Sunday, October 2, 2011

In steps Jason Zailo

We've talked about the Lindsay Buziak murder in Saanich. She's listed on the unsolved murders page. We also talked about it after it was featured on Dateline. We also posted a letter by her father regarding lawlessness. We forgot to mention her father is offering a new reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of her murderer. They've even set up a tips line separate from the Saanich PD since so many people have expressed concerns about trusting them.

Lindsay's boyfriend was "cleared" of being a suspect early on in the investigation. That's kinda suspicious. Back in the day, the murder mystery game Clue coined the phrase "the butler did it." In our day of domestic violence, that phrase has become the boyfriend did it. In our sad era of domestic violence, often the spouse is the first suspect. An alibi doesn't exclude someone with a motive from suspicion of contracting a murder.

The strange thing is that the Dateline documentary quoted one witnesses who claimed that Lindsay Buziak was going to leave her boyfriend Jason Zailo. Jason admittedly denied that in the Dateline documentary but there are other witnesses who have made the same claim. Yet the police went to the extreme of clearing him after the documentary aired. In fact they went to the extreme of clearing the boyfriends' entire family. Like why would they even say that. Why on earth would the boyfriend's family be suspects? The rabbit hole in this case is very deep so it is.

I mean look at the guy. Why on earth is he holding a knife in that picture with Lindsay with those psycho eyes? He looks like Jason from Friday the 13th. I'm not sure how she got involved with him in the first place but breaking up with him would have been problematic. She was a realtor and he was the mortgage broker. He certainly has a lot of interesting friends and associates. I'm mean that sure isn't Ziggy Marley he's hanging out with.

Jason Zailo's friend Zachery (Ziggy) Matheson was romantically involved with Shannon Christine Spruyt. Ziggy's friend David Martin Niebergall plead guilty to murdering Kevin Black who was Shannon's new boyfriend after she broke up with Ziggy. Shannon was assaulted when Kevin was shot. Later that year she died of a heroin overdose.

Ziggy Matheson left with his brother Jimmy Lepine on the right. Jimmy has quite the criminal history too including trafficking in controlled substance. Sure glad none of that is suspicious.


  1. "The police went to the extreme of clearing him after the documentary aired. In fact they went to the extreme of clearing the boyfriends' entire family. Like why would they even say that."

    It's what passes for an "investigative technique" in these parts.....

  2. Ziggy Matheson is a killer and a drug trafficker so why would Jason Zailo chum with him. They are all in it together.

  3. I don't think Zailo had anything to do with Buziak's murder. Buziak's father has lost his cool a few times and said things he shouldn't of, including an outburst a year or more ago, where he said "This isn't some big complicated case. I know who did it. The police know who did it. This is about a group of people who were mad at my daughter".

  4. Deathray? You could be right. I do remember the father saying they had a good idea about who killed his daughter a while ago. I didn’t realize he might have been implying Jason back then. I was under the impression he was referring to someone else. All I know is that Jason looks like a psycho, has a lot of psychotic friends in the drug trade who have been involved with domestic violence in the past. I think if the police watch Jason close enough they will see a pattern of criminal activity continue. Time will tell. It always does.

  5. Lindsay's dad said....or am I recalling a comment that someone left on Kim's blog????...that there were five people involved and that dad knew who they were. That theory would kind of fit...all these people having a stake in real estate. Take Lindsay out of the picture and perhaps some of the $$ stopped. I think we might be on the verge of something here.

  6. I read the quote I posted above a couple years ago in the Saanich News (Black Press), and I've never heard Buziak's father say anything like that again. I'm sure the police felt it hurt their investigation. I'm guessing he was referring to the Calgary drug bust group. On a side note... Right after Buziak's murder I heard a rumour that she was one of the girls who killed Reena Virk back in 1997, and a year or so ago I read a piece about Virk's parents in which the police said that one of the girls responsible for Virk's murder is now dead, but they wouldn't give a name.

    1. Your report of here say is absolutely terrifying...Lindsay Buziak was no where close to the Virk when she died. I know the older brother as I went to school with him...

    2. Gail Ooms. She passed away shortly after Reenas death.

  7. What an evil thing to say. We know Lindsay was never charged in Reena Virk’s murder. Even if she was in the group that assaulted the poor girl, which she wasn’t, that wouldn't change the evil deeds people Jason hangs around with do. You did get me wondering though. My gut feeling said no way. Lindsay did not seem the type to participate in that kind of thing.

    Wikipedia lists the names of the two individuals charged with her murder: Kelly Marie Ellard and Warren Paul Glowatski. It also names Nicole Cook who started the fight or should I say assault. We know there were six girls and one guy who assaulted and murdered her. That leaves four other posible girls.

