Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vancouver drugs seized in Australia

Five Australian men have been arrested after trying to smuggle $8 million worth of drugs Down Under from Vancouver International Airport.

On Dec. 30, 2011, Canadian border officers found the drugs - six kilograms of cocaine, 12 kg of MDMA (ecstasy) and nearly two kilograms of meth – after they examined a commercial oven and range destined for Australia Service Agency.

The shipment was tracked to Sydney airport on Jan. 7, and on Thursday to locations in two suburbs north of Sydney, where eight search warrants were issued and the five men arrested.

Dare I say it? We know who would be in charge of that much cocaine and crystal meth in Vancouver. Perhaps the fake ecstasy would start causing more fatalities in Australia just like they have here in greater Vancouver and Calgary. The same drug ring going international.

We know a little bit about the Hells angels invasion of the Australian drug market including Sydney. The hells angels bribed and patched over Chris Hudson. They told the local MC called the Finks to work for them or leave town. They told the Hells Angels to F off. We know that Chris Hudson was caught on video grabbing a girl by the hair and dragging her outside a nightclub. He was seen throwing her to the ground and kicking her in the head. Later that day he was seen assaulting his girlfriend in public. When a local lawyer and a Dutch backpacker came to his girlfriend's aid he pulled out a gun and shot all three emptying the clip into the lawyer who was a father of three while he lay on the ground wounded. That father died.

We also know all about the Senior Hells Angels and his pack of rats that were accused of gang raping and torturing a stripper from Melbourne on another pig farm. The woman was awarded a token compensation for her injuries but the assailants walked. We also know about the Sergeant at Arms for that chapter that was accused of gang raping and torturing that girl. The police seized some of his property under proceeds of crime legislation. He sued them and won. Now that's a rat king for ya. The president of the chapter had drug charges as well. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. The Hells Angels tried to extort almost $1 million from one of Australia's biggest construction companies during a dispute featuring Melbourne underworld bosses.

Interesting to see the huge difference between the Canadian and the Australian judicial system. The paper claimed that the mules who were caught bringing the drugs into Australia, could face life imprisonment. No house arrest from an idiot like Peter Leask down under.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Another Hells Angel rival ends up dead

There was another shooting in Surrey last night. 139 street and 56th avenue - that's awfully close to the courthouse and police station. Sean Beaver who was shot dead last night was the half brother of a Dhak associate named Stephen Leone that was shot dead last October. Is that a Tim Horton's coffee cup being used as an official marker?

Newt Gingrich and the American Infidelity Dream

I realize with all the bullets flying and bodies dropping in the gang war revisited, no one really cares about American politics right now but since it’s in the news I’ll throw it out there and the rest of you can just scroll past it.

Turns out that Mitt Romney didn’t win Iowa after all, Newt Gingrich did. But wait a minute. They announced that Mitt Romney won Iowa. Now they claim the Newt won Iowa? That sounds an awful lot like Florida discrepancies to me.

I find Newt Gingrich’s popularity to be very disturbing. New developments came out about his past infidelities. A reporter asked him about it and he yelled at the reporter and said he was outraged they would even ask the question while his clone soldier groupies cheered and rose to give him a standing ovation. That was just plain cult like. Jim Jones here we come.

It’s a sad day when the “religious right” chooses infidelity over common sense. Gingrich’s infidelity is relevant. So is his ties to insider trading. Catherine Austin Fitts talked about the Shadow Government. An intelligent credible person talking about very real concerns. Ron Paul isn’t part of the shadow government. The Shadow government would rather elect two idiots (Sarah Palin or Donald Trump) instead of electing him.

Yet even the public can’t stomach that much stupidity so they found a healthy compromise in Mitt Romney. But no, the dirty traders and insider greed rather someone dirty enough to do whatever they want so they have to push someone else. So they pick the rageaholic with a history of infidelity and insider trading that would serve them well.

It’s a sad day when Americans cheer those kinds of dirty deeds. Sure part of the American dream is a rags to riches quest but it’s much more than that. The real American dream was Braveheart’s quest for freedom. Freedom of religion. Freedom of association. Freedom from unnecessary searches and seizures. The right to a fair trial and due process. The right to legal representation. The Bill of Rights is the real American dream.

So many sheep have lost sight of that because they covet greed and idolize infidelity. When Desperate Housewives become the national role model, something has seriously gone astray. Muslims aren’t the only ones who have the term infidel. The New Testament claims that anyone who doesn’t provide for his own is worse than an infidel. It’s sad to see the American dream become twisted to the Infidel’s Dream to the cheers of the cult like crowd.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Canadian drug dealer murdered in Mexico

Without diving too much into the details of each case, I just want to cite the drug related murders of four Canadians in Mexico which I feel are very much related. Most recently we have a senior UN member murdered in Mexico named Salih Abdulaziz Sahbaz. He was 37 and returned regularly to Surrey.

He took over after UN member Elliott Castenada was murdered in Mexico. In between those two murders, Gordon Kendall and Jeffry Ivans, Hells Angels associates from Kamloops were also brutally murdered in Mexico.

Gord and Jeff didn't look like Hells Angel associates. They looked like two fun loving Canadians who got in over their head. They were making drug connections for the Hells angels in Mexico and were dealing with the Mexican cartels. The local news ran photos of their dead bodies in the paper. It was horrible.

We all know when someone gets shot, they bleed. We see people get shot on TV all the time. Seeing the recent photo of Salih's dead body reminded me of the photos of Gord and Jeff's. There was a huge amount of blood. I'm not the type of guy to print those kinds of pictures.

I didn't post pictures of Larry Amero lying on the ground bleeding after he was shot in Kelowna. I didn't post pictures of the Montreal mafioso that was shot and swam across the freezing river only to be found dead on the other side of the river lying in the snow. I didn't even post pictures of the Risottos at his son's funeral. We need to have a little more respect than that.

Some would argue that showing these pictures of the brutally murdered gang members is a good poster for kids so they don't get involved in that lifestyle. I understand the argument. I'm just not going to participate in it. I prefer to remember Gord and Jeff as the fun loving Bob and Doug Mackenzie types who were obviously fun, kind and friendly. To me that is just as significant because it shows how easily anyone can get tempted by the quick cash that comes at far too great a price. That is a real tragedy.

Houston, We have a problem

Who is responsible for these murders? A lot of people are talking about how the Hells Angels are now involved in an all out gang war in Vancouver just like they were in Quebec during the /90’s. Although I have no intention of over dramatizing the situation, I will do some basic math.

I wasn’t the one that said the Hells Angels are warring with the Duhres. That was clearly defined in the media. Kim Bolan was likely first to make the claim. So if the Duhres keep getting shot in Surrey, Vancouver and Abbotsford, who one earth do you think did it?

Here’s my point. If the Hells Angels contract a murder as an organization, then they are legally liable for that murder as an organization. Both civilly and criminally. Percy was murdered in a Surrey crack house several years ago. The hit man who was convicted of the murder claimed he was contracted to do the murder for the East Vancouver chapter of the Hells Angels. If the Hells Angels contract a murder as an organization, then that clearly makes them a criminal organization. Especially if the murder is drug related.

