Dustin Paxton has been found guilty in a Calgary courtroom of aggravated assault against his former business partner and roommate, but not of unlawful confinement.
Justice Sheilah Martin still has to rule on a charge of sexual assault, but said there was overwhelming evidence that Paxton treated the man as his personal servant and "whipping post."
Paxton's victim was dropped off at a Regina hospital in April 2010 weighing 87 pounds, suffering from numerous broken bones and a mutilated face.
Martin said the man, who cannot be identified under a publication ban, was repeatedly assaulted by Paxton in Calgary and Regina and that the list of injuries is lengthy and grotesque.
She is currently discussing the unlawful confinement charge against Paxton, saying she accepts that Paxton's abuse included economic manipulation — often a factor in forcible confinement.
The tragedy is that he tortured the victim and the criminal code doesn't cover torture it just covers assault. So in Stephen Harper's world a pot grower will get more jail time than someone who commits acts of torture.
Journalists on Twitter claim Paxton has now also been found guilty of sexual assault.
We know the victim had previously been an insignificant witness in a Hells Angels murder trail. We know that drugs and crystal meth was involved. If Dustin Paxton sold crystal meth, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who his supplier was.
The unlawful confinement aspect of the case was tragic. The victim could have left but didn't. That leads us to wonder why he didn't leave as though some larger threat was being held over him. We did read in the trial that the victim claimed in police reports that his assailant would drive him to other places to be beaten which does imply more than one person was involved. We did hear the hospital where the victim was dropped off made a public apology for mistakenly releasing the victims family information for a large tattooed man who showed up at the hospital where he was dropped off asking about him. We know the large tattooed man was no Paxton. He was skinny and scrawny.
16 years? I hope he does but I can't see how he can get that for aggravated assault. Perhaps the sexual assault will add time to the sentence but the problem seems to be the fact that torture is not defined in the criminal code only assault. For example, if I have a clean criminal record and I was to beat the tar out of a pin head one on one unarmed, I would simply get a suspended sentence because it would be a first offence. Committing an act of torture is substantially worse than getting into a fight. Paxton might well get time added to his sentence because there were multiple assaults. We shall soon see.
ReplyDeleteSeems many people here once upon a time were wrong. Where have they all gone? I think you were very respectful in your questioning of the circumstances that lead to this. it also seems there was some meth involvement, at least with Paxton and the girl. But also seems this was just one crazy fack doing this to someone who didn't do anything, and apparently didn't know any better. So like I said I would way back, I apologize for any speculation that I did with regards to this case. I am sorry to the friends and family that also had to endure all the rumors and crap around this case. Seems they WERE right all along. I am especially sorry for DL who seems like he was a nice guy. too nice, too naive...and nobody helped him, even though they new. Keep up the good work on the blog Agent K, I know you mean well!
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the victim and the victim's daughter. The little girl the victim's mother cut out of his life. However, I don't agree any of those wackos were right about anything. They said drugs weren't involved. They were. Paxton and the other girl from the shelter did crystal meth. The girl claimed the victim did crystal meth with them. Another news article said medical reports claimed the victim had a history of intravenous drug use. I haven't seen those medical reports. Just the news article that quoted them. The victim's brother claimed the picture of Sean Wolfe with what we likely mistakenly thought was Paxton was Trevor Savoy. He said he knew it was him because he knew who he was. Only that was a lie because Savoy was dead before Sean Wolfe got his HA colours. It may not have been Paxton but it most certainly wasn't who he insisted it was.
DeleteThe victim's mother boldly claimed the only reason he was asked to testify in that murder trial was because he and his brother lived in the same neighbourhood that the murder took place. That was yet another lie. The victim and his brother knew the shooter. He stayed in their home a few days after the murder. Unfortunately I can't agree about them being right about anything. Especially all the horrendous trashing of the mother of the victim's child. One could argue they were right about the fact that Paxton acted alone yet the trial failed to answer why the victim endured that insane amount of torture and did not leave when he had the opportunity to do so. A crystal meth addiction could be one explanation. A threat from another group could be another. So indeed, there remains to be many unanswered questions. Paxton was not the large tattooed man who came to the hospital where the vitim was dropped off.
The trial also failed to explain why the victim said in initial police reports Paxton would drive him to various places to be beaten. I do believe Paxton was an active participant in the horrendous things that were done to the victim. Robert Pickton was convicted of murder even if he had accomplices. Even if he wasn't the main perpetrator. According to the instructions the judge gave the jury, Pickton could be convicted even if he was an active participant. Yet I doubt we will hear a word about Pickton's accomplices in this life.
