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Showing posts sorted by date for query Donnie McWhirter. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

BC creates new gang homicide unit

The Toronto Star is reporting that "British Columbia is forming a new police unit tasked with investigating gang-related homicides, saying almost 50 per cent of the murders in the province last year were connected to gangland crimes." That's interesting. IHIT does it now.

I guess they're just going to split it in two and have a separate investigation unit for non gang related homicides. Sounds like it's all stil going to be RCMP. Unless they make it from VPD and other areas that have their own force like Port Moody, New Westminster and Abbotsford.

The problem is IHIT's f*cked and they're RCMP. Even with the creation of a municipal force in Surrey they were still going to let the RCMP do IHIT. IHIT were the clowns having threesomes with witnesses in the Surrey Six Investigation but it didn't stop there.

They had a Wolf pack crew ho become a IHIT ho when she was testifying against people the Wolf Pack hired but she was still doing the Wolf Pack so that was one passed around STD.

Right now IHIT and the CFSEU are completely compromised. Them giving Damion Ryan a free pass was a prime example. Them giving Donnie McWhirter and the rat pack all that money was an abomination. The only way to fix it is to bring OCA back, the Regional Organized Crime Unit. The CFSEU stole their logo after they sabotaged Operation Phoenix. Mike Farnworth has a good head on his shoulders like Bruce Ralston. David Eby is an idiot and Adrian Dix is lost in space.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Leaving the Gang Life and the Intelligence Community

So let's once again talk about the gathering of good and the gathering of evil. One of the primary purposes of this blog has been to expose the gang life for what it really is and encourage people to leave that life behind. Likewise, a secondary purpose of this blog has been to expose the Intelligence community for what it is and encourage people to leave that life behind.

There will always be drug dealers. When one gets shot, another takes it's place. A lot of people quickly find out that the gang life isn't what it's all cracked up to be. The glamour fades once we discover the L&R is a facade. It's the exact same thing with the intelligence community.

The intelligence community pretends to be something it's not. The James Bond movies are complete fiction. Yet the Jason Bourne series has merit. Power corrupts while absolute power corrupts absolutely. So what does a gang member do when he's in over his head? Blood in blood out? No. I have always said if you want to leave the gang life keep your mouth shut and leave.

Don't cooperate with the police. If you rat out your friends you put your life at risk. The CFSEU lied about Schrader because they wanted to put his life at risk and force him to give them intel on his former associates. That was dirty. Right now they're trying the same thing with James Riach.

Thankfully no lie can live forever. However, lying about someone and putting their life at risk on purpose is low life. If you rat out your friends so you don't have to got to jail like Blaze did, no one respects that. People respect Anthon because he was different. Anthon ratted out a bunch of rat bags because they were rat bags not because he had something to gain.

I don't support drug trafficking but I don't have a problem with James Riach. People like him, people respect him. James Riach is not like Donnie McWhirter or Jamie Bacon. That rat pack will never find respect because they don't have any respect for anyone else. They think it's all about them. As Maximus once said "The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end."

In contrast a lot of people signed up for the Intelligence community wanting to do good. When they find out that's not what the intelligence community does it's usually too late. They're in over their head. Yet I submit it's possible for them to escape if they keep their mouth shut.

The intelligence community is the secret society Kennedy warned us about. The charlatans using lies and deception to enslave the world. If you want out, get out. Exposing them will put your life at risk. There's nothing you or I can do to stop them. As Damion Marley said we've got to fulfill the book. What we see unfold is a gathering. A gathering of good and a gathering of evil.

There is no good in the intelligence community. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. A company man is of no use if the company is corrupt. Yet there is good within law enforcement. The resistance will see though the fake news and the Five Eyes fraud. What they say won't matter. They will fool some but not all and the Constitution which hangs by a thread will be preserved by righteous men and women who love and cherish freedom. So mote it be.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Fatal shooting in Calgary

The Calgary Herald is reporting that "Calgary police are investigating the fourth shooting in less than a week, after a deadly daylight attack in a Marlborough Park strip mall parking lot Monday afternoon. The latest attack occurred around 2 p.m. outside the Save-On Foods store at the TransCanada shopping centre, at 16th Avenue and 52nd Street N.E. Article content One person was killed and two others critically injured. Police believe the offenders fled the scene before officers’ arrival. It was the fourth instance of gun crime in the city in less than a week, three of which occurred in northeast Calgary." I guess the handgun freeze doesn't apply to criminals.

I can tell you what the problem is - the rat pack. As soon as the police start listening to those low life losers all their intel is f*cked and when I say the rat pack I'm referring to Donnie McWhirter, Jamie Bacon and the Murphy Twins.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Father and son fatally shot in Edmonton

Global is reporting that "A man and his 11-year-old son were fatally shot during what the Edmonton Police Service described as “serious, targeted incident” at a shopping complex Thursday in deep southeast Edmonton. Around noon MT, over a dozen police cruisers and an ambulance responded reports of a shooting at the Petro-Canada gas station and A&W in the Harvest Pointe shopping complex just off Ellerslie Road and 50th Street."

Upon arrival, police said officers found a 41-year-old man and an 11-year-old boy in medical distress. EMS responded, however, both the man and child died of their injuries on scene. They are a father and son, EPS confirmed. Not long after the shooting, family members began showing up to the scene, where they learned their loved ones had died.

CBC identified the victim to be Harpreet Uppal and said Uppal had been targeted two years ago in a shooting at an Edmonton pizza restaurant eating dinner with his family.

That is really messed up. All I know is that Edmonton is Red and White.

2nd Update: The day before is too soon to plan and pay for a hit. They tried the same con with Gary Kang. They killed Mo the next day and tried to blame it on the UN when it was really them. The RCMP and the CFSEU are trying to con the honest police forces that busted Damion Ryan.

Update: The fake news is once again trying to spin this. The Brother's Keepers sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels. The Edmonton Hells Angles killed Ali (Suminder Grewal) in Surrey, the UN did not. We see false flag attacks being used around the world as a pretext for war. We also see false allegations in the Vancouver gang conflict by dirty rats getting paid in the Witness Protection Program and by dirty politicians on the take. Lets back it up and review the lies.

The rat pack claimed Anees Mohamed's murder was in retaliation for the murder of Gary Kang. That was a lie. The Hells Angels killed both men. First they killed Gary Kang because he was seen as a threat to Jamie Bacon's leadership of the Red Scorpions. Then little B*tch Jamie Bacon rolled on the club and joined Donnie McWhirter in witness protection. That was the final obscenity in IHITit's mishandling of the Surrey Six investigation.

