Tuesday, March 31, 2020

CBS Admits "mistake" about false COVID-19 report

Fox News is reporting that "CBS News admitted to a 'mistake' on Monday after airing footage of an overcrowded hospital room that was allegedly in New York City but was actually from a hospital in Italy. 'It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows,' a CBS News spokesperson told Fox News." Wow.

The Winnipeg Free Press is confirming CBS' mistake and apology

The Washington Examiner has also confirmed CBC's offensive mistake.

The Washington Times is also confirming CBS's defiant act of fraud

New York Post: CBS admits to using footage from Italy in NYC coronavirus report

Yesterday TBM sent me a link to a Youtube Video showing the stark contrast between a CBS report about a New York hospital in Queens with that same hospital in real life. They also sent me a photo showing that the fake New York hospital full of COVID-19 patients was really a hospital in Italy. Well now CBS admits they made a mistake. That was no mistake. That was a deliberate act of fraud. Someone needs to go to jail over this. Red sky at morning, Sailor take warning.

Credible COVID-19 Data - Credible explanation of COVID-19 - It's time to Get Back to Business

Blaze gets another publication ban

Donahugh Frederick McWhirter was supposed to be back in court March 20th 2020 but he got another publication ban after he started cooperating with the police. Joey Verma didn't cooperate with the police. Joey took the fall for Blaze and Blaze is ratting out fringe associates. Go figure.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Credible COVID-19 Data

There is a lot of absolutely bizarre claims coming out of the US media lately that I'm not going to comment on yet other then say we are receiving conflicting reports from the US about verified numbers. I don't trust the Main Stream Media since it's so sensational and so toxic. However, there is a website put out by the South Korean government that I do trust.

Update: Unfortunately, the data on that website has now become compromised.

Since South Korea flattened the curve without a lock down, it is worth looking at their data. The chart states that as of yesterday, the United States had 2,968 deaths from Covid-19 with an additional 368 deaths in the last 24 hours. So although that isn't close to the 80,000 deaths from the flu in 2018, the speed at which that number is increasing is a valid concern.

Canada had 86 deaths as of yesterday with an additional 21 deaths in the last 24 hours. That is already more than the 82 deaths Canada had from the flu in 2018. I had no idea Italy had such a large population. The United States has a population of 331 million while Italy has a population of 60 million. Although France has a population of 67 million and Germany has a population of 83 million, Italy's population density is much higher.

"Italy is a densely populated country, with an average density of 533 people per square mile. In comparison, Germany has a population density of 235 people per square mile while the U.S. has 94. Two-thirds of Italians live in urban areas that are even more dense."

The Conversation lists five reasons COVID-19 has hit Italy so hard. 1. Lots of old people 2. Close proximity 3. Dense population 4. Northern Italy is a business hub 5. Massive number of cases.

That explains why the fatality rate is higher in Italy. In the US the fatality rate from COVID-19 is 1.8%. In Canada it's 1.2%. The fatality rate in Italy is 11.4%. In Spain it's 8.8%. France is 6.8% and the UK is 6.6%. Norway the fatality rate is 0.7%. Sweden is 3.6% while Denmark is 3.0%.

So if you get Covid-19 in Canada or the US there is a strong likelihood you will survive with only mild symptoms. That is why I'm saying it's time to let nonessential bushiness open on a volunteer basis. Far more people are going to die from losing their job then from the virus.

I will also point out that the 1.2% and 1.7% fatality rate is much lower in real life. That number is based on confirmed cases. Most people who have the virus recover from it without getting tested. Here if you have all the symptoms and call that number they will not test you unless you have severe symptoms or are a health care worker. There are only so many tests available and it's very invasive. My point it, most people who get the virus survive from it and the fatality rate is much lower that 1.2% in real life because very few people get tested.

Hope Floats

Christians talk about hope. They talk about faith, hope and charity and claim the greatest of these is charity but all three are conencted one to the other. Hope preceeds faith. Faith is the moving cause of action within us. Charity is love in action. Paul said Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. Paul concluded that if I have not charity, I am nothing.

They say that hope is an anchor to the soul. In times of adversity, we always have hope. Even when we lose faith, we still have hope. Even when we stop believing things will ever improve, we still have hope that one day they might. Hope leads to faith. Faith leads to action. If I didn't have faith the light would turn on, I wouldn't bother getting up to turn the switch.

When I was young my mother told me that Catholics use a cross with Christ on it for their symbol (a crucifix) because they remember the suffering of Christ. Protestants use an empty cross for their symbol because they remember the Resurrection. The tomb is empty. Christ has risen. Both symbols have deep significance. I remember seeing the stations of the cross at Notre Dame in Montreal and was touched by it. The Passion of Christ.