I do feel very sorry for the victim. I feel very sorry he endured all that. He did not deserve it. Even if he had a drug addiction, there is no way he deserved any of that. Sadly, looking at the behaviour of his mother could partially explain why he stayed in such a horrifically abusive relationship. I do feel very sorry for his child who he does not see. That is another tragedy right there. When I reflect upon the threats to my family the victim's mother made in writing to me and her hateful conduct towards the mother of the victim's child I have to say, "I've seen too much hate to want to hate and every time I see it I say to myself hate is too great a burdon to bear."
I still don't buy it. I just read the whole transcript too and I don't buy any of it. Way, WAY more than what went to court. Oh well. I guess this is justice.
ReplyDeleteFor now.
DeleteI read all 233 pages of the transcript as well.
ReplyDeleteAlmost seems like he might have had a split personality and didn't remember actually hurting the victim, but remembered nursing the victim and taking care of him. I think he probably realized he was doing it, but didnt' want to face that he was doing such horrendous things. That could explain why he has gotten so upset when they accuse him of sexual assault, he might not want to believe that the "other half" was sexually assaulting the victim.
The police mention crazy theories on facebook and "the blog", which is obviously this one. They also mention the HA.
At one point Dustin does say that they had "some pretty big guys chasing them" but he always thought he was being chased, even had a "panic room" carved into a wall in a closet in Calgary. If he is a paranoid schizophrenic, that could explain the panic room.
Another thing I thought was creepy was that Dustin mentioned sometihing about him being taken away from his father because of "stains on an iron" but when they asked him if his dad burnt him with the iron, he seemed to have no recolection of that either. Perhaps abuse like lead him to end up with something like split personality disorder, he didn't remember being burnt, but remembered the problem was "stains on the iron".
Agent K, in regard to being drivin around to be abused... the transcirpts talk of them going to many motels in calgary, and then finally a trip to Regina (there were reports they moved to edmonton, then stayed in medicine hat on their way to regina) I think that explains the victim being driven around and being abused, as perceived by the victim.
ReplyDeleteAlso, about why he didn't leave. They had experts in court to testify why many victims don't leave abusive relationships. It is something you probably will never understand because you have not been a victim, neither have I, lets just feel fortunate we can't understand.
As was mentioned in the transcripts as well by the victims friends, the victim did not operate on a normal capacity, he may have been the perfect victim unfortunately.
WOW reading the transcript. either there is way more to the story or paxton seriously does have a mental illness.
ReplyDeleteagreed. you have information and do a great job of trying to put it together. There are questions. but certainly a lot of the "out there" speculation wasn't even close. I think you know where I stood...it was and is a very odd case with shady characters and well, you said it. thanks for the forum. I just wanted to come out and say this because everyone else seems to have crept away, and I said if this ended up being the story in court, I would come out and acknowledge those that said as much!! (and I don't mean those that lied to try to cover up, you know the ones I mean, I think... :) that is all, cheers.
ReplyDeleteIn light of the new evidence I am left to believe one of two things. Either they were indeed being pursued by "thugs" and were on the run or the more likely scenerio which is that Paxton is a paronoid schizophrenic with delusions of grander. It appears that he has been diagnosed as such already if he had been prescribed medication for it. If he was just a psychotic sadist he would not have run away from Calgary and dragged his very injured roommate with him. I think he honestly felt pursued and may even have disassociated during the abuse which I do believe he inflicted. Very sad all around. Paxton did not get the help he needed from parents, school, social workers, anyone, and Lafortune paid the price.
ReplyDeleteI tend to still believe Drugs and Gangs
ReplyDeleteI found this tidbit on an opened forum; I will block out the AV's name as well as the posters name;
XXXX XXXXXXXX 14 years? yea I was saying bs yesterday because i know dustin iv been to his house and have see the "AV" fall over and down stairs he never beat him up and another thing you r all lucky i could not get to calgary or he would be walking a free man ..so fuck everyone that got on that stand including rob fuck you rats
Dustin stay strong ..remeber that revenge is so sweet he will get his
Yesterday at 10:13am via mobile
Very well said Jo Blo. Disassociatative disorder is the split personalities little cute retarded cousin.
ReplyDeleteLets hope he gets a decent sentence and is declared a dangerous offender so he never has anything to do with this kind of thing ever again!!
"Paxton did not get the help he needed from parents, school, social workers, anyone, and Lafortune paid the price."
ReplyDeleteProbably one of the wisest statements ever made since the beginning of all this.
Almost every screwed up person has a screwed up past. Victims often become perps...and so it goes.