Vancouver and Abbotsford’s first murders of 2012 have ties to the Hells Angels. Surprise, surprise. Although Vancouver’s “gang war” peaked in 2009, I do think this year we have made some significant progress in dealing with the problem. After all it is a problem that is affecting public safety.

The progress that I think we’ve made has nothing to do with the drop in number of public executions. As I’ve said before, that just means one side won. The progress that we have finally made is that now we all know the Hells Angels sell drugs, use violence to control the drug trade and are now the prime participants in the current gang related violence we are currently witnessing.

Sure it seems like one step forward three steps back but I do think it is a significant step. After all, rage and denial are the primary tools that hide an alcoholic’s addiction in a dysfunctional family. The first step in dealing with an alcohol problem is to admit one has an alcohol problem. “Hi, my name is such and such. I’m an alcoholic.” Or in our case, Hi, my name is Vancouver. We have a Hells Angels problem and it’s a big problem. It’s tied to drugs, prostitution and extreme violence that is affecting public safety. There, that wasn’t so hard was it?

The next step in dealing with our problem is to get over the fallacy that we are somehow better off if we let the Hells Angels control the drug trade. That is so wrong. When is a monopoly ever good? Giving a criminal more power does tend to corrupt. Giving him absolute power tends to corrupt him absolutely.

Supply and demand states that if there are two drug dealers on a corner they will compete for business. Maybe one will charge less than the other. Maybe one will give a better more pure product than the other. If a customer is mistreated by one, they can simply go to another. Yet when you let the Hells Angels have a monopoly on the drug trade that just doesn’t happen. People start loosing fingers for small drug debts. People start getting pushed out of windows for large drug debts.

What’s even worse is they will betray and brother and they will betray a sister just to make more money. Greed consumes them and they start bragging about murdering a woman. That is the peak of their abomination. That is the turning point where society says enough is enough. The light penetrates the darkness and all of a sudden people realize who the real rats are. People start to realize that ratting out a rat is good. Bragging about murdering a woman is not.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Man shot dead at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Centre

A man was shot dead at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Centre last night while eating at a restaurant. My first impression that was out of the norm. Not the typical Surrey drug dealer getting shot dead for selling drugs in the Hells Angels area. Yet it turns out the victim was a well-known gangster named Sandip “Dip” Duhre. He would be part of the Duhre clan. The ones who are warring with the Hells Angels. Only it doesn't really look like a war. It just looks like the are getting exterminated by the Hells Angels.

Kash Heed had some interesting things to say about Sandip Duhre. Kim Bolan reported on a “chance meeting” Kash had with him in a restaurant. “Chance meeting?” That sounds awfully suspicious to me. Sure it happens. The Gang Task force had a chance meeting with several gangsters outside of various nightclubs. It’s just that when a politician has dinner with a gangster it’s hard to develop trust and confidence in that politician.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Canadian Forces member charged with Espionage

HALIFAX - A Canadian navy intelligence officer has been charged with communicating information to a foreign entity in a case the RCMP commissioner says is an indication that Canada is not immune to threats of espionage.

Jeffrey Paul Delisle, 40, appeared in Halifax provincial court on Monday on two charges under the Security of Information Act that deal with communicating information over the past five years that could harm Canada's interests.

A CTV exclusive claimed the foreign entity was Russia and that the Canadian government claims that Russian spies are as active now as they were in the cold war. Give me a beak. I find that hard to believe. I believe CTV is right. I just think our government is pulling our leg again.

Whistle blowing is not Espionage. Reporting misconduct, false flag missions or drug trafficking is a moral duty. Yet revealing to location and movement of troops to the enemy is treason. We need to protect whistle bowers not fire and slander them or even worse murder them.

Speaking of spies and espionage, the Vancouver Sun ran an article the other day about how England was caught spying on Russia as recently as 2006 using a fake rock. Everyone spies on everyone else. The Americans spy on Canada. They sold us the PROMIS software to help us organize our files. In reality it was a Trojan horse that helped the CIA have access to all our confidential police records. No one was ever charged in that.

RCMP spy unit devastated by abuse of power

An RCMP spy task force called Special O was highlighted in Sunday's Vancouver Province. It starts off with more sexual harassment complaints but gets weird after that.

Although Bergerman and her colleagues quickly noticed that Pearson seemed constantly to be furtively texting and dashing out of the office without warning, they couldn't know that two young women he ushered onto the unit would allegedly become on-the-job sex partners who later claimed they were compelled into relations with Pearson and sexually assaulted.

Doesn't sound very professional to me. These are the people who investigated Air India, Robert Pickton and the Surrey Six. No wonder one of the RCMP officers investigating the Surrey Six ended up having an affair with a witness. Bizarre behaviour leaving key investigations short changed.

This is why our police forces and our "intelligence" agencies need to be publicly accountable. The public doesn't need to know details of an investigation,but they do need to know about an investigator's misconduct.

Yet another Ecstasy fatality

Another fatality related to Ecstasy. This one a 16 year old male from Langley. The list gets longer and longer. Tragic. Turns out that there's a more toxic fake ecstasy on the street called PMMA.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gay Divorce

Gay divorce is in the news oddly enough. I don’t want to sound mean or insensitive but I don’t give a rat’s ass about gay marriage. If two gay people want to get married, who cares? I mean really. Who cares?

The new news is that a foreign gay couple who were married in Canada are now seeking a divorce. For some reason the government has a lawyer present arguing that their marriage is not legal. Rather bizarre. Of course their marriage is legal – in Canada. The problem is, they now want a divorce. Seemingly, the Divorce Act in Canada states that for you to get a divorce in Canada, you have to be living in the country for a year. So if a gay couple comes to Canada to get married and gay marriage is not legal in their country, then getting a divorce is somewhat problematic indeed.

It reminds me of a similar case when gay marriage was first allowed in Canada. A gay couple had been living together for several years. When gay marriage was passed, they decided to get married. Unfortunately, the relationship broke down shortly there after and they wanted to get a divorce. However, although the marriage act had been amended to allow gay marriage, the divorce act hadn’t been updated yet so they couldn’t get a divorce.

Excuse me for finding that somewhat amusing. You want gay marriage? OK you’ve got it, but you’re stuck with it. No divorce allowed. Knowing that divorce proceedings can be somewhat tense at times, I did find that somewhat amusing. Obviously the divorce act has been amended by now but the loop hole for foreigners who get married in Canada is still slightly problematic.

No doubt if they are living in the United States, they could get a divorce in a state that allows gay marriage. I have no idea if the divorce act in the respective states has a similar requirement to have lived in that state for a given period of time but I doubt it. Likely if you can get married in a whim in Vegas you could also get divorced in a whim there as well. Unfortunately, until the divorce act is amended in Canada, gay foreigners who get married in Canada are stuck. Perhaps Katie Perry will come up with a sequel to That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas to That’s what you get for waking up in Vancouver.

Risky Dix – a clear step forward

Adrian Dix is a promising investment. The Christy Clark / Gordon Campbell government makes me sick. These attack ads simply show how desperate they are about their drop in popularity. Interesting that their attack adds don't mention anything about her involvement in BC Rail. Face it. Gordon Campbell left office with the lowest approval rating in the Country. Even the Christy Crunch spin doctors can’t hide the fact that she’s just another Kim Campbell hiding the mess our own Brian Mulroney left us.