The rat pack claimed Anees Mohamed (Mo), who sold drugs in the DTES for the Hells Angels, was murdered by the UN. That was a lie. Damion Ryan from the Wolf Pack who the CFSEU were protecting had him killed. So again let's back it up and look at the facts. The rat pack claimed the UN killed Anees Mohammed. That was a lie. Damion Ryan did. In fact, Damion Ryan hired a Somalian member of the Brother's Keepers named lil man to do the hit, then had his peeps roll on lil man after the hit was done because that's how the Wolf Pack roll on the people they hire. That way IHIT get a conviction and the Wolf Pack gets a free pass to sell drugs in BC.
The rat pack claimed the UN killed Ali in Surrey. That was a lie, the Edmonton Hells Angels did. Why? Because he wanted some of the drug profits in Surrey and Edmonton said no. The Brother's Keepers respected Ali. They wouldn't kill him so the Edmonton chapter had to get local guys from Edmonton to do the hit in Surrey and once again, the Wolf Pack rolled on the guys they hired. The UN didn't kill Chad either, the Hells Angels did.

The Edmonton Hells Angels were in charge of Redd Alert. They used Redd Alert to take back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN. After Glen Nelson from Redd Alert took back all the drug dealers in the DTES he wanted some of those profits. The Edmonton Angels said no and killed his wife. The UN did not kill Glen Nelson's wife. The Hells Angels did. I was in the drum circle on East Broadway at her funeral. I gave the family my Irish drumstick.

After Redd Alert took back the DTES that territory was given to the Wolf Pack and Surrey was given to the Edmonton Angels - 81 51. So when Ali said he wanted a piece of the pie, the Edmonton Angels said hell no. When you look at the facts, my point becomes clear.

All these murders I have cited were committed by the Hells Angels but the rat pack and the fake news all tried to blame each one on the UN and claim a new gang war war ready to explode. Once again I cry B*llshit! The Hells Angels just want to kill more people and blame it on someone else so IHIT gets a bigger budget and more convictions while the Wolf Pack gets a free license to sell drugs. That is what this is about and the depths of this conspiracy goes very deep.

It reveals the head of the octopus and ties in with the Cameron Ortis trial along with Bill Majcher and Kim Marsh's trial. However, what we get from the recent father and son shooting in Edmonton is the fact that Harpreet Uppal was an Indo Canadian member of the Brothers Keepers and was shot in Edmonton. That reinforces my claim that the Brother's Keepers in Surrey are run by the Edmonton Angels just like Redd Alert in the DTES were.

In fact, speaking of fake news, the rat pack claimed a new gang war between the UN and the Hells Angels was breaking out in the DTES a few years ago when a new group RK showed up in the DTES. These were the Redd Alert Killers just like FK the FOB Killers in Calgary.

The FK in Calgary were indeed supplied by the UN while FOB were supplied by the BC Hells Angels through the Independent Soldiers who have since been replaced by the Wolf Pack. However, when I found out RK in the DTES was also supplied by the Wold Pack and that the Hells Angels were supplying both sides of that conflict I lost my sh*t.

Now the fake news is trying to do it again. A word on killing the kid in Edmonton. That was indeed outrageous and I'm going to step out on a limb once again and call it the way I see it. The UN did not do this, the Edmonton Angels did. Again let's back it up and do the math.

Intentionally killing the kid in Edmonton is outrageous. It's like the thought of beheading babies. It's almost suspicious. The Hells Angels normally like to keep a low profile. At least they did back in the day. Now the new kids on the block are screaming heat bags because they're idiots and they have the PoPo in their pocket. Many years ago when the UN were active and there was a legitimate gang war between the UN and the Red Scorpions the RS killed a mother driving a car not far from my home in Surrey while her toddler was in the back seat. That was outrageous just like executing innocent bystanders in the Surrey Six was. Jamie Bacon was behind both. Jamie Bacon is now in Witness protection and is a part of their new rat pack.

If you want to get outraged over the Hells Angels killing kids, let's take a walk down memory lane and remember a little girl the Edmonton Hells Angels murdered because of her parents drug debt. That case was also tied to Surrey. I'll have to dig through my archives to find her name and the name of her parents. I've got no beef with 81 but I've got no love for 51 or the Wolf Pack and when the fake news starts running interference for them, that's when I lose my sh*t. Just sayn.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Guilty pleas in Jonathan Bacon's Kelowna murder

The Abbotsford news reported that "The men who plotted and carried out the 2011 murder of B.C. gangster Jonathan Bacon were expressionless as they pleaded guilty to their crimes Tuesday, putting an end to a lengthy trial mired in red tape."

"Jason McBride was one of two gunmen who masked his face and charged toward a Porsche Cayenne Aug. 14, 2011 while firing an AK 47 style gun, said Crown counsel Dave Ruse, reading from the statement of fact. Within the Porsche were members of the drug dealing gang, the “Wolf Pack,” which included Larry Amero, who was driving, Bacon was in the front passenger seat and James Riach was in a back seat. They were with companions, Leah Hadden-Watts and Lyndsey Black. McBride, who was seen in video footage shown in court can be seen approaching the Cayenne in white sneakers, was with now-deceased Manny Hairan, who shot the car with a glock style gun, while people walking dogs, children and elderly hotel guests ran for cover."

"Much of Crown counsel’s case was reliant on testimony from unsavoury witnesses, and that has caused a number of challenges, the most significant of which being delays."

Unsavoury witnesses is an appropriate description of Donnie McWhirter and the rat pack. I told you Kling Klung wasn't one of the shooters. I don't even think he drove the car. The second shooter is dead. Yeah that sounds like something Blaze would say. The crown got a conviction. That's all they care about. If the IHITit wants to move forward they need to cut Blaze loose.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The criminality of the Hells Angels

Even though I don't have to, I'm going to explain my position on the criminal organization status of the Hells Angels one more time then move on. There are three people who are obsessing over the Hells Angels and I want to examine the motive for each so we can put their rantings into proper perspective. Then I will reiterate my position. First is the spook.

The spook claims all Hells Angels are criminals and all cops are corrupt. Remember this is coming from the CIA, the drug trafficking kingpins of the world. The CIA support the WEF. They want to ban any and every organization they see as a threat to their power and control over the public. This whole romancing of the term outlaw scares them.

George Christie's definition of the term outlaw was not a criminal or drug dealer. It was a rebel with a cause. Someone who supported freedom and didn't give a f*ck about the narrative. I would describe that as a good thing. Personally I don't use or sell drugs and I don't support drug trafficking or any criminal activity especially stealing sh*t. Stealing things is low life.

Back to the spook. The spook wants to convince us that all Hells Angels are criminals so they can justify banning them and banning their assembly. After all, the CIA hates lawful assembly. The spook wants to convince us that all Hells Angels are criminals so they can justify taking their civil liberty away. The problem is, after they take the Hells Angels civil liberty away, we're next.

