Your alternate news source. Connecting the dots between politics and organized crime.
Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Anna Brees launches Brees Media
Former BBC journalist Anna Brees launches her own independent media brand in the UK called Brees Media. The mainstream media has fallen just like the UN and the WHO. Support Independent Media. Anna has a online workshop on using your phone for journalism.
After the previous protest in London, the media made it all about David Icle and 5 G calling them conspiracy theorists. This time the media spun it and only said protesters clashed with police. Anna Brees showed what kind of people where there. Ordinary parents concerned about their children's future. David Icke is MI6. They put him there to discredit the movement and to lead them astray. The police weren't arresting him. Instead they arrested a medical doctor from Germany. The only clash was when the police went in en masse to disperse the protest.
F*ck David Icke. God save the Queen. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah.
Remember, remember the fifth of November.... Remember that MI 6 was on the wrong side of the Iraq war. They were the ones that knowingly gave false information to the media about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. Dr David Kelly was the British weapons inspector in Iraq and blew the whistle on their lie. He died of a suspicious suicide just like Gary Webb.
If MI 6 was behind Operation Mass Appeal and flooded the media with false information about Iraq’s WMD, who do you think is flooding the media with false information about COVID19? The same agency that tapped the Royal Family’s phone for Rupert Murdoch.
MI 6 does not support the Queen or the liberty of her people. They are not trying to oppose Communism, they are trying to implement it and hijack it just like the CIA is. God damn them.
Maxime Bernier claims that Trudeau is using COVID-19 to justify massive government spending
Last year, during the election campaign, we argued about getting rid of the Liberals’ $20-billion deficit. I said it could be done in two years. The Conservatives wanted to take at least five years. The Liberals and NDP did not even care to set a timeline.
Today, thanks to destructive lockdowns, $20 billion seems like a trifling sum. In July, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau indicated this year’s deficit would reach $343 billion. Since then, new estimates put it as high as $450 billion!!!
But that’s not all. In last week’s throne speech, the Liberals announced a whole series of new spending programs. With the help of Jagmeet Singh, Trudeau and his new Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland want to impose socialism on Canada.
This crisis is being deliberately exaggerated and used by the government to justify its power grab and massive spending. And don’t count on Erin O’Toole to denounce this. He’s terrified that the mainstream media will say he’s mean and not caring. And he’s too busy courting and splitting the Liberal vote.
Friend, I’m the only political leader in this country who’s been sounding the alarm about the catastrophic state of our public finances. The People’s Party is the only party that cares about our future and about FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, not about buying votes.
As a PPC member or supporter, I know you share that goal too. Please give $4.50 today so we can offer Canadians an alternative to this socialist nightmare.
Many thanks, -Max
Stop the lockdown. Let business operate. Storm the beach.
Lockdown protest in Toronto while Rob Ford raises Communist flag at Ontario legislature. WTF?
Rebel News is reporting on a lockdown protest in Toronto and is also reporting that "Doug Ford gov't to raise Chinese flag at Ontario legislature, to commemorate founding of communist state." AYFKM? Rob Ford is a Globalist f*ck up. Fire him. Organ harvesting and genocide are wrong.
Collective Communities within a Free Republic
However, there is something else within the Marxist lie that does indeed aspire to something higher. It’s not Communism because the Communist Manifesto is inherently flawed. It’s not Socialism because Socialism is a lie. It is something else. I call it Collective Communities within a Free Republic. This is what James Connolly and Nelson Mandela aspired to. This is what the Socialist lie pretends to be.
Nelson Mandela and James Connolly protected civil liberty by law. They walked the walk, they didn’t just talk the talk. They both have my respect. Communists claim that you must give up individual rights to achieve collective rights. That is a lie. Once you give up individual rights, there are no collective rights. Nelson Mandela and James Connolly showed us a better way.
North Korea calls itself the Democratic Republic of Korea. Only we all know it is not a republic and there is nothing democratic about it. I’m not going to hate on North Korea. Progress has been made. I’m just stating the obvious. As soon as you adopt a single party system, you abandon democracy. That’s all there is to it.