The same old bullshit day in and day out. The 1990’s was a federal and world wide recession. You can’t blame that on Adrian Dix. “They” keep saying the NDP will raise taxes and increase spending. Well the Campbell / Clark government did a fine job at that. The HST was a raise in taxes. The gas taxes were a raise in taxes.

I would vote for Adrian Dix way before I would ever vote for Christy Clark and that Sith Lord smile that giggled as she told the Vancouver Mayor and the Vancouver police chief there would be no funding for extra police during the Stanley cup Riot. My second choice would be John Cummings because a traditional conservative is a lot better than a neo con.

I think we should spend money on schools and hospitals. I think we should protect pensions and seniors. The Campbell government lining their own pockets at the expense of seniors and the mentally challenged was a shameful disgrace. I’d vote for John Cummings first except for the fact that I don’t think BC Hydro should be a private for profit corporation that isn’t accountable to the public. The privatized subsidiaries of BC Hydro have created this huge out of control fraudulent debt that is much worse than any NDP government has ever dreamed of.

I’m really offended by the same old nonsense. The NDP will tax and spend and the sky will fall if we vote NDP. Bullshit. The sky has already fallen. We need to fix the BC Hydro fraudulent debt now by making it publicly accountable not by turning it into another Enron scam at the taxpayers’ expense.

I support Adrian Dix. He’s a hard worker not a drunken pig. He cares about crime in the community. The Campbell / Clark government has turned their backs on crime if not been active participants in it. Mike Farnsworth would be an amazing Attorney General. This would be a wonderful step forward for British Columbia. Listening to the same old neo cons will drive this province right into the toilet of our own Enron tsunami.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Pickton Inquiry Bombshell

This is astounding. The Pickton Inquiry heard evidence claiming that not only did the police delay in arresting Robert Pickton after having several tips about him murdering women on the pig farm, but one officer visited him and told him the name of two informants who claimed he was killing people on the farm.

Words cannot express how absolutely outrageous that is. RCMP Supt. Bob Williams refused to say on the stand at the Missing Women Inquiry Thursday if naming those informants put their lives at risk or undermined what was still an active serial- murder investigation.

Williams interviewed the officer, Cpl. Frank Henley, for his 2002 report on whether the Mounties could be liable for civil lawsuit compensation to the families of women murdered by Pickton.

"Snitches are not welcome in the criminal underworld. In fact, they are probably often killed?" demanded lawyer Jason Gratl, a lawyer acting for Downtown Eastside aboriginal and women's groups.

Pressed by Gratl to say if revealing sources was a "breach of discipline . . . or a firing offence," Williams, the first senior Mountie to take the stand, protested, "that's going pretty far."

OMG. Who on earth is Bob Williams? If the devil was ever called to testify at the inquiry, that is no doubt exactly what he would say. Telling Pickton the names of two police informants was a colossal breach of trust. They are only worried about civil liability. No wonder. They certainly breached that.

Not investigating Pickton when they had more than one tip and more than one witness was bizarre. Telling Pickton the names of the informants was absolutely outrageous. Unprofessional doesn't cover it. It was pure evil. It makes us wonder about when the inquiry will here the promised evidence that off duty police officers attended the wild sexfest parties at Piggy Palace.

There was another witness who was going to testify in the Pickton trial that Hells Angels attended parties at Piggy's Palace in colours. When "Bikers" showed up at her home she left town and didn't testify. Did Cpl. Frank Henley also tell the Hells Angels the name of the informants that were going to testify against them? This is more evidence that Pickton did not act alone. He wasn't the group of bikers that showed up at that witnesses' home to scare them out of testifying in court.

Is Mitt Romney another Obama?

Although I totally agree Mitt Romney is a much better choice than Sarah Palin, Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich, I’m still forced to ask is Mitt Romney another Obama? Does he walk the walk or does he just talk the talk. There was an editorial in the Vancouver Province recently about how keeping Guantanamo Bay open was Obama’s biggest failure. His next was like unto it. Opening more Guantanamo bay prisons accross the United States.

The passing of the NDAA which throws away the Bill of Rights and gives the military obscene powers to violate anyone’s right they conveniently classify as a domestic terrorist. As that bill was passed, England put the entire occupy movement on the domestic terrorist list while in the US they were pepper spraying seniors and University students for peacefully exercising their right to lawful assembly.

How did Mitt Romney vote on that bill? The devil’s apprentice, John McCain passionately supported it. Then he threw in his support of Mitt Romney. How did Mitt Romney vote on the bail out Wall Street fraud? No doubt he supported the betrayal and desecration of Muammar Gaddafi.

Don’t get me wrong. Mitt Romney seems like a nice family man with traditional religious values. Yet Obama seemed like a great guy too and he said one thing and did the other. No doubt his background in the Secret Service had something to do with his caving in to the same old agenda.

Ron Paul’s position is pretty clear. The neo cons have committed a lot of fraud and created financial chaos for the public interest while lining their own pockets through insider trading and campaign contributions. Ron Paul is still speaking out and a lot more people are listening.

Stopping Smart Meters and the Hydro Fraud

Front page of the Surrey Leader says “The move to a modern power grid. 80% of Delta and Richmond homes now have smart meters; in Surrey, 20% do.” That is astounding. First the fraudulent premise. Installing Smart Meters isn’t just a matter of modernizing the power grid. It is a scam to increase Time of Day Billing and it implements intrusive surveillance that can be sold to spammers and intercepted by criminals. Even Bill Vander Zalm opposes them. That means it’s not just a matter of a lot of misinformation out there like the Hydro scam claims.

BC Hydro is “supposed” to be a public company. That means they are “supposed” to be publically accountable. The amount of fraud at BC Hydro and their unilateral dishonesty about it is absolutely shocking. Proceedihg with the Smart Meters when the cities have voted to freeze them is wrong.

We’ve talked about the ballooning BC Hydro debt that has been created by a fraudulent scam. Christy Sith Lord Clark’s government privatized Teirson Gas but they also privatized the BC Hydro subsidiaries that sell power to BC Hydro at an inflated rate. The private company is ripping off the public company so they can privatize the public company and completely shaft us, the consumers.

These are the same privatized subsidiaries that were charged along with Enron doing false billing. Surprise, surprise. Are we beginning to see the real concerns yet? Enron was a disaster. It was another example of what happens when you turn a public company private and remove public accountability. Criminals take over and rip off tax payers. This isn’t about the unemployed being jealous of the rich. It’s about criminals ripping off taxpayers with fraud. BC Hydro rejected powerline carrier technology because it would not support time of day billing.

The Canadian Bank Bail out

If we didn’t do it, why did we? There has been a lot of talk about why Canada didn’t need to bail out it’s banks like England and the United States did. A lot of talk. As I mentioned in my Top Scams of the Old Era post, the Harper Government reiterated that lie when the Occupy movement started in Canada. They came right out and said that Canada didn’t have to bail out their banks like they did in the United States so the concerns here aren’t the same as in the US. Turns out that was a bold faced lie.

Who would think that “Our” government would directly lie to us? Isn’t perjury illegal? Can’t you go to jail for that? We can only wish. Most of us, including myself until recently, didn’t know that Canada did in fact bail out their banks when we were told there was no reason to do so. On my other post one blog reader asked for links about it, likely because they too were not aware of it. Only the links are hard to find.