The spook also claims all Hells Angels deserve to die. That is because the spook wants to trick us into supporting extra judicial murders since that's the CIA's MO. The problem with all these extra judicial murders is that we have no way of telling if the people the CIA say are bad really are. Everyone who disagrees with us is a terrorist so all terrorist should die. It's not a slippery slope, it's straight up crazy. Everyone has a right to a fair trial. Due process is a fundamental right.

The spook also claims all cops are corrupt. That's because they don't want us to support good cops who keep their oath to protect civil liberty. They want mercenaries who will sell out civil liberty in a heartbeat. If we can inspire cops to keep their oath, then the CIA's agenda becomes thwarted. That's why the spook wants us to hate all cops. Not all Hells Angels are criminals and not all cops are corrupt. Sweeping stereotypes are foolish and false.

Another troll who wants me to team up with him to trash the Hells Angels is Donnie McWhirter. Somewhat ironic since he was their puppet for so long and is bitter because he never became a real boy. Now he trashes the Hells Angels just like Jamie Bacon does who laughingly referred to them as washed up old men. That's pretty funny. What do you think you and Blaze are? Now you're old men. You're not has beens, you're simply never was.

Another reason Blaze wants me to trash the Hells Angels is because he wants to get paid. After all, he sure isn't gainfully employed. If he can regenerate public interest in the criminality of the Hells Angels again, he and Jamie Bacon can get paid more money in the Witness Protection Program. Remember throughout the history of this blog I have always encouraged people to leave the life. I exposed the gang life for what it was and encouraged people to leave it behind.

The way you do that is by NOT cooperating with the police. No one likes or respects a drug dealer who rats out other drug dealers so he doesn't have to go to jail. Nobody. The other person who obsesses over the criminality of the Hells Angels is the QAnon flat earther. Remember how the CIA set up the protesters in Brazil? They promised the protesters the military would save them. Not. The CIA fosters extremism so they can justify clamping down on them. There is a method to their madness. We have seen it over and over again.

QAnon is CIA. Their mission is to lead the resistance astray.
OK let's backtrack and see how far we've come since I first started this blog. As I explained in my earlier podcasts on Spotify, right before I started this blog the Hells Angels were enforcing for the crack dealers at Surrey Central. I was shocked to say the least. That was a far cry from the Whalley burnouts back when we were kids. They stopped selling crack so publicly at Surrey Central when they moved City Hall there. Then things on the Surrey strip toned down quite a bit after they got rid of the tent city there. Those are significant changes.

Now when I say the Hells Angels were enforcing for the crack dealers at Surrey Central, every member wasn't but the name of the club was being used and we know that they can't use the name of the club for criminal activity unless the local executive approves it.

Here's where George Christie's quote comes into effect. George Christie said the Hells Angels are not a criminal organization because the ones who are involved with crime are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with the others. I laughed out loud when I heard that and said that is believable. The Hells Angels drug trafficking network runs like a Ponzi scheme.

George Wethern was the former Vice-President of the Oakland Chapter which Sonny Barger founded. In his book A Wayward Angel Wethern claims: "The Oakland Angels began issuing new charters and assisting chapters set up their own drug operations. The additions were designed to contribute to our image and business concerns, by providing a drug route link, manufacturing a drug, supplying chemicals, or distributing drugs in an untapped area."

People can legitimately debate the criminal organization status of the Hells Angels. However, I still contend that although many members are criminals not all member are. I think we've found a good balance in BC. If the police have enough convictions, that chapter will lose their clubhouse. That's fair. However banning them completely and preventing them from going on rides is something that I am not comfortable with. Simply because after they ban the Hells Angels, we're next. They will ban everyone who disagrees with Justin Trudeau and supports the convoy.

I've been doing this blog for a long time and it's time for me to move on. Time to change directions and evolve. I'm not going to listen to the spook. I'm not going to listen to Blaze and I'm not going to listen to QAnon's flat earth false prophet. I march to the beat of a different drum. Now I will be the first person to admit, I'm nobody. What I do or don't do is of little consequence. People are free to do whatever they want. You do you, I'll do me.

I will emphasize any criminal activity the Hells Angels are involved with is insignificant compared to what Justin Trudeau and the World Economic Forum are doing. We need to develop the political will to resist that like Alberta has. That is what we need to do. Above all civil liberty needs to be protected. That is the highest law of the land.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Donnie McWhirter CSO record erased

Speaking of Donnie McWhirter spamming my blog with lies and defamation, check this out. We all know Blaze has a lengthy criminal record. He has many drug and firearm convictions. He even had a K file which represents a domestic assault.
Castanet referred to him as a veteran gangster. That means he had a long criminal record. Cap News referred to him as a low level drug dealer. Well take a look at the CSO. Somehow that dirty POS had his CSO record wiped clean. How do you think that happened?

This is a screen shot of his domestic assault on CSO that has mysteriously disappeared.
Donahugh (Don) McWhirter was sentenced to 5 1/2 years for his drug and firearm offence. Only he didn't serve that sentence. He was spamming my blog as soon as he entered the Witness Protection program. As a result of his plea deal charges against his his co accused GF Brittany Stinn were stayed. However, as soon as Blaze got out of the program she died suddenly.

Audio file of Jamie Bacon Cooperating with the Police. Why would Jammie Bacon risk his life and his family's life to make a recording for the police to try and get Mathew Johnston to turn if he knew Mathew Johnston was terminally ill with cancer. The answer is simple, he wouldn't. There isn't even a fake obit. IHIT was f*cked up from the get go and has just gotten worse.

Jamie Bacon is a Millennial Biker's Bitch. So is Blaze. They are biting the hand that fed them.

Update: I have two points to add. Throughout the history of my blog I have always encouraged gang members to leave the life. You do that by walking away and keeping your mouth shut. Cooperating with the police will put your life at risk and is inherently problematic. Nobody likes a drug dealer who rats out other drug dealers just so he can stay out of jail. Nobody. This is why I supported Schrader. He left the life, got a great job and didn't rat anyone out. He is the poster boy of how to leave the life. Instead of embracing him the CFSEU lied about him and put his life at risk trying to force him to rat out associates. That was abominable. He didn't cave in. He has a great job and didn't cooperate with the police. Blaze is a completely different story. Just read that letter Joey Verma sent him from prison and you start to get a glimpse of what happened.

The other point I have to make is about dragging my daughter into this. When I first started my blog, Steve Willan posted my daughter's picture on the Dirty when he knew very well Blaze and the other trolls were threatening to gang rape her and kill her. Posting her picture on the Dirty because he disagreed with my political views was a really sleazy thing to do. That was unethical. As a result, he will be known throughout the eternities as a bag of sh*t. He will carry that event with him when this life is over. So will Blaze. Yet there is one other.