There is a big difference between Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his son, baby Justin. I don’t want to get all Dr Phil but Justin Trudeau has been a complete disappointment. All he does is spend money. Other people’s money. That road is a dead end. Some people trash Pierre Elliot Trudeau and say he was a Communist who was friends with Castro. Perhaps but there was a big difference between what PET did and what Castro did.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau protected civil liberty by law in the Canadian Charter of Rights just like Nelson Mandela and James Connolly did. Baby Justin is more like Commodus in the movie Gladiator. He is the wannabe tyrant that fell short. He covets slavery.
In the early days of the Christian church Christ and the apostles had all things in common. They lived a collective principle. This was not Communism. It was based on civil liberty. You were free to participate and free to leave. The key word there is free.
When I worked for the Post Office, I got involved with the Union. I became quite vocal in my opposition to the National President’s endorsement of Revolutionary Communism in Cuba. I thought that was completely insane. One coworker came up to me and said he thought I was a Communist for the same reason I thought he wasn’t. We both believed in democracy and free speech. I was shocked.
I attended an Area Conference where a National Union Rep came up to me and said “The Communists in Tiananmen square and Eastern Europe call themselves Communists but they aren’t really Communists.” I responded with “Then what the hell are they because that’s what Communism is.” He went on to say “Cuba is the best model of Socialism that we have.” Without hesitating I replied “No it’s not. They have political prisoners and practice religions discrimination. The best model of Socialism that we have is the kibbutz movement in Israel. People are free to come and go as they please. They have religious kibbutz and nonreligious kibbutz. All the profits go towards raising the standard of living for everyone in the community.”
In my opinion, true Socialism can only exist within a free republic. As soon as you give up individual freedom, you create slavery. We’ve heard the terms collective farming and collective bargaining. Within a free and democratic society, people have the right to pool their resources if they so choose. Yet no one has the right to force that on them against their will.
There is a funny move with Tim Allen and Kirstie Alley called For Richer or Poorer. Two rich New Yorkers hide from the IRS in a Mennonite community. Hard work is a new experience for them but they learn some valuable life lessons from it.
Mennonite farms are collective communities. People are free to join or leave as they please. They have a specific preference to avoid modernization but other collective communities are not bound by those rules. If people pool their resources, they could in theory share a decent standard of living like the kibbutz movement in Israel.
I had a friend who visited Cuba several years ago. They said their bed and breakfast was run by a former lawyer who quit their profession because they made more money running a bed and breakfast than being a lawyer. I do believe in a system based on incentive where if you work hard, you can profit from the fruits of you labor. That’s not slavery, that’s self-reliance. Yet I have no animosity towards Cuba. They have chosen a different system and that is their right.
If Socialists want to talk the talk, then make them walk the walk by protecting civil liberty by law like Nelson Mandela and James Connolly did. That is something we can all agree on.
In Hong Kong, the Communist Party of China is breaking the law. Hold them to their word.
UK says China's security law is serious violation of Hong Kong treaty
Monday, September 28, 2020
900 Belgian Doctors denounce lockdown
Shooting on Scott road - Update
CTV is reporting that "Delta police say they are investigating an afternoon drive-by shooting that took place near the Surrey-Delta border. Police say they received multiple reports about the shooting around 2:30 p.m. Monday. Cris Leykauf, a spokesperson for Delta police, says gunfire appears to have been exchanged between the occupants of two vehicles near 120 Street and 82 Avenue in North Delta. Numerous bullet casings have been recovered by police. There have been no reported injuries, and police say they are not aware of any victims."
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Large protest outside Chinese Consulate in Vancouver
Thousands attend another London lockdown protest
"Protests are exempt from the rule of six, a rule that threatens fines for groups of more than six people, which has created much aggravation in the UK." The people have started to sing.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Bill & Ted Face the Music in theatres now
Keanu Reeves from the Matrix and John Wick reunites with Alex Winter for a remix of their epic career premier Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure. It's awesome. I was checking to see if the theatre finally had some new movies and this was it so we just saw it. Gnarley dude.
It was a fun trip through time uniting Jimmy Hendrix, Louis Armstrong, Mozart and Ling Lun with a fictional stone age drummer. I’m glad they are putting out new movies again. Going to the theatre during Covid is not scary at all. It’s a lot less crowded than the grocery store.