A couple of “left” wing outlets reported it but no doubt the right would scoff at their credibility. Yet even the Green Party posted the dirty deed on their web site. God Bless Elizabeth May. The fact that the Harper Government went from a surplus in the millions to a deficit in the billions with one swoop of the pen is absolutely mind boggling. What’s worse is them lying about doing it. Like how can you hide that kind of expenditure? We know the Harper Government was found in contempt before the last election for hiding what their budget was going to cost.

The strange thing is that “Conservatives” TALK about balanced budgets. Yet the new conservatives or neo cons as Ron Paul refers to them, do the exact opposite. Sure they do massive cuts to social programs but they also counter that with massive spending on their friends and supporters. Pork Barrel politics at it’s worse.

Harpers’ Drunk Driver High Commissioner for England, the hated Gordon Campbell, was a prime example of that. Closing Riverveiw and Seniors’ homes putting seniors and the mentally ill on the street while giving themselves two fat raises and the same gold plated pension Campbell originally campaigned against. Saying one thing and doing another is breech of contract. Never mind recall, they should be charged criminally and put in jail.

The Canadian bank bail out is a huge concern. The banks need to be held accountable and pay it back. Closing schools hospital and cutting pensions to pay for that is wrong, wrong, wrong. Harper should be put in jail for lying about it.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Street gangs targeting Hells Angels

LONDON, ONT. - Street gangs with outside muscle, targeting the Hells Angels, have sparked the outburst of violence that's left five adult businesses in flames and two people shot, police said Wednesday.

Late Wednesday, three of the men police arrested — two from London, one from Brampton, Ont. — appeared in court via video to answer charges related to the shooting. All three men are black, giving credence to the police theory that biker gangs — which don't usually allow black members — aren't responsible for the recent violence.

Hold the door. Greg Wooley was Black and the Hells Angels certainly used him. They made him a member of a puppet club in Quebec called the Rockers and put him in charge of his own gang called the Syndicate. That way the White Supremacists were able to supply all the Crips in Montreal with cocaine. Buyer Beware.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mountie charged with drug theft

Wow. Holy Pandora's box Batman. The Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province are both reporting that the Merrit RCMP Detachment commander has been accused of stealing and using cocaine from a police exhibit. Staff-Sgt. Stuart Seib, Merritt RCMP detachment commander, was arrested Tuesday and charged with theft Wednesday. Additional charges are pending.

"On Friday, Jan. 6, we became aware Staff-Sgt. Stuart Seib stole and used drug exhibits," said Sekela, adding that there were multiple thefts. Seib was made detachment commander in Clearwater in 2003 and was transferred to Merritt in November 2011. He has also worked in Alert Bay, Ashcroft and Prince George. Investigators will go back over Seib's 18-year RCMP career to deter-mine whether any other offences may have taken place.

Prince George? Like that's not a red flag. Hells Angels drug capital of BC. Prince George is also the place when a court judge named David Ramsey was convicted of sexually abusing under age native girls. Some police officers were also accused of being involved and helping to cover that heinous crime up.

Last night I just watched an old Stephen Seagal movie called Exit Wounds where a rouge cop goes into a crooked detachment and with the help of some honest officers, confronts a drug related police corruption ring. That kind of thing only happens in the movies. So we thought.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Saanich cocaine Bust

Finally some good news. Another cocaine bust in Saanich. 12 kilograms of cocaine were seized. The names have not yet been released of those arrested and charged. Particularly of interest for those of us following the Lindsey Birziak murder and the Calgary cocaine bust that occurred shortly before her murder. Apparently there was another drug bust in Saanich on December 29 2011. There was a Victoria bust December 10 2011 as well.

This is what we need to do in Kelowna. We all know who the players are. We need to call in the times and places of the large shipments to the Po Po so the real rats can get busted. That's the only way to get justice for Britnay, Dain and Geoff.

"Advocate" wants Free Alcohol

After reporting that an "advocate" wants more safe injections sites in Vancouver, the Vancouver Province ran a new article today about a guy who wants free booze for alcoholics. I'm not sure if they ran the article to show how absurd the Insite logic is or if there are actually people crazy enough to support such an absurd idea. It is the prime example of give an inch, take a mile. Some people just want more no matter how much you give them.

Some people want to turn the safe injection site into a safe inhalation site where people can smoke crack in a "safe" environment. Others ultimately want us to buy the drugs for the addicts. I kid you not. Where's that money going to come from? What schools and hospitals should we close so we can buy a drug addict poison and make the Hells Angels rich(er)?

Somewhere we have to draw a line. Funding a safe injection site is like handing out a plate with a revolver on it so people can commit suicide in a safe place then rationalizing it by saying well we didn't give them the bullets.


The feedback in the Letters to the Editor carry the same message:

Wait just a minute! Is Downtown Eastside alcoholic Rob Morgan actually saying he wants the government — taxpayers — to fund a lounge stocked with alcohol so that he and 40 others can get drunk for free?

Oh sure, there will be counselling and detox services provided with this “club,” but let’s not kid ourselves. I hardly doubt those services will be used when you’ve got a bar full of vodka, scotch and ice cold brewskies at your disposal!

Instead of enabling the addiction, why not go to AA, get sober, get a job and get off the streets!

Sarah Watts, Cloverdale


Another goofy idea

The proposal to open more Insite supervised injection sites is just another goofy idea that will cost the taxpayers more money to cater to the never-ending problem of dealing with those who cannot take responsibility for their own behaviour and blame their misfortune on society.

I am sure Vancouver city hall will be most interested in pursuing this course of stupidity. They have a long record of doing so. Will the madness ever end?

Ian Robertson, New Westminster


Close Insite and tell addicts to get jobs

Now Downtown Eastside residents want another Insite and a lounge to drop in and drink free alcohol.

I have a better idea. Close the existing Insite and make these people work, instead of us taxpayers paying for their free ride!

Shawn Storey, Surrey


Can I get free drinks too?

Where can I register for free drinks?

Peter Baillie, Coquitlam


How about ecstasy rooms?

With the new plan to create a drinking lounge in the Downtown Eastside, isn’t this getting out of hand?

We recently have had young women die from taking ecstasy and it appears part of their reason for taking the drug was weight control. Should Insite now create a club for this problem too?

Ed Braun, Vancouver

Lloydminster Shooting

Speaking of the Lloydminster drug trade. Reports are coming in that there has been two - drive by shootings there recently and a stabbing in a bar the Freewheelers hangout in. The police believe the shootings are drug related. The source claims the stabbing at the bar was heard on a police scanner and not reported in the media.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Ecstasy Death

The forest fire continues to rage and consume everything in it's path. A 22-year-old Vancouver woman died in hospital on Sunday afternoon after taking the drug at a house party.

The girl complained of a headache and nausea and her "friends" persuaded her to lie down. They had all taken the drug but without the adverse reaction suffered by the woman. When they checked on her several hours later, they couldn't find a pulse. With friends like that, who needs enemies? If your friend is having a bad reaction to Ecstasy, take them to the hospital. Don't let them sleep it off.

