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Showing posts sorted by date for query bandidos. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Criminality of the Outlaws MC

OK we've talked about the criminality of the Hells Angels so in all fairness we should also talk about the criminality of the Outlaws and the other MCs. Some people claim all Hells Angels are criminals. What about the Outlaws? Are they all criminals? The Mongols? The Bandidos? Do we ban all MCs? We can all see this is a very slippery slope and with all the Covid over reach it becomes very concerning. After they get rid of the MCs who's next? We are.

Before he died of cancer, the Aging Rebel was covering the ATF's attempt to seize the Mongol patch in the US courts. That I don't agree with. Just like with the Hells Angels a lot of the Mongols have been involved with criminal activity but they all weren't.

One could legitimately argue that the three piece patch and the term OMG for Outlaw Motorcycle Gang is indeed a criminal organization. However, that was not the original intent. George Christie's definition of the term outlaw was a rebel with a cause. Someone who rejected the narrative and supported freedom. It wasn't all about drug trafficking.

As Steppenwolf said in Easy Rider, God Damn the Pusher. It wasn't about pimping the dream it was about living the dream like Ted Simons and Elspeth Beard did. I'm going to follow up more on those two because it is highly relevant. That's what it's all about. It's not all about strippers and blow. It's about what Ted Simons and Elspeth Beard did. That's what it's all about.

Having said that, there's some new news about the Outlaws murder investigation in New Brunswick. CBC is reporting that "Two additional people have now been charged in the murder of Brandon Donelan, whose body was found in Chipman in 2022. On Wednesday, first-degree murder charges were laid against Devon Mark Hood and Matthew David LeBlanc. They were arrested Tuesday at the Dorchester Penitentiary where they were serving time for unrelated charges, an RCMP news release said. They join Erica Blyth and Joshua McIsaac, who were both previously charged with first-degree murder in the same case on June 30."

This appears to be a Red Devils Black Pistons conflict. The Red Devils sell drugs for the Hells Angels and the Black Pistons sell drugs for the Outlaws. It looks like a bunch of tweakers fighting over drugs. So does this mean all the Outlaws are drug dealers too? No it does not but clearly some are and some are using the name of the club to advance that activity.

When I reported on the Outlaws and Loners MC rivalry in Cornwall, Ontario a former member of the Outlaws emailed and said call me which I did. He explained what was really going on in Cornwall and although I can't publicly say what it was I can say it's not what you think. We had a really good conversation. Everything he said passed the test of believability. He seemed very genuine and was in essence a good man.

He was an old timer like me who has nothing to prove. He talked a little bit about rivalry and criminality. He was from Ontario and mentioned having to deal with Paul Porter and mentioned how he was a good guy to deal with. He was the kind of guy you could have a sit down with and get things straighten out right then and there because he was like that. I believe that.

He also mentioned that he was never involved with crime. I believe him. He said when he first started being affiliated with the Outlaws an old timer warned him to stay away from that element. He said whenever you get a gathering of bikers there is a criminal element that tries to infiltrate it but the old timer cautioned him to stay away from that element and he did which I believe.

Selling drugs is one thing but stealing cars and motorcycles is really low life. That is nothing to aspire to or be proud of. Pot's legal now but crack and crystal meth are horrible drugs and fentanyl is just plain crazy. Those drugs are a blight on society. As we have seen, pride cometh before the fall. Those who fight against Zion (a law biding society) shall fight among themselves and shall be drunk with their own blood. Wickedness never was happiness. Word.

"And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good. Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?”

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Former Australian Bandidos National President patches over to the Hells Angels in Sydney

The Daily Mail is reporting that "Former Bandidos national president Jason Fahey has 'patched over' to the Hells Angels who are aggressively expanding their presence in Sydney. Recently an entire Sydney chapter of Rebels bikies are believed to have defected to the Hells Angels with the outlaw bikie gang taking advantage of rival's weaknesses to gain a foothold in the city's south."

"His brother John is a former national sergeant-at-arms of the Bandidos."

BFFB or until we change sides for the right price. That's pretty lame. BFF Not.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Rock Machine Drama

TBM, the definitive source for worldwide MC news has posted a disappointing update on the political drama within the Rock Machine Canada. It states the self-proclaimed national president doesn't have a motorcycle license. That's kind of my beef with the cub pack. Although they have licenses, they don't ride motorcycles they just ride around in SUVs and sell drugs.

TBM has been following RM politics for quite some time. They saw the RM rise from the ashes in Canada, expand into Australia and break into Europe through Norway. They also saw the meltdowns that went along with it. Suat Erköse was selling patches online in Europe.

I think people need to realize the Rock Machine now has absolutely nothing to do with the original Rock Machine that was famous for waging a long war with the Hells Angels in Quebec. They blew sh*t up. That Rock Machine was basically disbanded in 2000, when Salvatore, his brother and all the leaders along with their hit squad crossed over to join the Hells Angels. Then 10 years later Sean Brown started a new club using the same name but modifying the logo.

The original logo was a yellow eagle's head. It was actually gold but when you draw it, people use yellow to represent gold. IRL people use gold dust in the paint. Since Sean stole the name, he had to change the logo and made it white. I think it looks kinda cool.

Then the new group kicked Sean out because he didn't want to bring back the Quebec war with the red and white which was probably a good thing. I spoke with an old timer involved at the time and he said the young kids just wanted to make it another gang and sell drugs like they do now.

