Friday, September 7, 2018

Alberta is cracking down on the Hells Angels and BC isn't

The Edmonton journal is reporting How Alberta is cracking down on the Hells Angels and the outlaw biker gangs that support them. "Disrupting and dismantling outlaw biker gangs and organized crime in Alberta was one of the founding principles of ALERT when it formed in 2006. And operations like Project Entry are part of the sledgehammer they use against serious crime. It is the approach ALERT chief executive officer Supt. Chad Coles said is necessary. “You have to maintain the course and not take the foot off the gas,” he told Postmedia in January. “To really see results you can’t just make one arrest and say that we are done.”

Unfortunately, that is exactly what the BC Gang Task force did. After the 2012 Kelowna Summer Jam that saw David Giles and Johnny Newcome busted they stopped going after HAs that sell drugs and only went after HA drug dealing rivals. They think helping the Hells Angels maintain a monopoly on the drug trade makes their life easier with less pubic violence. Tell that to Janice Shore and Ashley Machiskinic. Letting anyone have a monoploly on the drug trade is never a good idea. That is why we need a Mollen Commission in BC jut like New York had.

Implementing the New York City Crime Reduction Model in Surrey

Bringing back the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit in BC

Addressing gun violence with the New York Model

Hells Angel drug dealer ordered to give DNA sample

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that Denis Desputeaux, 24, was sentenced to a 28-month prison term in Quebec for trafficking in cocaine and crystal meth.

"Desputeaux was in Dominican Republic on April 24 when members of the Escouade nationale de répression contre le crime organisé (ENRCO) spread out across Quebec to make arrests in Project Objection, an investigation into drug trafficking networks tied to the biker gang. The arrests began at 5:30 a.m. A little more than more than an hour later, a photo of a police officer dressed in riot gear with a bullet wound to his face was posted on Desputeaux’s Facebook page. The photo was accompanied with a comment “Talk to the police in a language they understand.”"

That wasn't very bright. That was a public threat. Now he has to privide a DNA sample. That's a natural consequence. Another Hells Angels drug dealer selling cocaine and crystal meth.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Laila Yuile still posting on the Site C Dam

It's nice to see Laila Yuile still posting on the Site C Dam. I'm been fairly distracted with the local civic election but that is clearly her passion. When a minority government keeps burning bridges with the few supporters it had, that minority government is destined to fall.

Find your balance in life

Life is complicated. So are relationships. We're all busy just trying to make ends meet. Yet busy is good. By the sweat of thy brow thou shalt labour all the days of thy life and in this life ye shall have joy. Hard work is a critical element of joy. There is no happiness or self respect without it. The ability to work isn't a curse, it is a blessing. It is the means of all accomplishment.

Keeping that in mind, not all causes are good. Some causes are distractions. I remember the saying no other success compensates for failure in the home. This is true. Yet there comes a time when everyone must stand on their own and give an account of their own life and their own choices independent of anyone else. We can't blame our choices on others.

Corruption in politics is without question discouraging. Yet politicians start and end wars. Politicians raise and lower taxes. Politicians grant and remove civil liberty. Despite the fact that politicians have the worst reputation on the planet for being dishonest self serving sleazebags, their job is important because it affects so many others. That is why their job is under constant attack by sinister forces that strive to enslave the public physically and financial.

They say circumstances don't make the person, they reveal them to themselves and to the rest of the world. Circumstances have revealed that Linda Hepner and Gregor Robertson are self serving idiots dripping in corruption. Everyone knows that. That's why neither of them are running for reelection. What's so astounding is why on earth John Horgan and Justin Trudeau would spit in Surrey's face and interfere with a local election to defiantly oppose the will of the people. Buying the pipeline was astounding. Supporting the LRT knowing the infrastructure nightmare it will create is pure evil. Putting marginalized kids on a traffic island is just plain wrong.

Consequently, they too will fall like many others before them whose pride defied the public interest. Yet before we jump to another tidal extreme, I will once again make a public appeal for balance and common sense. Not everything John Horgan did was bad. Getting rid of bridge tolls was good. Implementing a neo con mobility tax is not. Lower taxes is better for everyone. That is what creates jobs and fuels the economy. It's a win win situation. The more people who are working, the more tax revenue the government makes.

The NDP have not address organized crime in BC. Nor have they fixed the BC Hydro fraud and I'm not sure Andrew Wilkinson will either. Privatizing everything is not always prudent. That is what created the Hydro disaster in Ontario and in BC. Gordon Campbell privatized the independent power brokers that sell power to the public company at above market rates. As Norm Farrell pointed out, that has created a 5 billion dollar tax fraud the public are going to have to cover. Since we all know that, failing to contract in the independent power brokers makes the current government culpable in that crime. This is why no one trusts any single political party with absolute power. They are all corrupt and they all need to be publicly accountable.