Is Insite going to expand and let little girls drop E in a safe environment or are we going to stop poisoning our children and start arresting the drug dealers? Ecstasy is not a diet pill. Can you imagine some POS drug dealer telling a young girl that Ecstasy is a diet pill? That is dirty.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Extremist wants another safe injection site

Front page of today's province declares "Advocate wants second insite." He's not an advocate, he's an extremist. In fact, he's a murder. Oh but he's with a group the extremists cry. Yeah, what group? The group that runs insite. No kidding. Well that's simply a conflict of interest. The group that runs insite wants another one to profit from. That's like a medical doctor getting a kickback for prescribing methadone without ever reducing the dosage.

Drug addiction is like a forest fire. The more we feed it the more it consumes. The fact that the operator of insite claims we need more safe injections sites is proof their little pilot project failed. They haven't reduced the amount of drug addicts on the street, they have increased them.

There's a forest fire raging across the country. It started in East Vancouver and is spreading across the province. Prince George, Dawson Creek, Kelowna, Vernon, they're all getting consumed. Does anyone care?

The Hells Angels profit from the drug trade. They use violence to control it. Then they use violence to expand their drug trade into smaller communities that are easily intimidated by a big city gang. Insite is supporting the Hells Angels profiteering. Expanding it is wrong, wrong, wrong. We need to put the fire out not pour gasoline on it.

During the Vancouver Occupy movement, a young woman died of a heroin overdose. What did we do about it? We gave her a clean needle to kill herself with. Courtesy of the Vancouver "Health Authority." Now that is an oxymoron. This heath authority has nothing to do with health. It just feeds death and destruction.

If there was a fire raging through an old growth forest like Clayoquot sound, we'd be outraged. If some wacko kills a bunch of sled dogs, we are infuriated. Why is it that we not only don't care when human lives are lost, we assist in their murder? These are human being we are killing. As precious as a sled dog or old growth tree is, these people we are killing are even more important.

Forget harm reduction, let's have dope reduction instead.

Sick of watching people die.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Montreal man pleads guilty in B.C. cociane trial

One of three Montreal men accused in a major cocaine conspiracy entered a guilty plea in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver on Friday. Just a few days before his trial was to begin, Luc Bolea pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to traffic in cocaine between March 2008 and June 2008 in Vancouver and elsewhere in B.C. and Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec.

He was charged in June 2008 along with his co-accused Bruno Diquinzio and Jean Gaetan Gingras following an investigation by B.C. members of the RCMP task force Project Expedio.

It's hard to conceive why they were initially under investigation for the 1998 assassination of Vancouver publisher Tara Singh Hayer. Dave Hayer's father was murdered for speaking out against the Air India bombers. Luc, Bruno and Jean Gaetan don't sound like Punjabi names. Unless of course they were hired by the Babbar Khalsa.

I'm personally interested the Vancouver / Montreal cocaine ring tied to the Hells Angels. Speaking of Montreal Hells Angels, have we confirmed Jeremy Bettan's associations yet?

Lawlessness diminishes us

As the bizarre case of Jassi Sudhu's murder goes to trial where her mother and uncle are charged with her murder, another disturbing case comes to light. An 18 year old kid named Harvey Hans gets in a fight and punches another kid named Shavinder Brar.

So Brar gets a 23 year old named Amrit Gill and a posse of friends to wait outside Harvey Hans' house. Gill used a taser on one of Harvey's friends as they slit Harvey's throat. Cold, heartless and cheap. What's worse is that the two accused were only given five years each for manslaughter. Five years for slitting someone's throat is lawlessness. It diminishes all of us.

More RCMP sexual harassment allegations

Another female RCMP officer in B.C. is alleging sexual assault she suffered while on the job. Const. Karen Katz, an officer in the Protective Services Section of E-Division, has filed a lawsuit in B.C. Supreme Court describing several incidents of abuse at the hands of a male officer.

There were a few more incidents of police misconduct before the holidays. An Ottawa case of an officer being accused of excessive force and covering it up comes to mind. Everyone is in agreement there has been problems within the RCMP and the new RCMP Commissioner seems determined to help restore dignity to the force. Clearly the fallacy of being the most professional organization in the world has been exposed.

Obviously, good and evil exist. Obviously law enforcement is a good thing. A world without law would be chaos. Making the police publicly accountable is a step in the right direction.

Smart Meters and Daytime usage billing

Another blog reader pointed out that the main reason they are tying to implement the Smart Meters is to change the daytime usage billing. They want to keep track of when you use your power and charge you more for using power during the day. They are doing it under the guise of being green trying to give people incentive for using power off peak times when really it's just an excuse to raise the daytime usage rates. The wireless transmission of your in home surveillance that can be intercepted by any criminal is just a side effect of their scam.

Speaking of Enron, Enron Corp. teamed up with at least two other power sellers - including B.C. Hydro's Powerex subsidiary - to reap outsized profit by submitting false information to California's electric-grid manager in 2000, according to internal Enron memos. In fact, California Attorney-General Bill Lockyer claims electricity suppliers, including B.C. Hydro's Powerex, made huge profits by rigging prices.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Addressing BC Hydro's Ballooning Deficit

Far worse than the intrusive nature of the smart meters is the scam that created the colossal ballooning BC Hydro debt that tax payers are eventually going to be expected to cover. It all started when the Campbell government wanted to privatize BC Hydro just like Enron. Like we didn’t see the writing on the wall with that one.

Since there was such public opposition to privatizing BC Hydro, Campbell’s Sith Lords made a compromise. They split it in two and privatized Tersan gas while leaving BC Hydro as a public company. So we were told. The problem is they didn’t leave it a public company. They secretly privatized the companies that sell the power to BC Hydro to their friends which created the colossal ongoing deficit scam.

Think about it. What happens when you privatize a public company? Other than giving away public assets to your friends in the private sector, you change the company’s mandate. A public power company is publicly accountable. A private power company is not. A private power company is mandated to make a profit. A public power company is not. Other than paying dividends to the government and increasing the tax revenue which in turn reduces tax for the general public.

What’s wrong with making a profit? Normally, nothing. Only when you change the mandate of a public power company it then becomes mandated to rip you off and charge more for their rates, which is exactly what happened. The privatized power companies that started selling the power to BC Hydro started charging inflated rates so they could make more money. Did they take those profits and reinvest it into the tax revenue as dividends for the government? No they did not. The put it in their greedy little pockets and called it good business. BC Hydro then in turn sold it to California at a loss. Anyone in the private sector will tell you that is bad business.

So now we’re told about this huge deficit that is rapidly expanding and being deferred each year that we will one day have to address. They are using this scam to say, see a public power company can’t run as efficiently as a private power company, we need to bail out their debt and privatise the whole thing to our buddies in the scam. Wrong. Instead, we need to address the cause of the problem not the symptom. We need to do away with the privatized power companies that sell the power to BC Hydro at inflated rates and bring that back into a publicly owned and controlled BC Hydro. We need to reduce the middleman and buy direct from the source. That is good business.

Speaking of Enron, Enron Corp. teamed up with at least two other power sellers - including B.C. Hydro's Powerex subsidiary - to reap outsized profit by submitting false information to California's electric-grid manager in 2000, according to internal Enron memos. In fact, California Attorney-General Bill Lockyer claims electricity suppliers, including B.C. Hydro's Powerex, made huge profits by rigging prices.