Christ was no wimp. Mel Gibson's movie illustrated that. Christ was Rocky Balboa times a thousand. Yet a lot of Christians irritate me. I remember hearing a story about how Joseph Smith got in a debate with a local Christian preacher about religion. Joseph spent hours trying to convince the preacher they both believed in Christ while the preacher kept insisting Joseph was of the Devil. In desperation Joseph went upstairs to pray. Then he came down and said. I give up. You're right. You and I do worship different Gods but my God says your God is the Devil.

The book of Revelation talks about the Church of the Devil and the Synagogue of Satan. Without naming names suffice it to say, hypocrisy diminishes all of us. What we do is more important than what we say and more important than what we say we believe. For in that day many shall say Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then he will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The purpose of faith in Christ is so that we can become rooted and grounded in love since he who knoweth not love knoweth not God for God is love. Indeed, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Sacrifice is an important principle in life.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Vancouver's cherry blossoms begin to bloom

I woke up this morning and the sun had risen like any other day. The earth was still turning and the sky hadn't fallen. The sun began to peak through the clouds and I noticed the cherry blossoms have begun to bloom which in Vancouver always symbolizes the beginning of spring.

As I was picking up some groceries at the store they were playing Home by Phillip Phillips over the PA. It was somewhat peaceful so it was. I went for a ride on the bike in the sunshine, dropped off some groceries and stopped by my parents grave. As I passed by the Chinese section of the graveyard I could smell the aroma of cherry blossom incense and I smiled. I have that at home. I like that smell. It reminds me of Grand Master Victor Kan's kwoon in London and it reminds me of the cherry blossom festival in Vancouver.

On my way home I passed by a local church with a sign out front that said Making Jesus known. Then I remembered that although most churches are all offline as in they aren't holding public meetings right now Northwood United posts their sermons online and they are still doing so.

The song Home states "As we roll down this unfamiliar road And although this wave is stringing us along Just know you're not alone 'Cause I'm going to make this place your home Settle down, it'll all be clear Don't pay no mind to the demons They fill you with fear The trouble it might drag you down If you get lost, you can always be found Just know you're not alone 'Cause I'm going to make this place your home." There's no place like home. Shalom Shabbat.

"Behind the dark clouds, the sun is still shining." Mother Teresa

China's Communist misdirection of donations

The National Review reported that "Now That Canada Is Rationing Masks, Trudeau Faces Backlash for Donating Medical Supplies to China." Evidently Justin Trudeau made the commitment back in February before the virus hit Canada.

Nevertheless, the concern is valid. We can't buy face masks here anywhere. This goes back to the age old problem of Communist China's ongoing financial fraud. Why do we send them financial aid when they own most countries debt? That isn't just bad business, it is corrupt.

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn declared, Communism has always been the Mother of all Lies. They shout about social justice but the politicians in Communist China are the richest in the world. CNN exposed how the masks Canada donated to China didn't go to civilians, they went to politicians and government officials. Big surprise. The Guardian confirmed the report.

Now the Communist Party of China is sending out pres releases about how China is donating medical supplies to Canada. Misdirection is the purpose of the Confucius Institute.

I do believe this virus was purchased by the Communist Party of China and tested on their own people in Wuhan because that is what Chairman Mao did. He starved his own people so he could implement his oppressive ideology. These are the people executing political prisoners for organ harvesting. These are the people trying to destroy civil liberty around the globe.

We are at war and we need to stand against this foreign invasion by going back to work so we can preserve our democratic system which upholds our civil liberty and economic stability.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau Recovers from COVID-19

Global is reporting that "Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is officially clear of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that has spawned into a global pandemic. 'I am feeling so much better and have received the all clear from my physician and Ottawa Public Health,' she said in a Facebook post addressed to Canadians on Saturday."

Great news. Most people who get the virus do survive with mild symptoms.

"GrĂ©goire Trudeau was first diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 12. At the time, the Prime Minister’s Office said her symptoms were mild and that she would remain in isolation. She was tested for the new coronavirus after she experienced symptoms upon her return from a trip to the U.K., where she had been carrying out speaking engagements."

"Symptoms can include fever, cough and difficulty breathing — very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop a more severe illness. People most at risk of this include older adults and people with severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease."

If you get sick, go home. This virus is no reason to shut down all businesses sending the country into a financial collapse. It's time to storm the beach and let the volunteers go back to work.

CBC is reporting that "Besides Grégoire Trudeau, the WE Day guest list included British celebrities, such as chef Jamie Oliver, actor Idris Elba, singer Leona Lewis and race car driver Lewis Hamilton. Elba has also since tested positive for COVID-19."

WW is reporting that "Idris announced on March 16 that he tested positive for coronavirus after being exposed to someone else who tested positive, hinting that it was Canadian First Lady Sophie Trudeau. At the time he said he had no symptoms, but got tested due to his proximity to the infected person. In his new health update, he said he had body aches and a headache the day that he got tested, but those were his most severe symptoms."