I spoke with a young man from Quebec who had joined the new group after they kicked Sean out. His father had been killed by the Hells Angels in the Quebec biker war. He wanted revenge. He was totally sincere. It sounds like the group has gone through a lot of growing pains since then.

Sean Brown went from RM in Ontario to Vagos. Then Vagos patched over to Outlaws and Sean went to Cali with Vagos. I was probably a little hard on him at the time. I think he had credibility and he meant well. That's kind of my pet peeve. We understand how puppet clubs can patch over to 1% clubs but all this such and such forever, forever such and such never lasts long. As soon as they change allegiances, they're burning old patches and it's forever the new group.

When I first saw the TBM article I thought it was written by Wally. I'm told that it wasn't. However, the old RM has a new allegiance. Now they support the Hells Angels and they want to discredit rivals. I've talked about that whole scam before with the original RM. They were legitimately notorious. They were genuinely hard core. There's no disputing that. Yet there are two facts that stain their legacy. In the year 2000 they all crossed over and joined their arch enemies. There's no way of getting around that. That makes the second fact hard to ignore.

I was told that during the Quebec biker war, the RM's hit squad targeted Mom Boucher's political rivals within the Hells Angels. That means the war was fake. Mommy dearest was killing his own brothers who he saw as a threat to his leadership. The fact that they all crossed over to support him when he went to jail makes that difficult to deny.

I got rid of Facebook a long time ago. I couldn't handle all the drama. It was all "You're fake, she's fake, I'm fake. We all fall down." A bunch of toy soldiers. You didn't see Bob Green on Facebook. He wasn't posting all his personal information for the police to see. Give your head a shake. Even if it's set to private, they still get warrants and spy on everything you post and mesage.

So, as I said, TBM is the definitive source for Worldwide MC News. Michael Green is the real deal. He left the life. He is the international Spokesperson for TBM with a past in both the Hells Angels and the Bandidos. He knows both sides. Yet TBM isn't just one guy. They have a whole coalition of people behind the scenes that know and understand the life.

Biker News Network and Harley Liberty are credible MC News outlets for the Unted States. I miss the Aging Rebel. He was the real deal. May he Rest in Peace. Yet that ain't me.

Although I ride a cruiser full seasons, I was never a member of a MC and never wanted to be. I always rode alone. I did go for a couple of rides with the Teamsters Horsemen because they were awesome but I never have and never will go under cover. I never pretend to be something I'm not. I started this blog because of the Surrey Six. That was all about Gumby and Jamie Bacon.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The passing of George Wegers

TBM Nation is reporting that George Wegers has passed away. My condolences to his entire extended family. George Wegers​ was the former National president of the Bandidos and lived just across the line in Bellingham where the Bandidos host that large annual Oyster run which was cancelled this year due to Covid. GW shared a cell with Geroge Christie and became good friend with him. GW spoke out about the police shooting in Texas which later revealed some shady things went on from the police. In this biker shootout most of those killed were killed by the police. I'm not sure what happened as I wasn't there. I support law enforcement which means protecting civil liberty and confronting police corruption. That is the New York Crime reduction model that Bill de Blasio destroyed and Curtis Sliwa is ready to restore. Ride hard, Die free. Peace.

The Aging Rebel Rides Free

Monday, September 9, 2019

Oyster Run in Anacortes Sunday September 22

The 38th annual Oyster Run in Anacortes, Washington is Sunday September 22. This is the biggest biker rally in the Pacific Northwest. The website states that "This is a free event. No official starting point. No time schedule. No required route."

"Sometimes we forget that there are folks out there who have never experienced the Oyster Run and are not sure how it all works. Due to the sheer number of motorcyclists that attend the Oyster Run, we were forced to abandon any kind of scheduled route many years ago! How it works: Schedule your own route, pick a few "Biker Friendly" places along the way there, back or year round. For a full list go to Biker Friendly, Sponsors and Supporters."

"End up in Beautiful Downtown Anacortes! Get there early as the place gets incredibly packed! Depending on the weather, estimates have been anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 motorcycles in past years. Although there are no organized events until Sunday, a lot of folks come to stay in the area early and make a week end out of it."

I'm told it's not really a red and white thing, it's more of a Bandidos thing although one year several Mongols came up from Oregon. The Cossacks Drill Team is performing on 5th Street at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. On 7th Ave from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM there is Live music. Hats off Lynden sells Oyster Run gear.

Friday, June 7, 2019

No Surrender MC banned in Holland

TBM is reporting that the No Surrender MC has been banned in Holland by the courts just like the Hells Angels and Bandidos. The criminal charges include extortion and money laundering. What ever happened to riding motorcycles without criminal activity? The criminals are destroying the MC movement for everyone else. No L & R there. Just selfishness and greed.

Friday, November 2, 2018

MC Drama

I don't give a rat's ass about celebrity gossip. Recently I gave a shout out to Ben Affleck because I thought celebrity gossip had no place in real news. If you want celebrity gossip, watch TMZ. That's their thing. That sure as hell ain't my thing. You won't find it here.

Likewise, I don't give a rat's ass about MC drama either. Recently I made a post about the Rock Machine after Suat Erkose shared private text messages calling out the former world president of RMMC. Suat is obviously a clown and RMMC Europe is splintering into fragments to get away from him. Private text messages are private. As soon as you post private text messages, no one is going to text you because they won't trust you. The Hells Angels just don't do that.