A fun remix of the Ghostbusters is coming out called Ghostbusters Afterlife. Tom Cruise is returning to coach new jet pilots in Top Gun Maverick. Russell Crowe is pretty epic in everything he does. He’s in a new movie called Unhinged. Although he does a very realistic performance the character he plays is a psychopath who stalks a woman after a road rage incident. It is not a pleasant film. There’s also a new Wonder Woman movie which is a little more family friendly.
Ontario Hells Angel murdered
The Ottawa Citizen is reporting that Gregory Slewidge, 39 a full patch Hells Angel was found murdered in Ottawa 10:30 AM on Thursday. He is also the son of Lyndon Slewidge, a retired Ontario Provincail Police officer. Things that make ya go hmmm.
Ottawa, that would be the Ontario Nomads who were disbanded in 2016 after the Quebec charter got out of jail and capped the president and vice president. After that incident, all the cub pack losers went running for cover. So they made a come back in 2016 and brought in the son of a cop. What do you think the Quebec charter thought about that? The Ontario Nomads were always the Ontario Village idiots while the Quebec members were always the masters of mayhem. Yet anohter reason for Damion Ryan to run and hide.
Bustin Caps and Crackin Shells
I did some more work with the 9 mm Masada again today. I love that gun. I also tried out the 12 gauge Mossberg Maverick. It comes with a pistol grip. Normally I make fun of guys who put a pistol grip on their shotgun because if you don't shoulder it, you can't hit anything but I suppose at close range accuracy just doesn't matter. A pistol grip is just a novelty item so I tried it out and had some fun. Boys will be boys. Terminator Genisys. Gotta love the remix yo. F*ck fate.
Friday, September 25, 2020
TGIF: Rocking the Free World
Rock the world yo. A Salute to Mike Christiansen. Ride Hard, Die Free.
Yawn. Two shootings in Surey on Thursday. Same old. Kids cappin kids. Life goes on.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Kelowna Hells Angel dies in fatal motorcycle accident
Who knows, they could have Juel Stantoned him. Giles did not end on good terms with the club. The last three Hells Angels murders in BC were not rivals
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
The Economic Standard publishes white paper on Hydroxychloroquine
Nevada reverses decision to block hydroxychloroquine
George Soros and Bill de Blasio’s destruction of the New York Model: A Tale of two Cities
Bill de Blasio is a Communist who destroyed the New York Model. I care about NYC because I served there. For me New York is like Derry, it is the town I loved so well. Curtis Sliwa created the Guardian Angels to confront crime on the New York subways. I went to New York and served with the Guardian Angels in 1985. I saw the before and after effect of the New York model.
In the /80’s New York City was famous for crime. The subways were not a safe place to be. East 42nd Street, known locally as the Deuce was a toilet of crime and exploitation. Drug trafficking and child sex trafficking was common on the Deuce in the /80's. Lawlessness reigned and misery was the result. The Guardian Angels were part of the New York Crime Reduction Model. Yet the solution was a political one that was embraced by the political will of New Yorkers. New York went from a cease pool of crime and violence to a haven of peace and security. That transformation was based on enforcement, one of the Four Pillars. Law and Order leads to light and hope. Lawlessness leads to darkness and despair. New York's transformation was inspiring.
New York under Ed Koch and Bill De Blassio was a different world than the New York under Rudy Giuliani. This is a tale of two cities. Law and Order versus Lawlessness and Despiar.
Monday, September 21, 2020
John Horgan calls snap election: Update
I am disappointed to say the least. This sadly shows that John Horgan is just like every other self serving politician who does what's best for him not what's best for the people who pay his wages. He claims he wants a clear mandate from the people during uncertain times. We have already given it to him. End the ridiculous lockdowns and get back to business. Bonnie Henry is an idiot and Adrian Dix is a Marxist. We need to socially distance ourselves for that kind of leftist extremism like the plague.
Jason Kenny and Rob Ford have proven to be globalist f*ck ups during the Covid fraud. Will Andrew Wilkinson be any better? I don’t know. I would hope so. I definitely agree with Andrew Wilkinson when he said using tax dollars for political campaign funds is absolutely insane. That was a Green party ploy and needs to be removed.