Aside from Steve Willian, who called the police on me when I confronted him for posting my daughter's picture on the Dirty, I have had three trolls over the years. Three very persistent trolls - Blaze, AV and GC. AV doesn't troll me any more. Each person had a very specific style. That's why it was so easy for me to identify Blaze no matter what fake name he used. GC and AV never pretended to be someone else. They always wanted me to know it was them posting.

GC has been quite persistent over the years at stalking and defaming my daughter. That is what low lifes do so do the math. GC was beefing with AV and AV would trash him online. I would not. Yet he claimed that I was AV so every time AV would beef with him, GC would defame my daughter. GC is another bag of sh*t.

He came to my house one time when I had an old piano siting on my patio before I took it to the dump but he never knocked on the door and introduced himself. I'd love to have a private conversation with him as we do have a few things we need to clear up.

GC knows very well I'm not AV. Darrell and I don't look anything alike. We have completely different writing styles and completely different political opinions so there is no reason to blame me for what Darrell does and no reason to bring my daughter into this. That is a really sleazy thing to do. He too will carry that sigma with him when this life is over.

Now back to Blaze. Every week Blaze would post some ridiculous lies about me on the Dirty. They didn't even make sense. He claimed that I had been charged with domestic assault and that is was a K file on the CSO. That never happened and there was no such file about me on the CSO. Ever. He was the one that was convicted of domestic assault not me and it was indeed a K file. The next week he claimed I was charged with sexual interference of a minor. He said you could see the record posted on the CSO. Only there was no such record. When people looked it up they saw he was lying. I have never been charged with any criminal offense.

Then he would make sh*t up about my daughter. That is a really sleazy thing to do. I would never trash his daughter. Going after my daughter because he has beef with me is really a weaselly thing to do. Pop goes the weasel yo. One time he started posting on the Dirty that I had sexually abused my daughter. I mentioned it to my daughter at the time. She was like great now people are going to think I've been sexually abused. Making sh*t up about my daughter is a really sleazy thing to do. Real men don't lie about little girls. Yeah my daughter is grown up now but it was hard on her. She took all that defamation straight on the chin. I explained some of he things that happened in the last two podcasts on Spotify before I started interviewing other people.

Now Blaze is starting to repeat that same lie over and over again. "It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more determined and zealous than the children of light." There are other things I know about Blaze that I'm not prepared to share at this time but when this life is over, everyone will know. Everyone. There will be no place for him to hide. He will be forced to leave. "Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease." Until then, Wo to you oh earth and see.

Update: As someone pointed out, if you just search the CSO registry using his last names a few they forgot to reiove still show up. Most of the others have been completely removed.
BTW It says he was born in 1971. That means he's 52. Wow. He's old but he never grew up.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Flaxen cords: Don't get Dragged into slavery.

Today I want to talk about a damned soul in hell. When I was in high school a friend shared with me something he had read. He knew I was into Zen and said a Zen master was asked his position on hell and said if a heaven and hell exist, I would choose hell, to share in the suffering of the damned. That statement moved me. I reflected on it and embraced it. That became my mission statement. I wrote several parables that explained my position at the time.

Then my understanding of heaven and hell evolved and I began to see it in a different light. I don't believe hell is a place where God spanks us for eternity and says I told ya so. I think the suffering we experience in hell is metaphorical. It's very real but it's something we bring on ourselves.

I think the suffering we experience is regret but it's also seeing and experiencing the pain we caused others. The thought of Hitler experiencing all the pain he caused in the holocaust when this life is over is indeed frightening. Canadian harpist Loreena McKennitt wrote a song called Dante's prayer. It was quite moving. She said she wrote it while reading the book Dante's Inferno as she traveled by train across Siberia and processed all the suffering she witnessed on her trip. It's a powerful song that moved me to write Finian's Inferno. It caused me to journalize some of the suffering I saw in my own personal journey through hell.

The pain and suffering I saw in the DTES was indeed hell on earth. It was exploitation and misery. Wickedness never was happiness. The way Donnie McWhirter obsessively trolls my blog exhibits the characteristics of a damned soul in hell. It's like the saying, I'd tell you to go to hell but I think you're already there. That's Donnie McWhirter. He knows the day will come when his lies and false allegations will run out and everyone will know the truth. At that day he will be forced to bow out and depart into the shadows hiding from the truth everyone else can see.

Trailrunner and the dirty a*s spooks in the CIA will be forced to see and experience the pain and suffering all thier obsessive lies has caused in the name of the greater good. Everyone will know it was not for the greater good. Their intent was a lie just like everything else they said was.

It's a wild world so it is. So today I want to talk about flaxen cords and the chains that bind us.

In my conversation with Robert Wallace from Gays Against Groomers last night we talked about two aspects of grooming. The first was the sexualization of children and groomig them for pedophelia. The second was coaching them to transition and grooming them to transition. Now let's look at the end game and see how we are groomed or seduced to go there.

Transgenderism is not new. The Kinks came out with the song Lola in 1970. In the /80's when I was with the Guardian Angels, Vancouver had an open sex trade. Along West Georgia it was high end like Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman. Now it's just drug addicted nasty but it wasn't like that back then. Off of West Georgoia was Trannie Alley. Those sex trade workers were transvestites.They had fake woman's breasts and men's genitalia. Some people were into that.

Now there seems to be a peer pressure push for men to get bottom surgery. They claim you're not really transgender if you don't get bottom surgery but they're not transgender, they're a transvestite. Think about what happens when a man gets bottom surgery. He can no longer have an orgasm or experience sexual pleasure ever again. Is that something you really want to do?

That's a situation any adult is going to regret. If you push that on children you're not creating a generation of transgender kids you're creating a generation of eunuchs. Which of course fits in with the World Economic Forum's depopulation agenda but it goes much further than that. It goes along with Satan's quest to make everyone miserable. If he can convince you to cut off your genitals through peer pressure, you will never have sexual pleasure ever again. The lies about the fake science will not change that. It creates a situation of irreversible regret.

So let's talk about the house of Hex and how Satan loves transgenderism. If Satan loved transvestites, he'd want them to have sexual pleasure not prevent them from having sexual pleasure ever again. Satan doesn't want you to be happy. He's a liar. He wants to trick you into making bad decisions that will make you miserable. Satan doesn't want you to be free. He wants to trick you into making bad decisions that will give up your freedom and turn you into a slave.

