that Dwayne the double dipper McDonald, Chief of Police in Surrey and Assistant Commissioner for the RCMP in BC was moving on to a new role leading the RCMP’s profit from organized crime task force. Now he's crying about wanting more money for nothing. Surrey is in the process of forming a municipal police force and he has the audacity to criticize the new budget because as always he wants more money. No wonder he has his eyes on a RCMP promotion.

Hiring more RCMP officers that we will have to surplus as soon as we form a municipal force is fiscally irresponsible. Last month the double dipper announced that “Despite my departure from Surrey detachment, I will continue to police in Surrey, as I have since 2007.” Oh so that means the Wolf Pack will still get police escorts to sell cocaine and the Surrey RCMP will continue refusing to arrest the Hells Angels drug dealers out of Shakerz. Thanks for nothing. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Dwayne McDonald may not be a dirty a*s swinger like Bill Fordy and Craig Callen but he is just as morally bankrupt. Mark my word. Hiring a thousand more RCMP officers to give the Wolf Pack police protection will not reduce crime or drug related violence. It's time to try something new.

RCMP budget fraud becomes criminal

Monday, December 2, 2019

YouTube Censorship just got real

60 minutes is reporting that "earlier this year Youtube started reprogramming it's algorithms in the US to recommend *questionable* videos much less and point users who search for that kind of material to *authoritative* sources like News clips." We have just entered the Twilight Zone. Welcome to George Orwell's 1984. The obvious problem is who decides what's questionable and what's authoritative? The Main Stream Media is not authoritative. The Main Stream Media is questionable. Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Fatal shooting in Surrey: Verron Nand

The Surrey Now Leader is reporting that "Homicide detectives say a man was shot dead and another was taken to hospital with serious gunshot wounds shortly before 11 p.m. Sunday, in the 13600-block of 114th Avenue in Surrey. The victims are known to police."

Update: The compromised BC Gang Task force told Dr Kim that the fatality was a Brothers Keepers Associate. As Dr Kim has pointed out, the Brother's Keepers have had internal feuds before. I imagine everything is a bit tense after the Hells Angels killed Suminder Grewal.

Especially since some of the Brothers Keepers were selling in Chilliwack. Global is reporting that a car was found on fire in Burnaby after the recent Surrey shooting. That's more signs of a HA hit than a handful of idiots shooting at each other. Quebec is experiencing the same internal purge BC is. Only the BC HAs are trying to blame rivals to create plausible deniability. Just like Mom Boucher did before the Rock Machine all crossed over.

The Peace arch News is reporting that "Police have released the identity of Surrey’s most recent homicide victim." Verron Nand, 21, was shot dead on Sunday night in Bolivar Heights.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Another Hells Angels crystal meth bust in Thailand

The British Sun is reporting that "Cops in Thailand are hunting a Brit drug kingpin after three Australians with reported links to the Hells Angels were arrested in coordinated raids. The men were busted by vice cops in the notorious Sin City resort of Pattaya and in Buriram province, 250 miles northeast of Bangkok." 1.1 kilos of crystal meth were seized in the raid.

"They believe the three Aussies are connected to the notorious Hells Angels motorcycle gang which is said to have become heavily involved in drugs trafficking across Asia. They are now hunting for Christopher Depp, a Brit they believe is the leader of the drugs cell operating out of the sprawling red light city - a notorious hideout for foreign criminals."

"The police chief said: ''Several police forces worked together to target the transnational drug trafficking gangs which were connected to the Hells Angels and Comanchero gang. They were operating in Pattaya and many people are involved."

The Pattaya Mail is reporting that "Tihomer Stojic, 47, was arrested at his girlfriend’s house in Buri Ram Nov. 28 while Jamie Robert Hanson, 46, and Steven Brett Hovi, 58, were captured in separate raids on their Pattaya homes a day earlier."

"Hanson and Hovi were caught with 1.1 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, a handgun, drug paraphernalia, and financial records of a million baht in drug deals. All those arrested are alleged to be involved in smuggling methamphetamines and heroin from Thailand to the Hells Angels and Comanchero motorcycle gangs in Australia."

Here we have the Hells Angels responsible for the crystal meth epidemic in Australia and across Asia. Why then is the BC Gang task force in bed with them? Answer that.