John Horgan removing bridge tolls was a good thing. He reduced taxes. Lowering ICBC premiums after he raised them over the roof was a step forward. Yet we need to remember why ICBC premiums were raised. ICBC was not broken nor was it in debt. It was breaking even. The Liberals extracted a $1.3 billion dividend from ICBC to balance their fudgeit budget. That manufactured emergency was the direct result of fraud.
Right now my biggest concern is Adrian Dix and Bonnie Henry. We need to stop letting Marxists highjack the province. There is no social justice in Marxism so stop pretending there is. We need to move forward not backward. We need to leave Henry, Dix and Beijing out in left field and proceed down the centre with fiscal responsibility and civil liberty. Nelson Mandela protected civil liberty by law. So did James Connolly. We should do likewise. Legalize hydroxychloroquine.
Update: Whoa, I didn't realize that calling an early election broke his agreement with the Green Party. That was really slimy. It also broke the fixed election law in BC which isn't enforceable. CTV is reporting that "B.C. Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau wasted no time in calling out John Horgan's snap election call, calling it irresponsible and unnecessary. "Let's be clear, this is about him and his party putting their fortunes ahead of British Columbians at a time when people are worried about their jobs, their financial security, their children and their health," she said, speaking outside the legislature. Furstenau said she met with Horgan on Friday and told him he had a stable government, and accused him of playing politics during the pandemic, putting party interests ahead of British Columbians." That is very true.
The Richmond News is reporting that "Green Party leader Sonya Furstenau did not mince words in her opening press conference for the 2020 provincial election. She questioned whether British Columbians could trust the word of John Horgan after he broke the fixed election date legislation as well as the confidence supply agreement his party had made with the Green Party by calling an early election." She's quite right.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Ezra Levant on George Soros
The Rothchilds, the Soros and Bill Gates do not fund Communism so they can share their wealth. The rich fund Communism so they can become slave owners. History has recorded that. What do you think order amid the chaos means? They fund anarchism to create lawlessness so that they can implement their version of Communism which has no social justice in it, only slavery.
Fox News support globalists like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell. Globalists are Communists.
Ezra Taft Benson was a patriot. Mitt Romney is not. Mitt Romney is a Gadianton robber.
Blaire White speaks out on JK Rowling's latest book
Buying someone's book to burn it on camera is really dumb.
Shots fired at Langley Gas Station
Global is reporting that "Langley RCMP were called to the area of a Chevron gas station at 231st St and 72nd Ave Saturday evening due to a call of shots fired. They say there were no victims on scene, and no arrests have been made. This is the fourth straight day of gun violence in Metro Vancouver." Bustin caps in the crib.
"On Friday evening, Richmond RCMP were called to the Manzo Itamae Japanese Restaurant at Garden City Road and Capstan Way due to a shooting. The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team said Saturday that the attack, which left a man in his 40s dead, appears to have been targeted." Ya think?
"On Thursday, gunfire broke out in Surrey leaving a man known to police with injuries. Hours later, gunfire was exchanged between two vehicles in Richmond. A day earlier, 23-year-old Vancouver resident, Iqubal Grewal was shot dead near 67th Avenue and Knight Street."
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Car Rally outside the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver
After the speeches they had a socially distanced car rally with signs on the cars that paraded through Vancouver, Burnaby and Richmond. Nice. You didn't see that on Post Media News.
One of the speakers said "To date, the total number of people who have posted statements on the Epoch Times website withdrawing from the CCP, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers has exceeded 364 million, accounting for 26% of the total population of mainland China. This is equivalent to at least one in every four people stating their withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. The Vancouver Service Center for Quitting the Party is willing to work together with friends from all walks of life to be the driving force behind history, to help more people to break away from the Chinese Communist Party." A new #Walk Away movement.
Speaking of the Communist cultural genocide in China, not only is the CCP attacking Chinese culture in Tibet and exterminating Cantonese in Hong Kong, but they have also banned the Mongolian language in Inner Mongoli and have cracked down on their culture. Leave the CCP. Dennis Watson speaking at the End CCP Rally.
