Three men who were associates of slain gangster Sandip (Dip) Duhre were ambushed by several gunmen as they arrived at a Surrey house Tuesday night. One of the three - Harm Gill, 28 - was hit by the gunfire, which began to ring out just after 10 p.m.
Gill remains in a Vancouver hospital with nonlifethreatening injuries. The other two men were not wounded. RCMP Sgt. Peter Thiessen said any one of the three in the Duhre-linked trio might have been the intended target.
Police have warned of escalating gang violence between rival groups - one described as the DuhreDhak group and the other a loose alliance of some Hells Angels, members of the Independent Soldiers and Red Scorpion gangs.
Keeping in mind, initial media reports said there was a gang war between the DuhreDhak group and the Hells Angels. Now media reports are adding the IS and the RS to the list of a loose alliance with the Hells Angels. Yet we know the IS and the new RS are Hells angel puppet clubs. They don't like to be referred to as puppets but they are. They get their drugs from the Hells Angels and pay their tax.
Tariq Mohammed Aslam is awaiting trial in Kelowna with two others after being charged in September 2010 in connection with a 97-kilogram load of cocaine smuggled into Canada in the steel drums of a fruit-grinding machine. Do ya think "they" were worried he was going to cut a deal? Does Clifford Roger Montgomery know Glen Hehn? Please advise.
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