Green Justice is a third party sponsor that posts policies and supports any candidate from any party that embraces those policies. That is who we are and what we do. Peace.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

John Horgan promotes the SNC-Lavalin LRT fraud

John Horgan teams up with Linda Hepner and Mayor Moonbeam as they leave office with their lowest approval rating ever, along with Justin Prick to sell the SNC-Lavalin LRT fraud. Well I'm not not buying it and we're not going to take it any more. Say hello to the new boss. Same as the old boss. I'll just get on my knees and pray, we don't get fooled again.

This isn't just reminiscent of Christy Clark and Gordon Capmbell. This is Christy Clark and Gordon Cambell. This level of political corruption is unprecedented. John Horgan needs to sue himself. When this is over, they're gonna write about him in the New York Times.

John Horgan wants to put a road right through Hawthorne Park elementary. Go F*ck yourself.

John Horgan and Justin Trudeau. Goodbye. Good riddance.

How the Surrey LRT is tied to the SMH parking lot fraud

Skytrain for Surrey - the fight has just begun.

We're gonna Rock you like a Hurricane.

Jinny Sims is an arrogant snob.

Give it up for Daryl Dela Cruz:

Green Justice does NOT support Steven Pettigrew

The Voice Online is reporting that Steven Pettigrew and Jack Hundial have joined McCallum’s Safe Surrey slate. I don't know Jack other than he's former RCMP. Given the commitment to get rid of the RCMP, I'm not sure having someone from the RCMP is a good idea. Since the slate is already full I would place him as an alternate along with John Gibeau and Adam MacGillivray.

Just to be clear, even though I support Doug McCallum for mayor of Surrey and the Safe Surrey Coalition be advised that I do NOT support Steven Pettigrew for council. There are a multitude of better choices that I do support. Steven Pettigrew was not the leader of the Save Hawthorn Park campaign he was just an eccentric wing nut that started a facebook group.

Steven Pettigrew screwed up the Save Hawthorn Park campaign royally. He regularity censored key information from the facbook group and deliberately sabotaged the court case. Steve withheld key evidence that prevented Roslyn from having standing in court. Had he not withheld that key evidence, she would of had standing and the court case would have been able to proceed. Steve prevented that from happening by withholding evidence.

I passionately support religious freedom. However, Steven Pettigrew is a religious freak. Roslyn Cassells is trustworthy, Steven Pettigrew is not. Look at some of the amazing candidates of stature that have joined the Safe Surrey Coalition. Doug Elford, Bableen Rana, and Dr. Allison Patton. These candidates are credible. Steven Pettigrew is not. Steve is a brain dead idiot not worthy to tie the other candidates shoe laces let alone sit at the same table. If he wasn't such an idiot he'd be an agent provocateur. I don't want to get into it but I will be clear that Steve does NOT have my support at all. Just sayin. Rina Gill has the integrity to sit at the same table as the other candidates not Steven Pettigrew. Steve just doesn't have what it takes.

Let's get ready to rumble. The election has now begun. This is the Green Justice Slate:

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Humans of New York interviews prisoner from China

Humans of New York shared an interview on Facebook of a Falun Gong member from China. The problem is Communist China isn't just throwing the Falun Gong in prison for their religious beliefs, they are throwing everyone in jail for their religious beliefs - Christian, Muslim and Buddhist. They are executing them to order for their organs. This is the modern day genocide the main stream media refuses to talk about.

B.C. government sues pharmaceutical companies over opioid crisis - Fraser Health Update

Global is reporting that "B.C. has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against dozens of pharmaceutical companies for costs associated with the opioid crisis. B.C. Attorney-General David Eby alleges the companies intentionally misled the public about the safety of the opioids they manufacture." This isn't a red herring specifically. It's more of displaced aggression.

If someone sells fentanyl on the street or laces other drugs with fentanyl, that's not the pharmaceutical companies fault. Before fentanyl, when people were selling Oxycontin on the street, that wasn't the pharmaceutical companies fault. Unlike fentanyl, people were knowingly buying Oxycontin on the black market. The drug dealers are the ones that should be sued.

This kind of lawsuit is more applicable in the United States. In the US doctors are over prescribing painkillers to patients who become addicted to them then turn to heroin on the street because they don't have a drug plan and can't afford the prescription drugs. That's not happening to the same extent in Canada. Here people were getting a fraudulent oxy prescription and then selling the tablets on the street to addicts.

Who can we sue? Rick Coleman and the BC Liberals for getting rid of the OMGU and dispersing the GTF after the huge Hells Angel busts in Kelowna. They are criminally culpable in the rise in drug trafficking that created. Up until recently we could sue the Surrey RCMP for watching the drug dealers sell fentanyl to unsuspecting clients without arresting them.

