The Vancouver Province ran a front page article about a friend of Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon who lost access to his son because of his criminal associations. Hearing a father or mother has lost access to his son is never good news. Had the father ever hit the child? I don’t know. Would the child be in danger if with the father in public? Perhaps.
The court documents claims the father was a friend of Larry Amero and a crystal meth dealer. Not a surprising combination to say the least. Court documents also claim he was a meth cook which is also very dangerous. I realize there is a lot of mudslinging in custody disputes. Yet if he was a meth cook and dealer and if he was associated with Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon, those would be valid concerns. Assaulting the child’s mother would be another valid concern if true as would the claim of assaults in the child’s presence.
I guess my first unrelated question is why are we allowed to hear this information yet we’re not allowed to hear the Viki Leaks information about Vic Toews a “Christian” politician who had an affair on his wife and fathered a child with another younger woman. I submit that both are relevant.
The Jonathon Bacon shooting in Kelowna was big news and we haven’t heard a lot more since. We’ve heard that the Hells Angels have been exterminating the Durry Dak Pak but it is highly unlikely they were responsible for the Kelowna hit. They are simply guilty of selling drugs in the Hells Angels area. Unlike the Independent soldiers and the Red scorpions, the Hells Angels aren’t going to take over the Durry Dak Pack, they are going to wipe them off the face of the earth.
I think there are a couple of points worth remembering. This wasn’t some chance meeting between Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon in Kelowna. They were making a huge scene on that stupid boat Steroids and Silicone. They went very public with their association. We knew this was not a new friendship. We just couldn’t prove it before because it was on the QT. All we could prove is that Larry’s friends were friends with friends of the Bacon brothers.
The key thing to remember here is how despised the Bacon brothers are. They have been implicated in the Surrey Six murder where two innocent bystanders were executed. That created a huge public outcry. The Bacon brothers took over the leadership of the Red scorpions who used to be affiliated with the UN and had beef with the Haney Hells angels. It was no coincidence that a relative of Spike, a senior Haney Hells Angel, was also with them in Kelowna. Larry sent his ex, Sarah Treble, who he shared a car lease with, along with the UN guys that shot at the Bacon brothers outside Tbarz. It was a political move of showing support without being there in person.
At that time the Hells Angels were playing the UN. Supporting them on one hand and supporting their enemies on the other, at the same time. Some people asked if I thought the Hells angels put the hit on Larry because they were upset with him associating with Jonathon Bacon. No I do not.
First of all, the Hells Angels would not have hired a hit when one of their own nieces was present. I still say her becoming paralyzed was an absolute tragedy. It was tragic that it happened and it was tragic her uncle and cousin put her in that high risk situation.
Second, Larry doesn’t do business for the club without approval of the club. The Surrey Six murder had an objective. They wanted to take over the leadership of the Red Scorpions which they did. Only under the despised Bacon brother leadership they’ve turned it into the Red Lobsters with that cheap karate school logo.
I think the UN hired a very professional hit on Jonathon Bacon. I think the UN finally started to do the math in prison. A couple of UN guys had some serious beatings in prison before that. The Bacon brothers most certainly don’t control the prisons but the Hells Angels do. That must have made a light go on for them. Hearing that Larry Amero was bragging about his association with Jonathon Bacon must have made another light go on for them.
So where’s Waldo now? Witnesses claim they saw Larry and Jonathon together last summer at Nabil’s wedding in Ontario. Some claim Larry went back to Ontario with the Nabil brothers. I personally have no idea.
However, another connection that everyone seems to be missing is that guy Jeremy Bettan who was shot dead in Walnut Grove. He wasn’t from Montreal, he was from Walnut Grove. He was a friend of Larry Amero. He’d been to Montreal on business for Larry but he was from here and was a friend of Larry. Him getting shot dead was significant.