This is why the Hells Angels don't have any rival MCs in BC. Everyone who rides a motorcycle in BC recognizes that the Hells Angels are the real deal and everyone else is a cheap imitation. The Outlaws, Mongols and Bandidos are legitimate but they don't exist here. The Mongols are huge in LA but there just isn't the Latino population here to warrant it. I don't think any of those groups will ever take root in BC because the only way they could get recruits is from former HAs who have been kicked out or loser wannabees that never made the cut. People who ride motorcycles in BC just want to ride motorcycles. They don't want to sell drugs or pimp crack hoes. It's the young plastic Millennials that want to sell drugs and they don't even ride motorcycles.

Nevertheless, these social media MCs are a complete joke. I once saw a statement online by a member of the Hells Angels when asked how someone could join his club. He simply said if you have to ask, it probably isn't for you. In other words they operate by local reputation. If you know anyone in your community you will know who they are and how to contact them. If you don't know then it simply isn't for you and that is a good thing. Staying away from them is wise.

Monday, October 29, 2018

RMMC World Drama

Social media is turning parts of the MC world into a circus side show of drama. TBM Scandinavia sent me a couple links to some recent articles and I have to say wow. There appears to be some bickering between the new President of Rock Machine Europe and the old one who patched over to the No Surrender MC in Norway. TBM Scandinavia is reporting that Suat Erkose, the new president of Rock Machine Europe is claiming that Terje Østby, the former president of Rock Machine Europe, is trying to sell Suat out for a murder he hasn't even been charged with.

I assume he is referring to the murder of a Bandidos prospect in Norway back in 2017. As evidence Suat posts a screen shot of a text message he claims Terje sent a female who said I didn't order the murder Suat did. By posting this information publicly Suat has just implicated himself in that murder. He's trying to say Terje ratted him out.

Perhaps Terje has good reason for doing so. After that murder RM Norway patched over to No Surrender MC. I might add that No Surender Norway is affiliated with Henk Kuipers not Klaes Otto. Henk Kuipers is a friend of Michael Green. Klaas Otto was the one sentenced for some really bizarre extortion threats. That has nothing to do with Michael, Henk or No Surrender MC Norway. Bandidos and RM normally get a long. Killing a Bandidos prospect because he trash talked the RM on facebook is really dumb. There is no honour in it.

Having said that, Suat Erkose appears to be the subject of many complaints. Harley Liberty claims he was selling patches online. Other sites claim he is a former cop and is originally from Turkey not Germany. RM Australia seem to have some concerns about him as well.

I have respect for Norway. In Ireland I had a good from from Norway who served in the military. He was loyal and trustworthy. RM was originally from Canada and then went international. RM was notorious in Quebec. I use that term because they were. They waged war with the HAs in Quebec for a generation. That RM was basically disbanded when the founding members patched over to HAs after the Bandido massacre in Canada. RM Canada was going to merge with the Bandidos but after the massacre they said no thanks and merged with the HAs instead.

Sean Brown tweaked the logo and restarted it basically starting a new MC using the name and former logo. The original logo was a yellow eagle's head. Sean kept the same logo he just made it white instead of yellow. The new kids on the block kicked Sean out because they wanted to be a gang not a MC and Sean didn't want to war with the HAs any more. The new Rock Machine is basically a new MC using the old name. Rock Machine Australia seem to be solid. I don't know what's up with Suat Erkose. History will judge him not me.

There are also some articles about the Kinfolk MC in the US. TBM Scandinavia is reporting a former Kinfolk member said "A year ago I was part of a well established club, I could see what the club was becoming, I watched Brothers make false accusations against each other and use fallen Brothers to step on to make that next rung on the ladder. I had been talking to Kinfolk MC about things before I left. I had Brothers that were put out bad standing for bullshit reasons that you would not believe! But THEY were my Brothers not the piece of cloth they wore!"

After he left the club the cops showed up at his door and showed him text messages from his former club putting him out in bad. The cops were trying to use that betrayal to get information about the club from him. He didn't give the cops any info he just left the life. That is what I am talking about. When I look at all that drama and betrayal all I have to say is, that ain't me.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Spotlight on the Hells Angels in Thailand

We've already seen a glimpse of the dark side of the Hells Angels in Thailand. I'm not talking about their involvement in the drug trade or the sex trade. I'm not even talking about them killing rivals to obtain a monopoly on that industry. I'm talking about them killing one of their own so another member can take over the drug trade from him. That's the dirty business I take exception to. That is a complete contradiction to the old school values Michael Green is referring to.

George Christie, former president of the Ventura Hells Angels once said, the Hells Angels are not a criminal organization because the members who are involved in criminals activity are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with the rest of the members. That is believable. We know that usually one member is assigned to one associate who oversees a group of associates that are deeply involved in drug trafficking. They use the name of the Hells Angels to do business.

As David Giles admitted, not every member is involved with criminal activity but anyone who uses the name of the club for criminal activity must have permission from the local executive. So the member in charge of the associate selling drugs would make the money and the local executive would get a cut. The rest of the members wouldn't. That's why Luke Joshua Cook helped Antonio Bagnato after he killed Wayne Schneider. Somebody wantd to take over the business. AFFA Not.