Calgary, Canada: Residents Support “Quit the Communist Party” Car Parade
Toronto, Canada: Rally and Car Tour Support Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party
Epoch Times: Vancouver's "End CCP" car parade
New Tang Dynasty: Call for an early end to the Chinese Communist Party in Canada
Friday, September 18, 2020
Double shooting at Richmond restaurant
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Bob Green's murderer denied parole already
DR Spin rightfully reported that Wallace was a member of the HA-aligned 856 gang. Wallace sold drugs for the Hells Angels with and under the direction of Len Peltier, Bob Green’s weasel cousin. The biggest tragedy in this case was that Wallace killed Bob Green instead of Len Peltier.
“The Parole Board of Canada ruled recently that Jason Francis Wallace’s release from prison would leave the community at-risk because the bikers might retaliate for the fatal shooting of Bob Green in October 2016.” No kidding. That one would be understandable. This argument is what police always use to trap someone into becoming a police informant. Nevertheless, in this case that argument is indisputable. As soon as Wallace is released from prison, he is dead.
No doubt the compromised BC Gang Task force want Wallace to join Donnie McWhirter’s rat pack who lie about rivals for them in court to help the Hells Angels maintain their monopoly on the drug trade. Wallace made a mistake by killing Bob Green and nothing he can do will ever make it right. Yet no matter what our past, we have a spotless future. Wallace can do something positive to prevent this from happening again by testifying against Peltier so that no one has to take the fall for for that weasel again.
The question is, will the compromised BC Gang task force let him do it? It looks like they have already let Peltier slide on the drug charges because Lenny is ratting out his own peeps like he always has done to stay out of prison. I believe in law and order. That’s why I believe in rooting out police corruption to make that possible. Where there is no justice, there will be no peace.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Nevada reverses decision to block hydroxychloroquine
Nevada is now the 7th state to quietly reverse their decision to block HCQ prescriptions for COVID-19. Physicians in Nevada can now once again prescribe HCQ as they deem necessary.
— Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) September 16, 2020
Governors lied & restricted medicine that could have saved lives. They should be held accountable.
Yukon Strong exposes CBC's malicious misrepresentation
Setting the record straight on restricted firearms ownership in Canada. @JustinTrudeau doesn’t want Canadians to know ANY of these “secrets"
— Yukon Strong (@Yukon_Strong) October 8, 2019
Share to progressive feeds everywhere..@Polysesouvient @Docs4GunControl #FiveFiveSix #AR15 #GhostTweet #TrudeauMustGo
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Shooting in Newton

The Peace arch News is reporting that there was a targeted shooting in Newton Monday night but the shooter missed. "The parties involved in the shooting are believed to be known to one another and associated to the Lower Mainland gang conflict." Working for or against the HAs.
Cables on Sea to Sky Gondola cut for 2nd time
CTV is reporting that "The cables on the Sea to Sky Gondola in Squamish, B.C., have been cut for a second time. Mounties say they were contacted by the attraction's security team at about 4 a.m. Monday and are investigating the damage in partnership with the West Vancouver Police Department and the Integrated Police Dog Services. 'This is a deliberate cut, this was not an accident,' Squamish RCMP Sgt. Sascha Banks told reporters hours later."
This is why we need to stand against Communism and fake environmentalism. These F*ck ups are POS. This is like ANTIFA starting a forest fire. This gondola does not damage the environment. It helps people appreciate nature and the environment. A hand full of Communists do not have the right to take away everyone else's freedom. F*ck them.
As Martin Luther King said, "When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love. Where evil men would seek to perpetuate an unjust status quo, good men must seek to bring into being a real order of justice." The Law leads to light and hope. Lawlessness leads to darkness and despair. I support law and order.
The gondola needs to install security cameras and motion detectors. Like any other two bit vandal, these vile POS need to be held financially accountable for the damage they cause including lost wages. Send them to jail and put them to work. No justice, no peace.

Monday, September 14, 2020
Progressive Conservatives win majority in New Brunswick

CTV is reporting that "New Brunswick's Progressive Conservatives won a majority government on Monday. With almost all votes counted, the Tories were elected or leading in 27 ridings, the Liberals in 17, the Green party in three and the People's Alliance in two. At least 25 seats were needed for a majority in the 49-seat house." A sign of things to come.