Friday, January 6, 2012

More Surrey Shootings

As I keep saying, it’s impossible to keep up with all the local shootings. That’s more Kim Bolan’s specialty. Yet there have been even more shootings in Surrey recently that have been relevant. The police made such an effort to tell the media that the Christmas shooting spree in Surrey had nothing to do with organized crime or the gang war. The brazen disclaimer was suspicious.

After the names of the Christmas shooting victims were released it turns out that some did have connections to drugs and gangs. Jeremy Bettan who was shot dead in Walnut Grove was a Hells Angels associate. So the Christmas shootings which were not in any way related to the Hells Angels are related. No big surprise there.

Legal aid Funding spurs legal drama

Well Freddy was right. B.C.’s trial lawyers will consider withdrawing services from gang and murder trials if Victoria doesn’t boost legal-aid funding. TLABC claims the provincial government generates roughly $100 million annually through taxation on legal fees, but that tax revenue is not directed to legal aid.

“It’s not about lawyers trying to get money for themselves,” Gill said, adding governments have cut at least $50 million in funding in the last two decades. “It’s about trying to make sure that people have fair and equitable access to justice.”

The Sith Lord's government diverting taxes for legal aid? No big surprise there. Remember the Charter of rights? You have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay. If you can't afford a lawyer one will be appointed for you by the courts. The erosion of the charter of rights continues while the rich neo cons refuse to provide breath samples so they don't self incriminate.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

78 convictions and still going

The Vancouver Province ran a front page article about a prolific offender today. The guy has 78 convictions and is still going. As the VPD has clearly shown, prolific offenders are still a problem in our judicial system. The more crimes they commit, the less jail time they serve. That is messed up.

Top Scams and Cons of the old era

I heard a commercial on the radio yesterday about CTV News running a special on top scams of 2011. From Banking fraud to locksmiths, who's trying to scam you and how to protect yourself. Although I missed the report I think it is very timely. Another aspect of the New York minute is the hustle -the scam, the con. The person who is trying to rip you off.

Identify theft and scams are something we should all be aware of. What about the big time scams that embezzle entire pensions? Since 2012 is the beginning of a new era, perhaps it's worth looking at a series of large scale scams from last year and beyond to examine the pattern these cons follow so we can indeed protect ourselves so we won't get fooled again.

Canadian Bank Bailout

Obviously in the United States bailing out the investment fraud on Wall Street was the top scam of the old era. Yet unbeknown to most, Canada had a similar scam. It took Canada from a $2.3 billion surplus to a $64 billion deficit with one swoop of the pen. That is significant.

Stephen Harper started off talking like a Conservative. He told the British Prime Minister that we don't think we should bail out the banks with tax dollars. Then he completely flips and gave them $75 billion.

The most bizarre thing of all is that most Canadians don’t know we bailed out our banks. Partly because the Harper government lied about doing so. If you remember when the Occupy movement was just starting to take root, the Harper government told the media that Canada was unlike the United States and didn’t have to spend tax dollars on a bank bailout. I myself thought that was true. It turns out that wasn’t true and that statement was a bold faced lie.

Brian Mulroney

Brian Mulroney was directly involved in one of the top scams of the old era. The Liberal government has accused him of getting a kickback in the Airbus scandal. He responded by suing the government for slander. He lied about his relationship with Karl in his court affidavit and the Liberals agreed to an out of court settlement of $2.1 million.

First, that settlement should not have come out of the tax payers pocket. If the Liberal party defamed someone then the liberal party is liable for the libel so to speak. A former civil servant suing the taxpayer is hypocritical at best.
Second, Mulroney lied. He committed perjury in his affidavits. The Liberal government hadn’t committed slander, they told the truth. He did receive a kickback for the Airbus scandal and he lied about his relationship with Karl. That means Brian Mulroney embezzled $2.1 million from the Canadian taxpayer and committed perjury. Mulroney should be charged criminally for the perjury and sued civilly to recoup the stolen $2.1 million. Scams are nothing new to the former Prime Minister. According to retired US Navy intelligence officer Al Martin, Brian Mulroney was involved with Bre X.

BC Rail

The BC Rail scandal make the top scams of the old era list. Not because selling public assets to their political friends and fire sale prices is anything new or shocking. It’s because of the direct ties to Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark as well as the party’s connection to money laundering and cocaine trafficking.

After the plea bargain was struck in the Bassi Virk case, Gordon Campbell publicly chastised them for wasting so much of the tax payers money by stalling off the trial past elections only to conclude by pleading guilty. That was obscene hypocrisy. They stalled off the trail to benefit him. The coped a plea bargain to benefit him. Then he goes and publicly blame them? That was offensive.

Then we find out that Sith Lord Christy Clark was also directly involved in the scandal not just her brother. Yet the biggest con of all was the cocaine trafficking charges that were dropped as part of the plea bargain. Bassi’s cousin was convicted of cocaine trafficking. Yet all charges against him and the BC Liberals were mysteriously dropped. Not long after that the RCMP renewed their contract in BC with those same Liberals after much talk of reverting to a Regional Police force.


The HST was a top scam on 2011. The government spent millions of tax dollars on advertising trying to convince the public that the HST would lower taxes. Spending tax dollars on telling the public how to vote on a referendum was a scam in itself. Claiming the HST would lower taxes was a lie. They would not have spent that much money on advertising if it was going to lower taxes. They spent that much money on advertising because it was going to increase revenue. Taxing something that was previously tax exempt is not lowering taxes.

Smart Meters

Smart Meters is a top scam of 2011 and continues in 2012. Having a hydro meter report it’s usage without having to manually have someone go physically check the meter is one thing. Maintaining covert surveillance on the public is another. The public campaign to stop the Smart Meters continues in the New Year. Yet adressing the cause of the BC Hydro debt scam is even more important.

Operation Mass Appeal

The invasion of Iraq was a top scam of then old era. Weapons of mass destruction. The Americans sold Iraq chemical weapons to use on Iran during their war with them. Hanging Hussein, who they put in power, for using the chemical weapons he bought from them on the Kurds was hypocritical at best.

MI 6 was caught red handed giving false information to the media about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. They were trying to gain public support for an invasion. Operation Mass Appeal was yet another in a long list of scams involving military intelligence.

911 Third Tower

The 911 Truth movement was well represented at the George Bush demonstration in Surrey. Not everyone agrees with the official version of events. Claiming that the third tower, the one that was not hit by any planes, collapsed into it’s own blueprint at free fall speed was due to heat and fire is clearly a top scam of the old era. That is not scientific. Engineers will confirm that.

The BBC reporting the fall of the third Tower before it fell was yet another scam. Later the BBC claimed that if they had reported the fall of the tower before it fell, that did not mean they were involved in the conspiracy. It only meant they made an error. Not likely. That’s like reporting a bank robbery before it happens when it did in fact happen. A mistake would be reporting that something happened when it didn’t. That would be a mistake. Reporting something that did happen before it happened wasn’t a mistake on their part. It just meant the people responsible sent out the press release a few minutes early.