As to which local executive approved the murder, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. Thailand obviously got it's liscense to sell drugs to Australia from the Australian chapter. There are retired German members in Thailand but the Australian chapter is obviously the one that oversees the Hells Angels drug trade in Thailand. If an Australian member was to hire someone to kill another Australian member so he could take over the drug trade from him, he would of had to have permission from the Australian chapter's executive. It's pretty obvious.

So lets take a look at the Hells Angels in Thailand. No I'm not going to comment on the bisexual members in Thailand because if I do the other chapters will freak and do them in. As far as I'm concerned what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. I'm just saying that kind of warm brotherhood is a little too warm for my liking personally but to each their own.

Errol Gildea is President of HAMC Nomads Thailand, (and overall boss of Thailand) Reiner was President of HAMC Pattaya but he is just a figurehead after his accident. Greven is President of Chiang Mai. Errol was president of Brisbane in Australia before being put in charge of Thailand.

In this picture from right to left on the front row is Glen Norris, Wayne Schneider and Greven. Wayne was the drug kingpin brutally murdered along with his associate from Sydney Raphael Joseph. Luke Joshua Cook was convicted of helping the shooter escape. Before that Luke was suspected of receiving US$10 million from Wayne in early 2015 to buy 500 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, or "ice", in international waters and store it in Thailand for later smuggling into Australia. So here we have someone who worked for Wayne help the shooter that killed him.

This picture was taken a at a HAMC world run a few years ago right to left is Manfred Peter Gallus aka Kaktus who is the National secretary for all of Thailand HAMC, Glen Mathew Norris, Alex Hochloff Lenander from Copenhagen in Denmark, Bird from Thailand Nomads chapter (he runs a house of pain tattoo studio in Phuket) Mathew "taps" Robinson, Joy who is also a tattoist, Oli and Christer "greven" Svantesan who is a decent guy from Göteborg, Sweden. There are 3 chapters of HAMC Thailand: Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Nomads. Gremium MC has 2 charters in Pattaya. Gremium MC get along with HAs and Bandidos in Thailand.

In fact even the HAs get along with the Bandidos in Thailand. There is hope for this world yet.

This picture above has Reiner. (past and possible present president of HAMC Pattaya, he is somewhat handicapped due to a motorcycle accident) Next is Theo who is boss of Bandidos next is Thaksin ''Sin'' Monothaksin who was a friend of Wayne Schneider. Wayne was well liked and respected. Last is Manfred Peter Gallus aka Kaktus. He is in the video with Reiner and Thaksin filing a police report because his facebook page got hacked.

This picture above has Taps in it. (Phillip Mathew Robinson) He is the Hells Angel, it has Vinai in it he is the Thai Man and the President of Shark Rider MC and the president of Pattaya Bandidos.

In fact, this was the root of the conflict between George Christie and Sonny Barger. Sonny didn't want the Hells Angels to get along with other clubs and George said why the hell not? We get along in prison. Why can't we get along outside of prison? It's all in George's book Exile on Front Street. Sonny was a puppet for the Agency. The only time you don't want to get along with other MCs is when you want a monopoly on the drug trade. Which is something your not suposed to be involved with any ways. Your supposed to be living the dream not pimping the dream.

The Aging Rebel wrote about CNN journalist Lisa Ling's facebook exchange with former federal law enforcement agent Scott Barnes who says that he, along with the BET – Biker Enforcement Team, incited war between the Mongols and Hells Angels that led to a number of deaths.”

The Nomads in Thailand look pretty normal. Now that's L&R.

Like I said I'm not going to talk about Errol's sexuality. Much. I'll let you figure that one out for yourself. All I'm going to say is that pride cometh before the fall so it does. Just like it did in Rome.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Former Bandidos National President Jeff Pike Indicted For RICO

TBM Scandinavia is reporting that Former Bandidos National President Jeff Pike has been Indicted For RICO. The Youtube video contains screenshots of the indictment dated October 18th 2017. RICO stand for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act which is somewhat ironic. Operation Fast and Furious revealed that ATF agents were selling the Mexican cartel guns and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment. Which leads us to ask which corrupt organization is which? The bikers being charged or the agents charging them?

It's pretty obvious that I oppose organized crime. However, it goes both ways. Banning gang colors in bars is fine but seizing their patch completely is off the hook. That is why I am concerned with and oppose the US Government's attempt to seize the Mongols patch.

The Aging Rebel is pretty much the go to guy for biker news in the US courts. Although he is pretty pro biker and anti ATF, he has experience in the US courts on biker rights and is quite knowledgeable on the subject. The government's obsession with the Bandidos seems to have peaked after the biker brawl in Waco Texas March 2015. Later we heard that 4 out of 9 Bikers shot dead in Wacko brawl were shot by police. The Aging Rebel has a lot to say about that topic.

One of the interesting concerns he expresses is the Prosecutor's obsession to ban the Bandidos lawyer Kent Schaffer from defending Jeff. That in itself is suspicious. The right to legal representation is entrenched in the US Constitution and in every free republic. So why do they want to break the Constitution to cram their case through? It is suspicious to say the least.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Spotlight on Norway

When I used to live in Ireland I had a friend who was from Norway. He had served in the military and said he was born with skis on his feet. Coming from Canada, I respected that.

We don't live in igloos in Canada and run around on dog sleds. Vancouver is quite mild like Seattle. We get lots of rain and if we are lucky, we get a lot of snow in the mountains not the city. We like to hike, bike, run, kayak, sail, ski and snowshoe. We love the outdoors. Most of us.