The LA Times is reporting that "Idris Elba, still quarantined with coronavirus, is fine but misses home." Tom Hanks is back home and doing fine as well. It's time to face the fraud. If your sick stay home. This virus is no reason to shut down all nonessential businesses and send our democratic system into financial collapse. All businesses are essential. If your sick stay home. The rest of us need to get back to work. Don't destroy the economy over this.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Secret Terrius

The Sun in England is reporting that "Netflix drama My Secret Terrius is causing a stir as shocked fans claim it predicted the coronavirus pandemic two years ago. Here's everything you need to know about the drama and its eerie episode 10. My Secret Terrius is a 2018 South Korean television series. It aired from September to November 2018 on channel MBC and can now be viewed on Netflix. It follows the story of a woman named Go Ae-rin who loses her husband and then discovers he was part of a huge conspiracy."

In episode 10 the doctor says it was the corona virus which is similar to Mers.

Another Corona virus prediction like the one in the 1981 book The Eyes of Darkness. It's time to face the fraud and storm the beach to save our democratic system from financial collapse.

Ron Paul: How The Police State Uses Crises To Expand Lockdown Powers

Pretty Maids - Mother of All Lies: "State of the nation discipline You keep the crisis bad at bay We'll bring you growth and prosperity Restore financial stability And then they'll tax you to your knees Can't you see, they are twisting our reality Never practice what they preach I'm tellin' you, we're witnessing the mother of all lies Powerwhores and presidents Breaking down our confidence Fooled again, we're witnessing the mother of all lies."

D-Day: Voluntary Business Restoration

We need to implement VBR - Voluntary Business Restoration. My employer has been deemed an essential service and I thankfully get to work through all this chaos. Yesterday at work two grown men were filled with fear complaining about someone they knew. They are genuinely fearful about getting the virus. These are grown men not women and children. WTF would they do if we were asked to go to war and people were getting shot dead all around us. The fear freaks would sh*t their pants. Never mind storm the beach. They wouldn't even get out of the boat.

We have a noble history. I'm not going to pretend I was there during the Normandy invasion because I obviously was not. My mother's cousin was there. His name was Orville Edison Babcock. He stormed the beach and died a few days later from injuries he incurred at Normandy. He lived to see them take the hill. History has recorded his sacrifice and eternity will remember him as a hero because what we do in life echos in eternity.

Take a look at the smile on this soldier's face as they storm the beach. That is astounding. He's actually smiling as he helps other soldiers off the boat as if to say see you on the other side. He's at peace with himself knowing he is part of something bigger than he is. We will take the hill and I will see you on the other side. On the other side of the hill or the other side of the veil but either way, I will see you on the other side.

Facing COVID-19 in 2020 it's time to storm the beach. On March 17th I stopped by my local pub to see if it was open. It was. The Maître D was restricting the number of patrons to under 50 and everyone was evenly spaced throughout the restaurant all at a safe social distance. I quickly rounded up the kids and returned before the line up got too long. By the time we got back they had received a phone call from the Health board who shut them down. I was pissed. There was NO reason to do that. That was straight up Communism.

There was another couple who had arrived at the same time who said, we came to support local business. That's the same reason I was there. The government shutting them down killed all that business and all that tax revenue. Shutting down all the businesses and putting everyone on welfare is not fiscally feasible. That will implode and create a manufactured fiscal emergency that will make our democratic system collapse. That is exactly what the Corporate Communists want.

So basically, we're at war. We're here to fight so we can retain our democratic system against a foreign invasion. If the fear freaks were at Normandy they'd be too scared to get out of the boat. At that point I would say to them, I'm not going to lie to you. If you storm that beach there is a strong likelihood you are going to die. However, if you stay in this boat you are definitely going to die so you have nothing to lose. If you storm the beach there is a chance you will live. If you stay here there isn't. If you storm the beach, you will be part of something bigger than the both of us and you will help make a difference for future generations. That is how you will be remembered.

Recently, the City of Vancouver shut down a Tim Horton's for not obeying some new rule to their liking. We need to stop doing this. The government needs to step back and let supply and demand save the country from financial collapse. If people are too afraid of getting the virus they will stay home. The rest of us who are willing to take that risk and help save the country from financial collapse, will go to work and will shop. In so doing, they will help save the world.

The fear freaks can't handle real war. That is why Canada doesn't have conscription. The volunteers don't want the fear freaks beside them because they will jeopardize the mission. The volunteers volunteer because they are willing to take the risk and want to be part of a movement.

The government needs to step back and let businesses operate. When people are working you don't have to pay them welfare. They also pay taxes off their wages. It's a win win situation for tax revenue and national debt. Recently Justin Trudeau has introduced a payroll supplement program where the government will subsidize employees wages. Why would you do that then close the business and prevent them from operating?

We need to let the businesses open so they can operate. The fear freaks will stay home. That's fine. They can just sit this one out. We will storm the beach. They can come out after it's safe and the war is over. Just stop preventing us from going to war for you if we are willing to take that risk.