911 Asbestos

Larry Silverstein buying the Twin Towers right after the Port Authority lost the court case to force the insurance agencies to pay for the asbestos removal was another top scam of the old era. The Port Authority were denied a permit to demolish the Twin Towers because it was half full of asbestos and that would create a health hazard for the general public. Shortly thereafter two planes crashed into the Twin towers bringing them down just like a controlled demolition at free fall speed.
Larry Silverstein went to court with the Port Authority at his side and was awarded twice the value of his investment because two planes were involved in the attack not just one. That’s like insuring a car worth $20,000 that gets in a three car collision and being paid out $40,000 twice the value of the car just because it was involved in a three car collision instead of a two car collision. Larry Silverstein doubling his investment from 911 was another tragic scam of the old era.

Gas Pipeline

Afghanistan was initially blamed for 911 even though Bin Laden was found in Pakistan. Three months before 911 the Texas oil barons were wining and dining the Taliban trying to woo them and win over the contract for the Central Asia gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Unicol had the contract initially but in the end the Taliban decided to give the contract to Bridas a firm from Argentina. Three months later, 911 occurred, Afghanistan was invaded and that decision was reversed. The contract was taken from Bridas and given back to the Americans. Bridas losing the contract for the oil pipeline in Afghanistan is another top scam of the old era.

Opium Poppies

Julie Couillard was MP Maxime Bernier's girlfriend. He was caught leaving sensitive military documents about Afghanistan in her possession. Later she claimed Maxime told her that the war in Afghanistan was about control of the opium trade. It had nothing to do with democracy or liberation.

Afghanistan used to be the world’s largest producers of opium which is used to make heroin. After the Taliban took control of the government they had that production practically eliminated completely. After the allied invasion of Afghanistan, the American troops were protecting the opium farms and Afghanistan returned to being the world’s largest suppliers of opium.

The media claimed that if the American soldiers didn’t help the opium harvest the farmers would be angry about then lost revenue and blame them. Yet the Taliban had eliminated the crop so it wasn’t a matter of stopping something they were already doing. It was a matter of letting them do something the Taliban had stopped. Invading Afghanistan and returning it to the world’s largest suppliers of opium is yet another top scam of the old era.

The Greek Financial Crisis

Last but not least, the top scam of the old era goes to the Greek Financial crisis which was a manufactured emergency resulting from investment fraud that Goldman Sachs helped cover up to rip off the EU from that massive bailout. Buyer Beware, bank bailouts from investment fraud need to be addressed.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Montreal Crack House

The free crack pipe controversy continues. The Vancouver Province reports Many Province readers clearly feel that the Vancouver Coast-al Health Authority has crossed that line with its decision to hand out free crack pipes in the Downtown Eastside. I haven't met anyone in real life who doesn't oppose it. I've just met a couple of arrogant stalkers from Vandu online.

Handing out free crack pipes is not in the addicts best interest. I was in South Seattle in the /80's during their crack epidemic. One crack addict / dealer was talking to me with a baby in his arms. He was completely out of touch with reality and completely oblivious to the fact that his baby's diaper hadn't been changed in a very long time and was leaking. As the baby wet herself it gushed out all over him and he kept talking having no idea what was happening. I saw that.

Then we have the Montreal crack house. I wasn't there but I went out for lunch with a friend from Montreal recently who did. He was looking for a friend who got mixed up in that world. He came across a crack house where prostitutes were chained to the bed, had a bucket to go to the bathroom in and were paid in crack. I kid you not. This wasn't in the /80's. This was a couple years ago.

The Surrey House of Horrors and the Prince George crack shack torture chambers were no better. This is the real world of crack addiction. We should be using all our resources to shun it not to promote it. Handing out free crack pipes tells the addict that crack is OK when it's not. It's worse than drinking aftershave because it is far more addictive. Shame on us for caving in to the Zanadu Vandu freaks. That makes us accomplices to the outrageous violence associated with that drug.

Edmonton East MP Peter Goldring

Hours after publicly speaking against tougher drunk-driving laws, Edmonton East MP Peter Goldring was charged Sunday for refusing to take a breathalyzer test when a police officer pulled him over.

"Our government takes drinking and driving very seriously," said Sara MacIntyre, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's press secretary. She wouldn't comment further while the case is before court, except to say Goldring, 66, has withdrawn from caucus until the charge is resolved.

The Vancouver Province is reporting Goldring has changed his caucus affiliation from Conservative Party to Civil Libertarian after being charged with failing to provide a breath sample to police in December.

In 2009, Goldring opposed proposed legislation changes that would allow police to screen all drivers with roadside breathalyzer tests, whether or not officers suspected the drivers had been drinking.

"It is safe to say everyone is opposed to drunk driving - but there are civilliberty issues involved," Goldring wrote in an article posted on his website at the time. "There is the presumption of innocence and the right to not selfincriminate."

That's rather absurd. If we oppose drinking and driving, we will gladly give a breath test. The only reason for not doing so is as he claimed, not to self incriminate. In other words you're guilty but you don't want to get caught. Just like Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in Florida. Shame shame. I still say seizing your car after two drinks is wrong. That is a civil liberty issue not refusing to provide a sample to not self incriminate.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jeremy Bettan

The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team released the names of the two latest murder victims. The 28-year-old Surrey man gunned down Tuesday is Apollo-Lyn Simpson. His family agreed with police that releasing his name might help the investigation. He has no criminal record, but was a problem tenant, according to his landlady.

And the 38-year-old man gunned down execution-style in the driveway of his Walnut Grove rental house has been identified as Jeremy Olivier Bettan. Bettan also has no criminal record, but [Kim Bolan] has learned he did in fact have some associations within organized crime.

One blog reader just pointed out that when I made my post about the boat Jonathon Bacon and Larry Amero were racing around on the day before they were shot was called Steroids and Silicone. Kind of a plastic world if you ask me. Nevertheless, one commenter said Jonathon didn't own the boat, Larry Amero and Jeremy did. I would certainly be a coincidence if the Jeremy Bettan who was recently shot was an associate of Larry Amero. I am told by someone who went to High School with Larry Amero that he went to Walnut Grove High Secondary and was picked on in school. I guess that's why he turned to the steroids. They claimed his father was a longshoreman which was the HA contact.

Update: Other sources claim Jeremy Bettan was originally from Langley and went to Montreal to set up a courier company there. Yet another source claims Jeremy Bettan "worked" for Larry Amero. That doesn't confirm joint ownership in the boat Steroids and Silicone but it does confirm a connection to Larry Amero and the Hells Angels.

Ecstasy Overdoses

More tragedies over Christmas and New Years. December 22 a seventeen year old girl from Abbotsford died from taking ecstasy. Another 24 year old woman from Abbotsford is in the hospital from an ecstasy overdose. Her friends claim she took seven hits. 24 is old enough to make your own decisions. Yet taking seven hits of ecstasy is not a wise or responsible decision. Tragic.

Calgary has just reported it's fourth ecstasy fatality. In Calgary a man died December 23rd from an ecstasy over dose and another fatality from New Years. A friend took Robert Harding, 25, to hospital but medical staff weren't able to revive him. "I think he took too many," said his older brother, Arlin Harding.

Daniel Dahl, 18, overdosed on ecstasy at a house party earlier this month. His mother said he ingested up to seven tablets of the drug. Dahl spent 10 days in hospital before doctors declared him brain-dead on Dec. 19.

In November, 16-year-old Alex Kristof died after taking ecstasy at a house party. Health officials said Kristof took eight tablets. Authorities said several people who attended the same party also took the drug — but just one tablet each. They were treated in hospital and released.

