Friday, June 10, 2022

KidsPlay Foundation World Cup Soccer Tournament

Kal Dosanjh is reporting that "The KidsPlay Foundation World Cup Soccer Tournament was a huge success! We hosted over 700 youth from across the Lower Mainland in BC Place Stadium for a fun game of soccer. Hundreds of volunteers participated in making this event happen. We are grateful to each and every one of them. Heartfelt thanks to all the teachers, parents, sponsors, community partners, Law Enforcement Departments, Media sources, the Whitecaps organization and BC place staff. Each one played a critical role in the success of this initiative."

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Vladimir Putin addresses the world

Update: As a recall, there was a video posted online of Ukrainian UFC fighter Maxim Ryndovskiy being tortured by Ukranian soldiers for training with the Russians. Then the media lied and made false allegations against him to rationalize his torture. No lie can live forever.

This is an English translation of Putin's speech that hackers posted on the Ukraine versus Wales soccer game. The fact that the mainstream media refused to play it and they had to get hackers to post it shows what kind of insane misrepresentation is going on with the Ukraine conflict.

In his address Putin states that they exchanged 50 Russian prisoners with 50 Ukrainian prisoners. The Ukranian prisoners were fed and received medical treatment. The Russian prisoners came back with cut fingers and reproductive organs. I believe this to be true because I have seen videos of Russian prisoners who were tortured. When Hitler was gassing the Jews no one believed it because he controlled the media. We are seeing the same media censorship today on a global scale in support of the globalists.

When the translation mentions circumcision of the reproductive organs, I believe a more accurate translation would be castration. Supporting the Azov Nazis torturing prisoners is a shameful disgrace on a global scale. History will remember this because no lie can live forever.

Communists are using Fascists in the Ukraine just like they are using Anarchists in North America to achieve their objectives. At the World Economic Forum's recent summit​ in Davos, they built a Russia House to showcase Russia's war crimes in the Ukraine. They are liars and false accusers. They are the ones committing war crimes. The World Economic Forum are Globalists. Globalists are Communists. Communism is slavery built with lies and maintained by lies. Buyer Beware.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Justin Trudeau reduces sentences for serious gun crimes

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "The mandatory minimum for both gun smuggling and selling illegal guns is three years but the PM thinks there should be none." It doesn't take a rocket science to do the math and see where Justin Trudeau is trying to take us.

When Justin Trudeau put a freeze on people without criminal records buying or selling registered handguns, we all know that had nothing to do with mass shootings or reducing gang violence. Absolutely nothing. Just like how decriminalization of hard drugs had absolutely nothing to do with reducing the number of overdoses. Absolutely nothing.

Now reducing the minimum sentences for serious gun crimes has nothing to do with reducing gun violence. Absolutely nothing. It has absolutely nothing to do with racism either because the perpetrators of the Surrey Six were all white. All these coordinated acts of insanity serve an agenda just like the Anarchists coalition with the Communists.

During the ANTIFA rights we saw black flags merge with red flags which represented an alliance between Communists and Anarchists. At first glance one would think that is a complete contradiction. Anarchism represents lawlessness while Communism represents so many laws it's a dictatorship. The unholy alliance is a means to an end.

Anarchists rebel against the law, in this case the Constitution which protects civil liberty by law. Once crime and violence run rampant and complete lawlessness has been achieved, the Communists come in to create order amidst the chaos - their order with their police.

In the United States we see Liberal sh*tholes like LA and New York where drugs, crime and violence run rampant versus Conservative strongholds where safe communities with low taxes thrive and prosper. Justin Trudeau is trying to turn the entire country into a Liberal sh*t hole so he can come in and create order amidst the chaos - his order where civil liberty is no longer protected by law and he can finally create his own dictatorship like the one he admires so much.

Battle in Ukraine's east rages as Zelenskiy vows to retake territory

Update: Vladimir Putin addresses the world

During a recent soccer game between the Ukraine and Wales, Russian hackers interrupted the coverage with evidence of Azov troops bombing civilians in the Donbas. The fake news spins the event with a headline that reads Battle in Ukraine's east rages as Zelenskiy vows to retake territory. In other words, yeah, he's bombing civilians in the Donbas again just like he has been doing since his coup they rejected.

The Azov are Nazi's who want to cleanse the Ukraine of all Russin speaking and Russian ethnic citizens. They came right out and admitted it. They feel the Ukraine is only for people of Ukrainian origin. It's a good thing all the other countries accepting Ukranian refugees don't feel that way. So how does the fake news spin the Azov ties to Fascism? They compare them to the Spartan 300. In reality the Spartans fought against military coups and ethnic cleansing.

Remember, China controls NATO now - Communist China. NATO is trying to recognize China as an active member. That is insane. We haven't been hearing much about the US biolabs in the Ukraine any more but we are receiving reports that the Wuhan lab in China conducted experiments on Monkeypox just like they did with coronaviruses found in Chinese bats.