    The six female perpetrators are referred to in court documents as N.C. , N.P., M.G.P., C.A.K., G.O. , and K.M.E. N.C. is known to be Nicole Cook who has admitted involvement.[7] Kelly Ellard is referred to in some documents as K.M.E. I don’t see a LB in the list. That means the rumor is an offensive lie.

    Which brings us to the real question. Who on earth would fabricate such a rumor and why? Could it be the real evil doers who committed murder wanted to in some way justify their evil deed and throw off suspicion?

  8. Deathray have a look at the link to an interiew given by Mr. Buziak. I heard one of the girls involved in the Reena Virk case was dead but they were not referring to Lindsay.

  9. I have read a lot of forums and blogs on Ms. Buziak's murder and I have noticed a pattern that any time a blogger mentions the name Zailo people come forward and try and pin the blame on someone other than Jason. Why is that?

  10. Deathray,

    You are a pathetic desperate soul and no doubt are one of the Zailo's or a close friend and likely a drug trafficker like most of their friends. You should get your facts straight before coming on this forum and trying to discredit an innocent girl. As Agent K stated court documents show that Lindsay had nothing to do with Reena Virk's case. Noone should post here if they do not have their facts correct.

  11. Deathray a lot has been kept out of the press for a reason. I do not recall Mr. Buziak naming the five individuals so just because he has not mentioned it again does not mean he has changed his mind.

    Time has passed since he made that statement and maybe the list has climbed to seven or more now?

  12. I think that Ziggy Matheson is the key to finding out who killed Lindsay Buziak. He knows.

  13. Jezus people, relax. I'm not trying to discredit Lindsay or make her look like a bad person; I'm just sharing a rumour I heard from a person who seemed to be in the know. If it were true, it just adds another angle to the case, in that her murder might have been retribution. I apologize for the offensive comment.

    GANG MEMBERS SUCK, thanks for the link; I hadn't seen that clip.

    The impression I got when I read Mr Buziak's statement was that he and the police know exactly who killed his daughter, however they need people to come forward with info to build a case. My money is still on the Calgary drug bust group.

  14. The last time I saw Ziggy he was wearing sneakers that had two inch soles. That dude will do anything to gain a little height!

    Whoever coined the phrase "short man syndrome" must have had Ziggy in mind.

  15. It’s good to know the rumor was out there and even better to know that rumor is false. It still makes us wonder who started the rumor and why. I agree the Calgary connection might have merit as to motive but locals would have had to carry out the order so to speak. Then there’s also the question of who would have a motive to falsely accuse Lindsay of being the informant in that Calgary bust? Wouldn’t it be horrible if someone became a police informant with the sole purpose of setting Lindsay up and blaming her so they would kill her for them? Now that would be rat like.

  16. Deathray,

    Now that you know the information you were given was false why don't you be a man and tell us where you got your information.

    After all, you are anonymous on here. If you can't say then you are likely Ziggy or a Zailo.

  17. Ok Ok you got me. I’m really Daffy Duck. I think Cooper was implying that to spread such a vile rumor is something the accused supporters would do. I understand they have a past history of trolling the Lindsay Buziak forum.

  18. Yes, always trolling around on the Lindsay Buziak site to see what is new. They need to see who should run for cover next.

    They don't post on Lindsay's site - no they just skulk around after dark like the cowards they are.

  19. I read a thread on a blog recently, where Lindsay's dad speaks about the Zailo family. Apparently its Jason's mom that Mr. Buziak believes had a hand in it. 2 weeks PRIOR to Lindsay going to Calgary she told her dad she knew something SIGNIFICANT and was deliberating about telling someone. Her dad pleaded with her to tell him, but she would not.

    So this blows the theory that her death is related to the Calgary cocaine bust. Mr Buziak eludes to this having much deeper darker roots related to the real estate office that Lindsay worked at. Jason Zailo's mother also worked at the same office. Here is where it gets interesting....

    A third girl also works at the office. A day AFTER Lindsay was killed the third girl received a phone call asking to speak to Lindsay. The caller was a female with a heavy latin accent - same as the supposed killer who booked the house viewing. Turns out the third girl has call display and the call is coming from JASON ZAILO'S MOTHER'S LOCAL.

    I suspect when this all blows up we are going to find out the Zailo's are linked to the gangs and drug trade, which we all know is linked to many cases of mortgage corruption. I also suspect that Lindsay found documents or something at the real estate office that implicated the Zailo family. We can all assume that Jason has ties to gangs. Sad, very sad. Lay with dogs, you are going to get fleas.

  20. Jason does have friends in the drug trade. That's been well established. We know there is significant money laundering in Victoria Real Estate from the Bassi Virk case. The Calgary drug bust could still be connected if *someone* set Lindsey up I.E. called in a tip to the police in Calgary then blamed Lindsey and told the local drug dealers she was the informant. That would have been very rat like indeed.


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