For now, authorities have no definitive answer about why three people have died after taking the drug while others have lived. The difficulty, said one drug investigator, is taking ecstasy in any amount is inherently dangerous. Tests routinely find ecstasy laced with other drugs such as ketamine, cocaine and LSD, and in varying potency. "Any amount of this drug is highly dangerous," said Staff Sgt. Mike Bossley of the Calgary police drug unit. "You're getting a different strength of drug every time you take it."

No doubt the suppliers of the Ecstasy from Abbotsford and Calgary are linked and it's not Santa. So what now? Do we start handing out free pill jars to make it easier for people to take ecstasy so they don't get germs from handling them by hand? Extacy like crack is a poison. We should not be helping people take poison. These are young people with their whole lives ahead of them. In many cases they are simply teenagers.

Young girls taking E as a diet pill is amazing. Either that's a line they're telling their parents or they're misinformed. Ecstasy is not a diet pill. Ecstasy is a very unstable drug. It's not safe to take. Taking seven his is very unwise. Similarly, a good dose for a regular Oxycontin user is enough to kill someone else. We shouldn't be spending tax dollars to make it easier for people to ingest poison.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Free Crack Pipes are in, Sanity is out

Well this is absurd. Vancouver is now handing out free crack pipes at the tax payer's expense. This project makes this web site a complete waste of time. It makes law enforcement a complete waste of time. It is a con that shoots ourselves in the foot and poisons our brothers and sisters.

Now the hecklers can stop saying Vancouver isn't handing out free crack pipes when we reported on the news that they planed to do so. Now that plan is being implemented and it diminishes all of use. Giving an alcoholic alcohol is not in the addicts best interest.

Are we going to hand out free Dixie cups for people to drink aftershave next? Poisoning people does not help them. I am not saying let's give all crack addicts the boots. Far from it. I'm saying let's have some compassion for the crack addicts and help them get off the drug and stop letting the crack dealers sell crack in public. That is the New York Model.

Clay Rouchet had compassion on his friend James Coulter by helping him overcome his crack addiction. That is what a true friend does. A real friend doesn't give you a straw to drink Mr Clean or a spoon to eat Drano. That is not what a real friend does.

Crack is a poison. It destroys peoples' lives. When I have more time I'll post links to YouTube videos of crack addicts in Surrey and Vancouver on the nods. It looks sub human. Enabling that is WRONG. The best thing for an addict who is a chronic offender of property theft to pay for his addiction is to lock him in jail for three months without any drugs. Period. A former addict in Surrey said that himself.

That's not even mentioning the torture and abuse crack addicts face every day. Hells Angel associate Tony Terezakis video tapped himself beating the life out or crack addicts who owed him money. He couldn't stop laughing in court when the videos were played. That guy is deranged as is anyone who profits from that kind of poison. This project is wrong. Time to elect a new City Hall.

Israel: Are you listening?

Strange story in the paper about a female Israeli soldier who was verbally abused by an ultra Orthodox Jew for not sitting at the back of the bus. There was a large demonstration of other Jews opposing it. Religious extremism and hypocrisy is indeed annoying and discouraging, yet it is nothing new. People will distort and exploit anything they want. That doesn't make it right.

Clearly any religion with anything to aspire to will elevate women not verbally abuse them. The guy should be giving up his seat for the woman not ordering her around and calling her names. In some minds chivalry is lost. I most certainly don't support any kind of Antisemitism many want to rekindle. We fought in the trenches on foreign soil to oppose that. Yet Israel is not always right and this man most certainly does not represent Israel. He is an extremist.

Israel is not always right. They would not have been slaves in Egypt or carried away captive in Babylon if they were. Yet Jesus was a Jew. The Bible was written by Jews. Do the Gentiles thank the Jews for that sacrifice? Religious extremism and hypocrisy is the very thing that Christ boldly confronted. He physically drove the money changers out of the Temple and called the religious leaders of the time liars, hypocrites and extortionists. He even went so far as to call them children of the devil warning that God is able to turn these stones into children of Abraham.

The Jews have a right to a home. So do the Palestinians. They are both children of Abraham who was also called Israel. I am somewhat baffled by some lobbyists that publicly denounce Zionism. Zion is the pure in heart. Zionism is a quest for a better world. Opposing that is rather silly. Zionism is not evicting people out of their home and taking over that home with force.

Israel's problem is that it is a nation without a constitution guaranteeing religious freedom and equal protection of the law. Instead of creating a free republic, they created a Jewish State. What on earth is that? Palestinians cannot have citizenship. They cannot have a passport or serve in the military. It is problematic.

The real problem is that neither side wants to share the land despite the clear command to vex not the stranger that sojourneth with thee. Take Gaza. Gaza firing rockets into Israel after Israel pulled out and gave them autonomy was crazy. Israel responding by shelling Gaza with White Phosphorous they bought from the Americans was over the top. The Palestinians in Gaza weren't the original inhabitants by the way. It's not like the native First Nations people here in Canada. The Philistines were the original inhabitants of Gaza. They were conquered by Ramses.

Surely I digress. I worked on a kibbutz in Israel when I was young. Israel is a wonderful place but it's full of crazies. Yes there are many wonderful people there from both sides who sincerely want peace. Yet there are wackos on both sides who are simply crazy.

I remember local trade Unions in Canada speaking out condemning Israel for building a wall protecting them from Palestinians who were firing rockets at them. I said you've got to be kidding. If my neighbor was firing rockets at me, I'd build a wall to defend myself too. It's a lot easier to criticize from the outside.

The real model for Israel is Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam - the Oasis of Peace. It is a community where Jews and Palestinians live in peace based on religious freedom. They aren't trying to water down and merge the different religious traditions into one. They simply say you're a Jew, you're a Muslim and you're a Christian and that's OK. That is a free republic. That is the model we should aspire to. There's a lot more I have to say about Israel but I'll save it for another time. Suffice it to say that Israel has gangsters too. Mark my word.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Crimes of Mafia Killers and Motorcyclists in Canada

This is an English translation of an interesting article in Italian a blog reader just sent me talking about the Hells Angels involvement in the Montreal mafia war targeting the Rizzutos.

Y2K 2012

Sunrise, sunset. Where did the time go? Sometimes life is as precarious as a Fiddler on the Roof. You may ask why do we stay up here if it's so dangerous? We stay because Vancouver is our home. How do we keep our balance? One word. Tradition.

Yesterday I snowshoed up Seymour First Pump. It was awesome. Quite the New Years tradition with many people. Lots of people were snowshoeing up to Brockton Point with headlamps at dusk. Some even brought tents to catch the sunrise on New Years day.

Well the Y2K 2012 came and went and we're still here. I remember seeing a cartoon about a guy who went back in time and asked the person who carved the Mayan calender why it stopped in 2012. He simply responded, I ran out of space on the rock. Makes sense to me.

I really enjoy hiking in the mountains. Getting a great view helps to put things in perspective. Take the gang war. Organized crime is nothing new. Good and evil have always existed since the world began and we are still free to choose between the two. Just as it should be.

Ziggy Marley once said: "Have no fear of atomic energy, cause none of them can stop the time. Some say it's just a part of it, we've got to fulfill the book" so we do. Choose you this day...