Great Game India is reporting that "Dr. Benjamin Braddock, an independent investigator, stated on Twitter that an unknown source at the ECDC informed him that initial investigation of the monkeypox virus revealed that it emerged from a lab and could be linked to US biological research in Ukraine." As a result, two American vaccine companies are cashing in.

The conflict in the Ukraine also relates to how soaring gas prices are a manufactured emergency promoting the Worl Economic Forum's Communist agenda. Shelling the Donbas after their coup wasn't good enough. They had to provoke a conflict by insisting on putting nuclear missiles on Russia's border. The conflict in the Ukraine as well as the soaring gas prices could have easily been avoided and could end today if they wanted it to. The thing is they don't want it to because soaring gas prices are part of their agenda.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Fatal shooting in Vernon, BC

The Vernon Morning Star is reporting that "A 38-year-old man is dead after being shot Friday night in Vernon. RCMP was called to a building in the 5300-block of 25th Avenue just before 6 p.m. after a report of shots fired. Once on scene, officers found a man suffering from gunshot wounds, who later died at the scene. The victim is known to the police."

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Speaking of gun violence, today I saw a bumper sticker advertising It's an excellent website that cites the facts not the misinformation. In the picture above we see a cache of illegal handguns that were smuggled into Canada the from the US. These are unregistered. That's how gang bangers get their guns. No one uses a registered gun to commit a crime.
If I sell a registered gun to a gang banger it gets traced back to me. Even if they file off the serial number. The police still have a record of me owning it. If I sold it illegally, they simply ask me, where is it? You didn't apply for a permit to transfer it. Justin Trudeau's gun freeze has absolutely nothing to do with stopping gun violence and everyone knows that. It's about Communism.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Fatal Shooting in Richmond, BC

CTV is reporting that "Two people are dead after a daylight shooting in Richmond Saturday, according to police. The Richmond RCMP, in a statement, said they were called to Ackroyd Road between Minoru Boulevard and No. 3 Road around 11 am. Frontline officers located two deceased victims. Both having suffered gunshot wounds,"

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Taliban bans opium in Afganistan - prepare for an invasion

South Carolina Public Radio is rpeoritng that "Afghanistan's Taliban rulers have begun a campaign to eradicate poppy cultivation, aiming to wipe out the country's massive production of opium and heroin, even as farmers fear their livelihoods will be ruined at a time of growing poverty." Notice the spin. Instead of jumping for joy, the American news outlet is complaining and implying banning opium will hurt the poor farmer. Like they give a sh*t about the farmers.

Likewise, the ASPI is reporting that "Taliban opium ban could lead to increase in organised crime and terrorism." AYFKM?! They admit that "The Taliban’s recent ban on opium cultivation in Afghanistan, a repeat of previous attempts under Taliban rule up to 2001."

That's right folks. In 2001 the Taliban brought opium production in Afghanistan to a grinding halt. Shortly after that they were invaded and opium production resumed. Now they're going to try to do it again and the CIA are going to try to stop them. Again.
After the invasion of Afghanistan, the CIA did openly what they did secretly during Vietnam. NATO troops began protecting the opium fields claiming if they didn't do it, the Taliban would. That was a bold-faced lie. The Taliban stopped opium production and they restored it. The CIA were the ones that created the Golden Triangle during Vietnam. George Bush Sr was the one that got the CIA addicted to drug trafficking. The movie Air America was a comedy based on a true story.
The ASPI - Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a CIA think tank left over from the Nugan Hand bank in Australia that crashed because of CIA drug dealing, arms dealing and money laundering (just like the BCCI) goes on to claim that the Taliban's opium ban could could lead to an increase in organised crime and terrorism. In reality, the current opium production promotes organized crime. You want to launch another false flag attack just because the Taliban shut down your profitable opium lifeline again? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The Opium Wars have now begun

We're familiar with the war on drugs. Some say the war on drugs has failed. That's a lie. We never fought it. When I refer to the Opium Wars, I'm referring to what England did to China and what China and Justin Trudeau are now doing to us. Both are sh*ty things to do to people.

What do LA, New York and Chicago all have in common? They're all liberal sh*t holes where drugs, crime and violence run rampant. I saw the New York model. I was there. New York became safe and prosperous. Bill De Blasio destroyed that with his leftist policies. Their lawlessness has an agenda behind it and I can tell you right now, that is a place none of us want to go.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Ontario truck driver arrested in US with 60 kilos of cocaine

The National Post is reporting that "Two Ontario truck drivers were arrested on an Arizona highway after a state trooper stopped their 18-wheeler over an equipment violation and allegedly found $2 million worth of cocaine in the cab."

"Inside the sleeper berth in the cabin, the sergeant allegedly found 60 tightly wrapped and neatly stacked bricks, consistent with packaging of bulk cocaine. The load field-tested positive for cocaine, according to police. Police said the load weighed 60 kilos and estimated it to have a street value of US$1.9 million, which is equivalent to about C$2.4 million."