There has been a lot of talk in the media about this farm outside Salmon Arm where human remains have been found. Police are continuing to search for more bodies given the fact that five women have gone missing in that area recently.
Curtis Wayne Sagmoen, who lives on the farm owned by his parents was arrested last week after an escort was allegedly threatened Aug. 28 with a shotgun near the Sagmoen farm at 2290 Salmon River Rd. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that he is originally from Maple ridge. Big surprise. The land of Piggy's Palace and the Pickton farm. In 2013, there were two assaults against women on a trail near this townhouse.
The bottom line is that Robert Pickton did not act alone. Dianne Rock claimed she was gang raped on the Pickton farm. That would implicate more than one suspect. When that evidence was submitted in court, the judge gave instructions to the jury stating that they could convict Robert Pickton of the murders even if he didn't act alone. The judge even went so far as to instruct the jury that they could convict Willie even if he wasn't the prime suspect just an active participant. That was astounding.
What's even more astounding is how Wally Oppal shut down the Missing Women's Inquiry after the Hells Angels were mentioned and turned it into a Panel Discussion where he could more easily censor key evidence.
Willie's brother Dave Pickton knew where bodies were buried. He agreed to tell the police where some of the bodies were buried so the police wouldn't dig up the whole farm. There is no way Dave Pickton could have known where bodies were buried without being criminally culpable in those murders. We can thank CSIS for giving Dave Pickton immunity.
In 1999, a woman claimed she was violently assaulted by Dave Pickton in his home. The woman claimed he bound her limbs to the bed using bungee cords and tried to shove pills in her mouth. Sgt. Dan Almas said he was aware of that allegation, and agreed that pills and bungee cords were found in a search of Dave Pickton's bedroom but stated "Someone who is alleged to have committed a serious sexual assault does not a murderer make."
Personal Privilege: A Timetable of Events
Since the subject of serial killers has come up again and since the Pickton Farm was the scene of the most prolific serial killers in Canadian history, I will present a timeline of events so we can all see exactly what I am saying and what I am not saying.
There was absolutely no evidence produced in court during the Pickton trial implicating the Hells Angels. That's because everyone was too scared to testify. There was a great deal of evidence implicating the Hells Angels presented at the Missing Women's Inquiry but Wally Oppal threw it all out and would not let it be admitted.
During Robert Pickton's trial the Vancouver Province ran an article about a woman who was going to testify that she had frequently seen members of the Hells Angels wearing colours at Piggy's Palace. The woman told the Vancouver Province that right before she was suposed to testify in court, "Bikers" showed up at her home so she left town and did not testify.
The Vancouver Province then ran an article quoting someone that played in a band at Piggy's Palace and said members of the Hells Angels were there wearing colours all the time.
Stevie Cameron's book On the Farm states: "But the truth is that almost all the people in the community knew the Palace as a wild party place with drugs and prostitutes. And everyone knew that the bikers who attended usually finished the parties at their own place across from the Pickton farm, a clubhouse that had become infamous as a booze can serving alcohol and drugs to members and friends. By the end of 1996 the neighbourhood became known in criminal circles as a biker area, one controlled by the Hells Angels." (page 137)
The book also states that "Off duty police officers attended the parties and so did city officials." (p 136) "He was worried they were going to get busted at the Palace... But the place was full of cops too, lots of them, all in plainclothes." (p 138) The Missing Women's Inquiry was supposed to hear evidence that off duty police officers attended parties at Piggy's Palace but Wally Opal did not let that evidence ever be admitted.
So let's review the scene. A coworker of mine lived in the area at the time and said they used to have parties on the Pickton Farm all the time. They used to call it the Dominion because that is the name of the street it was on. Everyone who was anyone was there. He also said it was the place to be if you were under age and wanted to drink.
Later two after hours opened up across the street. Dave ran Piggy's Palace. It was dirty. The coworker of mine said the place creeped him out. He said it was full of greasy bikers that would stare at your date if you brought one. A blog reader of mine who used to be loosely affiliated with the club said that Piggy's Palace was dirtier as f*ck. You knew something was going on there that wasn't quite right. He was a big man and still felt uncomfortable there.
Another coworker of mine laughed and said yes he had been to Piggy's Palace. He said it was the cheapest beer in town. It was an after hours bar run by Dave Pickton who was a Hells Angels associate. Another after hours bar just down the street was run by Jessie, Spikes son. It was a lot different than Piggy's Palace. It was a regular after hours. People would go there after Roosters closed down. It was a lot higher end than Piggy's Palace.
Do I think Jessie was gang raping and killing crack hoes on the Pickton Farm? No I do not. His after hours was close by but was totally separate. Do I think patrons at Piggy's Palace were gang raping and killing crack hoes? I most certainly do. Dianne Rock claimed she was gang raped on the Pickton Farm. That would implicate more than one suspect.
It took me a lot of effort to get a copy of Janice Edwards' testimony at the Pickton Trial. Even thought the publication ban had been lifted they still didn't want to give it to me. After legal action was discussed with the Chief Justice the clerk's office allowed me to have a copy which I posted.
The key element of the Dianne Rock story missing from Janice's testimony in court was that Dianne Rock claimed she was gang raped on the Pickton Farm by bikers and by cops. Bob Paulson didn't believe her. He was too busy with "other" things. That is why she left police custody and ended up dead.
I do not believe all Hells Angels were gang raping and murdering crack hoes on the Pickton Farm any more than I believe all police officers were. However, I do believe some Hells Angels and associates were and I do believe some cops were. Not all cops were involved but but some definitely were. It is unfortunate the Missing Women's Inquiry Wally Oppal shut down did not hear which off duty police officers were attending parties at Piggy's Palace. It is even more disappointing that the new Missing Women's Inquiry won't even look at that evidence either.
Cameron Ward is a credible lawyer. He was the champion of Justice during the Missing Woman's Inquiry. He cited witnesses claims that they had seen a picture floating around of retired Coquitlam RCMP officer Jim Brown in a threesome with David Pickton.
Jim Brown filed a court application against Cameron Ward and the whistleblower for defamation. The Coquitlam RCMP then kicked in the whistleblower's door using an illegal search warrant and seized all the whistleblower's hard drives which were conveniently erased before they returned them to him. The Coquitlam RCMP destroyed crucial evidence in a criminal investigation and a civil court case. History has recorded that.
Cameron Ward wouldn't have cited the existence of that picture if he did not think his witnesses were credible. I have never met or spoken with Cameron Ward but I have spoken with two separate credible witnesses who both said they had seen the photo of Jim Brown and Dave Picton in a threeome. That picture did exist before the Coquitlam RCMP deleted it.
This is a great article. I've been reading up on Pickton recently, digging through articles going back 15 years, but was sensing these huge gaps in the story! Why was no one publishing this stuff?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I was kind of stumped on the coverage of the Inquiry, it seemed to wrap up & poof, gone. Makes sense that it was buried for specific reasons.