This is 2020: It's time to storm the beach. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

Budget watchdog urges Ottawa to trim spending

The National Post is reporting that "As the Liberal government opens the fiscal taps to combat the economic fallout from COVID-19, the federal budget watchdog is urging Ottawa to ensure that recent spending hikes do not lead to “structural and permanent deficits” after the virus has retreated. In a report on Friday, the Parliamentary Budget Officer projected that the Liberals would post a $112.7-billion deficit in 2021, not including another $25 billion announced earlier this week to expand employment insurance benefits. Wage subsidies for small businesses were also expanded to cover up to 75 per cent of payroll, adding to the fiscal weight load."

Justin Trudeau had a problem with over spending before COVID-19. One of the unnecessary side effects of COVID-19 is a fear based frenzy that throws fiscal responsibility out the window in a knee jerk reaction to shoot oneself in the foot during an emergency.

Instead of facing massive tax hikes and austerity measures after COVID-19 has retreated, we need to pause and be fiscally responsible now as we pour gasoline on a forest fire of debt that is already burning out of control. We need to get that forest fire under control. That is what we do. Nothing can distract us from that. The government needs to stop meddling in business. People need to go back to work. It's that simple. All businesses are essential services.

South Korea flattened the curve without a lock down. We should be following Korea's example not Italy's. Now people are going to be investing in their economy and so they should.

Likewise, if we can maintain business operations, we can protect our RRSPs from disappearing and from government debt exploding. That uncontrolled debt will indeed explode and collapse in on itself creating a black whole that sucks away our children's future and all of our civil liberty.

They say the Irish have heart and the British have Grit. Brits are notorious for reliability. Bombs, earthquakes or plagues will not stop them from interrupting their regular routine. We need to get back to business as usual. Schools need to reopen after spring break, the malls and restaurants need to open and we need to get back to normal. We don't need to prevent people from going to work then start printing up money and handing it out like candy. If we continue to do that we will take away incentive and our money won't be worth the paper it is printed on.

This article on the National Debt is well worth reading. It explains how Canada's massive debt was accumulated during a time of excess. The G7 "decided to resist borrowing from each of their own central banks, which offered them zero-interest borrowing, and instead, member countries were to borrow from other credit sources… sources which charged interest in a time when interest rates were skyrocketing. Prior to this agreement, Canada’s debt rose between five and ten percent per year. After this agreement, it blew up, and steadily increased over twenty percent per year until the late 80s." Who we borrow the money from is a key factor here.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Halifax dances in the face of adversity

The Chronic Herald is reporting that Halifax families are dancing away the COVID-19 blues. The playlist includes Gloria Gaynor’s disco anthem I Will Survive, Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger, Classified’s Inner Ninja, and The Police, with Don’t Stand So Close to Me. “I’m hoping for it to grow,” Falkwin said. “It’s spreading. Every day it gets a little bit bigger.”

The Gangsters out playlist is Come Together, Imagine Dragon's Radioactive, Boney M's Rasputin, Smoke on the Water by Blue Oyster Cult, as well as Spaceship Superstar and Armageddon by Prism. From coast to coast we will dance in the face of adversity.

Dartmouth Dance Party Theme song: Joel Plaskett Emergency - Nowhere With You

Sounds great. Like Port Moody's social distance Wedding. "Anastasija said everyone kept their distance in line with the social distancing rules, which say that people who are not from the same household should keep at least two metres apart."

"O man (and woman) greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong." Daniel 10:19 Ed Sheeran's Love Dance. They were married January 2019. Congrats!

"Behind the dark clouds the sun is still shining." Mother Teresa

Cocaine sold in Dartmouth tied to Oshawa

The Chronic Herald is reporting that "On May 31, the undercover officer attended the Hells Angels hang-around chapter’s clubhouse in London and met with Monahan, who informed him that cocaine was available from a member of the Hells Angels chapter in Oshawa, Ont., for between $48,000 and $50,000 a kilogram."

"The two men agreed that a third individual, another undercover officer, would purchase cocaine from Monahan in Oshawa the following week. Police were monitoring Monahan’s cellphone use and learned that he had elevated contact with a man in Orillia, Ont., after conversations with the first undercover officer about cocaine. That man was Mark David Heickert, who was a full-patch member of the Hells Angels in Oshawa."

"Monahan set up three more cocaine purchases at Heickert’s place, in July, September and November. Heickert met with the buyer each time, receiving $47,000 for one kilo on the first two occasions and $94,000 for two kilos in the last transaction. Immediately after the Nov. 1 deal, police moved in and arrested Heickert at his residence. He was wearing a Hells Angels T-shirt and had a Hells Angels tattoo on his right arm."

Mark Heickert is a member of the Hells Angels in Oshawa as is James Heickert. Hells Angels associate Sean Heickert was found guilty of the November 2007 murder of Bekim over drug turf which set off the Winnipeg gang war.