Did any doctor stand up and state how Paxton was off his meds for Schizophrenia? The only evidence I heard on this was that Paxton was fit to stand trial, I don't believe one Doctor testified saying that Paxton is crazy off his medication. Did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteGangs and drugs were never ruled out in court either. I do know the AV has been using pot ever since going to BC, this is not good on a brain damaged brain!
Yes I believe Paxton was hiding something, what he hid? we can all guess that. but I believe hiding what he did will keep him safe and a "hero" in the jails general population.
Using pot is better than using crack or crystal meth. Interesting to note that Billy Bowden went to Trevor Savoy's funeral as well as Sean Wolfe. That funeral was a big deal there: http://www.winnipegsun.com/2012/02/08/snitch-got-second-change-at-drug-bust
ReplyDeleteTrue that pot is better then crystal meth, but pot is also known as the "stepping stone" to the harder drugs.
DeleteSo they say. Personally I think if they can use methadone to help addicts get off heroin they should be able to use pot to help crack addicts stay off crack or meth.
Deleteok, I see your point with that, The AV apparently went from meth to pot. but now - with brain damage and all - is it good to be on pot? how often are pot dealers tainting their stuff to make it more addicting, such as I have heard that quite often meth is being sold in the pot to make it more addicting, raising the demand so the dealers get to line their pockets better. Currently in the news is the talk of dealers tainting "E" and many users are dying with that, or becoming brain damaged.
Deleteweed dealers never adulterate their weed to make it more addicting. The idea that they do is some bullshit started by cops to produce fear of the use of marijuana, and perpetuated by the incredibly naive or ignorant. A pound of AAA marijuana will at best fetch about 2200$, whereas a pound of cocaine, methamphetamine or heroin will run between 25-50000$ depending on quality. It makes no sense to step on a 40$ retail bag of weed with 40$ worth of heroin or gak or coke. It doesn't take an economics degree to see what the problem with this fallacious theory is. Folks smoke weed because it's pleasurable, and dealers don't need to step on it to create sales.
I wonder if you think the same about alcohol, which is a terribly physically addictive substance (which is taxed and regulated by government)?
There's all sorts of info available about the addictive properties of various substances online or at your local library. Please educate yourself about these matters before spouting such erroneous bullshit. It'll give your commentary a little more credibility.
There are a lot of people out there that smoke way too much pot. Lacing the pot with other things is never good. I just don't have the same fear about pot some do. Growing your own would solve the problem of finding it laced with other stuff. Yet I don't smoke pot myself. I just think there's a huge difference between pot and the other stuff out there. Think about it, if the AV has to listen to his crazy mother all the time, he'd need to self medicate just to stay sane...
DeleteWhen the first photo's of the AV came out, someone yelled - he has "meth Mouth", the family took those photo's and whitened up the teeth to take away that meth mouth look, and denied that the AV ever used meth. Here in court we learn After the tax payers bought the AV brand new Veneers that Yes indeed he did use meth.
It is known that he is using pot now, will he move back to meth? Only time will tell, but if he does this time - he will be able to keep his pearly white Veneers that us tax payers bought for him.
There is a lot of people in poverty here in Canada, many are even homeless and they they sure could use new teeth too but the government denies them, however they buy a past meth head new veneers. That just doesn't sit right with me
GET REAL- HIS MOUTH WAS DESTROYED. Regardless on IF he decides to become a "meth head" (highly unlikely) or not he needed new teeth. It is simply NOT THE SAME THING as someone with crooked teeth who cannot afford braces. He was brutalized and disfigured. I mean seriously, if ANYONE in the country would be covered for veneers I would certainly hope he would be!
Deletelol agent K. and good God Bob, pot is not a "gateway drug". How about this, people who smoke and drink are just plain more likely to try drugs. pot just happens to be one of the first ones they are willing to try. there are plenty of people who try other things, but just go back to and stick with pot and leave other stuff alone. Like people who just drink beer. silly thing is, is that pot is just illegal. Gateway drug? no.
ReplyDeleteBeers and wines can lead to Vodka and Whiskey, Cigarettes can lead to stronger brands and heavier smoking. but once a person has taken the step to buy, own and use an illegal substance, such as pot, the step to obtain a stronger illegal substance becomes easier.
Paxton was running away from Patrick Watson and his friends (the big guys). They called the cops on Patrick when he broke into the Centre St. house looking for Murphy. Patrick was angry and he wanted his dog back. He followed Paxton from motel to motel, and caught up with him in Regina.
ReplyDeletetypo. should read Patrick Johnson
Deletei remember this. Did he ever find Murphy ?
DeleteYou sure you did not get the name right the first time ........................BIG TYPO HMMMM