Norway strikes me as a place I'd like to visit but I can tell you right now if I went all the way to Norway, I wouldn't be spending all my time in the bar. I might stop at a pub for a pint but I would want to see Norway not the inside of a bar. Norway has a lot of amazing hikes.

Norway also has some amazing skiing and snowshoeing. Now that's what I'm talking about. They even have a snow hotel complete with ice beds. That might be a bit extreme for some but the bottom line is that there is lots to see and do there.

Which brings us to the recent news of the Rock Machine in Norway disbanding and joining up with the No Surrender MC. It's none of my business and I'm certainly not going to disrespect any of them especially since Michael has friends in both groups. Personally, I will never wear a patch and I will never call myself a 1%er. Not to say that I would never ride with or be friends with anyone who does. I'm just saying I am different and I prefer to stay that way.

When I reported on the Mongols opening up a chapter in Vancouver, one person commented and said we'll see how long they last. That is fair comment. A lot of these fly by night crews change their colors faster than they change their underwear. The Mongols are a bit different. They are much more established and are huge in California. However, BC is not Cali and whether or not locals here have the fortitude to live up to the Mongols reputation in California has yet to be seen.

When I first started my blog I had two founding premises. The first was that the Hells Angels were a criminal organization. The second was like unto it, that the CIA was also a criminal organization. In the process of time I have amended my first premise. Although I am concerned with organized crime, I am even more concerned with civl liberty. Confronting organized crime while protecting civl liberty goes hand in hand. The US government's attempt to seize the Mongols patch is a real concern for anyone who loves liberty.

I don't like drug dealers. Especially those that exploit the homeless and brutalize sex trade workers. The Hells Angels said, we don't sell drugs. My response is then we dont have a problem. Yet some members do. Now we have a problem.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business. The keywords there are consenting adults. Drugs in clubs or for those who want it and can afford it does not concern me. Human trafficking is not consensual. It is brutal exploitation. I have no problem with living the dream. I have a problem with pimping the dream. Using the movement to bully and exploit others. That is not what it's all about. The movie Easy Rider was about living the dream. You dont need a patch on your back to do that. You certainly don't need to sell drugs to do that either.

I don't want to see a war between the Mongols and the Hells Angels any more than I want to see a war between the Rock Machine and the No Surrender MC or the Bandidos. No one does. It's not that I'm afraid of war, it just that I believe war needs to have a purpose. If it's not the right cause, it's just not worth it. In LA the Crips and the Bloods used to fight each other bitterly simply because they each wore a different colour and the rest of us thought it was kind of dumb.

Years ago, in Florida two rival gangs were fighting over the right to sell drugs during a specific time slot on a specific street corner. A little girl was cut in half from automatic weapon cross fire. Curtis Sliwa led a protest march carrying a mock coffin. He wrote the little girl's name on the street corner and the words never again. The Guardian Angels then led the community in a crackdown on crack campaign which was very successful. People had enough of the violence and wanted things to change. Fighting a war over what colour you wear is dumb. Fighting a war over a monopoly on the drug trade is evil. There is no honour in it. The public will not tolerate it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Norway Rock Machine members arrested for murder of Bandido prospect

TBM Scandinavia is reporting that three Rock Machine members in Norway have been arrested for the murder of a 31 year old who appears to have been a Bandidos prospect. Bandidos opened a prospect chapter in Norway in 2015 and have a chapter is Oslo. Here in Canada you don't normally see beef between the Rock Machine and the Bandidos. This conflict is new.

Evidently the Rock Machine in Russia had a large number of them patch over to Mongols and it has seemed to have created hard feelings. I guess that's why they're worried about losing some of their members to the Bandidos in Norway.

The Rock Machine is originally from Canada and right now it is a complete mess. Consequently it appears that mess is carrying over to international locations since they are determined to expand without a solid leadership base at home.

In the Begining Mom Boucher and Salvatore Cazzetta created an MC in Quebec called the SS. Mom Boucher wanted to become a member of the Hells Angels but after the Lennoxville massacre, Salvatore said f*ck that and started the Rock Machine. Mom Boucher didn't care about the betrayal of the Laval chapter. He saw it as an opportunity to promote himself so that's exactly what he did. Mom Boucher and Biff Hamel joined the Hells Angels after the Dark Riders betrayal also in Laval. Boucher got his Hells Angels patch after getting out of prison for armed rape.

Over the years the Quebec Hells Angels and the Rock Machine waged a war over drug turf. The Hells Angels wanted a monopoly on the drug trade and the Rock Machine said no. It has been alleged that Mom Boucher maintained an alliance with the Rock Machine during this period of time and many of the Hells Angels who were killed by the Rock Machine were political opponents of Mom Boucher who used that war as an opportunity to promote himself within the organization.

Right before Mom Boucher went to jail for planning the murder of a prison guard, his old friend Salvatore Cazzetta along with the remaining founding members of the Rock Machine crossed over and became Hells Angels in what appeared to be an attempt to maintain Mom Boucher's political interests in the Quebec Hells Angels. After crossing over, Salvatore became president of the Montreal chapter of the Hells Angels. After that, the Rock Machine died.