That's where the flaxen cords come in. It's kind of like the boiling frog syndrome. People aren't normally going to line up to put chains on that will enslave them. That's why Satan uses flaxen cords so to speak. A flaxen cord is a soft seemingly harmless vice that feels painless. Once we wrap a flaxen cord around our neck or our wrist and ankles, it feels painless so he wraps another one around as well. Soon the cord becomes too strong and we can't break it's grip. That's when the flaxen cords drag us into slavery. Satan does not love transvestites. He wants them to become miserable slaves like everyone else. Buyer Beware. Don't get Dragged into slavery.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Fatal shooting in Vancouver

City News is reporting that "The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) are investigating a homicide after one man was shot and killed early Sunday morning. Police say the “targeted” shooting happened outside a South Vancouver banquet hall near Fraser Street and South East Marine Drive around 1:30 a.m. The 28-year-old victim has not yet been identified."

The fake news is spinning another lie but I won't comment on it because I'm not allowed to. Donnie Mcwhirter claims that 888 represents a famous crime family. That is a bold faced lie. 888 means good luck. That's why a casino uses it. Yeah we have more news to come and a motive for their lies but we'll report on that when the time is right to do so.

Sher-E-Punjab AM 600 is reporting that the victim was Amarpreet Samra. Last Summer the CFSEU announced that Amarpreet Samra was on the Hells Angles hit list.

Meninder Dhaliwal and his brother Shrek were Hells Angels associates. Shrek was tied to Jamie Bacon who is in Witness Protection. Meninder Dhaliwal was killed by the Hells Angels not the UN.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Hells Angels witch hunt continues

Obviously this blog is not a support site for the Hells Angels. I support the freedom of association. The right to commit crime is not a charter right but the freedom of association is. It's important we don't use one to abolish the other. As always I strive to find a balance between the extremes. Not all cops are corrupt and not all Hells Angels are criminals. That's a fact.

Today in BC is reporting that Wayne Williams, a senior staff member of Fraser Valley school district agreed to step away from his veteran motorcycle club after he was seen in a photograph on a ride with members of the Hells Angels. That is outrageous. Post Media News and the compromised CFSEU strike again. This is no different than when they went after the firefighters.

In fact Wayne Williams statement about Veterans riding motorcycles for PTSD are very similar to the firefighters claims. They both have merit. Now you don't need a patch to ride a motorcycle but my concern is unequal protection of the law and the blatant disregard for the law within the CFSEU. For 10 years the CFSEU has been dirty. 10 f*cking years. Instead of going after Hells Angel associates for selling drugs they gave them police protection to sell drugs and went after non drug dealing members for going on rides. That was outrageous.

They know I have a witness that can testify to that fact. She witnessed my signature on my settlement which you have in your possession. After 10 years of being dirty, the CFSEU has finally started doing their job. That is a good thing but going after Veterans and Firefighters is not.

Now I've got no love for Voldemort. As far as I'm concerned he's a worthless POS but my business with him is done until the judgement bar of God and he has nothing to do with the Veterans. You want to talk about criminals and worthless bags of sh*t, then let's talk about Jamie Bacon and Donnie Mcwhirter who you have on your payroll. If you can't understand what's wrong with that, I can't explain it to you but the rest of the world can.

Having said that I will also point out that this ride they were on, the Screwy ride, is in memory of a drug dealer. He was in charge of selling drugs in the Dell. Just like that Nanaimo run. That one is in memory of another drug dealer. Zeke tried to tax the Vietnamese grow ops. They said no and beheaded him. All the locals know that. If you want to go on a ride, go on a ride but don't honour drug dealers. As Stephenwolf declared. God Damn the Pusher.

This is why I have nothing to do with the club or the CFSEU. I am independent. I ride alone. Just me against the wind. I was born a free man and as God lives I will die one.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Conor D'Monte and Cory Vallee

Conor D'Monte is in the news and I'll tell you why. It's because Donnie McWhirter wants another pay day. Recently Blaze finally admitted that he was the one that's been spamming my blog. I knew it was him but he finally admitted it. I know when he tries to post because all his spam has the same mindless MO. He then said when I die he's going to find my grave and piss on it because that's the kind of guy he is. Now he's promoting the extradition of Conor D'Monte because he wants to get paid again after he and the bobbsey twins lied about Cory Vallee.

That whole trial was a farce and Blaze was deeply involved with it. He was spamming my blog as he was testifying in court when he was supposed to be in prison for trafficking crystal meth.

Donnie McWhiter was never a member of the UN. Ever. The UN never hired him to do anything. Ever. He lied just like he has always done. The Murphy twins were at one time members of the UN. Blaze was not. However, after the Murphy twins teamed up with Blaze their credibility sank. They lied to save their own skin just like he did. Back in Ireland the RA would have capped them for treason and no one would have given it a second thought.

In the Cory Vallee trial the only actual witness who was there testified that there were two shooters who killed Kevin LeClair. That witness said one of the shooters was noticeably larger than the other. That was K-9. Conor D'Monte and Cory Vallee are the same size.

Since Cory Vallee has already been wrongfully convicted of that murder, paying Blaze another small fortune to lie about Connor D'Monte would be obscene. Why don't they investigate how Blaze's last girlfriend died after Blaze got out of prison? Get a life and stop wasting tax dollars.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Matthew Johnston joins Jamie Bacon in the program

The Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "Matthew James Johnston, 38, died early Thursday of cancer at the North Fraser Pretrial Centre in Port Coquitlam, according to Brock Martland, a lawyer for Johnston." According to his lawyer but I don't believe it.

This wouldn't be the first time the police faked someone's death in prison who entered the Witness Protection Program. There was another guy in Nova Scotia who died in prison after testifying against the Hells Angels and locals were convinced they faked his death.

David Giles died of Cancer in prison. So did Mom Boucher and Sonny Barger. However, they were much older and had cancer for a longer period. I know anyone can die of cancer at any age especially with certain types. However, something fishy is going on here. His death was announced by his lawyer. Hmmm.... Why would Jamie Bacon risk his life producing an audio tape for the police trying to get Mathew Johnson to flip and join him in witness protection?

If Mathew Johnston was dying of cancer, why would Jamie Bacon risk so much to try and flip him? It doesn't make sense. His brother Jarrod had to disappear after that. IHIT and the CFSEU are separate entities. IHIT were the ones giving Hells Angels associates in the program police escorts to sell cocaine in Surrey. Jammie Bacon claimed he had information on numerous murders. That would involve IHIT. Only Jamie Bacon was full of sh*t just like Donnie McWhirter.