Aussie Hells Angel arrested for drugs in Thailand

Hells Angels and Crystal meth or Ice in Australia

Spotlight on the Hells Angels in Thailand

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Addressing homelessness without promoting crime and addiction

With rising rents and skyrocketing land prices, homelessness is still an ongoing concern and it is completely separate from addiction. People living out of their cars or RVs are not a threat to social order or world peace. These tent city toilets full of addiction and lawlessness are.

This week in the morning on my way to work I noticed a light in a tent in the forest just off the freeway exit a few days in a row. This person is not a threat to anyone. It is however freaking cold to be staying overnight in a tent right now.

I supported the Woodwards squat but I don't support the tent camp at Oppenheimer Park. Aside from promoting addiction and rape, the camp at Oppenheimer Park is part of the problem not part of the solution. Many years ago when Doug McCallum was mayor, I was opposed to council's attempt to shut down the Front Room, a homeless shelter in Whalley. Then I saw what it became and realized I was on the wrong side. The Front room was a drug house full of brutal exploitation.

When Linda Hepner and the Surrey RCMP shut down the addiction camp outside the Front Room on the Whalley Strip I was in complete support. People need homes not drugs. The BC NDP provided modular housing and the residents were told to go into housing or leave. That was fair and in everyone's best interest.

At that time, there were anti poverty groups trying to oppose the move. Consequently their arterial motives were revealed. Up until that time they pretended to be activists for social housing but when the government offered them housing and they refused, their real agenda became clear.

These weren't anti poverty activists. These were Anarchists and Communists promoting lawlessness. They wanted a place where they could smoke crack and crystal meth in public and say f*ck the Police. They opposed law and order. I do not. I am not an anarchist. Promoting addiction is in no one's best interest. Treatment saved Kati not lethal injection sites.

The Portugal model implemented mandatory treatment. If you want to talk about the Portugal model, talk about that. The problem with the new modular housing is that they have become drug houses just like the Lookout and the Font Room which are all supplied by the Hells Angels. People who don't do drugs are ostracized and bullied until they leave. This needs to change.

Zoning for rental units is a step forward for everyone. Just because they are rental units doesn't mean they have to become drug houses and cease pools of lawlessness. We need to maintain law and order. That is in everyone's best interest. Tenants can get evicted for breaking the law.

The Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation is a good idea. Unfortunately its administration has become corrupt and needs to be fixed. That would be in everyone's best interest.

Shots fired at Surrey House Party

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "Surrey RCMP responded to reports of shots fired at aNewton home late Friday (Nov. 29). Staff Sergeant Duane Honeyman said police were called to a home in the 5500-block of Bakerview Drive just before midnight."

"When officers arrive, Honeyman said, they did locate some evidence to suggest shots had been fire in that area. Honeyman said a huge number of people were identified at the time, but no one has been arrested as of Saturday morning. (Nov. 30). He said there were no injuries reported to police. At this point, Honeyman said, there is nothing to indicate the incident is related to the ongoing Lower Mainland drug and gang conflict. But he added the incident is still under investigation." Shots fired in Surrey but it's not related to the gang conflict. WTF?

30 kilos of cocaine seized but it's not related to the gang conflict. Sounds like someone has been breaking into the evidence locker again. The Peace Arch News has posted an interactive map of the recent shootings in Surrey. Nothing to see here folks. Much.

Update: Global is reporting that 30 have been arrested after shots fired at a house party. OK that might not be gang related but if he's carry a gun to a house party he is likely a drug dealer and gang affiliated. Non gang members don't take guns to house parties.

Conservatives and the Carbon Tax Fraud

Conservatives oppose a carbon tax because they see it for what it is, another tax grab dressed up to con the public. Conservatives are not opposed to the environment. Raging Rachel Notley is the perfect example of how polluters can be on the left and the right. The Main Stream Media is called the Corporate Media because it promotes an agenda that will make it's paid advertisers money at the taxpayers expense. Corporate Communism is where the left meets right at the opposite end of the spectrum. At Dictatorship instead of Democracy.

The Conservatives did not lose the last election in Canada. They won. Andrew Sheer received a greater over all popularity vote than Justin Trudeau. That was significant. The Liberals won more seats because the Conservatives failed to make inroads within Quebec. It had nothing to do with their refusal to address the sky is falling climate change fraud that the MSM is pushing.

Pollution is bad. Protecting the environment is like balancing the budget. It leaves our children a better world to live in. A sustainable world. Unnecessary debt is not sustainable. Banning straws and plastic bags but promoting coal out of the Surrey docks shipped to China is the perfect example of how insane the MSM really is. Industrial coal is the real problem.