A few years ago Sean Brown and a group of people not related to the original Rock Machine started a new MC with the same name. Sean Brown changed the logo from a yellow or gold eagle's head to a white one. He didn't want to war with the Hells Angels in Quebec so the new kids on the block kicked him out. They wanted to be a gang. They had no interest in forming a MC. Ever since then the Rock Machine in Canada has been a mess. He's in, he's out. He never was in. Yes he was, no he wasn't. It is a complete mess. The original Rock Machine is lost.

It's too bad. They have the best logo.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Man convicted of murdering a Hells Angel acquitted after informant admits lying

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that "The Quebec Court of Appeal has acquitted a man who was convicted a decade ago of murdering one of the highest-ranking Hells Angels in Quebec during the biker gang war. The appellate court delivered its decision on Wednesday, acquitting Tony Duguay, a former member of the Bandidos, of the murder of Normand (Biff) Hamel, a member of the Hells Angels now-defunct Nomads chapter based in Montreal."

"The decision was based on new evidence supplied by a witness who testified against Duguay during his trial. The witness, a former gang-member-turned-informant named Sylvain Beaudry, admitted after the trial that he lied while on the witness stand."

Normand "Biff" Hamel was a member of Maurice "Mom" Boucher's white supremacist SS motorcycle gang until it disbanded in 1984. That's when he and Mom became Hells Angels prospects. Biff was a prospect of the Laval chapter and was present when the Hells Angels murdered his sponsors in the Lexonville massacre.

Two years later the Hells Angels wanted to take over the Death Riders. The take over became absolute on May 4, 1987 when the President of the Death Riders, Martin Huneault, was shot to death in a Laval bar. No one was ever arrested for the murder, but just hours after Huneault's funeral, Death Riders Mario Martin and André Richard were seen meeting with Hells Angels Maurice "Mom" Boucher and Normand "Biff" Hamel. Boucher and Hamel received their colours after the incident and Huneault's murder allowed the Hells to completely take over drug trafficking in Laval and the lower Laurentians area. Biff Hammel was murdered on April 17, 2000.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Joe Siega is out in bad standing

Speaking of compulsive liars, dirtbags and police informants, Joe Siega is out in bad standing. He was a member of the Calgary Hells Angels back when the Bandidos patched over. Someone made a comment on an old blog post claiming Joe Siega was out in bad standing. Then Joe posts his own phone number for everyone including the cops to see admitting he was out but claiming he was out in good standing and started ragging on me in private e-mail demanding I apologize.

Well I checked into the story and have confirmed the allegation so I do have to apologize. I'm sorry Joe you're such an idiot and such a worthles speice of sh*t. Evidently you are out in bad standing for good reason. I respect law enforcement but they're aren't many cops I trust. Even fewer police informants. TBM accept people who rat out their friends to get a reduced prison sentence I do not. If anyone wants to know the truth about Joe Siega's standing with the club I suggest you contact the Calgary chapter themselves or someone who is associated with them. Joe Siega is a compulsive liar and is full of sh*t. Sometimes people get kicked out because they are f*ck ups. This appears to be the case. Good riddance.

BTW Joe Siega claims he's from Surrey. He moved away when he was a toddler. He grew up in Warburg Alberta and Prince Albert Alberta. That explains everything. Back in his day Surrey criminals weren't known for being very bright. Just ask Miley Cyrus - Surrey Jack ran away yo.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ruben “Doc" Cavazos out in bad standing

TBM USA and TBM Scandinavia are reporting that former Mongols National President Ruben “Doc" Cavazos is out in bad standing. My first impression was sadness. Doc Cavazos was a good guy. Why do the MCs always eat their own? One minute it's L&R Friends Forever Forever Friends, then the next minute it f*ck you you're an enemy and a piece of sh*t. The honeymoon never seems to last forever. Maybe maybe Doc Cavazos would like to join TBM now.

So then I decided to take a look at the other side of the story. Why is he out in bad standing? The Mongols web site claims he cut a plea deal and became a government informant. What?! No way. Say it isn't so. Quite often the HAs will say so and so was an informant when they weren't to rationalize why they killed them. Take Brittney Irving for an example. She was not a police informant. They simply screwed her over for a manufactured debt.

Doc Cavazos' case appears to be slightly different. He was handed a 14 year sentence under Operation Black Rain. The whole incident appears to be someone suspect. At the time they claimed they were set up and the ATF falsified evidence. The case appears to be based on the Nicola’s Shooting. We're not talking about getting caught shipping massive amounts of cocaine like the ATF did in Operation Fast and Furious. The Mongols real crime appears to be the fact that they have access to weapons and are Hells Angels rivals.

The controversial and most significant aspect of the case against Doc Cavazos is the ATF's attempt to seize the Mongols patch and trademark. This quest failed on September 16th, 2015 when Federal District Judge David O. Carter dismissed the case. However, the trademark quest continues as a new judge has been assigned to the case and the Mongols web site claims that Ruben “Doc” Cavazos flipped on January 23rd.

They state that "He seems to have gone quickly and easily. He was the very first Mongol to plead guilty to count one of the indictment. He confessed that he led a murdering, drug dealing criminal conspiracy called the Mongols Motorcycle Club. He also confessed “that the Mongols Registered Trademarks afforded a source of influence over the RICO enterprise that defendant admits he established, operated, controlled, conducted and participated in the conduct of….“As part of his guilty plea (Cavazos) agreed to the forfeiture of all right, title and interest in certain assets acquired or maintained by him as a result of his violation of (the RICO statute) including…the 'Mongols Registered Trademarks' or 'marks'” and admitted that the marks were subject to forfeiture to the United States."