The Murphy Twins were at one time UN associates who entered witness protection. Donnie McWhirter sold crystal meth for the Hells Angels. He was never a UN associate. Ever. The UN never hired him to do anything. That never happened. He lied in court because that's all he ever does. Now his GF is dead and instead of expressing sorrow he just wants to hide that fact.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Suicide of Vancouver police officer in 2019 examined

The National Post is reporting that "A lawsuit filed on behalf of Const. Nicole Chan’s family says she died in January 2019 during a severe mental health crisis after having two intimate affairs with superior officers. The lawsuit says she was extorted by one of those officers to continue their sexual relationship, and B.C.’s workers’ safety agency accepted her mental health claim for multiple sexual assaults.” Why is this not surprising?

"The statement of claim says B.C.’s police complaints commissioner asked the New Westminster Police Department to investigate the claims and it recommended charges against the officer who was alleged to have extorted Chan. The lawsuit says the Crown prosecution service later said it wouldn’t pursue a charge." So now we have a corners inquest to cover it up. That is abominable. It is theoretically possible she committed suicide because she was being extorted. It's also possible she was murdered for going public and filing the complaint.
This is reminiscent of the murder of Jasmine Thiara. Constable Jasmine Thiara, a member of the Richmond RCMP, committed suicide under the Oak Street Bridge with her own gun. She also had an intimate relationship with one of her senior officers. The only difference is that she was pregnant and was exited to have the baby. Her suicide fails the test of believability.
This brings us to the sudden death of Donnie McWhirter's girlfriend last month Brittany Stinn. That is suspicious. Blaze has a history of domestic violence and a very long history of lying. The fact that he was accepted into the Witness Protection Program was a shameful disgrace. He's out now and he didn't serve his sentence. Now his GF is dead thanks to IHIT and the CFSEU.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Fatal Calgary shooting tied to the Hells Angels

Update: Michael Tyrel Arnold has been arrested and charged

CBC is reporting that "Talal Fouani, left, was on bail for organized crime and money laundering charges when he was shot while sitting in his parked Bentley outside his southwest Calgary home. Fouani's wife, Nakita Baron, 31, was killed in what police have called a targeted attack."

"In 2020, Fouani testified against his former friend and business associate Cem (Jim) Can at an Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) hearing. Can was arrested in 2003, along with two Hells Angels associates, accused of extortion and kidnapping related to a stock deal gone bad. The charges were later dropped because of concerns about the reliability of the alleged victim."
OK so Talal Fouani was on bail for organized crime and money laundering charges when he was shot in Calgary on August 18th. "In June, Fouani and two siblings were arrested on charges related to money laundering. Fouani is accused of laundering money obtained through drug trafficking in both Calgary and Halifax." Calgary and Halifax, things that make ya go hmm...

"Of the 23 people Fouani is banned from having contact with, 10 are men and women who have faced drug trafficking charges in recent years following cocaine busts in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. One of those people is Ricco King, who has faced several sets of charges including an arrest in connection with an international cocaine trafficking ring in 2016."

Obviously all that organized drug trafficking tied to murder is run by a specific criminal organization. I submit that this doesn't involve the Calgary chapter it involves those from another chapter who are financially benefiting from that drug trafficking organization. Just like the Wolf Pack in Vancouver and the Edmonton HAs in Surrey.

When the FK were beefing with the FOB in Calgary that involved the Independent Solders who work for the BC Hells Angels. They have been predominately replaced by the Wolf Pack. I guess Jody York was left high and dry when his pal Donnie McWhirter started working for the PoPo along with Jamie Bacon. What's with CBC? Are they trying to resurrect their lost credibility?

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Francois Gauthier's Sentencing

OK this is where I was going with my musical introduction. 6ixaktv is reporting that Francois Gauthier's sentencing has been released. My interpretation of that decision will be very different than his. First and foremost, I will clarify that nowhere in that decision does it state that Francois Gauthier was hired by the UN. The fact that he was from Quebec would imply he was hired by the Hells Angels. I find it somewhat ironic that the judge cited Regina v. Powery-Hooker, 2021 BCSC 2005 in his jurisprudence. That was the decision about the two kids from Edmonton that were hired by the Edmonton Hells Angels to kill Ali to have their debts to the club forgiven.

Ya see the young kids think I'm a crazy old man. Maybe I am. They say times have changed and the bikers day is done. They say the other guys are ready to wipe out the Hells Angels in BC. I say bullsh*t and I'll tell you why. I may be old but, I've seen this all before, so I have.

Now, before I get into who ordered the hit, let me dive into the mechanics of the hit and how that doesn't relate to gun control. This was a professional hit. Francois used a .22 pistol with a silencer and left it at the scene. He left it at the scene because it was an unregistered illegally obtained firearm that the police couldn't trace. We quite often read of professional hits leaving the murder weapon at the scene. That's because it's not traceable and they don't want to be caught in possession of it after the hit. That way they can say not me, not my gun.

Now a .22 is not my weapon of choice. I was at the gun range once and a guy beside me was shooting a .22 rifle for long range target practice. Every time it went off I kept looking over wondering what is that, a pellet gun? It was so quiet it barely made a sound. A .22 with a silencer would be very quiet which means it could be used and the person could leave without causing too much attention. In Ali's murder they used a .40 cal pistol and an AR 15. Young kids who made a big bang and got caught before they were able to get away. We had a spook on here that said the .22 pistol was often a weapon of choice for CIA assignations because it's quiet and acurate.

The sentencing decision explained that Francois had an extensive criminal record. Which means he was not able to legally buy a registered gun in Canada. In 1991, after using a gun for several criminal offenses, Francois was given a 10 year firearm ban which did absolutely nothing to prevent him from committing further criminal acts with firearms.

Kind of like how Donnie McWhirter was under a firearm ban while he committed an additional criminal offense with a firearm. The firearm bans are just pieces of paper criminals don't care about. It only stops them from buying legally obtained registered firearms which is what they don't do for criminal acts. They use unregistered illegal guns for criminal acts.

Blaze is pretty anxious to convince us that the UN hired Francois Gauthier not the Hells Angels. That makes me suspicious. He claimed the same thing about Ali's murder and now we know he lied. Initially Blaze claimed that Cory Vallee killed Jonathan Barber when we all knew it was K-9. K-9 was dead and Blaze couldn't get paid if he blamed the murder on him. Lying is what Blaze does so whatever he claims is suspicious. Now he's paid to lie for the Teletubbies. Blaze is still spamming this blog with bullsh*t. That's what he admitted in court he does.

As I previously said, I don't support an escalation in violence. If the UN did hire Francois, I wouldn't support that. However, I sincerely don't believe they did. I've seen this all before. The Hells Angels lie about all the criminal activity they are involved with. Not all the members, just the ones that are involved with criminal activity. They even lie to other members and attend funerals of people they killed. I corresponded with the wife of a member who claimed the Hells Angels would never have anything to do with someone like Robert Pickton. I thought to myself, does she actually believe that? Dave Pickton was an associate. They had a grow op on sight. Bog Tony ran Piggy's Palace. You can't lie to us because we know. We live here.

