Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Life, Death and Beyond the Grave

I attended a funeral today and once again it helped me put things in perspective. This is someone who lived a wonderful life and died of cancer. She taught my son an ancient Vietnamese instrument called the Dan Bao. This piece is called river of memories. A fitting reflection at the end of a positive life. Today a scripture came to mind about the space of time we have been granted between life and death. Previously I've talked about the poem called the Dash but today I'm looking past that and I'm reflecting on what's beyond the grave.

I don't believe life ends at death. I'm not big on religion but I am big on morality and on promoting positive things. I believe in the restitution of all things in that as ye sow, so shall ye reap. I believe someone at the funeral said she embraced the Falun gong faith which is very positive.

The scripture that comes to mind states: "And we see that death comes upon mankind, yea, the death which has been spoken of by Amulek, which is the temporal death; nevertheless there was a space granted unto man in which he might repent; therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God; a time to prepare for that endless state which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead."

Before we die there has been a space of time granted to us that we may repent or more simply put - change. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." One of the purposes of this life is to grow up and become a man. To put away childish things. To be positive and to shun evil.

So if we promote evil then we live with evil. The problem is, wickedness never was happiness. There's no joy in evil. Greed and selfishness hinders our growth. For me it all comes back to the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. That book was an inquiry into values. Not religion but morality. As Rob Roy said honour is something no man can give you and no man can take away. Be true to yourself. Don't be fooled by the mob.

When you get old you want to be able to look back and say I did something positive. It's like Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. No one wants to look back or have everyone see you were a dick to Tiny Tim because that's not something to brag about. These mental midgets running around like clowns have completely missed the point. As Lawrence said, it's not all about you. So get over yourself. Find something better to do. You'll feel better about yourself if you do.

Music can be a powerful influence for good or evil. Choose wisely. As you sow, so shall ye reap.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

US Supreme Court Guts Biden's ATF

As I said before the ATF has no business lobbying the Government to destroy the Second Amendment. As Colion Noir said here the ATF has no right making up new rules and thereby creating new laws. However, one of my concerns about the US judicial system is the term Conservative judge and Liberal judge. We have the same thing in Canada and it even more concerning here because the judges in Canada have no accountability to the public.

This also ties in with the idea of elected judges. Judges are supposed to interpret the law. Interpretation of the law isn't supposed to be a popularity contest. For example, Pilate and Jesus. If someone is innocent they are innocent. If they are guilty they are guilty. It doesn't matter if the person is well liked or not. Likewise with Liberal judges and Conservative judges. Judges aren't supposed to implement a political agenda. They're supposed to interpret the law.

The US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of rights is the highest law that binds and restricts governments. Those documents protect civil liberty by law. If any level of government violate those documents then the laws that government has made are illegal. The role of the courts is to protect the constitution and the charter of rights. Protecting civil liberty should not be partisan.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Rick Ross sucker punched by Vancouver Pedo lover

Update: Life, Death and Beyond the Grave

Rick Ross had a concert in Vancouver last night and was sucker punched by a Drake Pedo lover. I have a name but I'm not going to name her. Yo man, you need some time with Dr Phil. Don't follow a bad example. Be you. Don't be him. Stupid sh*t. Never mind doing the Pee Wee Herman, these wannabe losers are doing the Robert Pickton. F*ck your clickbait jailbait drama.

Update: OK it was Lolo Lanski's GF Nancy filming herself starting sh*t again trying to get attention. Some kids with Daddy issues trying to make a name for themselves. Stupid.

It's sad how the world has lost it's morals. This was obviously a publicity stunt by a nobody who wants to be a somebody but they are going about it the wrong way. There was nothing noble about what happened. Did you see the medley after Nancy and Ross left? Some white Surrey trash using the N word in a derogatory way trying to maul a couple of guys who were in Ross' entourage. That sh*t is f*cked up. It's the mob mentality. Curb stomping anyone is deranged.

So again, what are we trying to promote? Are we trying to promote violence and glorify the life of greed and betrayal to get views and make money? That is shameful. I have never done that. I have consistently encouraged people to leave that life. If these clowns recorded themselves jumping Drake to make a name for themselves I wouldn't click like or support that. I think Drake's an idiot but he has a colossal following and I would never exploit his following for a publicity stunt.

The fact that Drake obsesses over young girls is really creepy. Supporting that is creepy. It's like the Canadian rappers from Toronto shooting each other for a pair of running shoes. That's really f*cked up. So is this. There's more to life than that. That sh*t is whacked. Y'all need to get a life.

Prophecy unto Gog leader of Magog and declare thus saith the Lord, I am against thee. If you want to serve Satan, serve Satan but don't lie and say you're serving God because you are not and don't pretend promoting sin is part of God's plan because it's not. That is your choice. You need to own that because your father never did. Break the chain. Sinner Repent.

Tupac Estate Threatens Lawsuit Over AI-Generated Drake Track. I see dead people.

Drake receives cease-and-desist letter from Tupac Shakur's estate over AI diss track