"The government has also cited the guilty pleas to Count One of the Indictment by numerous defendants besides Cavazos as proof that the Mongols Motorcycle Club is a criminal conspiracy and the name and patch are subject to forfeiture. The government has argued that the pleas demonstrate a nexus between the violation of which the defendant has been convicted (or to which he has pled) and the property sought.”

That appears to be the Mongols concern and it appears to be valid. First they are quite right in that Doc Cavazos does not have the authority to hand over the club's patch and trademark since he is not a founding member nor the registered owner of the trademark. The whole underlying concern with this case is the ATFs determination to disband a Hells Angel rival and seize their patch. Is it a stepping stone to seize the Hells Angels patch or are they just going after Hells Angels rivals again? Remember the CIA infiltrated the ATF. The ATF were involved in a far greater drug trafficking ring in Operation Fast and Furious than the Mongols ever were by far. Why eliminate a small competitor unless they are trying to maintain their monopoly on the market?

Seizing patches and trademarks

So what is my position on the court case applying to seize the Mongols patch and trademark? I oppose it and it's not just because they are a Hells Angels rival. If the courts try to seize the Hells Angels patch and trademark, I would oppose that as well. I haven't flipped, I have amended my position. Originally I was determined to have the Hells Angels labeled a criminal organization by law as other provinces have done. However, Kerri Krysko's argument is sound. The Hells Angels are an organization of criminals not a criminal organization. Many member of the Hells Angels are indeed criminals yet there are many more who aren't.

I think seizing clubhouses should be done on a case by case basis. The Kelowna chapter were complete f*ck ups. The amount of drug trafficking and stolen car rings they ran was astounding. That clubhouse should be handed over in a consent order. The Nanaimo chapter should get their clubhouse back. Seizing the patch isn't even on the table. Banning them from wearing patches in bars is. Likewise the Slurrey chapter are also complete f*ck ups involved in nothing but drug trafficking. Their clubhouse shouldn't even be built. Not in Surrey that's for sure.

TBM Fresh Start

As for Doc Cavazos joining TBM Fresh start he is free to do so. Everyone deserves a fresh start in life. Michael Green is a better man than I am. He is like the Godfather of Repentance. In his last article he explains that TBM has former members of the Hells Angels, Bandidos, Outlaws, Rock Machine, Gremium, No Surrender, Satudarah, Devils Choice and many other bigger and small international groups including Neo Nazis and hooligans. Quite the mixed bag indeed. Personally I hate Neo Nazis. Flying a swastika is like pissing on a good soldiers grave. Yet am I willing to embrace someone who has left that order? Yes I am.

However, TBM accepts everyone. That means they accept people who are out in bad standing as well as people who have left the life by their own choice. In theory that means they would even accept people who became police informants or who cut a deal to get a reduced sentence. As I said I do believe everyone deserves a fresh start in life. However, if you became a police informant or ratted out your friends to get a reduced sentence, I'm not going to protect you from your enemies. That's something the police will have to do since that is the choice you made. I respect law enforcement but they aren't many that I trust. There is good and bad in every organization. The Hells Angels included.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mongols clash with Iron Order in Denver

The Canadian Press is reporting that "One person was fatally shot and seven others were injured in a shooting and stabbing at a motorcycle expo on Saturday. Investigators believe there was an exchange of gunfire at about 1 p.m. In addition to the person who was shot and killed, three others were shot, another person was stabbed and three others suffered injuries from a fistfight."

The Daily Mail is reporting that it was a clash between Mongols and the Iron Order. A fight broke out and escalated into a stabbing and a shootout. The recent biker clash in Waco, Texas was a fight between Bandidos and a Hells Angel puppet club. Both of whom are involved in the drug trade. Although the Mongols are Hells Angels rivals and have been known to be involved in the drug trade to some extent, the Iron Order doesn't appear to be involved in that lifestyle. A lot of the Hells Angels puppet clubs hate on the Iron Order because they aren't drug dealers like the rest of them and some of their members may be cops. Mongols are a credible MC from southern California that has a large Latino membership. The Hells Angels do not.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

4 out of 9 Bikers shot dead in Wacko brawl were shot by police is reporting that "Four of the nine people killed in a melee between rival biker gangs outside a Twin Peaks restaurant were struck by the same caliber of rifle fired by Waco police... Two of the four dead had wounds from only that kind of rifle; the other two were shot by other kinds of guns as well. The ballistics reports show that the rest of the people killed were shot by a variety of other guns." So the results are in.

The Bikers were claiming they were innocent victims of a police genocide. However, the evidence paints a different picture. The Bandidos and the Cossacks had a history of violence. The Bandidos are rivals of the Hells Angels and claim ownership of Texas. The Cossacks are a puppets club of the Hells Angels. A fight broke out, someone was stabbed. The fight went into the parking lot where guns came out and people were shot. The police opened fire. According to the New York Times, eight of the nine victims were members of the Cossacks. One was with the Bandidos. So it's still about the Hells Angels attempt to take over the drug trade.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

9 dead in Texas biker brawl - New Update

CNN is reporting that Gunfire erupted Sunday among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, leaving at least nine people dead. Three rival groups were present. The violence erupted shortly after noon at a busy Waco marketplace along Interstate 35 that draws a large lunchtime crowd.

