It greatly disappoints me to make this observation but since in the end, truth will prevail, it becomes imperative that I set the record straight with regards to who is trying to confront gang violence and who is profiting from it. Kim Bolan's recent article on the Surrey Jack story is cheap and sleazy. The CBC coverage is objective. Kim Bolan's coverage is not. It is politically motivated by the same dirty politicians that lost the election in Surrey. The same dirty politicians her employer Harold Munro profusely endorsed and continued to do so after they lost.
Instead of pointing out the oblivious, that these clowns are loser Surrey Jacks, Dr Kim dramatizes it to sell newspapers. After all, that is how she makes a living. If these guys were real gang bangers they'd be popping each clown that stepped up in their grill. They weren't packing because they weren't gang members. They're just loser wanabes running around like complete idiots. These are the people the Hells Angels have hired to eliminate rival drug dealers in the rest of Surrey. Just like with the Surrey Six, the Hells Angels are the ones responsible for this stupidity. The Hells Angels have hired the Brothers Keepers to wreck havoc in the IndoCanadain community and that is exactly what they are doing. The RCMP helping the Hells Angels obtain and maintain their monopoly on the drug trade is treason.
Hiring 10,000 more RCMP officers will do nothing to stop the violence since the RCMP are giving the Wolf Pack police protection to sell drugs. Hiring 10,000 more RCMP officer to issue jay walking tickets on King George Hwy without arresting any drug dealers will do absolutely nothing to reduce gang violence. Hiring more RCMP officers right before we form a municipal force is fiscal stupidity. That is what Linda Annis wants - complete fiscal irresponsibility.
In the last election, Harold Munro's cheap tabloid of corporate trash endorsed Tom Gill and Surrey First which was Surrey's worst for fiscal responsibility and crime prevention. When asked about Surrey's crime Tom Gill said "Pass." He was a complete idiot. The reason why Dianne Watts picked him was because Tom Gill was in on the insider trading fraud burning tax dollars like an incinerator for the dirty developers who contributed to their campaign.
Right after Doug McCallum was elected on a promise to form a municipal police force, Harold Munro's cheap tabloid launched a campaign to stop him and thwart the democratic will of the voters in Surrey. They are still doing that now. Their reporting is not objective it is tainted and politically motivated to support their corporate tax and spend sponsors who get rich at the tax payers expense. Doug McCallum doesn't do interviews with Post Media News because their reporting is tainted as their shameful article demonstrates.
In 2012, right after the OMGU proved Pat Fogerty wrong and busted a huge stolen car, boat and motorcycle ring tied to the Kelowna Hells Angels and another huge cocaine ring tied to another Kelowna Vice President, the Christy Clark government disbanded the OMGU. That is the reason gang violence is out of control. The fact that the NDP have not rectified that problem shows they are no better than their predecessors. All they want to do is seize the proceeds of crime and tax it in exchange for letting it continue unbridled. That is the problem right there.
Years ago Kim Bolan used to say take half of what the Hells Angels say and half of what the police say and somewhere in the middle you will find the truth. Somewhere along the line she lost that objectivity. Now she only prints whatever the police ask her to in exchange for her access to Bar Watch. When the BC Gang Task Force is literally in bed with the Hells Angels at the Garden of Eden and the Swedish Touch, that makes her reporting conflicted.
Kim Bolan's tainted coverage of the Indo Canadian community all started with her biased coverage of the Air India trial. She even wrote a book about it how they got away with murder. Only she failed to report who they were. CSIS were the ones who planned the attack and provided the explosives for the attack. If CSIS hadn't provided the explosives the attack never would have happened. How can you write a book about the trial and leave the most important part out? CBC reported it but Kim Bolan did not. That is why we now call her Dr Kim. She is a spin doctor like Mike Smyth not a reporter. She is paid to promote the corporate fraud.
Addressing Blaze's fake murder plot
I will at this time point out the obvious. When Blaze was in court he made up a ridiculous story about him being involved in a murder plot against Kim Bolan. That was another bold faced lie. How did I know it was Blaze? I wasn't in court. Because as soon as the story broke he started spamming me with with insults saying see you're not a real reporter like Kim Bolan. She even had a murder plot against her. Nobody cares about you. Blaze was the one who told me it was him. He blew his own cover because he is a troll. He feeds off of attention.
I knew his claim was a lie because he worships Kim Bolan. She gives him a stage to perform on and he would never do anything to lose that stage. In court Blaze admitted he posted false information on Kim Bolan's blog to throw the police off. He still does. He still tries to post on my blog. That is how I found out he wasn't in prison so do the math. BC is completely corrupt.
Addressing gun violence with the New York Model
Bob Paulson admitted that the RCMP have absolutely no desire whatsoever to investigate organized crime. Quebec and Ontario have task forces that investigate organized crime while BC doesn't. That is the problem. We need a provincial task force mandated to investigate organized crime just like Quebec and Ontario. Until hat happens we are part of the problem not the solution.
We need to finish what we started in 2012. We don't need to seize the proceeds of crime. We need to disrupt street level drug trafficking. Not pot, but crack, meth and fentanyl. That's what's killing people not pot. We also need to investigate police coruption and end the police protection for Hells Angels' drug dealers. That is what we need to do. That is the New York model.
MONEY LAUNDERING ISN'T THE PROBLEM. Street level drug traficking is.
New York Police Corruption documentary: The Seven Five.