US Leads the World in Confirmed Coronavirus Cases

The New York Times is reporting that "In the United States, at least 81,321 people are known to have been infected with the coronavirus, including more than 1,000 deaths - more cases than China, Italy or any other country has seen, according to data gathered by The New York Times."

1,000 deaths from COVID-19? In 2018 80,000 people died from the flu in the United States. God only knows how many people were infected. Stop the Fraud. Italy's lockdown failed.

Smoke on the Water, Fire in the Sky. South Korea flattened the curve without a lockdown.

Smoke and mirrors in the media while a forest fire burns our economy. Fight the Fraud.

British Prime Minister Johnson tests positive for the common cold

The Canadian Press is reporting that "British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Friday he has tested positive for the new coronavirus, but remains in charge of the U.K.'s response to the outbreak. Johnson's office said he was tested on the advice of the chief medical officer after showing mild symptoms. It said Johnson is self-isolating at his 10 Downing St. residence and continuing to lead the country's response to COVID-19. In a video message, Johnson said he had a temperature and a persistent cough.'

Be in no doubt that I can continue, thanks to the wizardry of modern technology, to communicate with all my top team, to lead the national fightback against coronavirus." Earlier this week Britain's Prince Charles announced that he had tested positive for the virus.

Most people who get this cold virus survive. Eat, rest and drink plenty of water.

Canadians targeted by scams taking advantage of COVID-19 fears

Global is reporting that "Canadians should be vigilant for text scams amid the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday. "There appears to be a text scam going around on the new emergency response benefit. Some Canadians have reported receiving texts that read: "Alert: The emergency response benefit of Canada relief fund has sent you a deposit of $1375.50." The text then asks them to click on a link and give personal information to claim the money." That is nasty. Buyer Beware. This whole response is a scam.

Facing the Fear Factor with Common sense

I'm going to make one more post about the fear factor but before I do, have a look at what these medical professionals are saying about COVID-19. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi states that "[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society. All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook."

Dr Joel Kettner states that "I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don’t always know what they are. But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why."

CTV is reporting that "The COVID crisis was the last straw for Steve Nash Fitness World and Sports Clubs. All employees received an email from the company on Tuesday that the company was shutting down its 24 locations and everyone was being terminated." That sucks.

I realize fitness world was under fierce competition from the new Trevor Linden chain and all the disco gyms out there and that this was indeed the straw that broke the camel's back but I really liked that gym. We need to face the fear factor with common sense because far more people are going to die from losing their job then from the virus.

Recently a mother was out riding bicycles with her children and one fear freak screamed at her because her kids were too close together and weren't following a safe social distance. This is where you cross the line and become circus freaks.

Families are allowed to live under the same roof. Parents are allowed to sleep together in the same bed. Families are still allowed to ride in the same car or on the same motorcycle on the way to work. You need to give your head a shake because you have clearly lost touch with reality.

I'm all for social distance but we need to use common sense. On Saint Patrick's day I went to a local pub to see if they were open. They were open and were following safe social distances. They were only allowing 50 people in the restaurant at a time and everyone was spread out across the restaurant with large spaces between them so I called my kids and we went there for dinner. Only by the time we came back they had been shut down. That was straight up Communism. What they were doing was fine. Now they are only allowed to sell take out and that longstanding business pillar in our community will fold because of government intervention.

There is no reason the Mall has to be completely closed. Businesses are taking a colossal hit with this and if we don't step in it will wipe them out completely. This over fear based reaction is stealing the bread off of our tables and is robing our children's future with unnecessary debt.

When I was a chef, we would work with germs every day. You had to be especially careful with raw meat. Raw chicken has salmonella and raw pork has trichinosis. That is why you have to cook them completely at over 140 degrees. You can't put any cooked food on a cutting board you used to cut raw meat on unless you thoroughly wash and sanitize that cutting board. Cross contamination can make people sick. None of us refused to go to work because of germs.

This is not the first time the earth has been smitten with a plague and it certainly won't be the last. Leprosy is way worse. COVID-19 is pretty lame in comparison. I remember seeing pictures of Princess Dianne holding hands with lepers. That woman was a saint. She was fearless. Now I guess she'd get arrested for failing to maintain a safe social distance.

There is no reason to be so shocked about COVID-19. Whether it was made in a lab to attack our economy and civil liberty doesn't matter. We were told this was going to happen. Plagues are one of the signs of the time. Wars, earthquakes, famines and plagues. We were told this was going to happen. So now we have to man up and deal with it logically not emotionally. Fear is irrational.

World War I and II were a coming of age for Canada. A lot more than 2% of the soldiers who went to those wars were killed in battle. A lot of soldiers and their families took that risk and made that sacrifice. They rose to that challenge. Now look at us. We are running around in circles terrified of our own shadow. It is disgraceful. It is embarrassing. It is shameful.

