Sunday, November 6, 2022

Policy Horizons Canada and the Great Reset

Kristel Van-der-Elst is reporting that "Policy Horizons Canada (Policy Horizons) is a strategic foresight organization within the Government of Canada with a mandate to help the Government develop future-oriented policy and programs that are more robust and resilient in the face of disruptive change on the horizon."

"The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be a powerful driver of change. It is spurring biodigital innovations such as nearly real-time biosurveillance of virus spread and mutations; virus tracking via smartphone; and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine development at unprecedented speed. Biodigital convergence, the merging of biological systems and digital technologies, is challenging the way we understand ourselves and the world in which we live."


  1. Another WEF liberal, Canada should demand anyone applying for any government position, should announce if they are a member of the WEF. England did that with Freemasonry, although, I do not know if that information is still accurate.

    1. What is with people and Freemasonry? Freemasons are not the problem. Communism is:

    2. You misunderstood my comment.

  2. It's secrecy. Secrecy is a poison. Secrecy and Lies go together. People know this, even if it's on a subconscious level. Hence they do not trust, and always fear secrecy. What they fear, they will always try to destroy. Because people don't like to live in fear. That's what it is.

    1. Yes but the Freemasons are not a secret society. They don't hide their membership. Shriners are Freemasons. They do good work. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were Freemasons as were most of the Founding Fathers. MDCCLXXVI is 1776 in Roman numerals. Freemasons support the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Globalists don't. The CIA is a secret society.

  3. Oh agreed. Not so much real secrecy as the perception of it in this case. Unfortunately that is often enough for the ill-informed.

    It is said that the Lodge Meeting ended early the night of the Boston Tea Party.

    They are. Any intelligence agency is, and the next to zero oversight, with next to zero consequences for wrong doers who often are not even fired encourages the scoundrels that kind of environment attracts. There are a couple books out there that deal not with "this or that happened" from an operational point of view but with the CIA's "agency culture" if you will. Pretty damning stuff, anyone who still wants to join after reading "CIA 101: A Crash Course in Agency Case Officers" by Professor Millick either has rocks in their head or is exactly the kind of person he writes about.

    I can't fucking wait for Klaus Schwab and all his globalist disciples to get what's coming to them for what they've done. Sedition and Treason.



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