When the drug dealers on the Surrey strip stared lacing crack with fentanyl which created a tsunami of overdoses, instead of arresting the drug dealers they stood beside them and handed out leaflets saying Warning these drugs could contain fentanyl. AYFKM? You are standing there watching the drug dealers sell fentanyl to unsuspecting clients. That makes you criminal culpable in those deaths and legally liable for them.

Who else can we sue? Fraser Health because promoting heath is the last thing on their agenda. They do the opposite. They promote addiction and thereby support organized crime.

People are too afraid to confront the drug dealers so they kick the cat and make up other excuses. I'm not a pet guy myself but I don't kick cats. I confront the root of the problem. That's because I was trained in New York. That's why Green Justice supports the New York Model.

Update: These are two pamphlets issued by Fraser Health showing why the BC Government should be suing Fraser Health not the Pharmaceutical companies. The first one is Methadone for pain. The second one is How to use Fentanyl Patches. Fraser Health are the ones over prescribing opioids. Expense claims of former Fraser Health boss and top managers exposed.

No jail time for corrupt Abbotsford doctor

Doctor admits bribing officials for contracts

Ron Danderfer from Fraser Health pleads guilty to breach of trust

James Roy Taylor from Fraser Health pleads guilty in government connected corruption

Mind you, the government runs Fraser Health so maybe they should just sue themselves.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Knowah Ferguson sentenced for attempted murder of Hells Angel Damion Ryan

A lot of big news stories have pushed some of the smaller stories to the side like the fact that the individuals accused of murdering and dismembering a Canadian Teacher in Taiwan are a former Israeli soldier and a former US Marine. Billy Bowden getting busted again is also big news.

Keith Fraser is reporting that Knowah Ferguson was sentenced for attempted murder of local Hells Angel Damion Ryan who is no longer local. Knowah walked up to him at the food court in the Vancouver airport, put a gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger. The only thing that saved him was the fact that the gun jammed. Pretty lucky. That was enough to make Damion leave town and hide out in Greece since he was previously wounded in a 2010 shooting.

There has been some interesting details come out in the trial that although they fall within the realm of believably, I'm not going to comment on them simply because ever since Blaze started cooperating with the police we have had a huge problem with Hells Angel associates lying in court about the UN. There had to be a reason Damion Ryan was targeted other than the fact that he was simply a member of the Hells Angels. He had to have done something specific.

The Star reported that the UN was fighting with the Wolf Pack at the time. If Damion Ryan was associated with the cub pack that would make perfect sense. No one in Surrey likes or respects the cub pack. Aside form being idiots, they were tied to the Bacon trash and the Surrey Six.

The cub pack has a long history of co operating with the police so they don't have to go to prison. The police assisting the cub pack's drug trade in Surrey is an abomination.

Damion Ryan became a member of the Ontario Village Idiots until the Quebec brothers disbanded them. Kim Bolan reported that Damion Ryan is now living in Greece where the Edmonton scum bags ganged up on a local father and beat him to death.

Don't support E-Ville any more. Have a little self respect.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Drake wearing Hells Angels support gear

This is not new news. I reported on it July 1st when Smoke Dawg was shot dead in Toronto but was aware of it long before that. I guess that's why Kim gave the story to Nick. "B.C.’s top gang cops say they’re concerned about the message Toronto rapper Drake is sending his fans by wearing the support gear of a violent motorcycle gang."

Can we not see the irony in the timing of this smoke and mirror press release? Breaking news, Alberta Gang Task force bust another full patch Edmonton Hells Angel with 5 kilos of cocaine. Meanwhile back on the ranch, the compromised BC Gang Task force says Drake posted a picture on Instagram in support gear. AYFKM? Drake wearing support gear is a colossal concern and I will get into that but first lets look at the obvious.

The Alberta Gang Task force just announced that they busted another Hells Angels drug trafficking ring out of Edmonton. They obviously didn't let the EPS in on it. In 2016 the Alberta Gang task force caught another full patch Edmonton Hells Angel with 2 kilos of cocaine and dismantled the cocaine ring supplying the Whiteboy Pose. Later that year they dismantled a million dollar stolen property ring tied to the Edmonton Hells Angels.

In contrast the BC Gang Task force hasn't lifted a finger to arrest Hells Angels for drug trafficking since the Kelowna Summer Jam back in 2012. Ever since then they have been aiding and abetting their drug trafficking in BC while they send out meaningless smoke and mirror press releases to make it look like they are doing something when they clearly are not.

I didn't report Drake wearing support gear at the time because I like Drake and didn't want to advertise his bad decision. I mentioned it when Smoke Dawg was shot dead because it was relevant to is murder. Now Drake wearing support gear isn't only in bad taste it is mocking the murder of his friend. Drake is publicly endorsing cocaine trafficking. That is what he is doing. Not only that but he has foolishly chosen a side in that industry which could in reality come back to cap him in the ass. Promoting the drug trade in his position is simply greed and indulgence.

Filming himself donating to charity does not make up for his public promotion of the drug trade. "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"