Italy's lock down has been a complete failure. South Korea flattened the curve without a lockdown. So can we. Canada was built with hard work and sacrifice. It wasn't built with fear. We need to open our malls and restaurants and get back to work. That is what we need to do. The fear freaks can self isolate until the cows come home. The rest of us need to get to work while the fear freaks maintain a safe social distance. Lest we forget, our freedom was bought with a price.

Stand back all you whiny a*s b*ches. I've got a solar power laser beam guitar so I do and this old man is gonna kick it. We're gonna fight this so we are. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 Theme Song 2020 Remix

We need a COVID-19 theme song. Something with a strong beat like Come together. Something a little apocalyptic like Imagine Dragons and a little retro like Rasputin. I've got it. Armageddon by Prism. They did a benefit concert for Whiterock Peir repair last year. Ride hard. Die free.

Social distance wedding in Pitt Meadows. Give it up for the bride and groom.

Now that's what I'm talking about. Best foot forward yo.

Lindsay Stirling does an in home concert. Kicking it on the strings yo.

If you told the Spartans that if they went to war, 2% of them would die, what do you think they would say? Do you think they would run and hide? Of course not. They'd say 2%? That's all? Bring it. They would hold the line and fight to the death. That is what they would do. Likewise with COVID-19. You want to steal our civil liberty? You want to steal our jobs, our economic prosperity and our children's future? Come and take it. Who ah! We will stand against you. Sailors' rights. Protection of persons and property. F*ck Communism and their compulsive lies. We will fight.

Halifax dances in the face of adversity

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Facing the fear with childlike honesty

I realize that there are a lot of people out there who are scared. I get it. 2% of a million people is a lot of people. I also realize the media is not helping. The media feeds the frenzy and feeds off of it. They like to sensationalize panic to drive sales. That is, in my opinion, socially irresponsible.

The main stream media likes to scour the globe for examples of extremism then sensationalize it. Hey everyone look at these lunatics panicking in Southern California. Maybe we should panic too. Not. I'm the opposite extreme. I'm like hey everyone look at this group of vikings in Scandinavian. They're not afraid and neither am I. I'm not going to live in fear. I refuse to.

I'm not going to minimize the situation but I will emphasize the fact that most people who get this virus survive. Right now the number of fatalities in the US from Covid-19 has matched the number of fatalities in the US from the flu in 2018. That year was slightly higher than normal. A lot of elderly people die from the flu every year.

Before Covid-19 hit Justin Trudeau had a reputation for raking up unnecessary debt which was not a good thing. Then all of a sudden Covid-19 hits and Justin Trudeau pulls a Chancellor Palpatine from Star Wars and makes a power grab asking for the right to tax and spend as much as he wants without parliamentary approval. That would be more insane then breaching safe social distances. Andrew Sheer says a blank cheque? Hold on a minute, lets think about this. Thank God Andrew Scheer has a brain. The main stream media doesn't.

Remember, the main stream media are corporate communists. They don't report news they brainwash the public promoting a tax and spend agenda. That is what their corporate sponsors pay them to do. Instead of saying hey everyone, giving Justin Trudeau a blank cheque to tax and spend as much as he wants without parliamentary approval is insane, they say hey everyone Andrew Sheer is holding up emergency relief. That is a lie.

Andrew Scheer has been very supportive and totally nonpartisan during this whole crisis. There is no reason Justin Trudeau should suspend our democratic system for any reason including this.

Overcoming fear

As for the fear factor, I realize a lot of people out there are sacred. I can see it in your eyes when I walk past in the mall or street. I'm not going to mock those people. I will simply say, that ain't me. I'm not one of them. I'm very grateful I still have a job and have been deemed an essential service so I can keep working through this crisis. I am very grateful for that.

We need to make the best of the situation. More people are going to die from losing their jobs then from the virus. I'm all for social distancing. I want those fear freaks as far away from me as possible. Yet I am totally oposed to martial law. That is both ineffective and immoral. As Thomas Paine once said, I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me liberty or give me death. That is my position on the matter. A coward dies many times but the valiant tastes of death but once. Life does not end at death.

So people may ask me, how can they overcome their fear? Wait 'till I tell ye. Perfect love casteth out all fear. Think of those you love and think of how to protect them. Today as I was out and about running errands I saw a mother pushing a stroller in a store. As the mother turned the corner I saw a little girl sitting in the stroller holding a small horse or unicorn with a big smile on her face. It made me smile. The childlike innocence was overpowering.

Here's a little girl content in her own little world with no idea of the calamity around her. She didn't need to know. That child doesn't need to grow up in fear. In tough times, we give her hope. That's what we do. We owe her a future. That means we need to roll up our selves and get to work. It doesn't mean we borrow money from our children's children. It means we take responsibility for ourselves and protect the ones we love by going to work. That is what we do.

Stop obsessing over the tabloid trash's toxicity. That is unhealthy. Life is better than that.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Red sky at morning, Sailor take warning

Everyone is talking about the fictional novel called The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz which predicted the corona virus outbreak. The novel was originally written in 1981.

