There's a guy in the local news lately who is appealing his ticket for loud pipes on his motorcycle. He went to the papers and got his photo taken. He claims he was railroaded. No, he's an asshole. Loud pipes don't save lives. You don't hear them until they go buy. We had this discussion on the Castanet forum a while ago. One of the yahoos in favour of loud pipes said pretty soon you're going to ban anything that's fun. I think that freudian slip says it all. The real reason he likes loud pipes is because he thinks it's fun. He likes to piss off everyone in the neighbourhood. Prick.
The Vancouver Province wrote an editorial about the subject claiming that loud pipes are a blight and people who have loud pipes are selfish. No kidding. Adam Carolla was a little more graphic and a little less tactful in his position on the issue. Although I prefer touring bikes to sport bikes, I completely agree with his position on loud pipes. I will also have to admit that it doesn't have to be on a Harley. I was getting gas the other day and I saw a guy on a dirt bike filling up. When he drove off it was obvious he had taken the baffles out of his exhaust. Are you kidding me I thought. There is nothing more irritating than the high pitched whine of a two stroke engine. It sounds like a chain saw not a motorcycle.
The tragic thing is the asshole in the paper appealing his loud pipes ticket might have a chance. He claims the cop gave him the ticket based on his own ear not on a tangible, instrument. Kinda like giving someone a speeding ticket without a radar gun. I still think the ticket should be upheld. The court can always order the exhaust's noise to be measured. Providing of course he hasn't put the baffles back in for the test only to take them out again after the test. The bottom line is that loud pipes are just an example of an asshole who giggles like a girl when he pisses people off. They should be ticketed for loud pipes. Cities do have noise bylaws.
In all reality the pipes ( or stereos) for that matter are not the issue. It is the person operating whatever it may be that might be loud. Last time I checked we were living in a FREE country! Kinda of funny how we are now being told how loud things we operate are allowed to be. All the bed shitters out there that are complaining about these things need to do something with there time. This is all the old hippie protestors have to complain about now days it seems. For the record I was nearly ran into from an old woman who actually said that the only reason she missed me is because I revved my bike while gearing down and that she heard it. LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES!
ReplyDeleteIam guessing you ride a BMW or some other brand of import. You really need to read my entire post! As I mentioned, it is the person operating whatever it is that is that might be loud that needs to be stopped if he is running something in a loud matter, NOT EVERYONE that has something that can be loud. You did say a mouthful when you mentioned Jake brakes.I guess those should be completely removed from big trucks because they CAN be loud. For the record Johnny Newcombe is NOT a Hells Angel!You need to step out and do some real leg work of your own, and not take misinformation about any and everybody. He does know alot of Hells Angels but he himself is not one! If you had any back bone you would be completly public about who you are so people could form informed opinions about you and your site, as we do live in a free country!
DeleteIf I had any backbone I'd have a bullet in my back like the reporter in Montreal who reported on the Hells angels and was shot from behind in a parking lot. The people who matter know who I am. I've been outed more than once.
DeleteKim Bolan does not seem to have any problems! I guess you are what some people would call a "Jelly Fish"! If you want to be taken seriously you need to step up and show some clout! IMO
DeleteNo I’m a bitch. Just like you. As I’ve said before to someone who anonymously said I should publically reveal my identity, Kim Bolan and Eileen Mohan have more balls than you and I both. Threatening to rape my daughter or harm my family is deranged. Those threats were daily until I made the comments on the blog moderated. It just shows you what kind of people we are dealing with.
DeleteWe, do live in a free country. Where people can rally the government to create just laws that promote fairness and equality for everyone not just the elite. My neighbour can operate his chainsaw right by my bedroom window in the middle of the night. Yet his failure to respect common decency violates my rights to a quiet night's sleep. The noise bylaw means he can and should get a ticket. Just like when large transport trucks gear down in residential areas. I ride a motorcycle and I hate loud pipes. People like them because they like pissing people off and use the save lives excuse to get away with it.
ReplyDeleteWhile I completely agree with your assessment of the motivations of many with excessively loud pipes, it's kind of hard to ignore the fact that a large percentage of motorcyclists who are killed are hit by a driver that says, "I never saw him". While it is true that you hear them MORE when they go past you, I think you realize that if such a bike was behind you in traffic for any length of time, you might be aware of their presence based on sound.
ReplyDeleteThat said, any "safety" aspect of this could be addressed by having pipes that are loud enough to accomplish that but not more than what is needed. And to be clear we ARE talking about pipes that are louder than necessary here, I understand that.
A basic sound meter is not that expensive. As long as consistency of result is obtained by standing at the same spot relative to the bike and having the throttle advanced to a consistent RPM (while in neutral of course) a specific decibel level should be able to be easily measured.
Indeed the motivation of the many with loud pipes is to piss people off. Loud pipes versus excessively loud pipes. People like Mike R centre lining and weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds have no regard whatsoever for safety. They’re just asshole who like to yell get out of my way. I still say defensive driving is the logical solution. Honking at blind intersections. Watching the direction of the front tire of the other vehicle to see where it’s going. Not centre lining or passing on the right up the shoulder. It’s common sense.
DeleteThese bikes used to drive all the time around my house with Haney Hogs behind us. Thank God this only happened once, but an extremely loud bike actually triggered a migraine headache. Granted, I'm already sensitive to loud noises, but this time was honestly the loudest roar I've ever heard from a bike in my life.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your article. I quite enjoyed the tone in which it was written, as I think that the safety issue is a complete cop out. The sound is a byproduct of the dick head manoeuvre to show everybody how loud you can be. 90-100db to alert somebody is a joke.
ReplyDeleteI also enjoy how people with small minds like to cry about "living in a free country" whenever somebody doesn't agree with their perspective. Thanks for stating the obvious "Unknown", we do live in a free country, that has 1st world laws and regulations. Your opinion on them has no bearing on the relevance of their existence. Maybe you should learn how to spell Johnny's name before you come rushing to his defence. He is HA. You don't need to shop at Cycle Logic to know that.
It's the less than 10% d-bags like you that believe you have all the answers and everybody else is off base when you infringe on their right to not have noise pollution rubbed in their face. Check the poll, and tell me that it's something people want around
Actually he is NOT HA! He has never been nor will he ever be. He never went through the program. You also should maybe think of doing some leg work to get the facts straight. One other thing, you need to quit going for coffee with "K". You guys just seem to run with misinformation and half hearted truths.