Regardless of who now controls the Red Scorpions, we know that the Wolf Pack and the Brother's Keepers are mayor players on the field here. The Wolf Pack is run by Larry Amero and Damion Ryan who are members of the Hells Angels. There's no disputing that.

The Brother's Keepers were hired by the Edmonton Hells Angels along with the Driftwood Crips because they were given jurisdiction over Surrey as a reward for getting Redd Alert to take back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN. Then they betrayed Redd Alert because that is what they do. That's their MO. The Brother's Keepers have always had internal strife that was fueled by the Hells Angels in their quest to take them over and maintain control over them. Almost all the Hells Angels members in BC who have been killed, have been killed by the club.

The young kids don't understand the nature of the octopus. The octopus was a term for organized crime an investigative journalist named Danny Casolaro used before he was murdered by a spook. He used that image to explain that the tentacles of organized crime penetrate all levels of government. As soon as you cut one tentacle off, another one grows back to replace it. As soon as you try to shut it down, the whole thing disappears only to resurface elsewhere. Just like the Hells Angels persuasive control of the drug trade. They have infiltrated the CFSEU in BC.

As for the Red Scorpions, Gary Kang was a founding member of the Brother's Keepers. He's in the original picture with the gang tat he had to get covered when he left. He left before the Hells Angels killed him just like they did the other BK founder Gavinder Grewal. The Hells Angels took over the leadership of BK just like they did the Independent Soldiers and the Death Riders.

People claim when Gary Kang went over to the Red Scorpions, he broke off of the Hells Angels but that's simply not true. He broke off of the Edmonton Hells Angels and went over to the Wolf Pack which was still run by the Hells Angels just a different chapter. Yes he formed BIBO - Blood in blood out, and yes he had his own distribution contacts but he was still tied to Jamie Bacon who was a red and white puppet. Jamie's erogenous claims of standing up to the bikers were ridiculous. They taxed him and he resented it.

Gary Kang led a Red Scorpion faction that wanted to be independent from the Hells Angels and Jamie Bacon supported that desire but was never able to pull it off. That's why the Hells Angels hired BK to kill Gary Kang's independent contacts within the Red Scorpions but left Jamie Bacon alone. He was their b*tch and they knew it.

When Matt Johnston knocked out Robert Thomas in prison that was not a Red Scorpion break from the Hells Angels. Robert Thomas f*cked up by bringing the club bad press so the East Vancouver chapter put a bounty on his head. They offered anyone $5,000 to beat up Robert Thomas in prison. If the East Vancouver Hells Angels hadn't approved that beating, Matthew Johnston would be dead. It's that simple. Just like Chenier Dupuy.

The young kids don't understand the pervasive nature of the Hells Angels. The Hells Angels in Quebec have been around a long time. They have survived and thrived controlling the drug trade there for decades. Mom Boucher used Greg Wooley to supply all the crips in Montreal with drugs.

In 2012 the Hells Angels killed Chenier Dupuy. He was a leader of the Bo Gars short for Beau Garcons. They wore red and were equivalent to the Bloods. There was a big meeting in Montreal. Through Greg Wooley, the Hells Angels supplied all the crips in Montreal with drugs but they wanted to supply all the bloods as well. Greg called the meeting. He wanted the Bo Gars to work for him. Chenier Dupuy said no and slapped him in front of everyone. Shortly after that, the Hells Angels had Chenier Dupuy killed. It really is that simple.

Key members of the Hells Angels are still the problem in BC and the CFSEU are part of it. Riding motorcycles isn't the problem, selling drugs is. IHIT and the CFSEU want the business so they get the budget and can use the events they fostered as an excuse to take away our civil liberty.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Jamie Bacon is a Millennial Biker's Bitch

I want to be very clear about one thing. Biker's aren't the problem, drug dealers are. Jamie Bacon isn't a biker. He's a drug dealer. He's the problem. The Wolf Pack are not bikers. They don't ride motorcycles. They sell drugs and drive SUVs. They are the problem. Riding motorcycles isn't the problem. Whiny little b*tches like Jamie Bacon are the problem.

I posted the audio of Jamie Bacon squealing like a pig. Then I confronted Kim Bolan's lies about the audio. Now I want to talk about the actual content of the video. Specifically the part where Jamie Bacon complains about bikers. That kid is a worthless POS. I say kid because that's what he is. He's a little b*tch who never grew up. Man up. Take responsibility for your choices.

He's never worked an honest day in his life. He's sold drugs, lived in his parent's home and been to prison. That is his worthless life. Now he wants to blame bikers for the choices he's made. Riding motorcycles isn't the problem. Selling drugs is the problem. That is what Jamie Bacon chose to do. Now he's claiming the bikers are paying people to steal from him. That is a ridiculous lie. He's in prison. How do you think he has money? The Hells Angels have empowered him while in prison. They own him. Every penny he made came from them.

They even killed his political rivals so he could make more money for them. This is why the Hells Angels pick guys like him to sell drugs. Because he could never make it on his own.

First Jamie Bacon worked for the UN. Then he betrayed them and went to the bikers. Jamie didn't like Spike because Spike thought Jamie was an idiot and bullied him. That's why his dead preppy brother Jonathon sucked up to the club through Larry Amero. The club supplied him. Who's going to supply him now? Nobody.

The UN aren't going to supply him. He has proven to be untrustworthy. Now the Hells Angels aren't going to supply him. They will simply cut him off and supply someone else. They don't need him. He needed them. Now he's taking sh*t about how he's going to betray all the bikers. Good luck with that. There is one common theme I have maintained on this blog since it's inception.

I've always tried to expose that life for what it is. There's no L & R in it. Only selfishness and greed. Soldiers aren't selfish. They make sacrifices for others. Jamie Bacon is not a soldier. He's just a greedy little pig. I have always said, if you want to leave the life don't walk away mad just walk away but keep your mouth shut and don't cooperate with the police.

That is the safest way to leave the life. If you're not a rival drug dealer, the Hells Angels have no reason to kill you. Killing people costs money and they are businessmen who like to make money. If they know you're going to keep your mouth shut, they have no reason to kill you. It's really that simple. Shrader left the life but he didn't rat anyone out. That's why Blaze hates him and lies about him. Jamie Bacon only cares about himself. That's why he's put his whole family at risk.