The New York Post is reporting that "Best-selling author Dean Koontz is going viral amid wild conspiracy theories that he predicted the novel coronavirus almost 40 years ago - even naming it after the Chinese city where COVID-19 originated. 'They call the stuff Wuhan-400 because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan,' a character says in the novel - referring to the same city at the epicenter of the current global outbreak."

"Noting that there is no reason to believe COVID-19 is man-made like in the book, Snopes also stressed that the novel’s virus has a 100 percent fatality rate, compared to the 2 percent death rate of the current outbreak. Bookstore owner Albert Wan told the South China Morning Post that a smart, savvy writer like Koontz would know to pick Wuhan for a plot because it is the home to many research facilities." There's no reason to beleive Covid-19 is man made? I beg to differ.

The book calls the Wuhan virus the perfect weapon to wipe out a city or country. That's because it had a 100% fatality rate not 2%. The real virus is the perfect weapon to wipe out civil liberty. Social distancing is a convenient excuse to suspend the right to lawful assembly. It would be China's perfect response to the Hong Kong protests.

The average age of people who have died from the lock down in Italy is 81. If you're under 30 there is a 0.2% chance you will die from it. If this virus was indeed manufactured in a lab, it would be the perfect biological weapon against global civil liberty. We need to remember that in our collective response to it. The ideology behind Communism is to implement Martial law.

The seas be ours and by the powers where'er we will we'll row.

Liberal bill on coronavirus would give feds power to spend, tax without parliamentary approval

That is a concern for everyone. God damn you all.

Canada's Federal Debt Clock

U.S. National Debt Hit Record $22 Trillion in 2019

Debt is slavery: National debt soars to over $23 trillion

We have sold our children and our grandchildren into perpetual debt slavery

Liberals back off bid for power in COVID-19 crisis under Opposition fire

"While Conservatives said they were prepared to quickly approve the billions in emergency financial aid and economic stimulus as promised by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week, they balked at a proposal to give the government sweeping new powers for up to 21 months to unilaterally spend, borrow and tax Canadians without seeking Parliament's approval."

Thank God Andrew Scheer has a brain. Too bad the MSM doesn't.

Why does Russia, population 146 million, have fewer coronavirus cases than Luxembourg?

According to the fictional novel The Eyes of Darkness, that virus was created in a Russian lab and tested in Wuhan. Now they're fudging their numbers to make it look like they have more.

How South Korea Flattened the Coronavirus Curve

"South Korea is one of only two countries with large outbreaks, alongside China, to flatten the curve of new infections. And it has done so without China’s draconian restrictions on speech and movement, or economically damaging lockdowns like those in Europe and the United States."

Edmonton Police fatally assault Hells Angel rival

CBC is reporting that "Friends and family of an underground music artist who hanged himself at the Edmonton Remand Centre are calling for an inquiry into the events leading up to his death. Jonathan Wayne Lee Anderson was taken off life-support last Saturday at his daughter's request, His former wife was in the hospital room, and said she's also concerned about the injuries Anderson suffered before his death.

"How did it get to the point where someone would hang themselves?" Shawna Oochoo asked from her home in Regina. "I don't know exactly what occurred to him. The broken bones, the missing teeth. All of that will be in the autopsy."

'An Edmonton police spokesperson confirmed Anderson was wanted by police for a number of robberies in December 2019 and January 2020 involving firearms. Patrycja Mokrzan told CBC News that after an extensive investigation, a search warrant was executed at an Edmonton residence on Jan. 14, 2020."

"When clearing the residence, members found Mr. Anderson hiding in a confined space," Mokrzan said. "He refused to follow directions to exit from the space and an application of force was required to remove him and effect his arrest." Mokrzan said Anderson was taken to hospital for medical treatment. More than a month later, Anderson posted a message about his injuries on Facebook from the Edmonton Remand Centre."

"So now I'm sitting behind walls with a broken shoulder a ruptured bicep a torn rear delt (sic) 3 broken ribs a broken hand and missing teeth and may have lost the use if (sic) my arm because of police brutality I endured and suffered," he wrote. Oochoo said Anderson told her much the same thing by phone. "

The question is, did he really hang himslef? Edmonton is Red and White and the EPD have a bad reputation for giving the Hells Angels intel. The police claim he refused to follow directions but we all know how the cops will beat someone while screaming stop resisting even through they aren't resisting. Jonathan Anderson was a lifelong native syndicate member.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Naming the Global Conspiracy

As I previously said, David Icke describes a global conspiracy. Although it doesn't have anything to do with the freemasons or a reptile race raping babies, it is very real and I will name it. It is Corporate Communism. It has taken over the Main Stream media and it runs the UN.

Recently I pointed out that Post Media News ran an obscenely offensive article claiming that Chairman Mao did great things. That's like saying Adolf Hitler did great things. It is insanely offensive to any rational mind. It shows how much power and influence the Communist government of China has over our media. Yet its not just them.