Canada's share of global emissions decreased from 1.8% in 2005 to 1.6% in 2014.

GreenPeace declares that "Coal-fired power plants are the biggest source of human-made carbon dioxide emissions. This makes burning coal the single greatest threat facing our climate. A huge portion of China's carbon dioxide emissions come from burning coal. If we are to stop climate change, then China must move away from coal to renewable energy."

Friday, November 29, 2019

Surrey RCMP seize 30 kilos of cocaine. Not.

Post Media News claims the Surrey RCMP seized 30 kilos of cocaine but I think they are lying because their tainted press release is full of contradictions. Oh they did have 30 kilos of cocaine on display but what was that really from? Was it the cocaine they seized from Glen Hehn before they became compromised?

The RCMP arrested six men but the men have been released from custody pending charges, which have not yet been determined. No names have been released so there is no way to verify whether or not what they are saying is true.

The tainted press release claims "Most of the cocaine was seized during a targeted traffic stop on Nov. 22 in the 11900-block of 80 Avenue, which saw two people arrested. During the traffic stop, officers found a suspicious bag inside the vehicle that contained 30 individually wrapped packages of suspected cocaine. Cash totaling $5,000 and a $25,000 money order were also found and seized. The rest of the drugs — 392 grams — were seized on Nov. 8 during another traffic stop just before midnight in the area of 152 Street and 81 Avenue."

30 portions plus 392 grams does not equal 30 kilos.

Police say the cocaine seized amounts to 120,000 doses.

"Wright said there’s no indication any of the seizures or suspects are linked to the Lower Mainland gang conflict, but did say they’re all part of an unnamed criminal network." How can 30 kilos of cocaine not be linked to the lower mainland gang conflict?

The reason why I'm skeptical is because the RCMP are watching the drug trafficking out of Shakerz and defiantly refuse to do anything about it. When Leanne Yardley bought what she thought was cocaine from a Hells Angels associate in Shakerz and died because it wasn't cocaine it was straight fentanyl, the Surrey RCMP didn't release her name or the name of the bar she died in. They simply said other drugs are being found laced with fentanyl now.

Post Media news is not credible. They have an agenda. Doug McCallum won the election in Surrey with a promise to promote Skytrain over LRT and a municipal force over the RCMP. Right after he won the election, Post Media News continued their campaign to thwart the democratic will of Surrey by pushing LRT and keeping the RCMP despite the fact that Surrey's South Asian temple leaders push solicitor general to let city replace RCMP. Oh that was CBC that reported that not Post Media Trash. CBC has credibility. Post Media News does not.

Post Media reports are not news. It is sheer propaganda. One article here, one article there. Another over there. They all promote the same thing through different outlets to make it look like independent news outlets confirm the propaganda when in reality they aren't independent news outlets. Post Media news owns them all and is pushing Corporate Communism. The tax and spend insider trading fiscal irresponsibility Surrey First was famous for. That is what the Corporate Media does. They don't report news. They push an agenda where their sponsors get rich from tax dollars and give them a kickback in advertising.

As I said before, the Surrey RCMP have cub pack associates in the Witness Protection Program who get police escorts to sell cocaine. It's time to cut them loose. Just ask Morgan Nicholson.

If the RCMP were confronting drug trafficking, Len Pelletier would be in jail. Whatever happened to the charges against Lenny? They magically disappeared. Do the math.

BC NDP applies to profit from Prostitution

Dr Kim is reporting that the BC Government has applied to the courts for the right to seize a Vancouver home assessed at more than $1.1 million. "That lawsuit claims the 2014 house purchase was made with the proceeds of unlawful activity including drug trafficking, keeping a bawdy house, money laundering and failing to declare taxable income."

AYFKM? Have you no self respect? The BC GTF wants to seize a home for alleged prostitution while the Garden of Eden operates in Kelowna publicly and they do nothing to stop it. How about the Swedish Touch? Both known bawdy houses are owned and operated by the Hells Angels and the police do absolutely nothing to stop them. Is it because they get discounts at those facilities? They murdered Brandy for god's sake and you didn't even investigate the murder.

This is evil. The double standard shows the world the corruption in BC Gang Enforcement.

The government is superposed to stop crime not profit from it. God Damn you all.