Seemingly it was between Bandidos and Cossacks. Law enforcement officials said the gun battle was primarily between the Bandidos and Cossacks gangs, a continuation of a long-running feud between the two groups, though members of the Scimitars and two other gangs were also involved. Texas police say 192 people are to face organized crime charges after the Waco bike-gang shooting that left nine people dead and 18 others injured.

Update: Mixed reports are coming in on this. It has been claimed that it was the police that fired all the shots which resulted in all the fatalities. That is worth finding out.

NEW Update: is confirming those rumours by quoting a different account of what happened by the Aging Rebel. The Aging Rebel claims "When the restaurant refused to ban the Confederation of Clubs, police stationed at least 22 cops including ten Swat officers from the Waco P.D. and the Texas Department of Public Safety in the parking lot outside the restaurant. They did not station either uniformed or plain clothes officers in the restaurant."

"The shove in the bathroom became a scuffle in the restaurant. When about 30 Bandidos, Cossacks, Scimitars and other bikers spilled into the parking between the Twin peaks and the Don Carlos Mexican restaurant next door, the police were waiting for them. The scuffle became a knife fight and several men were stabbed. When one of the combatants produced a gun the Swat team opened fire with automatic weapons. Multiple sources have told The Aging Rebel that all of the dead were killed by police."

OK so the bikers claim everyone shot dead was shot by the police. Not necessarily a reliable source but at this point I'd say it's one step more reliable then the police on the scene which changes the events completely. Yes a fight broke out and yes someone pulled a gun and was going to shoot someone. So why not just shoot the guy who pulled the gun? Perhaps they also shot guys who pulled knives and were stabbing people.

We're never going to find out what really happened. The bikers who would have been shot by the biker who pulled the gun are still going to complain about the police saving their life. Just as the ones who were going to get stabbed next by the bikers with the knives are going to complain the police saved their life as well. The underlining question is, did SWAT over react and just use it as an excuse to exterminate bikers? We know a fight broke out and we know there is past history with those clubs. The Bandidos trying to tax the Cossacks. However we also know there is past history in Waco Texas with the Branch Dividians.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Brent Koziak's Network

Brent Koziak is a full patch Red Deer Nomad who patched over from the Bandidos in 2004. I am told he is personally responsible for an ever larger network than Dom Jr and that Blake Christie worked for him. Koziak patched in Christie a couple years ago. I am told that Robin Flynn Chelmick is also supplied by Brent Koziak. Blake Christie and Robin Chelmick have both been charged with cocaine trafficking. Now Blake is dead.

February 2014 Global reported that Blake Christie was arrested along with nine other Hells Angels associates for possession of drugs and firearms. Only 350 grams of cocaine and some oxycodone pills were seized but it shows he was involved with a cocaine trafficking network.

A 2011 court transcript cited police wire taps were Robin Flynn Chelmick was acting as the middle man for drug transactions. Evidently the buyer was unhappy with the quality of the cocaine and wanted his money back.

April 2011 the Toronto Sun reported that Robin Flynn Chelmick was charged along with four associates and a prison guard for drug trafficking in the Edmonton Remand Centre. Chelmick survived a shooting on June 10, 2008 and was charged with conspiracy to commit murder in 2009.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

TBM Fresh Starts sports new logo

We've talked about and linked to TBM Fresh Start before. It's an organization that supports people who have left the gang life in Scandinavia. I refer to Michael Green, the founder and international spokesperson as Pitbull because he's fly like that and he's hard core. He's a former HA. The group consists of former Hells Angels, Bandidos, Mongols, Outlaws, Devils Choice, Bloods, Black Cobras, etc. They have 600 members. They actually all get along without trying to kill each other.

Most recently they have been contacted by gang members in LA who want to start a group in the States. I'll have to do an online interview with them like I did with Kerry Krysko. Obviously starting a group like that in Canada would be very helpful with our toxic mess here. I'm just curious how they deal with trolls who try to join just to get information about former gang members. They are doing an amazing job. The new logo is awesome.

They have a new spokesperson for Norway who has joined their ranks. The former National Sergeant at Arms for the Bandidos. He looks pretty solid too. Think about it, these guys are freaking Vikings. They aren't playing around. I had a very good friend from Norway when I lived in Ireland. He used to say he was born with skis on his feet. Sounds like an awesome place. The spokesperson for Sweden is a former Hells Angel.

The whole purpose of my blog is basically what these guys are doing. I'm not doing this blog to see people get locked in jail for 30 or 300 years. It's to show people the dead end gang life leads to and help encourage them to find a better way. Leave the life and find a new one. A better one. One that you and your kids can be proud of. "No matter what your past, you have a spotless future."

When those bitch ass trolls were in my grill posting my daughter's picture online and making threats they actually criticized my post about redemption referring to a line in a Tupac song which asked Is there a Heaven for a G? Of course there is.

We live in a very cause and effect world. Call it karma if you will. After this life we will be with people who had the same morals as we did. If we spent our life lying, cheating and stealing, that is who we will be with. I had said then that I'd be honoured to spend eternity with guys like TBM because they were real. They had lived the life, saw what it was really about and left it behind. They are hardcore and trustworthy. What more could you ask for? Rock the world soldiers. See you on the other side.