People talk a lot about millennials. Young kids who have no work ethic and no self respect. They feel entitled to everything. Now not all young kids are millennials. My kids aren't but Jamie Bacon is. He's never worked an honest day in his life. Now he wants a payday for rating people out. He is a complete loser. He and his family are done in this country. Jamie Bacon is the walking dead. The UN don't have to kill him now. Now the club will and he has no one to blame but himself.
Matthew Johnston update: I also want to point out the obvious. This audio recording was made for Matthew Johnston and trashes Cody. Jamie is sucking up to Mathew because he needs a new bodyguard. Jamie Bacon already f*cked over DK and Anton. He f*cked over every other body guard he's ever hired. No one in their right mind would work for him especially now that he's on the PoPo's payroll. Matthew Johnston knocked out Robert Thomas because he was paid to.

The East Van HAMC put a five thousand dollar bounty on his head so he would get beat up in prison as an internal discipline for getting such bad press for the club over something so stupid. That was bad business. If that assault had not been approved by the bikers, Mathew Johnston would be dead. It's that simple. Jamie Bacon is just as delusional as Donnie McWhirter is.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Bob Green's murderer released from prison

The Langley Advance Times is reporting that "A Langley gang member who pleaded guilt to manslaughter won’t have to live at a halfway house on parole, because his presence would be too dangerous to staff and other residents, the Parole Board of Canada has decided. Jason Francis Wallace, who was with the Aldergrove-based 856 gang, was released from prison earlier this year, but the Parole Board’s intention to send him to a halfway house or other supervised home hasn’t worked out."

"Wallace pleaded guilty to manslaughter in 2017 for killing Hells Angels gang member Robert Green in a Quonset hut on 72nd Avenue. He was sentenced to six years, nine months, and 10 days. The Corrections Service of Canada has looked into Community-based Residential Facilities (CRF or CBRF) and Community Correctional Centres (CCCs) across Canada, and not one of them would accept Wallace as a resident, because of the danger his presence poses to staff, residents, and nearby public."

“'In essence, the risk you would present to the public residing at a CRF/CCC/CBRF would be greater than the risk you would present to the public in the absence of a residency condition,” said the ruling, which was handed down on March 3 and released in April."

"The Parole Board has decided that Wallace will still be released, but with his conditions modified. Instead of being restricted to living at a CRF or CCC, he’ll be allowed to live with the general public. However, he’ll have two new conditions imposed. One of those will be a curfew, from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. every day, except for work or schooling, with his parole supervisor’s written agreement Wallace will also be banned from leaving his supervision area without permission of his parole supervisor, and in consultation with the security intelligence officer.”

Before I address the bold faced lies, I will address the most recent inconsistency.

We were told back in the beginning of February that Jason Wallace was to be released from prison due to statutory released. Inmates are automatically released from prison after two thirds of their sentence has been served. This recent article states " Jason Wallace was released from prison earlier this year, but the Parole Board’s intention to send him to a halfway house or other supervised home hasn’t worked out." What do ya mean?

The recent article continues to explain that "The Corrections Service of Canada has looked into Community-based Residential Facilities (CRF or CBRF) and Community Correctional Centres (CCCs) across Canada, and not one of them would accept Wallace as a resident, because of the danger his presence poses to staff, residents, and nearby public."

OK that makes sense but if he was released from prison earlier this year and no halfway house would accept him, where has he been staying? In Witness Protection? Did he even spend a day in prison? No really. We never heard anything about any prison assaults. If they can get Jay Hall and Robert Thomas, they can surely get him if he was ever there.

We can understand why no halfway house would want to take him. It would put everyone else there at risk. So we're willing to put the public at risk not other inmates on parole? The inconsistencies cause us to reflect on the bold faced lies surrounding this case.

Six years nine months for a premeditated murder is nothing. Especially when it's only two thirds of that. This recent article repeated the same ridiculous lie the court was told. The article states that "According to the Parole Board’s release documents, Wallace grabbed a gun from the waistband of a friend and accidentally shot Green, killing him instantly. Wallace was grossly intoxicated at the time." That is not what happened. That was the ridiculous story the defense came up with that the crown embraced because Jason went straight into the Witness Protection program along with Donnie McWhirter and the Bobbsey Twins collectively known as the rat pack.

Jason Wallace shot Bob Green because he didn't want to take th fall for Lenny in their recent drug bust. Shaun Clary had absolutely nothing to do with it. Putting Shaun's family at risk to protect their source was a new low for IHITit and the Compromised CFSEU.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hells Angels support of the Freedom Convoy

OK I'm going to talk about this ridiculous article someone just sent me. Le Journal de Montréal is reporting that Stéphane Gagnon from the Quebec Hells Angels supported the truckers convoy in Ottawa. Yeah, well good for him. If the Hells Angels support freedom are we supposed to oppose freedom and become communist slaves? GMAFB.

This ties in with another ridiculous statement Donnie the rat McWhirter recently made. Blaze recently claimed that I had turned to the dark side for supporting the Freedom Convoy and claimed that the Edmonton Hells Angles also supported it. My response was simple. If the Edmonton Hells Angels want to support freedom, then more power to them. Justin Trudeau and the WEF are the dark side not those opposing them.

If the Hells Angels sell drugs and kill a rival drug dealer, that does not effect my civil liberty at all. Yet what Justin Trudeau is doing effects all of our civil liberty. That should concern everyone. Once again we see that Justin Trudeau is uniting the country against him.

The article admits that Gagnon has already campaigned for the Liberal Party of Quebec, which allowed him to be photographed with the former Prime Minister Philippe Couillard in 2008. So Hells Angles aren't allowed to vote? They wont freeze their bank acoutns for drugs but will if they vote for someone ele? The article then points out that On December 21, on his Facebook page, he called the Minister of Public Security, Geneviève Guilbault, a "big cow" because she asked for the assistance of the Canadian Armed Forces to speed up the vaccination of Quebecers when the Omicron variant threatened the capacity of hospitals. This means two things.

It means that the Liberals under Justin Trudeau and the NDP under Jagmeet Singh are losing support from people that previously supported them so next election will be different and both parties will lose seats. It also shows that this fake news outlet is still lying about Omicron.

"When the Omicron variant threatened the capacity of hospitals" - F*ck off. We all saw how the media maliciously misrepresented Omicron. The hospitals were not full of people in the hospital for Omicron. That was a bold faced lie. The hospital was full of patients like it always is. Some of them tested positive for Omicron even though they had no Covid symptoms. That's not why they were admitted to the hospital. The real science says that's not a case. The real science says you need symptoms and a positive test result to be a case. One without the other is not a case.

Omicron was less severe than the seasonal flu. Locking down over Omicron was a criminal act. Bringing in the military to force a vaccine that doesn't work for a virus that doesn't matter was Orwellian just like the fake news is. Maybe the Hells Angles don't want to give up all their motorcycles for Justin Trudeau's fake environmentalism like the rest of us. That's understandable.