As the year comes to a close, many newspapers and magazines write a year in review. 2011 was a big year in the Vancouver gang war. Not because of the number of shootings and deaths compared to 2009, but because of the significance of them. The most obvious of which was the Kelowna shooting where Jonathon Bacon was murdered and Larry Amero was shot. Tragically, the niece of a Haney Hells Angel was shot and paralyzed as well.
Jonathon Bacon getting shot was not a big surprise. His brother Jamie is on trial for his involvement in the Surrey Six murder and the police have issued many warnings about the Bacon brothers being targets of rival gangs, namely the UN. What was surprising about that shooting was the fact that Whiterock Hells Angel Larry Amero and the niece of a Haney Hells Angel was with him. Not only with him, but making a public scene bragging about their association with him.

Interesting to note that Independent Soldier James Riach was also with them in the same car and was fortunate enough to walk away from the shooting. These key puzzle pieces complete a dark picture indeed. The Hells Angels have taken over the leadership of the Independent Soldiers. Formally an Indo Canadian gang the IS are now a mixed gang that works for the Hells Angels. James Riach and the Independent soldiers met with the Bacon Brothers before the Surrey Six murder at the Castle fun Park in Kevlar. We knew at the time Larry Amero was friends with Jonathon Bacon but we couldn't prove it. We could only prove Larry's friends were friends with Jonathon's friends.
Catching Larry Amero with Jonathon Bacon and a relative of a senor Haney Hells Angel was the proof in the pudding so to speak of the Hells Angels involvement with the Bacon brothers and thus being the driving force behind the Vancouver gang war which peaked in 2009 and was responsible for two of the most heinous murders Surrey has ever seen. The Surrey Six where two innocent bystanders were executed and the murder of a mother with her toddler in the car. Both incidents were tied to the Bacon brothers and thereby tied to the Hells Angels who were supplying them.
Which leads us to 2011 where three drug related murders in Surrey were also directly connected to the Hells Angels. The Durry Dak Pack were in no way responsible for the Kelowna hit but were being systematically hunted down because they were selling drugs but were not doing it for the Hells Angels. This clearly reinforces the premise that although the spike in gang related murders has dropped since 2009, it was simply because one side won and took control of the drug trade. Which of course leads us to the ongoing problem of the Hells Angels violent and backstabbing control of the drug trade as well as the prostitution in many areas. Hats off to the OMGU who busted several Hells Agnels meth labs in the greater Vancouver area this year.
2011 also saw a spike in the number of homicides in Edmonton where the Hells Angels have control of the drug trade through many various puppet clubs including a white supremacist group called the White Boys Posse who were spreading across northern Alberta. We saw the Baseball Team step up to the plate in Grande Prairie selling drugs for the Hells Angels there.
We also saw a gang war start in Winnipeg between a Hells Angels puppet club and the Rock Machine which started because the Hells Angels killed one of their own and told his friends to suck it up. Which unlike Mom Boucher and Biff Hammel, they didn't. Instead the crossed over to the Rock Machine to confront the betrayal. The sick saga of backstabbing violence continues all in the name of greed.
Of course the real pinnacle of the year was the revelation that the Hells Angels were involved with the extermination of the Rizzutos in Montreal. Raynald Desjardins, as well as those with links to the Hells Angels, were charged with the murder of Salvatore Montagna. All in all it has been a year of enlightenment. Other gang bloggers are stepping up to the plate and more and more media outlets are finally reporting on the Hells Angels involvement in the drug trade and the related violence associated with that ruthless monopoly. One step forward, three steps back I suppose.
Honourable mention goes to the absolute idiot with the devil horn implants and the number 666 tattooed to his forehead. This Hells Angels associate has been charged in assisting with the murder of a witness against a Hells Angel in the States. Paying money to get devil horn implants and 666 tattooed on his forehead definitely wins him loser of the year award.