Sunday, December 29, 2019

RCMP Corruption: Reported and Unreported

In 2014 the Star reported that "An internal RCMP study found 322 incidents of corruption within the national police force over an 11-year period - including a dozen examples involving organized crime. Improperly giving out police information was the most common type of corrupt behavior, followed by fraud, misuse of police officer status, theft and interference with the judicial process. The RCMP undertook the study, dubbed Project Sanction, to help identify trends with a view to developing an anti-corruption strategy." CBC also covered the report.

So basically the RCMP started to track its own corruption with the intent of implementing a strategy to reduce it. So they say. The bottom line is that the RCMP doesn't track it's own corruption and I'll tell you why - because it comes from the top down.

The study covered documented cases from Jan. 1, 1995 through Dec. 31, 2005. It was completed in 2007 but only released in 2014 to the Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act. "The RCMP says it has since adopted many of the report's recommendations, adding there is no evidence that corruption is a significant issue within its ranks." Of course it does. They only said that because the report was released to the press.

Bob Paulson said the same thing after the two class action sexual harassment laws suits. Turns out he lied and had done nothing. More sexual harassment allegations surfaced within Ottawa. We've talked about the Surrey RCMP's tainted legacy. How they screwed up the Surrey Six investigation and let Jamie Bacon get off because they tried to cover up police misconduct.

It wasn't just one RCMP officer having sex with one witness. One officer was getting drunk and having threesomes with witnesses as well as a climate of unprofessionalism where RCMP officers would get drunk, flirt and have sex with witnesses. It was all consensual so nothing was done about it. It still continues with IHIT members shagging the Cub Pack's crew ho.

Wikipedia lists several RCMP "controversies". One of them was the theft of dynamite. "In April 1971, a team of RCMP officers broke into the storage facilities of Richelieu Explosives, and stole an unspecified amount of dynamite. A year later, in April 1972, officers hid four cases of dynamite in Mont Saint-Grégoire, in an attempt to link the explosives with the FLQ. This was later admitted by Solicitor General Francis Fox on October 31, 1977." AYFKM?

I know this is old news but the only reason we are hearing about it is because it is old news. The RCMP stealing dynamite with the intent to set up the FLQ for a fake terrorist attack is very relevant to us today and ties in with the Surrey Pressure Cooker Fraud.

The only reason we heard about Operation Northwoods is because it was old news and the documents were declassified. The question we need to ask is if the RCMP and the CIA were willing to do that then, what are they willing to do now? Neither organization is monitored. That is the root of the problem. Who investigates the police? Nobody.

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