Two topics today. I've already talked about Christmas rage a couple of years ago but
I just want to link to that post and reiterate those same sentiments. This is why I hate Christmas. People turn into complete a*sholes this time of year. Christmas is supposed to be a happy, peaceful, joyful time but when you see people fighting in the mall parking lots it's anything but. Commercialized Christmas makes people crazy. Don't get me started on hillbillies driving in the snow.
For f*ck sakes, slow down. Drive for the conditions. A lot of people in Metro Vancouver don't bother buying snow tires because the snow never lasts long here. Even the busses don't bother buying snow tires just to save money and that is really bad. Everybody likes to complain. Ya'll need to get a life and mind your own business. Screaming at people for no reason is really irritating. It causes a knee jerk reaction that could have easily been avoided.
It makes me think of Sodom and Gomorrah. Find me one good person in this God forsaken city before it's destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth. Obviously there are a lot of good people out there. Ya sure don't see it driving on the roads in the snow or at the mall during Christmas.
Alistair MacGregor is an NDP Member of Parliament on Vancouver Island.
I admire his opposition to the long gun ban. So I start having a peek at his Twitter and noticed he retweeted two somber polls about religion. On one the question was "
Those Who Agree With: "Humans evolved according to the process of natural selection" and the other was Those Who Agree With: "
Humans were created by God within the last 10000 years."
The results were nothing to brag about. Now I realize polls can be easily manipulated and the breakdown of the poll was suspicious as to their intent but it was indeed revealing.
The vast majority of people polled believed in evolution over creation. Now there's nothing wrong with that, that's their right. Yet they way they broke it down into political party affiliation was suspicious. Is the NDP aspiring to become Secular Communism? I don't think so but the poll is trying to lead all of us in that direction.
Removing religious freedom is a red flag. After they remove religious freedom, then they remove all freedom and that effects everyone.
This is why I support a free republic where civil liberty is protected by law or in our case, a Constitutional monarcy.
The term democracy can sometimes be misleading. If the majority of people said let's kill all the Jews or let's kill all the Muslims or let's kill all the Gays, that would be a democracy but it would be morally wrong. A Constitution protects the minority from the majority. In Communist China if someone says lets kill all the Muslims or all the Buddhists, that's exactly what they do. Or at least imprison them and execute them for their organs.
Likewise if the majority of people in Canada said, we don't think anyone should be able to own a gun, or a home, or a farm or a car, if the majority of people said that they they would take them. That would be a democracy but it would be morally wrong. A free Republic or a constitutional monarchy forbid that because in those systems civil liberty is protected by law. In Communism it is not. Seizing guns is like banning religion. First you ban religion then you ban everything else. First you start seizing guns then you start seizing whatever else you want - cars, homes, farms, everything until we own nothing and becomes slaves of the state.
Now a word on evolution. In all honesty, I don't give a flying f*ck if you or anyone else is or is not religious. I don't care. At one time religion was a very big part of my life. Now it is not. But I am still very passionate about the freedom of religion just like Thomas Paine was because I know as soon as they take away religion, that's just the first item on their to do list. After they take away religion, they're going to take away everything else. Over my dead body.
Personally I don't think evolution is very pragmatic or scientific. You think man evolved from an ape and when he dies he ceases to exist. That's kind of dark. What about eternal progression? What about a divine purpose? You mock creationists but you have no purpose.
Martin Luther King once said "Man is more than a whirling vagabond of elections, man is a child of God." That implies a divine purpose and a destiny so to speak.
Evolutionists have nothing to offer.
Remember Albert Einstein was not an evolutionist and he was a pretty smart guy. He was pretty scientific. On that note, let's talk about the second law of thermodynamics.
"The second law of thermodynamics states that, in a closed system, the entropy does not decrease. That is, if the system is initially in a low-entropy (ordered) state, its condition will tend to slide spontaneously toward a state of maximum entropy (disorder)."
What does that mean? It means in a closed system, order does not increase. If I put a stack of lumber and a pile of nails on my lawn, in three thousand years that lumber will not build a house all by itself. Someone has to pick it up and build something with it. Likewise if I build a house, in three thousand years that house will deteriorate. It will not build a better house. It's the same thing with paintings.
If I place paint and a canvas on my lawn in time it will not create a painting all by itself. In a closed system order does not increase.

Speaking of paintings, let's take a look at the Mona Lisa. Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci. Did you see him do it? No. Everyone knows he did. What evidence do we have that Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa?
Well we have the painting. That's evidence. It didn't paint itself. We have his signature on the painting. We also have witnesses that saw him paint it. In fact in a court of law it would be quite easy to prove Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa even though no one saw him do it.
Building have builders, paintings have painters and creation has a creator. That's the second law of thermodynamics. Order in the universe doesn't prove the existence of God but it points to a creator. The Great Architect of the Universe so to speak. The Grand Geometrician.
The Great Pyramid didn't build itself. When I was young I did a lot of travelling. I went to the British Museum in London. There I saw three skull fragments from the missing link. Remember that famous diagram they showed us in school of an evolutionary progression from man to ape? "This was the science" they told us. We're just an amoeba. We have no eternal destiny.
One of the problems with the
*theory* of evolution is the missing links. Each species is separate and distinct. What happened to all the missing links? Well this diagram was supposed to be proof of the missing link between man and ape. Remember the scientific process begins with a theory or a hypothesis then conducts experiments to prove or disprove the theory.
Well I went all the way to the British Museum and I saw their evidence of the missing link. They had three tiny skull fragments found in three completely different archaeological digs from the back of a skull. They carbon dated it to be from a time they considered would be about the time of the missing link in the evolutionary scale.
Then they proceeded to recreate what they thought the rest of the skull for a missing link might look like without any other prototypes to compare it to.
That was their evidence. When I saw that I was pissed. That is not science I said. I was upset because I was told it was science and when I saw what they had it was anything but.
That caused me to question the narrative and it led me on a very different path so it did.