It was somewhat shocking to discover that the Rothschilds funded the Communist Revolution in Russia. One would think that Capitalists and Communists are opposites. Not so. Capitalism does not represent Democracy. A Free Market does. Deep down Capitalists oppose a free market because they believe in corporate monopolies. They are driven by greed. When you think about it, the politicians behind the Communist Party of China are the richest politicians in the world. Their real agenda has absolutely nothing to do with social justice.

It doesn't matter if this flu virus was created by Communist China's military or by Johnson and Johnson's pharmaceutical branch. They both have the same objective. Corporate Communism is the biggest threat to civil liberty and world peace on the planet. We need to face that.

Communism has killed a lot more people than the flu and they will starve their own to obtain their goal of implementing martial law. History has recorded that. Yet Canadians have mobility rights.

Special hours for the elderly and disabled to shop

Locally, Superstore and Walmart have amended their hours of operation from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. In addition to that they are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM daily just for seniors and the disabled. This is wonderful. The elderly are the highest risk to die from this flu virus. Letting them shop first is helpful. We need to remember the elderly and disabled in this fear based frenzy.

Mexican Beans and Rice

Adding to the post on homemade recipes, I'm going to ad Latino beans and rice. In England baked beans out of a can on toast is a popular dish. It's pretty lame but will sustain you when food is scarce. However, stocking up on pinto beans and cooking them from scratch will feed a family for a long time. You can refry them and serve them with rice in a tortilla as well.

You can buy bulk Mexican pinto beans from the Halal meat chop across the street from the Post Office on King George highway in Surrey. They are cheap and can form a basis of your food storage. Soak the beans overnight, wash and boil them with garlic and herbs. These can be reheated or refried all week. Rice and beans gives you protein and complex carbs that can affordably sustain you for a long time during any food shortage.

Homemade recipes for healthy eating

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Navigating past insanity during the storms of life

They say during a storm, ships at sea are greatly benefited from a small rudder. The rudder steers the ship and turns the vessel to face the waves during a storm so it doesn't capsize. Anyone who has done any ocean kayaking in Tofino knows that when launching or landing a kayak in large waves, you have to face the waves head on. So too with the storms of life.

Whenever I speak to youth I always encourage them to travel and see what life outside the fishbowl is like and not to be a leaf in the stream. A boat with a rudder steers it's own course in life and controls where it goes. It doesn't simply follow the path of least resistance.

TBM likes controversy. They like to ask questions and get people thinking for themselves. This is a good thing. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Any Nation that expects to be ignorant and free, expects what never was and never will be."

Recently TBM made a post about the COVID-19 virus with a meme that says: "OMG a virus with a 98% survivability rate." They ask is this real or is it a hoax? It is real in the sense that any other flu virus is real. However, the mainstream media is indeed feeding the panic and blowing the situation completely out of proportion. There is no reason to implement martial law over a flu bug.

I've talked about the QAnon cult before. Some of the things they say are true. Some of the things they say are not. Their concerns about creating a national financial disaster over a flu bug are valid. However, there is no US indictment against Justin Trudeau. Some of those nutbars believe Justin Trudeau and other famous celebrities were raping babies. That is absurd.

Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey are not pedophiles. Often the CIA will infiltrate grass roots movements to steer them off course. QAnon is the perfect example. David Icke is another.

In a recent interview, David Icke describes a global conspiracy. That global conspiracy is very real. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with a reptile race. This is where valid concerns cross over into the realm of insanity. 9/11 was a controlled demolition. Thermite was found in the ruble which was used to blow out the load bearing beams to make the towers collapse at freefall speed into it's own blueprint. It was not the result of a thermonuclear device.

Alex Jones put out an excellent documentary about President Johnston recalling the air support for the attack on the USS liberty. His statements in that video were later confirmed by the book, Remember the Liberty. Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas.

Yet Alex Jones' claims that Sandy Hook was a hoax and didn't happen were over the top. I do agree a lot of mass shootings are engineered. They are however, very real. Anderson Cooper was caught using a green screen in a Sandy Hook interview pretending he was there when he wasn't. That doesn't imply the shooting never happened.

Likewise another mass shooting in Orlando was very suspicious. The number of rounds fired was a clear indication that there was more than one shooter. That was the shooting used to rationalize banning assault rifles in the US. When we see how quickly the government is trying to implement martial law over a flu virus we see why gun control in our day is a very bad idea.

Green Justice strives to balance the extremes. We strive to unite the Occupy movement with the Tea Party. This is where left meets right: at the dead centre in perfect balance. The other place where left meets right is at the other end of the spectrum where Communism and Fascism both become dictatorships. Draw a line in the sand and call it democracy. The further away from that line to the left or the right, the further away from democracy you get and the closer you get to dictatorship. Buyer Beware. Finding peace in life by balancing the extremes.